SHB 2201 -
By Representative Vick
FAILED 02/18/2014
Beginning on page 16, line 33, strike sections 211 through 214
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
On page 103, beginning on line 23, strike sections 401 through 404 and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 401 (1) The legislature finds that multiple
versions of RCW 82.04.260 are currently found in the statutory code.
The legislature further finds that these versions are subject to
different effective dates, expiration dates, and contingencies. The
legislature further finds that these sections were included in the
original and substitute versions of HB 2201 because the current annual
report and annual survey are being replaced by a new annual tax
preference accountability report, and therefore references to the
survey and report need to be updated. The legislature further finds
that these multiple versions have caused confusion and a concern that
the automatic ten-year expiration date for new tax preferences will be
(2) To eliminate confusion, the legislature intends to remove these
sections from the bill altogether and include a general statement that
any references to annual report or annual survey in RCW 82.04.260 now
mean the new annual tax preference accountability report created in
section 201 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 402 Any references in RCW 82.04.260 to the
annual report in RCW 82.32.534, or the annual survey in RCW 82.32.585,
mean the new annual tax preference accountability report created in
section 201 of this act."
Correct the title.
EFFECT: Removes the multiple versions of RCW 82.04.260 in the bill. Clarifies that any references in RCW 82.04.260 to the annual report or annual survey mean the new annual tax preference accountability report created in section 201 of the bill.