Washington State Senate

Introduction and First Reading of
Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions
2014 Regular Session of the 63rd Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate SHARON BROWN, Vice President Pro Tem

January 29, 2014 - Wednesday 17TH DAY
SB 6480 By Senators McCoy, Kline, Kohl-Welles and Chase

Exempting information concerning archaeological resources and traditional cultural places from public disclosure.

Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS.

SB 6481 By Senators O'Ban, Kohl-Welles and Benton

Funding recovery programs for persons with mental illness and chemical dependency disorders.

Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS.

SB 6482 By Senators Kohl-Welles, Bailey, Frockt and Tom

Concerning the display of campus information on the statewide public four-year dashboard.

Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.

SB 6483 By Senators Keiser, Honeyford, Frockt, Dammeier, Billig, Hargrove, Kohl-Welles, Kline and McAuliffe

Creating a competitive grant program to provide additional classroom space to support all-day kindergarten.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 6484 By Senators Hill, Angel, Bailey, Becker, Litzow, Tom, Braun, Honeyford and Parlette

Creating a state agency innovation and efficiency grant program.

Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS.

SB 6485 By Senators Darneille, Pedersen, Kohl-Welles and Kline; by request of Department of Social and Health Services

Allowing the department of social and health services to withhold, restrict, or suspend licenses of individuals not in compliance with a child support order.

Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS.

SB 6486 By Senators Bailey, Baumgartner, Angel, Kohl-Welles, Chase and Benton

Creating a sales tax holiday for school instructional material for higher education students.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 6487 By Senator Hill

Concerning the local sales and use tax that is credited against the state sales and use tax for cities to offset municipal service costs to newly annexed areas.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 6488 By Senator Hasegawa

Setting the time limitation for vacating a judgment.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SB 6489 By Senators Hasegawa and King

Concerning parking impact mitigation from regional transit authority facility construction.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SB 6490 By Senators Rivers, Parlette, Benton and Roach

Requiring competitive salaries and benefits for Washington state patrol officers.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SB 6491 By Senators Tom, Sheldon, Bailey, Braun, Ericksen, Honeyford, Parlette, Benton and Roach

Requiring photo identification on electronic benefit cards.

Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS.

SB 6492 By Senator Chase

Concerning statements made by juveniles during assessments or screenings for mental health or chemical dependency treatment.

Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS.

SB 6493 By Senator Chase

Concerning access to juvenile records.

Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS.

SB 6494 By Senator Chase

Concerning local transit revenue.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SB 6495 By Senators Holmquist Newbry, Baumgartner, Angel, Parlette and Braun

Establishing a temporary teen training wage.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE & LABOR.

SB 6496 By Senator Holmquist Newbry

Clarifying the application of tax exemptions for vehicles powered by clean alternative fuels.


SB 6497 By Senators McCoy, Chase, Hasegawa, Conway, Fain, Kohl-Welles and McAuliffe; by request of Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises

Concerning the minority and women's business enterprises account.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 6498 By Senators Chase, Kline, McAuliffe and Benton

Providing incentives for recycling beverage containers.


SB 6499 By Senators Dammeier, McAuliffe, Litzow, Ranker, Billig, Frockt, Tom, Hargrove, Fain and Rivers

Creating the joint task force on local education financing reform.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.