2SSB 6249 -
By Senators Padden, Kline, Dammeier
ADOPTED 03/05/2014
On page 2, after line 3, insert the following:
"In addition, the legislature intends to review the fiscal impact
the new standards and limits will have on each local court and identify
appropriations to agencies of the state judicial branch for
nonconstitutional functions, program, and services that could be
redirected to local courts to mitigate those costs. The legislature
intends through its exclusive constitutional power of appropriation to
find existing resources within the agencies of the state judicial
branch to remedy the detrimental impact the state supreme court's
action will have on counties and cities."
On page 2, beginning on line 15, after "support" strike all material through "cases" on line 17 and insert "contracts, programs, and personnel specifically associated with indigent defense"
On page 4, beginning on line 17, after "support" strike all material through "cases" on line 19 and insert "contracts, programs, and personnel specifically associated with indigent defense"
On page 5, beginning on line 17, after "support" strike all material through "cases" on line 19 and insert "contracts, programs, and personnel specifically associated with indigent defense"
On page 5, after line 23, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 The administrative office of the courts
must conduct an analysis to determine the increased cost and fiscal
impact of the state supreme court's new standards and caseload limits
for public defenders will have on county and city criminal justice
system and court operations. The analysis must be disaggregated and
identify costs for each county and city within the state. The office
may consult with representatives of counties and cities, judges,
prosecutors, and public defenders in conducting its analysis. The
analysis must be provided to the appropriate committees of the
legislature by December 1, 2014.
The administrative office of the courts must also provide the
legislature with a report identifying by program the amount of biennial
expenditures for functions and services provided by the agencies of the
state judicial branch that are not required under the federal or state
Constitution. The report must describe the purpose and beneficiaries
of each nonconstitutional program. Funding that is distributed by
formula or by grant must be disaggregated and reported by recipient.
For purposes of this section, agencies of the state judicial branch
include the supreme court, appellate courts, administrative office of
the courts, and office of public defense. The report must be provided
to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2014."
2SSB 6249 -
By Senators Padden, Kline, Dammeier
ADOPTED 03/05/2014
On page 1, line 5 of the title, after "creating" strike "a new section" and insert "new sections"
EFFECT: Adds legislature's intent to determine specific impact of supreme court's rule on local courts and to identify existing appropriations within the judicial branch that could be directed to mitigate impact to counties and cities. Limits the use of funds from the increased fees to contracts, programs, and personnel associated with indigent defense. Directs the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to conduct an analysis of the increased costs the new standards and caseload limits for public defenders will have on each county and city. Requires AOC to report the biennial spending of judicial branch agencies on nonconstitutional programs. The analysis and report are due to the legislature by December 1, 2014.