Passed by the Senate March 5, 2012 YEAS 47 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate Passed by the House February 27, 2012 YEAS 96 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives | I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 6105 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. THOMAS HOEMANN ________________________________________ Secretary | |
Approved March 29, 2012, 7:28 p.m. CHRISTINE GREGOIRE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 29, 2012 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 62nd Legislature | 2012 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to the prescription monitoring program; and amending RCW 70.225.020.
Sec. 1 RCW 70.225.020 and 2007 c 259 s 43 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) When sufficient funding is provided for such purpose through
federal or private grants, or is appropriated by the legislature, the
department shall establish and maintain a prescription monitoring
program to monitor the prescribing and dispensing of all Schedules II,
III, IV, and V controlled substances and any additional drugs
identified by the board of pharmacy as demonstrating a potential for
abuse by all professionals licensed to prescribe or dispense such
substances in this state. The program shall be designed to improve
health care quality and effectiveness by reducing abuse of controlled
substances, reducing duplicative prescribing and overprescribing of
controlled substances, and improving controlled substance prescribing
practices with the intent of eventually establishing an electronic
database available in real time to dispensers and prescribers of
((control [controlled])) controlled substances. As much as possible,
the department should establish a common database with other states.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, each
dispenser shall submit to the department by electronic means
information regarding each prescription dispensed for a drug included
under subsection (1) of this section. Drug prescriptions for more than
((immediate)) one day use should be reported. The information
submitted for each prescription shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Patient identifier;
(b) Drug dispensed;
(c) Date of dispensing;
(d) Quantity dispensed;
(e) Prescriber; and
(f) Dispenser.
(3) Each dispenser shall submit the information in accordance with
transmission methods established by the department.
(4) The data submission requirements of subsections (1) through (3)
of this section do not apply to:
(a) Medications provided to patients receiving inpatient services
provided at hospitals licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW; or patients of
such hospitals receiving services at the clinics, day surgery areas, or
other settings within the hospital's license where the medications are
administered in single doses; ((or))
(b) Pharmacies operated by the department of corrections for the
purpose of providing medications to offenders in department of
corrections institutions who are receiving pharmaceutical services from
a department of corrections pharmacy, except that the department of
corrections must submit data related to each offender's current
prescriptions for controlled substances upon the offender's release
from a department of corrections institution; or
(c) Veterinarians licensed under chapter 18.92 RCW. The
department, in collaboration with the veterinary board of governors,
shall establish alternative data reporting requirements for
veterinarians that allow veterinarians to report:
(i) By either electronic or nonelectronic methods;
(ii) Only those data elements that are relevant to veterinary
practices and necessary to accomplish the public protection goals of
this chapter; and
(iii) No more frequently than once every three months and no less
frequently than once every six months.
(5) The department shall seek federal grants to support the
activities described in chapter 259, Laws of 2007. The department may
not require a practitioner or a pharmacist to pay a fee or tax
specifically dedicated to the operation of the system.