1000 AMH ORMS RJRJ 589


HB 1000 - H AMD 3011

By Representative Ormsby

Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

"NEW SECTION. Sec. (1) A budget is hereby adopted and, subject to the provisions set forth in the following sections, the several amounts specified in parts I through IX of this act, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, are hereby appropriated and authorized to be incurred for salaries, wages, and other expenses of the agencies and offices of the state and for other specified purposes for the fiscal biennium beginning July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2019, except as otherwise provided, out of the several funds of the state hereinafter named.

EFFECT:   The striking amendment replaces all of ESSB 5048 with SHB 1067 as reported out of the House Appropriations Committee on March 28, 2017. Numerous changes are made by the striking amendment to operating budget appropriations, fund transfers, and other provisions. Near General FundState plus Opportunity Pathways appropriations are increased by $1.6 billion in the striking amendment (new total is $44.9 billion); total budgeted funds are increased by $2.5 billion (new total is $88.3 billion). Changes are also made to the 2017 supplemental operating budget (for the 2015-17 biennium). Detailed information on the striking amendment and differences with the underlying ESSB 5048 can be found at leap.wa.gov.

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