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Washington State Senate | 5th Order | |
Introduction & First Reading Short Titles and Referrals |
2009 Regular Session of the 61st Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem | ||
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate | PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009 | 43RD DAY | ||
SB 6074 | By Senator Keiser Creating public health districts. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 6075 | By Senator McCaslin Requiring revaluations of real property by county assessors when there is a certain percentage reduction in county median home prices. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6076 | By Senator Morton Regarding water rights for irrigation districts providing municipal water service. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT, WATER & ENERGY. |
SB 6077 | By Senator Rockefeller Improving water management. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT, WATER & ENERGY. |
SB 6078 | By Senator Prentice Addressing survivor's death benefits under the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system, plan 1. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6079 | By Senators Jacobsen, Shin and Marr Adding personal rapid transit and magnetic levitation transit systems to the definition of rail fixed guideway system. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 6080 | By Senators Parlette and Sheldon Studying the level of uniformity and consistency in the assessment of real property for property tax purposes. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6081 | By Senator Franklin Studying a subtraction method business value added tax as an alternative to the business and occupation tax. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6082 | By Senators Pridemore and Tom Regarding forest fire protection assessment refunds. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 6083 | By Senators Pridemore and Tom Consolidating the growth management hearings boards. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 6084 | By Senators Pridemore and Tom Concerning recreational hunting and fishing license fees. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES, OCEAN & RECREATION. |
SB 6085 | By Senators Kastama, Zarelli and Shin Creating the Washington small business loan reserve program. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6086 | By Senators Kastama, Kilmer and Shin Concerning the use of state lottery proceeds for higher education financial aid. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 6087 | By Senators Kastama and Shin Regarding the duties of the economic development commission. Referred to Committee on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE & INNOVATION. |
SB 6088 | By Senators Fraser, Swecker, Haugen, Eide, Marr, Sheldon, Berkey and Benton Addressing commute trip reduction for state agencies. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHB 1079 | By House Committee on Local Government & Housing (originally sponsored by Representatives Simpson, Nelson, Springer, White and Moeller; by request of Growth Management Hearings Board) Authorizing the substitution of growth management hearings board members in the case of vacancy, disqualification, illness, or injury. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
HB 1089 | By Representatives Hunter and Condotta; by request of Department of Revenue Harmonizing excise tax statutes with the streamlined sales and use tax agreement. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SHB 1103 | By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Moeller, Green, Morrell and Kenney) Concerning the estates of vulnerable adults. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SHB 1110 | By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Sullivan, Liias, Upthegrove, Orwall and Simpson) Prohibiting advertising and marketing to students receiving home-based instruction and their parents. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
HB 1127 | By Representatives Hurst and Hinkle Securing credit and debit card information. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & INSURANCE. |