SB 5855 - DIGEST |
Requires the department of transportation to: (1) For state highway projects, follow the same expedited permitting process that applied to the Interstate 5 Skagit river bridge replacement project; and |
(2) Grant or reject a state environmental policy act categorical exemption permit within eight days of application. |
Requires a local government entity with jurisdiction to grant or reject a written shoreline exemption within eight days of application. |
Requires the department of ecology to grant or reject a coastal zone management act consistency determination within twelve days of application. |
Requires the department of fish and wildlife to grant or reject an emergency hydraulic project approval permit within eight days of application. |
Requires the department of natural resources to grant or reject an aquatic lands right of entry permit within thirteen days of application. |
Requires any other local government or state agency permit or environmental exemption, required for a state highway project, to be granted or denied within thirteen days of application. |
Allows construction to continue during an appeal of certain permits for state highway projects. |