2SSB 5267 -
By Senators Becker, Keiser
ADOPTED 03/13/2013
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 (1) A work group is formed to develop
criteria to streamline the prior authorization process for prescription
drugs, medical procedures, and medical tests, with the goal of
simplification and uniformity.
(2) The work group shall be cochaired by the chair of the senate
health care committee and the chair of the house of representatives
health care committee, and membership of the work group shall be
determined by the cochairs, not to exceed eleven participants.
(3) The work group shall examine elements that may include the
(a) National standard transaction information, such as HIPAA 278
standards, for sending or receiving authorizations electronically;
(b) Standard transaction information and uniform prior
authorization forms;
(c) Clean, uniform, and readily accessible forms for prior
authorization including determining the appropriate number of forms;
(d) A core set of common data requirements for nonclinical
information for prior authorization and electronic prescriptions, or
(e) The prior authorization process, which considers electronic
forms and allows for flexibility for carriers to develop electronic
forms; and
(f) Existing prior authorization forms by insurance carriers and by
state agencies, in developing the uniform prior authorization forms.
(4) The work group must:
(a) Establish timelines for urgent requests and timeliness for
nonurgent requests;
(b) Work on a receipt and missing information time frame;
(c) Determine time limits for a response of acknowledgment of
receipts or requests of missing information;
(d) Establish when an authorization request will be deemed as
granted when there is no response.
(5) The work group must submit their recommendations to the
appropriate committees of the legislature by November 15, 2013.
(6) This section expires January 1, 2014."
2SSB 5267 -
By Senators Becker, Keiser
ADOPTED 03/13/2013
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "management;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "creating a new section; and providing an expiration date."