ESSB 5744 -
By Committee on Labor & Workforce Development
ADOPTED 04/16/2013
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that many Washington
workers involved in manual logging in the logging industry suffer
industrial injuries with greater frequency and severity than workers in
other industries. The legislature further finds that the incidence and
severity of injury is particularly high among young workers during the
early periods of employment in manual logging. The legislature
recognizes the importance of improving safety performance in the
logging industry to reduce industrial injuries for workers and
resulting workers' compensation premium rates for employers. The
legislature acknowledges that industry participants, including private
land owners, timber industry employers, the department of natural
resources, and the department of labor and industries, have formed a
logger safety task force to develop and implement a logger safety
initiative. The goal of the initiative is to reduce the frequency and
severity of injuries in the logging industry. The task force will
create a program that will establish sector-wide standards for worker
training and supervision; establish a certification process for
individual company safety programs; and review the progress of logging
operations through mandatory performance-based audits. The legislature
further recognizes that as the safety culture in the logging industry
evolves, the frequency and severity of injuries will decrease, which
will drive down industrial insurance costs for logging industry
employers. While the industrial insurance costs will decline over time
as safety improves, the legislature acknowledges that an immediate
reduction in industrial insurance rates for the 2014 rate year for
participating logging employers provides an additional incentive for
these employers to commit to the logger safety initiative. Therefore,
the legislature intends to monitor development and implementation of
the logger safety initiative.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 51.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The department shall include one or more representatives of
logging industry workers on the logger safety task force. In addition,
the department shall reach out to all employers in the logging
industry, including those having one or more on the job fatalities in
the last five years, and invite them to participate in the logger
safety initiative. All participants must comply with the requirements
of the logger safety initiative.
(2) By December 31, 2013, the department shall report back to the
appropriate committees of the legislature on the development and
implementation of the logger safety initiative. The report shall
provide a status update on implementation of the initiative and
participation in the safety program, including a description and
summary of the worker training and supervision standards and the
certification process for individual companies. The report shall also
contain a description and summary of any industrial insurance rate
reduction or other incentive for rate year 2014 that will be applied to
employers participating in the initiative. The report may provide
recommendations for legislative consideration to further the goals of
the initiative."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: The striking amendment makes the following changes to the
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill:
(1) Requires the Department of Labor and Industries (Department) to
include one or more representatives of logging industry workers on the
Task Force.
(2) Requires the Department to reach out to all employers in the
logging industry, not limited to those with fatalities, and invite them
to participate in the initiative.
(3) Requires all participants to comply with the requirements of
the initiative.
(4) Removes the requirement that the report provide options that
would significantly reduce rates, including an Accident Fund rate buy-
down or socialization for high-risk logging rate classes, if the
initiative does not significantly reduce 2014 manual logging rates.
(5) Reorganizes for clarity.