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Washington State Senate | 5th Order | |
Introduction & First Reading Short Titles and Referrals |
2013 Regular Session of the 63rd Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem | ||
HUNTER GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate | PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2013 | 12TH DAY | ||
SB 5293 | By Senators Cleveland, Rivers, King, Hobbs, Harper, Billig, Ericksen, Ranker, Eide and Fain Extending the expiration dates of the local infrastructure financing tool program. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5294 | By Senators Ericksen, Holmquist Newbry, Roach, Sheldon, Becker, Rivers, Bailey, Padden, Delvin, Smith, Honeyford, Pearson, King, Braun, Parlette, Schoesler and Hewitt Recognizing hydroelectricity as an eligible renewable resource in the energy independence act. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5295 | By Senators Ericksen and Schoesler Addressing appeal and permit procedures under the shoreline management act. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5296 | By Senators Ericksen, Baumgartner, Rivers, Bailey, Delvin and Honeyford Concerning the model toxics control act. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5297 | By Senators Braun, Ericksen and Carrell Concerning coal transition power. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5298 | By Senators Braun and Ericksen Regarding coal transition power. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5299 | By Senators Ranker and Rolfes Concerning the creation of a special license plate dedicated to raising revenue to fund preventative wolf management efforts at the department of fish and wildlife. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5300 | By Senators Ranker, Rolfes, Hargrove and Frockt Enhancing wolf management efforts through the promotion of cooperative agreements. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5301 | By Senators Rolfes, Litzow, McAuliffe, Dammeier, Mullet, Rivers and Billig Regarding student suspension and expulsion. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5302 | By Senators Benton and Hobbs Addressing credit unions' corporate governance and investments. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & INSURANCE. |
SB 5303 | By Senators Harper and Ericksen Concerning the identification of wineries, breweries, and microbreweries on private labels. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SB 5304 | By Senators King, Shin, Fain, Harper, Hatfield, Eide, Ericksen and Keiser Providing cities and towns with the local options to permit digital outdoor advertising signs. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5305 | By Senators Becker, Schlicher, Kline, Dammeier, Delvin and Ericksen Requiring hospitals to report when providing treatment for bullet wounds, gunshot wounds, and stab wounds to all patients. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5306 | By Senators Benton, Carrell and Hobbs Creating procedures for disposing property in the leased premises of a deceased tenant. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & INSURANCE. |
SB 5307 | By Senators Hobbs and Benton Expanding the definition of unlawful detainer to include a provision governing at-will tenancies. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & INSURANCE. |
SB 5308 | By Senators Kohl-Welles, Carrell, Darneille, Padden, Kline, Hargrove and Fraser Establishing the commercially sexually exploited children statewide coordinating committee. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5309 | By Senators Roach, Chase, Benton and Rivers Authorizing certain water-sewer districts to use the job order contracting procedure. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS. |
SB 5310 | By Senators Nelson, Kohl-Welles, Chase and Harper Creating a senior center license. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR. |
SB 5311 | By Senators Rolfes, Murray and Hatfield Removing the requirement that housing organizations apply to the Washington state quality award program. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS. |
SB 5312 | By Senators Hobbs, Harper, Eide, Benton, Hatfield, Chase, Frockt, Schoesler, Roach, Keiser and Mullet Authorizing small consumer installment loans. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & INSURANCE. |
SB 5313 | By Senator Carrell Modifying the criteria for public works assistance. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS. |
SB 5314 | By Senators Becker, Dammeier, Rivers, Braun, Ericksen, Delvin and Honeyford Identifying public schools as essential public facilities for the purposes of the growth management act. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS. |
SB 5315 | By Senators Becker, Dammeier, Rivers, Padden and Roach Implementing the recommendations made by the Powell fatality team. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5316 | By Senators Becker and Carrell Adopting a model policy to require a third person to be present during interviews. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5317 | By Senators Becker, Bailey and Honeyford Concerning the tabulation and receipt of ballots. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS. |
SB 5318 | By Senators Bailey, Becker, Roach, Hobbs, Holmquist Newbry, Honeyford and Hill Removing the one-year waiting period for veterans or active members of the military for purposes of eligibility for resident tuition. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5319 | By Senators Bailey, Padden, Becker and Honeyford Regarding access to state recreation lands by disabled veterans. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5320 | By Senators Becker, Benton, Roach, Ericksen and Honeyford Requiring the county auditor to establish a minimum number of ballot drop boxes for counties and cities. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS. |
SB 5321 | By Senator Ericksen Harmonizing state greenhouse gas reporting requirements with federal requirements. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5322 | By Senators Carrell, Becker, Dammeier and Billig Concerning municipally produced class A biosolids. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |