6552-S2.E AMH STON MCLA 997
E2SSB 6552 - H AMD 829
By Representative Stonier
WITHDRAWN 03/12/2014
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature recognizes that preparing students to be successful in postsecondary education, gainful employment, and citizenship requires increased rigor and achievement, including attaining a meaningful high school diploma with the opportunity to earn twenty-four credits. The legislature finds that an investment was made in the 2013-2015 omnibus appropriations act to implement an increase in instructional hours in the 2014-15 school year. School districts informed the legislature that the funding as provided in the 2013-2015 omnibus appropriations act would result in only a few minutes being added onto each class period and would not result in a meaningful increase in instruction that would have the positive impact on student learning expected by the legislature. The school districts suggested that it would be a better educational policy to use the funds to implement the requirement of twenty-four credits for high school graduation, which will result in a meaningful increase in the quality as well as quantity of instruction. Based on input from school districts across the state, the legislature recognizes the need to provide flexibility for school districts to implement the increase in instructional hours while still moving towards an increase in the high school graduation requirements. Therefore, the legislature intends to shift the focus and intent of the investments from compliance with the minimum instructional hours to assisting school districts with providing an opportunity for students to earn twenty-four credits for high school graduation and obtain a meaningful diploma, beginning with the graduating class of 2021.
Sec. 101. RCW 28A.700.070 and 2008 c 170 s 201 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall support school district efforts under RCW 28A.230.097 to adopt course equivalencies for career and technical courses by:
(a) Recommending career and technical curriculum suitable for course equivalencies;
(b) Publicizing best practices for high schools and school districts in developing and adopting course equivalencies; and
(c) In consultation with the Washington association for career and technical education, providing professional development, technical assistance, and guidance for school districts seeking to expand their lists of equivalent courses.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall provide professional development, technical assistance, and guidance for school districts to develop career and technical course equivalencies that also qualify as advanced placement courses.
(3) The office of the superintendent of public
instruction, in consultation with one or more technical working groups convened
for this purpose, shall develop curriculum frameworks for a selected list of
career and technical courses that may be offered by high schools or skill
centers whose content in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is
considered equivalent in full or in part to science or mathematics courses that
meet high school graduation requirements. The content of the courses must be
aligned with state essential academic learning requirements in mathematics as
adopted by the superintendent of public instruction in July 2011 and the
essential academic learning requirements in science as adopted in October 2013,
and industry standards. The office shall submit the list of equivalent career
and technical courses and their curriculum frameworks to the state board of education
for review, an opportunity for public comment, and approval. The first list of
courses under this subsection must be developed and approved before the 2015-16
school year. Thereafter, the office may periodically update or revise the list
of courses using the process in this subsection.
(4) Subject to funds appropriated for this purpose, the office of
the superintendent of public instruction shall allocate grant funds to school
districts to increase the integration and rigor of academic instruction in
career and technical courses. Grant recipients are encouraged to use grant
funds to support teams of academic and technical teachers using a
research-based professional development model supported by the national
research center for career and technical education. The office of the
superintendent of public instruction may require that grant recipients provide
matching resources using federal Carl Perkins funds or other fund sources.
Sec. 102. RCW 28A.230.097 and 2013 c 241 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each high school or school district board of directors shall adopt course equivalencies for career and technical high school courses offered to students in high schools and skill centers. A career and technical course equivalency may be for whole or partial credit. Each school district board of directors shall develop a course equivalency approval procedure. Boards of directors must approve AP computer science courses as equivalent to high school mathematics or science, and must denote on a student's transcript that AP computer science qualifies as a math-based quantitative course for students who take the course in their senior year. In order for a board to approve AP computer science as equivalent to high school mathematics, the student must be concurrently enrolled in or have successfully completed algebra II. Beginning no later than the 2015-16 school year, a school district board of directors must, at a minimum, grant academic course equivalency in mathematics or science for a high school career and technical course from the list of courses approved by the state board of education under RCW 28A.700.070, but is not limited to the courses on the list. If the list of courses is revised after the 2015-16 school year, the school district board of directors must grant academic course equivalency based on the revised list beginning with the school year immediately following the revision.
(2) Career and technical courses determined to be equivalent to academic core courses, in full or in part, by the high school or school district shall be accepted as meeting core requirements, including graduation requirements, if the courses are recorded on the student's transcript using the equivalent academic high school department designation and title. Full or partial credit shall be recorded as appropriate. The high school or school district shall also issue and keep record of course completion certificates that demonstrate that the career and technical courses were successfully completed as needed for industry certification, college credit, or preapprenticeship, as applicable. The certificate shall be either part of the student's high school and beyond plan or the student's culminating project, as determined by the student. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop and make available electronic samples of certificates of course completion.
Sec. 103. RCW 28A.230.010 and 2003 c 49 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) School district boards of directors shall
identify and offer courses with content that meet or exceed: (((1))) (a)
The basic education skills identified in RCW 28A.150.210; (((2))) (b)
the graduation requirements under RCW 28A.230.090; (((3))) (c)
the courses required to meet the minimum college entrance requirements under
RCW 28A.230.130; and (((4))) (d) the course options for career
development under RCW 28A.230.130. Such courses may be applied or theoretical,
academic, or vocational.
(2) School district boards of directors must provide
high school students with the opportunity to access at least one career and
technical education course that is considered equivalent to a mathematics
course or at least one career and technical education course that is considered
equivalent to a science course as determined by the office of the
superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education in RCW
28A.700.070. Students may access such courses at high schools, interdistrict
cooperatives, skill centers or branch or satellite skill centers, or through
online learning or applicable running start vocational courses.
(3) School district boards of directors of school districts with fewer
than two thousand students may apply to the state board of education for a
waiver from the provisions of subsection (2) of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 104. A new section is added to chapter 28A.305 RCW to read as follows:
The state board of education may grant a waiver from the provisions of RCW 28A.230.010(2) based on an application from a board of directors of a school district with fewer than two thousand students.
Sec. 201. RCW 28A.150.220 and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 9 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In order for students to have the opportunity to develop the basic education knowledge and skills under RCW 28A.150.210, school districts must provide instruction of sufficient quantity and quality and give students the opportunity to complete graduation requirements that are intended to prepare them for postsecondary education, gainful employment, and citizenship. The program established under this section shall be the minimum instructional program of basic education offered by school districts.
(2) Each school district shall make available to students the following minimum instructional offering each school year:
(a) For students enrolled in grades one through twelve,
at least a district-wide annual average of one thousand hours, which shall be
increased beginning in the 2015-16 school year to at least one thousand
eighty instructional hours for students enrolled in ((each of)) grades
((seven)) nine through twelve and at least one thousand
instructional hours for students in ((each of)) grades one through ((six
according to an implementation schedule adopted by the legislature, but not
before the 2014-15 school year)) eight, all of which may be calculated
by a school district using a district-wide annual average of instructional
hours over grades one through twelve; and
(b) For students enrolled in kindergarten, at least four hundred fifty instructional hours, which shall be increased to at least one thousand instructional hours according to the implementation schedule under RCW 28A.150.315.
(3) The instructional program of basic education provided by each school district shall include:
(a) Instruction in the essential academic learning requirements under RCW 28A.655.070;
(b) Instruction that provides students the opportunity
to complete twenty-four credits for high school graduation, ((subject to a
phased-in implementation of the twenty-four credits as established by the
legislature)) beginning with the graduating class of 2021. Course
distribution requirements may be established by the state board of education
under RCW 28A.230.090;
(c) If the essential academic learning requirements include a requirement of languages other than English, the requirement may be met by students receiving instruction in one or more American Indian languages;
(d) Supplemental instruction and services for underachieving students through the learning assistance program under RCW 28A.165.005 through 28A.165.065;
(e) Supplemental instruction and services for eligible and enrolled students and exited students whose primary language is other than English through the transitional bilingual instruction program under RCW 28A.180.010 through 28A.180.080;
(f) The opportunity for an appropriate education at public expense as defined by RCW 28A.155.020 for all eligible students with disabilities as defined in RCW 28A.155.020; and
(g) Programs for highly capable students under RCW 28A.185.010 through 28A.185.030.
(4) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to require individual students to attend school for any particular number of hours per day or to take any particular courses.
(5)(a) Each school district's kindergarten
through twelfth grade basic educational program shall be accessible to all
students who are five years of age, as provided by RCW 28A.225.160, and less
than twenty-one years of age and shall consist of a minimum of one hundred
eighty school days per school year in such grades as are conducted by a school
district, and one hundred eighty half-days of instruction, or equivalent, in
kindergarten, to be increased to a minimum of one hundred eighty school days
per school year according to the implementation schedule under RCW
28A.150.315. ((However,))
(b) Schools administering the Washington
kindergarten inventory of developing skills may use up to three school days at
the beginning of the school year to meet with parents and families as required
in the parent involvement component of the inventory. ((In addition,
effective May 1, 1979,))
(c) In the case of students who are graduating from
high school, a school district may schedule the last five school days of
the one hundred ((and)) eighty day school year for noninstructional
purposes ((in the case of students who are graduating from high school,))
including, but not limited to, the observance of graduation and early release
from school upon the request of a student((, and)). All such
students may be claimed as a full‑time equivalent student to the extent they
could otherwise have been so claimed for the purposes of RCW 28A.150.250 and
28A.150.260. Any hours scheduled by a school district for noninstructional
purposes during the last five school days for such students shall count toward
the instructional hours requirement in subsection (2)(a) of this section.
(6) Nothing in this section precludes a school district from enriching the instructional program of basic education, such as offering additional instruction or providing additional services, programs, or activities that the school district determines to be appropriate for the education of the school district's students.
(7) The state board of education shall adopt rules to implement and ensure compliance with the program requirements imposed by this section, RCW 28A.150.250 and 28A.150.260, and such related supplemental program approval requirements as the state board may establish.
Sec. 202. RCW 28A.230.090 and 2011 c 203 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The state board of education shall establish high school graduation requirements or equivalencies for students as provided in this section, except as provided in RCW 28A.230.122 and except those equivalencies established by local high schools or school districts under RCW 28A.230.097. The purpose of a high school diploma is to declare that a student is ready for success in postsecondary education, gainful employment, and citizenship, and is equipped with the skills to be a lifelong learner.
(a) Any course in Washington state history and government used to fulfill high school graduation requirements shall consider including information on the culture, history, and government of the American Indian peoples who were the first inhabitants of the state.
(b) The certificate of academic achievement requirements under RCW 28A.655.061 or the certificate of individual achievement requirements under RCW 28A.155.045 are required for graduation from a public high school but are not the only requirements for graduation.
(c) Any decision on whether a student has met the state board's high school graduation requirements for a high school and beyond plan shall remain at the local level.
(2)(a) ((In recognition of the statutory authority of
the state board of education to establish and enforce minimum high school
graduation requirements,)) The state board shall establish the
following credit and course distribution requirements beginning with the
graduating class of 2021:
(i) Four English credits;
(ii) Three mathematics credits, which may
include equivalent career and technical courses, and where the content of the
third credit is chosen by the student based on the student's interests and high
school and beyond plan with agreement of the student's parent or guardian or
agreement of the school counselor or principal;
(iii) Three social studies credits;
(iv) Three science credits, including two credits of laboratory science, which may include equivalent career and technical
courses, and where the content of the third credit is chosen by the student
based on the student's interests and high school and beyond plan with agreement
of the student's parent or guardian or agreement of the school counselor or
(v) One-half credit in health;
(vi) One and one-half credits in fitness;
(vii) Two credits in the arts, one of which may be substituted for a
personalized pathway requirement;
(viii) One credit in career and technical education or occupational
(ix) Two credits of world languages or two credits of personalized
pathway requirements; and
(x) Four elective credits.
(b) Personalized pathway requirements are related courses that lead to a
specific posthigh school career or educational outcome chosen by the student
based on the student's interests and high school and beyond plan, that may
include career and technical education, and are intended to provide a focus for
the student's learning.
(c) School districts are authorized to waive
up to two credits of the twenty-four credits specified in (a) and (b) of this
subsection on an individual student basis in accordance with written policies
adopted by school district boards of directors. The policies must establish
criteria for granting the waiver based on unusual circumstances.
(d) The state board shall periodically reevaluate the graduation requirements and shall report such findings to the legislature in a timely manner as determined by the state board.
(((b))) (e) The state board shall ((reevaluate)) monitor
the graduation requirements for students enrolled in vocationally intensive and
rigorous career and technical education programs, particularly those programs
that lead to a certificate or credential that is state or nationally
recognized. The purpose of the ((evaluation)) monitoring is to
ensure that students enrolled in these programs have sufficient opportunity to
earn a certificate of academic achievement, complete the program and earn the
program's certificate or credential, and complete other state and local
graduation requirements.
(((c))) (f) After the
effective date of this section, the state board shall forward any proposed
changes to the high school graduation requirements specified in (a) and (b)
of this subsection to the education committees of the legislature for
review and to the quality education council established under RCW 28A.290.010.
The legislature shall have the opportunity to act during a regular legislative
session before the changes are adopted through administrative rule by the state
board. Changes that have a fiscal impact on school districts, as identified by
a fiscal analysis prepared by the office of the superintendent of public
instruction, shall take effect only if formally authorized and funded by the
legislature through the omnibus appropriations act or other enacted legislation.
(g) The state board shall adopt rules consistent with this section.
(3) Pursuant to any requirement for instruction in languages other than English established by the state board of education or a local school district, or both, for purposes of high school graduation, students who receive instruction in American sign language or one or more American Indian languages shall be considered to have satisfied the state or local school district graduation requirement for instruction in one or more languages other than English.
(4) If requested by the student and his or her family, a student who has completed high school courses before attending high school shall be given high school credit which shall be applied to fulfilling high school graduation requirements if:
(a) The course was taken with high school students, if the academic level of the course exceeds the requirements for seventh and eighth grade classes, and the student has successfully passed by completing the same course requirements and examinations as the high school students enrolled in the class; or
(b) The academic level of the course exceeds the requirements for seventh and eighth grade classes and the course would qualify for high school credit, because the course is similar or equivalent to a course offered at a high school in the district as determined by the school district board of directors.
(5) Students who have taken and successfully completed high school courses under the circumstances in subsection (4) of this section shall not be required to take an additional competency examination or perform any other additional assignment to receive credit.
(6) At the college or university level, five quarter or three semester hours equals one high school credit.
Sec. 203. RCW 28A.150.260 and 2011 1st sp.s. c 27 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The purpose of this section is to provide for the allocation of state funding that the legislature deems necessary to support school districts in offering the minimum instructional program of basic education under RCW 28A.150.220. The allocation shall be determined as follows:
(1) The governor shall and the superintendent of public instruction may recommend to the legislature a formula for the distribution of a basic education instructional allocation for each common school district.
(2) The distribution formula under this section shall be for allocation purposes only. Except as may be required under chapter 28A.155, 28A.165, 28A.180, or 28A.185 RCW, or federal laws and regulations, nothing in this section requires school districts to use basic education instructional funds to implement a particular instructional approach or service. Nothing in this section requires school districts to maintain a particular classroom teacher-to-student ratio or other staff-to-student ratio or to use allocated funds to pay for particular types or classifications of staff. Nothing in this section entitles an individual teacher to a particular teacher planning period.
(3)(a) To the extent the technical details of the formula have been adopted by the legislature and except when specifically provided as a school district allocation, the distribution formula for the basic education instructional allocation shall be based on minimum staffing and nonstaff costs the legislature deems necessary to support instruction and operations in prototypical schools serving high, middle, and elementary school students as provided in this section. The use of prototypical schools for the distribution formula does not constitute legislative intent that schools should be operated or structured in a similar fashion as the prototypes. Prototypical schools illustrate the level of resources needed to operate a school of a particular size with particular types and grade levels of students using commonly understood terms and inputs, such as class size, hours of instruction, and various categories of school staff. It is the intent that the funding allocations to school districts be adjusted from the school prototypes based on the actual number of annual average full-time equivalent students in each grade level at each school in the district and not based on the grade-level configuration of the school to the extent that data is available. The allocations shall be further adjusted from the school prototypes with minimum allocations for small schools and to reflect other factors identified in the omnibus appropriations act.
(b) For the purposes of this section, prototypical schools are defined as follows:
(i) A prototypical high school has six hundred average annual full-time equivalent students in grades nine through twelve;
(ii) A prototypical middle school has four hundred thirty-two average annual full-time equivalent students in grades seven and eight; and
(iii) A prototypical elementary school has four hundred average annual full-time equivalent students in grades kindergarten through six.
(4)(a)(i) The minimum allocation for each level of prototypical school shall be based on the number of full-time equivalent classroom teachers needed to provide instruction over the minimum required annual instructional hours under RCW 28A.150.220 and provide at least one teacher planning period per school day, and based on the following general education average class size of full-time equivalent students per teacher:
General education
average class size
Grades K-3.................................................. 25.23
Grade 4..................................................... 27.00
Grades 5-6.................................................. 27.00
Grades 7-8.................................................. 28.53
Grades 9-12................................................. 28.74
(ii) The minimum class size allocation for each prototypical high school shall also provide for enhanced funding for class size reduction for two laboratory science classes within grades nine through twelve per full-time equivalent high school student multiplied by a laboratory science course factor of 0.0833, based on the number of full-time equivalent classroom teachers needed to provide instruction over the minimum required annual instructional hours in RCW 28A.150.220, and providing at least one teacher planning period per school day:
Laboratory science
average class size
Grades 9-12................................................. 19.98
(b) During the 2011-2013 biennium and beginning with schools with the highest percentage of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals in the prior school year, the general education average class size for grades K-3 shall be reduced until the average class size funded under this subsection (4) is no more than 17.0 full-time equivalent students per teacher beginning in the 2017-18 school year.
(c) The minimum allocation for each prototypical middle and high school shall also provide for full-time equivalent classroom teachers based on the following number of full-time equivalent students per teacher in career and technical education:
Career and technical
education average
class size
Approved career and technical education offered at
the middle school and high school level..................... 26.57
Skill center programs meeting the standards established
by the office of the superintendent of public
instruction................................................. 22.76
(d) In addition, the omnibus appropriations act shall at a minimum specify:
(i) A high-poverty average class size in schools where more than fifty percent of the students are eligible for free and reduced-price meals; and
(ii) A specialty average class size for ((laboratory
science,)) advanced placement((,)) and international baccalaureate
(5) The minimum allocation for each level of prototypical school shall include allocations for the following types of staff in addition to classroom teachers:
Elementary School |
Middle School |
High School |
Principals, assistant principals, and other certificated building‑level administrators....................... |
1.253 |
1.353 |
1.880 |
Teacher librarians, a function that includes information literacy, technology, and media to support school library media programs....................... |
0.663 |
0.519 |
0.523 |
Health and social services: |
School nurses..................... |
0.076 |
0.060 |
0.096 |
Social workers.................... |
0.042 |
0.006 |
0.015 |
Psychologists..................... |
0.017 |
0.002 |
0.007 |
Guidance counselors, a function that includes parent outreach and graduation advising............................. |
0.493 |
1.116 |
(( 2.539 |
Teaching assistance, including any aspect of educational instructional services provided by classified employees............................ |
0.936 |
0.700 |
0.652 |
Office support and other noninstructional aides............... |
2.012 |
2.325 |
3.269 |
Custodians........................... |
1.657 |
1.942 |
2.965 |
Classified staff providing student and staff safety..................... |
0.079 |
0.092 |
0.141 |
Parent involvement coordinators...... |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
(6)(a) The minimum staffing allocation for each school district to provide district‑wide support services shall be allocated per one thousand annual average full‑time equivalent students in grades K‑12 as follows:
Staff per 1,000
K-12 students
Technology.................................................. 0.628
Facilities, maintenance, and grounds........................ 1.813
Warehouse, laborers, and mechanics.......................... 0.332
(b) The minimum allocation of staff units for each school district to support certificated and classified staffing of central administration shall be 5.30 percent of the staff units generated under subsections (4)(a) and (b) and (5) of this section and (a) of this subsection.
(7) The distribution formula shall include staffing allocations to school districts for career and technical education and skill center administrative and other school-level certificated staff, as specified in the omnibus appropriations act.
(8)(a) Except as provided in (b) and (c) of this subsection, the minimum allocation for each school district shall include allocations per annual average full-time equivalent student for the following materials, supplies, and operating costs, to be adjusted for inflation from the 2008-09 school year:
Per annual average
full-time equivalent student
in grades K-12
Technology................................................. $54.43
Utilities and insurance................................... $147.90
Curriculum and textbooks................................... $58.44
Other supplies and library materials...................... $124.07
Instructional professional development for certified and
classified staff............................................ $9.04
Facilities maintenance..................................... $73.27
Security and central office................................ $50.76
(b) During the 2011-2013 biennium, the minimum allocation for maintenance, supplies, and operating costs shall be increased as specified in the omnibus appropriations act. The following allocations, adjusted for inflation from the 2007-08 school year, are provided in the 2015-16 school year, after which the allocations shall be adjusted annually for inflation as specified in the omnibus appropriations act:
Per annual average
full-time equivalent student
in grades K-12
Technology................................................ $113.80
Utilities and insurance................................... $309.21
Curriculum and textbooks.................................. $122.17
Other supplies and library materials...................... $259.39
Instructional professional development for certificated and
classified staff........................................... $18.89
Facilities maintenance.................................... $153.18
Security and central office administration................ $106.12
(c) In addition to the amounts provided in (a) and (b) of this subsection, beginning in the 2014-15 school year, the omnibus appropriations act shall provide the following minimum allocation for each annual average full-time equivalent student in grades nine through twelve for the following materials, supplies, and operating costs, to be adjusted annually for inflation:
Per annual average
full-time equivalent student
in grades 9-12
Technology................................................. $36.35
Curriculum and textbooks................................... $39.02
Other supplies and library materials....................... $82.84
Instructional professional development for certificated and
classified staff............................................ $6.04
(9) In addition to the amounts provided in subsection (8) of this section, the omnibus appropriations act shall provide an amount based on full-time equivalent student enrollment in each of the following:
(a) Exploratory career and technical education courses for students in grades seven through twelve;
(b) ((Laboratory science courses for students in
grades nine through twelve;
(c))) Preparatory career and technical education courses for
students in grades nine through twelve offered in a high school; and
(((d))) (c) Preparatory career and
technical education courses for students in grades eleven and twelve offered
through a skill center.
(10) In addition to the allocations otherwise provided under this section, amounts shall be provided to support the following programs and services:
(a) To provide supplemental instruction and services for underachieving students through the learning assistance program under RCW 28A.165.005 through 28A.165.065, allocations shall be based on the district percentage of students in grades K-12 who were eligible for free or reduced-price meals in the prior school year. The minimum allocation for the program shall provide for each level of prototypical school resources to provide, on a statewide average, 1.5156 hours per week in extra instruction with a class size of fifteen learning assistance program students per teacher.
(b) To provide supplemental instruction and services for students whose primary language is other than English, allocations shall be based on the head count number of students in each school who are eligible for and enrolled in the transitional bilingual instruction program under RCW 28A.180.010 through 28A.180.080. The minimum allocation for each level of prototypical school shall provide resources to provide, on a statewide average, 4.7780 hours per week in extra instruction with fifteen transitional bilingual instruction program students per teacher. Notwithstanding other provisions of this subsection (10), the actual per-student allocation may be scaled to provide a larger allocation for students needing more intensive intervention and a commensurate reduced allocation for students needing less intensive intervention, as detailed in the omnibus appropriations act.
(c) To provide additional allocations to support programs for highly capable students under RCW 28A.185.010 through 28A.185.030, allocations shall be based on two and three hundred fourteen one-thousandths percent of each school district's full-time equivalent basic education enrollment. The minimum allocation for the programs shall provide resources to provide, on a statewide average, 2.1590 hours per week in extra instruction with fifteen highly capable program students per teacher.
(11) The allocations under subsections (4)(a) and (b), (5), (6), and (8) of this section shall be enhanced as provided under RCW 28A.150.390 on an excess cost basis to provide supplemental instructional resources for students with disabilities.
(12)(a) For the purposes of allocations for prototypical high schools and middle schools under subsections (4) and (10) of this section that are based on the percent of students in the school who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals, the actual percent of such students in a school shall be adjusted by a factor identified in the omnibus appropriations act to reflect underreporting of free and reduced-price meal eligibility among middle and high school students.
(b) Allocations or enhancements provided under subsections (4), (7), and (9) of this section for exploratory and preparatory career and technical education courses shall be provided only for courses approved by the office of the superintendent of public instruction under chapter 28A.700 RCW.
(13)(a) This formula for distribution of basic education funds shall be reviewed biennially by the superintendent and governor. The recommended formula shall be subject to approval, amendment or rejection by the legislature.
(b) In the event the legislature rejects the distribution formula recommended by the governor, without adopting a new distribution formula, the distribution formula for the previous school year shall remain in effect.
(c) The enrollment of any district shall be the annual average number of full-time equivalent students and part-time students as provided in RCW 28A.150.350, enrolled on the first school day of each month, including students who are in attendance pursuant to RCW 28A.335.160 and 28A.225.250 who do not reside within the servicing school district. The definition of full-time equivalent student shall be determined by rules of the superintendent of public instruction and shall be included as part of the superintendent's biennial budget request. The definition shall be based on the minimum instructional hour offerings required under RCW 28A.150.220. Any revision of the present definition shall not take effect until approved by the house ways and means committee and the senate ways and means committee.
(d) The office of financial management shall make a monthly review of the superintendent's reported full-time equivalent students in the common schools in conjunction with RCW 43.62.050.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 301. Sections 103 and 104 of this act take effect September 1, 2015.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 302. Section 203 of this act takes effect September 1, 2014."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Makes the following changes to the underlying bill:
Graduation Requirements: Strikes the provisions of the bill directing the SBE to adopt rules to implement a 24-credit graduation framework adopted by SBE resolution in November 2010 and revised in January 2014, beginning with the graduating class of 2019. Instead, specifies a 24-credit graduation framework in statute that matches the proposal by the SBE with some exceptions, to take effect with the graduating class of 2021.
Makes the following changes to the SBE proposal: · Allows the content of the 3rd credit of mathematics and the 3rd credit of science to be chosen by the student based on a High School and Beyond Plan with agreement of the student's parent/guardian or the school counselor/principal. · Specifies in statute, rather than only in SBE rule, that CTE equivalent courses may be used for mathematics and science. · Authorizes school districts to waive up to two credits of the required twenty-four credits on an individual student basis based on criteria specified in written policies adopted by school boards, rather than based on SBE rules. Requires the policies to establish criteria for granting the waiver based on unusual circumstances.
Provides that if the SBE proposes further changes to graduation requirements, the proposals must be forwarded to the Legislature under the terms established in current law.
CTE Course Equivalencies: Removes a limitation that school districts must only grant academic credit for a career and technical education (CTE) course from the state-developed course equivalent list if the course is offered. Adds a requirement that, beginning in 2015-16, school districts must provide high school students with the opportunity to access at least one CTE course equivalent in mathematics or in science from the state list. Lists options for providing this access. Allows a school district with fewer than 2,000 students to seek a waiver of this requirement from the State Board of Education (SBE), and authorizes the SBE to grant such waivers.
Other: Simplifies the statutory language that specifies the additional allocation in the prototypical school funding formula for high school laboratory science class size.
Adds an effective date for the beginning of the next school fiscal year for the changes to the prototypical school funding formula in the bill. |
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