Passed by the House February 13, 2012 Yeas 96 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate February 24, 2012 Yeas 49 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2304 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 7, 2012, 2:18 p.m. CHRISTINE GREGOIRE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 7, 2012 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 62nd Legislature | 2012 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/11/12. Referred to Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs.
AN ACT Relating to transferring the low-level radioactive waste site use permit program from the department of ecology to the department of health; amending RCW 43.200.015, 43.200.080, 43.200.170, 43.200.180, 43.200.190, 43.200.200, 43.200.230, 70.98.030, 70.98.085, 70.98.095, 70.98.098, and 70.98.130; adding a new section to chapter 70.98 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 43.200 RCW; repealing RCW 43.200.210; and providing an effective date.
Sec. 1 RCW 43.200.015 and 1989 c 322 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings
indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "High-level radioactive waste" means "high-level radioactive
waste" as the term is defined in 42 U.S.C. Sec. 10101 (P.L. 97-425).
(2) "Low-level radioactive waste" means waste material that
contains radioactive nuclides emitting primarily beta or gamma
radiation, or both, in concentrations or quantities that exceed
applicable federal or state standards for unrestricted release. Low-level waste does not include waste containing more than one hundred
nanocuries of transuranic contaminants per gram of material, nor spent
nuclear fuel, nor material classified as either high-level radioactive
waste or waste that is unsuited for disposal by near-surface burial
under any applicable federal regulations.
(3) "Radioactive waste" means both high-level and low-level
radioactive waste.
(4) "Spent nuclear fuel" means spent nuclear fuel as the term is
defined in 42 U.S.C. Sec. 10101.
(5) "Department" means the department of ecology.
(6) "Commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility" has
the same meaning as "facility" as defined in RCW 43.145.010.
Sec. 2 RCW 43.200.080 and 2003 1st sp.s. c 21 s 1 are each
amended to read as follows:
The director of ecology shall, in addition to the powers and duties
otherwise imposed by law, have the following special powers and duties:
(1) To fulfill the responsibilities of the state under the lease
between the state of Washington and the federal government executed
September 10, 1964, as amended, covering approximately one ((thousand))
hundred fifteen acres of land lying within the Hanford reservation near
Richland, Washington. The department of ecology may sublease to
private or public entities all or a portion of the land for specific
purposes or activities which are determined, after public hearing, to
be in agreement with the terms of the lease and in the best interests
of the citizens of the state consistent with any criteria that may be
developed as a requirement by the legislature;
(2) To assume the responsibilities of the state under the perpetual
care agreement between the state of Washington and the federal
government executed July 29, 1965, and the sublease between the state
of Washington and the site operator of the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility. In order to finance
perpetual surveillance and maintenance under the agreement and ensure
site closure under the sublease, the department of ecology shall impose
and collect fees from parties holding radioactive materials for waste
management purposes. The fees shall be established by rule adopted
under chapter 34.05 RCW and shall be an amount determined by the
department of ecology to be necessary to defray the estimated liability
of the state. Such fees shall reflect equity between the disposal
facilities of this and other states. A site closure account and a
perpetual surveillance and maintenance account ((is)) are hereby
created in the state treasury. Site use permit fees collected by the
department of health under RCW 70.98.085(3) must be deposited in the
site closure account and must be used as specified in RCW 70.98.085(3).
Funds in the site closure account other than site use permit fee funds
shall be exclusively available to reimburse, to the extent that moneys
are available in the account, the site operator for its costs plus a
reasonable profit as agreed by the operator and the state, or to
reimburse the state licensing agency and any agencies under contract to
the state licensing agency for their costs in final closure and
decommissioning of the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level radioactive
waste disposal facility. If a balance remains in the account after
satisfactory performance of closure and decommissioning, this balance
shall be transferred to the perpetual surveillance and maintenance
account. The perpetual surveillance and maintenance account shall be
used exclusively by the state to meet post-closure surveillance and
maintenance costs, or for otherwise satisfying surveillance and
maintenance obligations. Appropriations are required to permit
expenditures and payment of obligations from the site closure account
and the perpetual surveillance and maintenance account. ((All moneys,
including earnings from the investment of balances in the site closure
and the perpetual surveillance and maintenance account, less the
allocation to the state treasurer's service fund, pursuant to RCW
43.08.190 accruing under the authority of this section shall be
directed to the site closure account until December 31, 1992.
Thereafter receipts including earnings from the investment of balances
in the site closure and the perpetual surveillance and maintenance
account, less the allocation to the state treasurer's service fund,
pursuant to RCW 43.08.190)) Receipts shall be directed to the site
closure account and the perpetual surveillance and maintenance account
as specified by the department. Additional moneys specifically
appropriated by the legislature or received from any public or private
source may be placed in the site closure account and the perpetual
surveillance and maintenance account. During the 2003-2005 fiscal
biennium, the legislature may transfer up to thirteen million eight
hundred thousand dollars from the site closure account to the general
(3)(a) Subject to the conditions in (b) of this subsection, on July
1, 2008, and each July 1st thereafter, the treasurer shall transfer
from the perpetual surveillance and maintenance account to the site
closure account the sum of nine hundred sixty-six thousand dollars.
The nine hundred sixty-six thousand dollars transferred on July 1,
2009, and thereafter shall be adjusted to a level equal to the
percentage increase in the United States implicit price deflator for
personal consumption. The last transfer under this section shall occur
on July 1, 2033.
(b) The transfer in (a) of this subsection shall occur only if
written agreement is reached between the state department of ecology
and the United States department of energy pursuant to section 6 of the
perpetual care agreement dated July 29, 1965, between the United States
atomic energy commission and the state of Washington. If agreement
cannot be reached between the state department of ecology and the
United States department of energy by June 1, 2008, the treasurer shall
transfer the funds from the general fund to the site closure account
according to the schedule in (a) of this subsection.
(c) If for any reason the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level
radioactive waste disposal facility is closed to further disposal
operations during or after the 2003-2005 biennium and before 2033, then
the amount remaining to be repaid from the 2003-2005 transfer of
thirteen million eight hundred thousand dollars from the site closure
account shall be transferred by the treasurer from the general fund to
the site closure account to fund the closure and decommissioning of the
facility. The treasurer shall transfer to the site closure account in
full the amount remaining to be repaid upon written notice from the
secretary of health that the department of health has authorized
closure or that disposal operations have ceased. The treasurer shall
complete the transfer within sixty days of written notice from the
secretary of health.
(d) To the extent that money in the site closure account together
with the amount of money identified for repayment to the site closure
account, pursuant to (a) through (c) of this subsection, equals or
exceeds the cost estimate approved by the department of health for
closure and decommissioning of the facility, the money in the site
closure account together with the amount of money identified for
repayment to the site closure account shall constitute adequate
financial assurance for purposes of the department of health financial
assurance requirements;
(4) To assure maintenance of such insurance coverage by state
licensees, lessees, or sublessees as will adequately, in the opinion of
the director, protect the citizens of the state against nuclear
accidents or incidents that may occur on privately or state-controlled
nuclear facilities;
(5) ((To institute a user permit system and issue site use permits,
consistent with regulatory practices, for generators, packagers, or
brokers using the Hanford low-level radioactive waste disposal
facility. The costs of administering the user permit system shall be
borne by the applicants for site use permits. The site use permit fee
shall be set at a level that is sufficient to fund completely the
executive and legislative participation in activities related to the
Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management;)) To make application for or otherwise pursue any federal funds
to which the state may be eligible, through the federal resource
conservation and recovery act or any other federal programs, for the
management, treatment or disposal, and any remedial actions, of wastes
that are both radioactive and hazardous at all ((
(6)Hanford)) commercial
low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities; and
(((7))) (6) To develop contingency plans for duties and options for
the department and other state agencies related to the ((Hanford))
commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility based on
various projections of annual levels of waste disposal. These plans
shall include an analysis of expected revenue to the state in various
taxes and funds related to low-level radioactive waste disposal and the
resulting implications that any increase or decrease in revenue may
have on state agency duties or responsibilities. The plans shall be
updated annually.
Sec. 3 RCW 43.200.170 and 1990 c 21 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
The governor may assess surcharges and penalty surcharges on the
disposal of waste at the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level radioactive
waste disposal facility. The surcharges may be imposed up to the
maximum extent permitted by federal law. Ten dollars per cubic foot of
the moneys received under this section shall be transmitted monthly to
the site closure account established under RCW 43.200.080. The rest of
the moneys received under this section shall be deposited in the
general fund.
Sec. 4 RCW 43.200.180 and 1998 c 245 s 81 are each amended to
read as follows:
Except as provided in chapter 70.98 RCW related to administration
of a user permit system, the department of ecology shall be the state
agency responsible for implementation of the federal low-level
radioactive waste policy amendments act of 1985, including:
(1) Collecting and administering the surcharge assessed by the
governor under RCW 43.200.170;
(2) Collecting low-level radioactive waste data from disposal
facility operators, generators, intermediate handlers, and the federal
department of energy;
(3) Developing and operating a computerized information system to
manage low-level radioactive waste data;
(4) Denying and reinstating access to the ((Hanford)) commercial
low-level radioactive waste disposal facility pursuant to the authority
granted under federal law;
(5) Administering and/or monitoring (a) the maximum waste volume
levels for the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level radioactive waste
disposal facility, (b) reactor waste allocations, (c) priority
allocations under the Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Management, and (d) adherence by other states and
compact regions to federal statutory deadlines; and
(6) Coordinating the state's low-level radioactive waste disposal
program with similar programs in other states.
Sec. 5 RCW 43.200.190 and 1998 c 245 s 82 are each amended to
read as follows:
The department of ecology shall perform studies, by contract or
otherwise, to define site closure and perpetual care and maintenance
requirements for the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level radioactive waste
disposal facility and to assess the adequacy of insurance coverage for
general liability, radiological liability, and transportation liability
for the facility.
Sec. 6 RCW 43.200.200 and 1998 c 245 s 83 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The director of the department of ecology ((shall)) may
periodically review the potential for bodily injury and property damage
arising from the transportation and disposal of commercial low-level
radioactive waste under permits issued by the state.
(2) ((The director may require permit holders to demonstrate
financial assurance in an amount that is adequate to protect the state
and its citizens from all claims, suits, losses, damages, or expenses
on account of injuries to persons and property damage arising or
growing out of the transportation or disposal of commercial low-level
radioactive waste. The financial assurance may be in the form of
insurance, cash deposits, surety bonds, corporate guarantees, and other
acceptable instruments or guarantees determined by the director to be
acceptable evidence of financial assurance.)) In making the determination of the appropriate level of
financial assurance, the director shall consider:
(a) The nature and purpose of the activity and its potential for
injury and damages to or claims against the state and its citizens;
(b) The current and cumulative manifested volume and radioactivity
of waste being packaged, transported, buried, or otherwise handled;
(c) The location where the waste is being packaged, transported,
buried, or otherwise handled, including the proximity to the general
public and geographic features such as geology and hydrology, if
relevant; and
(d) The legal defense cost, if any, that will be paid from the
required financial assurance amount.
(((4) The director may establish different levels of required
financial assurance for various classes of permit holders.))
(5) The director shall establish by rule the instruments or
mechanisms by which a permit applicant or holder may demonstrate
financial assurance as required by RCW 43.200.210.
Sec. 7 RCW 43.200.230 and 1991 c 272 s 16 are each amended to
read as follows:
The director of the department of ecology shall require that
generators of waste pay a fee for each cubic foot of waste disposed at
any facility in the state equal to six dollars and fifty cents. The
fee shall be imposed specifically on the generator of the waste and
shall not be considered to apply in any way to the low-level site
operator's disposal activities. The fee shall be allocated in
accordance with RCW 43.200.233 and 43.200.235. ((This subsection shall
be invalidated and the authorization to collect a surcharge removed if
the legislature or any administrative agency of the state of Washington
prior to January 1, 1993, (1) imposes fees, assessments, or charges
other than perpetual care and maintenance, site surveillance, and site
closing fees currently applicable to the Hanford commercial low-level
waste site operator's activities, (2) imposes any additional fees,
assessments, or charges on generators using the Hanford commercial low-level waste site, or (3) increases any existing fees, assessments, or
charges.)) Failure to comply with this section may result in denial or
suspension of the generator's site use permit pursuant to RCW
Sec. 8 RCW 70.98.030 and 1991 c 3 s 355 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) "By-product material" means any radioactive material (except
special nuclear material) yielded in or made radioactive by exposure to
the radiation incident to the process of producing or utilizing special
nuclear material.
(2) "Ionizing radiation" means gamma rays and x-rays, alpha and
beta particles, high-speed electrons, neutrons, protons, and other
atomic or subatomic particles; but not sound or radio waves, or
visible, infrared, or ultraviolet light.
(3)(a) "General license" means a license effective pursuant to
rules promulgated by the state radiation control agency, without the
filing of an application, to transfer, acquire, own, possess, or use
quantities of, or devices or equipment utilizing, by-product, source,
special nuclear materials, or other radioactive material occurring
naturally or produced artificially.
(b) "Specific license" means a license, issued after application to
use, manufacture, produce, transfer, receive, acquire, own, or possess
quantities of, or devices or equipment utilizing by-product, source,
special nuclear materials, or other radioactive materials occurring
naturally or produced artificially.
(4) "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm,
association, trust, estate, public or private institution, group,
agency, political subdivision of this state, any other state or
political subdivision or agency thereof, and any legal successor,
representative, agent, or agency of the foregoing, other than the
United States Atomic Energy Commission, or any successor thereto, and
other than federal government agencies licensed by the United States
Atomic Energy Commission, or any successor thereto.
(5) "Source material" means (a) uranium, thorium, or any other
material which is determined by the United States Nuclear Regulatory
Commission or its successor pursuant to the provisions of section 61 of
the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sec.
209) to be source material; or (b) ores containing one or more of the
foregoing materials, in such concentration as the commission may by
regulation determine from time to time.
(6) "Special nuclear material" means (a) plutonium, uranium
enriched in the isotope 233 or in the isotope 235, and any other
material which the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission or its
successor, pursuant to the provisions of section 51 of the United
States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sec. 2071),
determines to be special nuclear material, but does not include source
material; or (b) any material artificially enriched by any of the
foregoing, but does not include source material.
(7) "Registration" means registration with the state department of
health by any person possessing a source of ionizing radiation in
accordance with rules adopted by the department of health.
(8) "Radiation source" means any type of device or substance which
is capable of producing or emitting ionizing radiation.
(9) "Site use permit" means a permit, issued after application, to
use the commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
Sec. 9 RCW 70.98.085 and 1990 c 21 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The agency is empowered to administer a user permit system and
issue site use permits for generators, packagers, or brokers to use the
commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility. The agency
may issue a site use permit consistent with the requirements of this
chapter and the rules adopted under it and the requirements of the
Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management
under chapter 43.145 RCW. The agency may deny an application for a
site use permit or modify, suspend ((and reinstate)), or revoke a site
use permit((s consistent with current regulatory practices and in
coordination with the department of ecology, for generators, packagers,
or brokers using the Hanford low-level radioactive waste disposal
facility)) in any case in which it finds that the permit was obtained
by fraud or there is or has been a failure, refusal, or inability to
comply with the requirements of this chapter or rules adopted under
this chapter or the requirements of the Northwest Interstate Compact on
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management under chapter 43.145 RCW. The
agency may also deny or suspend a site use permit for failure to comply
with RCW 43.200.230.
(2) Any permit issued by the department of ecology for a site use
permit pursuant to chapter 43.200 RCW is valid until the first
expiration date that occurs after July 1, 2012.
(3) The agency shall collect a fee from the applicants for site use
permits that is sufficient to fund the costs to the agency to
administer the user permit system. The site use permit fee must be set
at a level that is also sufficient to fund state participation in
activities related to the Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Management under chapter 43.145 RCW. The site use
permit fees must be deposited in the site closure account established
in RCW 43.200.080(2). Appropriations to the department of health or
the department of ecology are required to permit expenditures using
site use permit fee funds from the site closure account.
(4) The agency shall collect a surveillance fee as an added charge
on each cubic foot of low-level radioactive waste disposed of at the
commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal site in this state
which shall be set at a level that is sufficient to fund completely the
radiation control activities of the agency directly related to the
disposal site, including but not limited to the management, licensing,
monitoring, and regulation of the site. ((The surveillance fee shall
not exceed five percent in 1990, six percent in 1991, and seven percent
in 1992 of the basic minimum fee charged by an operator of a low-level
radioactive waste disposal site in this state. The basic minimum fee
consists of the disposal fee for the site operator, the fee for the
perpetual care and maintenance fund administered by the state, the fee
for the state closure fund, and the tax collected pursuant to chapter
82.04 RCW. Site use permit fees and surcharges collected under chapter
43.200 RCW are not part of the basic minimum fee.)) The fee shall also
provide funds to the Washington state patrol for costs incurred from
inspection of low-level radioactive waste shipments entering this
state. Disbursements for this purpose shall be by authorization of the
secretary of the department of health or the secretary's designee.
(5) The agency shall require that any person who holds or applies
for a permit under this chapter indemnify and hold harmless the state
from claims, suits, damages, or expenses on account of injuries to or
death of persons and property damage, arising or growing out of any
operations and activities for which the person holds the permit, and
any necessary or incidental operations.
(6) The agency may adopt such rules as are necessary to carry out
its responsibilities under this section.
Sec. 10 RCW 70.98.095 and 1992 c 61 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The radiation control agency may require any person who
applies for, or holds, a license under this chapter to demonstrate that
the person has financial assurance sufficient to assure that liability
incurred as a result of licensed operations and activities can be fully
satisfied. Financial assurance may be in the form of insurance, cash
deposits, surety bonds, corporate guarantees, letters of credit, or
other financial instruments or guarantees determined by the agency to
be acceptable financial assurance. The agency may require financial
assurance in an amount determined by the secretary pursuant to RCW
(2) The radiation control agency may require site use permit
holders to demonstrate financial assurance in an amount that is
adequate to protect the state and its citizens from all claims, suits,
losses, damages, or expenses on account of injuries to persons and
property damage arising or growing out of the transportation or
disposal of commercial low-level radioactive waste. The financial
assurance may be in the form of insurance, cash deposits, surety bonds,
corporate guarantees, and other acceptable instruments or guarantees
determined by the secretary to be acceptable evidence of financial
assurance. The agency may require financial assurance in an amount
determined by the secretary pursuant to RCW 70.98.098.
(3) The radiation control agency shall refuse to issue a license or
permit or suspend the license or permit of any person required by this
section to demonstrate financial assurance who fails to demonstrate
compliance with this section. The license or permit shall not be
issued or reinstated until the person demonstrates compliance with this
(((3))) (4) The radiation control agency shall require (a) that any
person required to demonstrate financial assurance, maintain with the
agency current copies of any insurance policies, certificates of
insurance, letters of credit, surety bonds, or any other documents used
to comply with this section, (b) that the agency be notified of any
changes in the financial assurance or financial condition of the
person, and (c) that the state be named as an insured party on any
insurance policy used to comply with this section.
Sec. 11 RCW 70.98.098 and 2003 1st sp.s. c 21 s 2 are each
amended to read as follows:
(1) In making the determination of the appropriate level of
financial assurance, the secretary shall consider: (a) ((The)) Any
report prepared by the department of ecology pursuant to RCW
43.200.200; (b) the potential cost of decontamination, treatment,
disposal, decommissioning, and cleanup of facilities or equipment; (c)
federal cleanup and decommissioning requirements; and (d) the legal
defense cost, if any, that might be paid from the required financial
(2) The secretary may establish different levels of required
financial assurance for various classes of permit or license holders.
(3) The secretary shall establish by rule the instruments or
mechanisms by which a person may demonstrate financial assurance as
required by RCW 70.98.095.
(4) To the extent that money in the site closure account together
with the amount of money identified for repayment to the site closure
account pursuant to RCW 43.200.080 equals or exceeds the cost estimate
approved by the department of health for closure and decommissioning of
the ((Hanford)) commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal
facility, the money in the site closure account together with the
amount of money identified for repayment to the site closure account
shall constitute adequate financial assurance for purposes of the
department of health financial assurance requirements under RCW
Sec. 12 RCW 70.98.130 and 1989 c 175 s 133 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) In any proceeding under this chapter for the issuance or
modification or repeal of rules relating to control of sources of
ionizing radiation, the agency shall comply with the requirements of
chapter 34.05 RCW, the administrative procedure act.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, whenever
the agency finds that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to
protect the public health, safety, or general welfare, the agency may,
in accordance with RCW 34.05.350 without notice or hearing, adopt a
rule reciting the existence of such emergency and require that such
action be taken as is necessary to meet the emergency. As specified in
RCW 34.05.350, such rules are effective immediately.
(3) In any case in which the department denies, modifies, suspends,
or revokes a license or permit, RCW 43.70.115 governs notice of the
action and provides the right to an adjudicative proceeding to the
applicant or licensee or permittee. Such an adjudicative proceeding is
governed by chapter 34.05 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 13 A new section is added to chapter 70.98 RCW
to read as follows:
The agency shall adopt rules for administering a site use permit
program under RCW 70.98.085.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14 A new section is added to chapter 43.200
RCW to read as follows:
(1) The site use permit program is transferred from the department
of ecology to the department of health.
(2)(a) All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files,
papers, or written material in the possession of the department of
ecology site use permit program shall be delivered to the custody of
the department of health. All funds, credits, or other assets held by
the department of ecology site use permit program shall be assigned to
the department of health.
(b) Any appropriations made to the department of ecology for the
site use permit program shall be transferred and credited to the
department of health.
(3) All rules of the department of ecology site use permit program
shall be continued and acted upon by the department of health until new
rules are adopted under RCW 70.98.085. All permit applications and
pending business before the department of ecology site use permit
program shall be continued and acted upon by the department of health.
All existing contracts and obligations shall remain in full force and
shall be performed by the department of health.
(4) The transfer of the powers, duties, functions, and personnel of
the department of ecology site use permit program to the department of
health under this act shall not affect the validity of any activity
performed before the effective date of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15 This act takes effect July 1, 2012.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16 RCW 43.200.210 (Immunity of state -- Demonstration of financial assurance -- Suspension of permit) and 1992 c
61 s 2, 1990 c 82 s 2, & 1986 c 191 s 2 are each repealed.