Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Local Government Committee

HB 1012

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Expanding the duties and obligations of manufactured/mobile home community landlords.

Sponsors: Representatives Appleton and Ormsby.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Modifies requirements for members serving on the State Building Code Council (Council) who represent a specific industry in the private sector.

  • Provides that the Council is established in the Department of Enterprise Services.

  • Creates a 16-member Legislative Task Force on the Council's Administrations and Operations to review specified issues concerning the Council, and requires a report to the Legislature of the Task Force's findings and recommendations by October 1, 2017.

Hearing Date:

Staff: Alyssa Ball (786-7140).


The State Building Code.

The State Building Code (SBC) establishes minimum performance standards and requirements for construction and construction materials in the state, consistent with accepted standards of engineering, fire, and life safety. The SBC comprises a number of model codes and standards, developed and published by international and national organizations, which are adopted by reference in the State Building Code Act (Act). Model codes and standards adopted in the Act include the International Building Code, the International Residential Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Plumbing Code Standards.

The State Building Code Council.

The State Building Code Council (Council) is responsible for adopting, amending, and maintaining, as appropriate, the model codes and standards adopted by reference in the Act. Amendments to the model codes and standards adopted by the Council are codified in the Washington Administrative Code. The Council regularly reviews updated editions of each model code and standard every three years. The Council may employ permanent and temporary staff and contract for services.

The Council has 15 members appointed by the Governor who are or represent:

At least six of the 15 members must reside in eastern Washington. Additionally, four legislative members (two each appointed by the Senate and the House of Representatives, one from each caucus) and an employee of the electrical division of the Department of Labor and Industries serve as ex officio, nonvoting members on the Council.

Each qualified member serves a three-year term. Members who represent a specific private sector industry must maintain sufficiently similar employment or circumstances throughout the term of office to remain qualified. Retirement or unemployment is not a cause for termination from the Council. If a member enters employment outside of the industry he or she represents, the member must be removed from the Council.

All meetings of the Council must be open to the public in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, and all actions of the Council in adopting or amending a code of statewide application must be taken in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. Decisions to adopt or amend a code of statewide application may not take effect before the end of the next regular legislative session in the next year.

The Department of Enterprise Services.

The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is an executive branch agency vested with powers and duties set forth in statute and other laws, including the duty to provide products and services to support state agencies. The DES is also specifically required to provide administrative and clerical assistance to the Council.

Summary of Bill:

Members of the State Building Code Council.

Statute is amended to specify that members of the State Building Code Council (Council) who represent the following industries, are representatives of the private sector:

Provisions are also modified to specify that any member who represents a specific private sector industry must maintain sufficiently similar private sector employment or circumstances throughout the term of office to remain qualified. Any member appointed to represent a specific private sector industry who enters into employment outside of the industry or the private sector must be removed from the Council.

Department of Enterprise Services.

Instead of requiring the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) to provide administrative and clerical assistance to the Council, statute now specifies that the Council is established in the DES, and authorizes the DES to employ permanent and temporary staff and to contract for services for the Council. The Council may no longer employ its own permanent and temporary staff.

The Legislative Task Force on the Council's Administration and Operations.

A 16-member Legislative Task Force on the Council's Administration and Operations (Task Force) is established. Members of the Task Force include:

The Task Force must select a chair from among its legislative members. The Task Force must review and provide recommendations regarding specified issues, including: the current structure, operation, and resources of the Council; the building code development process; the current code cycle length; total resources necessary for an effective building code development process; economic aspects, including fiscal impact of public and private sector construction; options for long-term, reliable funding for the Council; the powers, duties, and support services of the DES relevant to the Council; and the Council's membership, composition, and size.

The Task Force must report its findings and recommendations to the appropriate committees of the Legislature by October 1, 2017, and the Task Force expires on October 1, 2017.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on January 10, 2017.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.