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Legislative Digest No.
66 |
| SIXTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | Thursday, June 27, 2013 | | 16th Day - 2013 2nd Special Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills HB 1957-Sby House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Clibborn, Liias, Moscoso, and Fey)
Concerning department of transportation project delivery. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 6/25/13) Provides that the legislature intends the department of transportation to deliver the projects and activities listed in LEAP Transportation Document 2013-L1, as developed June 23, 2013, as funded by new revenues provided in Substitute House Bill No. 1954 or Senate Bill No. 5920.Requires the department of transportation to: (1) Convene three expert review panels to provide independent financial and technical review for the development of a finance plan and project implementation plan for the Columbia river crossing project, the state route number 520 bridge replacement and HOV project, and the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project;(2) Use available technologies to minimize permit delays for, inform and interact with interested parties including relevant environmental regulatory authorities regarding, and optimize the effectiveness of proposed compensatory mitigation projects; and(3) Consider, for compensatory mitigation, the correction of fish passage barriers on city streets and county roads located within the same watershed as the proposed project.Provides that the act takes effect only if SHB 1954 or SB 5920 is enacted by July 31, 2013.-- 2013 REGULAR SESSION -- | Mar 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Apr 8 | TR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Apr 9 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Apr 18 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 90; nays, 5; absent, 0; excused, 3. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Apr 22 | First reading, referred to Transportation. | Apr 28 | By resolution, returned to House Rules Committee for third reading. | -- 2013 1ST SPECIAL SESSION -- | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | May 13 | By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status. | -- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 23 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on third reading. | Jun 25 | Rules suspended. | | Returned to second reading for amendment. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 83; nays, 5; absent, 0; excused, 9. |
HB 2079by Representative Dunshee
Concerning the environmental legacy stewardship account. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 6/25/13) Changes the use of money in the environmental legacy stewardship account.-- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 23 | Read first time, rules suspended, and placed on second reading calendar. | Jun 25 | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 56; nays, 34; absent, 0; excused, 7. |
HB 2080by Representatives Sawyer, Zeiger, Appleton, Angel, DeBolt, Blake, Haler, McCoy, Wilcox, Fitzgibbon, Hurst, Freeman, Hunt, Santos, and Ryu
Vacating convictions for certain tribal fishing activities. Allows persons convicted before January 1, 1975, of violating certain statutes or rules regarding the regulation of fishing activities, who claimed to be exercising a treaty Indian fishing right, to apply to the sentencing court for vacation of his or her record of the misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony conviction for the offense.-- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 25 | First reading, referred to Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). |
Senate Bills SB 5157-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Carrell, Pearson, Schoesler, Hill, and Fain)
Regulating provision of child care. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Regulating child care subsidies.) (REVISED FOR SECOND ENGROSSED: Concerning child care subsidy fraud.) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 6/20/13) Requires the department of early learning to refer all suspected incidents of child care subsidy fraud to the department of social and health services office of fraud and accountability for appropriate investigation and action.-- 2013 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 21 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. | Feb 5 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. | Feb 6 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | Feb 7 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 8 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Mar 5 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Mar 7 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & Human Services (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Mar 19 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Apr 2 | ELHS - Executive action taken by committee. | | ELHS - Majority; do pass with amendment(s). | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Apr 3 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Apr 28 | By resolution, returned to Senate Rules Committee for third reading. | -- 2013 1ST SPECIAL SESSION -- | -- IN THE SENATE -- | May 13 | By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status. | -- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 20 | Placed on third reading by Rules Committee. | | Rules suspended. | | Returned to second reading for amendment. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
SB 5892-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Hargrove and Kline)
Reducing corrections costs. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 6/23/13) Requires the department of corrections to: (1) Adjust an offender's rate of early release listed on the jail certification to be consistent with the rate applicable to offenders in the department's facilities; and(2) Recalculate the earned release date for an offender currently serving a term in a facility or institution either operated by the state or utilized under contract.Requires the administrator of a county jail facility, if an offender is transferred from a county jail to the department of corrections, to certify to the department the amount of time spent in custody at the facility and the number of days of early release credits lost or not earned.Addresses contracts between providers of hospital services and correctional facilities and requires a hospital, as a condition of licensure, to contract with a correctional facility.-- 2013 REGULAR SESSION -- | Apr 10 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:00 PM. | Apr 11 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 6:00 PM. | Apr 15 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Apr 23 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Apr 24 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 42; nays, 4; absent, 0; excused, 3. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Apr 26 | First reading, referred to Public Safety (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Apr 28 | By resolution, returned to Senate Rules Committee for third reading. | -- 2013 1ST SPECIAL SESSION -- | -- IN THE SENATE -- | May 13 | By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status. | -- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 23 | Placed on third reading by Rules Committee. | | Rules suspended. | | Returned to second reading for amendment. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 38; nays, 10; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Jun 24 | First Reading. | | Read first time, rules suspended, and placed on second reading calendar. |
SB 5897-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senator Pearson)
Concerning state parks. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 6/23/13) Allows the sale of discounted discover passes and day-use permits.Allows operating on a road managed by the department of natural resources or the department of fish and wildlife, including a forest or land management road, that is not blocked by a gate, without a discover pass, a vehicle access pass, or a day-use permit.Requires a portion of litter taxes to be deposited in the state parks renewal and stewardship account.-- 2013 REGULAR SESSION -- | Apr 10 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:00 PM. | Apr 11 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 6:00 PM. | Apr 15 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Apr 19 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 44; nays, 3; absent, 0; excused, 2. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Apr 22 | First reading, referred to Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report). | Apr 28 | By resolution, returned to Senate Rules Committee for third reading. | -- 2013 1ST SPECIAL SESSION -- | -- IN THE SENATE -- | May 13 | By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status. | -- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 23 | Placed on third reading by Rules Committee. | | Rules suspended. | | Returned to second reading for amendment. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Jun 24 | First Reading. | | Read first time, rules suspended, and placed on second reading calendar. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 78; nays, 7; absent, 0; excused, 12. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Jun 25 | President signed. |
SB 5949by Senators Fraser and Kline
Creating a liquor tax for alcohol and drug treatment. Imposes a tax on every person for the privilege of selling, at wholesale or retail, liquor in this state to raise funds for additional alcohol and drug treatment.Creates the alcohol and drug treatment account.-- 2013 2ND SPECIAL SESSION -- | Jun 25 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |