5591-S AMH OVER RUSS 114
SSB 5591 - H AMD TO TR COMM AMD (H-2316.1) 432
By Representative Overstreet
FAILED 04/16/2013
On page 3, after line 22 of the striking amendment, insert the following:
"(d) When any federal agency applies for a confidential driver's license or identicard under this section, the application must first be reviewed and approved by a superior court judge serving Thurston county. In conducting such a review, the judge shall ensure that the application complies with the laws and rules pertaining to confidential driver's licenses and identicards and that the confidential driver's license or identicard will be used only in an undercover or covert law enforcement operation."
EFFECT: Requires that a Thurston County judge review and approve every application, submitted by a federal agency, for a confidential driver's license or identicard; and clarifies what is to be considered in this review.
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