6002-S.E AMH POLL MCLA 995
ESSB 6002 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-4473.1/14) 830
By Representative Pollet
ADOPTED 03/04/2014
On page 14, after line 9, insert the following:
"(6) Within appropriated funds, the office of the education ombuds shall develop a scope of work and proposed plan for a task force on success for students with special needs that will: (a) Define and assess barriers that students placed or qualified to be placed in special education and students with a plan for accommodation under section 504 of the federal rehabilitation act of 1973 face in earning a high school diploma and fully accessing the educational program provided by the public schools; and (b) outline recommendations for systemic changes and successful models for education and service delivery, including improved coordination of early learning through postsecondary education and career preparation. With input from interested parents, educators, state agencies, and organizations representing students placed or qualified to be placed in special education and students with a section 504 plan, the office of the education ombuds shall invite representative individuals to participate in the task force. The office of the education ombuds shall submit the scope of work and proposed task force plan to the education and fiscal committees of the legislature by December 1, 2014, along with a request for additional funds necessary to implement the plan. To the extent possible within appropriated funds, the office of the education ombuds may convene the task force and commence its work before June 30, 2015."
EFFECT: Directs the Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO), within appropriated funds, to develop a scope of work and proposed plan for a Task Force on Success for Students with Special Needs. Indicates that the Task Force will define and assess barriers faced by students placed or qualified to be placed in special education and students with a Section 504 Plan in accessing education and outline recommendations for systemic changes, successful models of education and service delivery, and improved coordination of early learning through postsecondary education and career preparation. Directs the OEO to invite individuals to participate in the Task Force, based on input from interested individuals and groups. Requires the OEO to submit the scope of work and plan to the Education and Fiscal Committees of the Legislature by December 1, 2014. To the extent possible within appropriated funds, authorizes the OEO to convene the task force and commence work before June 30, 2015.
FISCAL IMPACT: No net change to appropriated levels. |
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