2SSB 6518 -
By Senators Billig, Chase
ADOPTED 03/04/2014
On page 12, line 6, after "provided in" insert "section 8 of this act and"
On page 13, after line 29, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 8 (1) The FAA center of excellence for
alternative jet fuels and environment at Washington State University
shall convene a sustainable aviation biofuels work group.
(2) The purpose of the work group is to:
(a) Further the development of sustainable aviation fuel as a
productive industry in Washington, using as a foundation the regional
assessment prepared by the collaborative known as the sustainable
aviation fuels northwest;
(b) Facilitate communication and coordination among aviation
biofuels stakeholders;
(c) Provide a forum for discussion and problem solving regarding
potential and current barriers related to technology development,
production, distribution, supply chain development, and
commercialization of aviation biofuels; and
(d) Provide recommendations to the legislature on potential
legislation that will facilitate the technology development,
production, distribution, and commercialization of aviation biofuels.
(3) The FAA center of excellence for alternative jet fuels and
environment at Washington State University, in consultation with the
legislative members, shall designate work group members that represent
sectors involved in sustainable aviation biofuels research,
development, production, and utilization. The work group shall include
but not be limited to representatives from the following:
(a) The Washington state senate;
(b) The Washington state house of representatives;
(c) An agriculture advocacy organization;
(d) An airline operator;
(e) An airplane manufacturer;
(f) An airport operator located in western Washington and an
airport operator located in eastern Washington;
(g) Biofuels feedstock producers;
(h) Two biofuels producers;
(i) The department of agriculture;
(j) The department of commerce;
(k) The department of natural resources;
(l) A sustainable energy advocacy organization;
(m) The United States department of defense;
(n) The University of Washington;
(o) Washington State University; and
(p) The Pacific Northwest national laboratory.
(4) The work group shall choose its chair from among its
(5) The work group may not meet more than twice a year.
(6) The work group shall provide an update of its findings and
recommendations to the governor and the appropriate committees of the
legislature by December 1st of each even year through 2016.
(7) This section expires June 30, 2017."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
2SSB 6518 -
By Senators Billig, Chase
ADOPTED 03/04/2014
On page 1, line 6 of the title, after "creating" strike "a new section" and insert "new sections"
On page 1, line 9 of the title, strike "and" and after "date" insert "; and providing an expiration date"
EFFECT: Provides an additional exception to the transfer of property from Innovate Washington to the Department of Commerce. The Sustainable Aviation Biofuels Work Group currently under the jurisdiction of Innovate Washington is transferred to the FAA Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment at Washington State University.