SSB 6360

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 230 L 16

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Developing a plan for the consolidation of traffic-based financial obligations.

Sponsors: Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators O'Ban, Carlyle, Liias, Jayapal, Frockt, King, Pearson, Pedersen, Hasegawa and Chase; by request of Attorney General).

Senate Committee on Law & Justice

House Committee on Judiciary

Background: A notice of a traffic infraction is a determination that a person has committed the traffic infraction, and the determination is final unless the person contests the infraction. A person who receives a notice of a traffic infraction may either pay a fine or request a hearing to contest the notice. If the person fails to pay the fine or fails to appear at a requested hearing, the court will enter an order assessing the monetary penalty for the traffic infraction.

A form for a notice of a traffic infraction must include a statement that the person may be able to enter into a payment plan with the court. If a court determines, in its discretion, that a person is unable to pay immediately and less than one year has passed since the infraction became due, the court must enter into a payment plan with the person. If the person has previously been granted a payment plan for the same fine, or if the person is in noncompliance with any previous or existing payment plan, the court has the discretion to enter into a payment plan. A court may administer the payment plan itself or may contract with an outside entity to do so.

Failure to respond to the notice, pay the fine, or comply with a payment plan results in license suspension.

Spokane and King county have established relicensing programs that enable drivers whose licenses are suspended for delinquent traffic fines to consolidate their fines into an affordable payment plan and have their licenses reinstated.

Summary: A work group of stakeholders is convened by the Office of the Attorney General (AGO) to receive input and provide feedback on a plan and the program for the efficient statewide consolidation of an individual's traffic-based financial obligations imposed by courts of limited jurisdiction into a unified and affordable payment plan.

The work group convenes as necessary. The work group provides final feedback and recommendations to the AGO no later than September 15, 2017. A final report from the AGO, detailing its recommendations and the plan, must be submitted to the Supreme Court, the Governor, and the appropriate committees by December 1, 2017.

Votes on Final Passage:







(House amended)




(Senate concurred)


June 9, 2016