Passed by the House February 5, 2010 Yeas 97 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate February 27, 2010 Yeas 42 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2490 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved March 17, 2010, 2:19 p.m. CHRISTINE GREGOIRE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | March 17, 2010 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 61st Legislature | 2010 Regular Session |
Prefiled 12/22/09. Read first time 01/11/10. Referred to Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs.
AN ACT Relating to persons with intellectual disabilities; amending RCW 44.04.280, 10.95.030, 10.95.070, 10.95.130, 26.26.220, 28B.20.410, 28B.20.414, 39.32.010, 41.05.095, 43.20B.080, 43.190.020, 48.01.035, 70.10.010, 70.10.030, 70.41.020, 70.83.020, 70.83.040, 71.34.020, 71A.10.020, 74.09.035, 74.09.120, 74.09.510, 74.09.700, 74.29.010, 74.42.010, 74.42.490, 74.46.020, 82.65A.020, 82.65A.030, and 72.29.010; amending 1965 c 11 s 1 (uncodified); reenacting and amending RCW 13.34.030; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The purpose of this act is to move toward
fulfillment of the goals stated in RCW 44.04.280, to remove demeaning
language from the Revised Code of Washington and to use respectful
language when referring to individuals with disabilities. It is not
the intent of the legislature to expand or contract the scope or
application of any provision of this code. Nothing in this act may be
construed to change the application of any provision of this code to
any person.
Sec. 2 RCW 44.04.280 and 2009 c 377 s 1 are each
amended to read
as follows:
(1) The legislature recognizes that language used in reference to
individuals with disabilities shapes and reflects society's attitudes
towards people with disabilities. Many of the terms currently used
diminish the humanity and natural condition of having a disability.
Certain terms are demeaning and create an invisible barrier to
inclusion as equal community members. The legislature finds it
necessary to clarify preferred language for new and revised laws by
requiring the use of terminology that puts the person before the
(2)(a) The code reviser is directed to avoid all references to:
Disabled, developmentally disabled, mentally disabled, mentally ill,
mentally retarded, handicapped, cripple, and crippled, in any new
statute, memorial, or resolution, and to change such references in any
existing statute, memorial, or resolution as sections including these
references are otherwise amended by law.
(b) The code reviser is directed to replace terms referenced in (a)
of this subsection as appropriate with the following revised
terminology: "Individuals with disabilities," "individuals with
developmental disabilities," "individuals with mental illness," and
"individuals with intellectual disabilities."
(3) No statute, memorial, or resolution is invalid because it does
not comply with this section.
(4) The replacement of outmoded terminology with more appropriate
references may not be construed as changing the application of any
provision of this code to any person.
Sec. 3 RCW 10.95.030 and 1993 c 479 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, any
person convicted of the crime of aggravated first degree murder shall
be sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of release or
parole. A person sentenced to life imprisonment under this section
shall not have that sentence suspended, deferred, or commuted by any
judicial officer and the indeterminate sentence review board or its
successor may not parole such prisoner nor reduce the period of
confinement in any manner whatsoever including but not limited to any
sort of good-time calculation. The department of social and health
services or its successor or any executive official may not permit such
prisoner to participate in any sort of release or furlough program.
(2) If, pursuant to a special sentencing proceeding held under RCW
10.95.050, the trier of fact finds that there are not sufficient
mitigating circumstances to merit leniency, the sentence shall be
death. In no case, however, shall a person be sentenced to death if
the person ((was mentally retarded)) had an intellectual disability at
the time the crime was committed, under the definition of ((mental
retardation)) intellectual disability set forth in (a) of this
subsection. A diagnosis of ((mental retardation)) intellectual
disability shall be documented by a licensed psychiatrist or licensed
psychologist designated by the court, who is an expert in the diagnosis
and evaluation of ((mental retardation)) intellectual disabilities.
The defense must establish ((mental retardation)) an intellectual
disability by a preponderance of the evidence and the court must make
a finding as to the existence of ((mental retardation)) an intellectual
(a) (("Mentally retarded")) "Intellectual disability" means the
individual has: (i) Significantly subaverage general intellectual
functioning; (ii) existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive
behavior; and (iii) both significantly subaverage general intellectual
functioning and deficits in adaptive behavior were manifested during
the developmental period.
(b) "General intellectual functioning" means the results obtained
by assessment with one or more of the individually administered general
intelligence tests developed for the purpose of assessing intellectual
(c) "Significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning"
means intelligence quotient seventy or below.
(d) "Adaptive behavior" means the effectiveness or degree with
which individuals meet the standards of personal independence and
social responsibility expected for his or her age.
(e) "Developmental period" means the period of time between
conception and the eighteenth birthday.
Sec. 4 RCW 10.95.070 and 1993 c 479 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
In deciding the question posed by RCW 10.95.060(4), the jury, or
the court if a jury is waived, may consider any relevant factors,
including but not limited to the following:
(1) Whether the defendant has or does not have a significant
history, either as a juvenile or an adult, of prior criminal activity;
(2) Whether the murder was committed while the defendant was under
the influence of extreme mental disturbance;
(3) Whether the victim consented to the act of murder;
(4) Whether the defendant was an accomplice to a murder committed
by another person where the defendant's participation in the murder was
relatively minor;
(5) Whether the defendant acted under duress or domination of
another person;
(6) Whether, at the time of the murder, the capacity of the
defendant to appreciate the wrongfulness of his or her conduct or to
conform his or her conduct to the requirements of law was substantially
impaired as a result of mental disease or defect. However, a person
found to ((be mentally retarded)) have an intellectual disability under
RCW 10.95.030(2) may in no case be sentenced to death;
(7) Whether the age of the defendant at the time of the crime calls
for leniency; and
(8) Whether there is a likelihood that the defendant will pose a
danger to others in the future.
Sec. 5 RCW 10.95.130 and 1993 c 479 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The sentence review required by RCW 10.95.100 shall be in
addition to any appeal. The sentence review and an appeal shall be
consolidated for consideration. The defendant and the prosecuting
attorney may submit briefs within the time prescribed by the court and
present oral argument to the court.
(2) With regard to the sentence review required by chapter 138,
Laws of 1981, the supreme court of Washington shall determine:
(a) Whether there was sufficient evidence to justify the
affirmative finding to the question posed by RCW 10.95.060(4); and
(b) Whether the sentence of death is excessive or disproportionate
to the penalty imposed in similar cases, considering both the crime and
the defendant. For the purposes of this subsection, "similar cases"
means cases reported in the Washington Reports or Washington Appellate
Reports since January 1, 1965, in which the judge or jury considered
the imposition of capital punishment regardless of whether it was
imposed or executed, and cases in which reports have been filed with
the supreme court under RCW 10.95.120;
(c) Whether the sentence of death was brought about through passion
or prejudice; and
(d) Whether the defendant ((was mentally retarded)) had an
intellectual disability within the meaning of RCW 10.95.030(2).
Sec. 6 RCW 13.34.030 and 2009 c 520 s 21 and 2009 c 397 s 1 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
For purposes of this chapter:
(1) "Abandoned" means when the child's parent, guardian, or other
custodian has expressed, either by statement or conduct, an intent to
forego, for an extended period, parental rights or responsibilities
despite an ability to exercise such rights and responsibilities. If
the court finds that the petitioner has exercised due diligence in
attempting to locate the parent, no contact between the child and the
child's parent, guardian, or other custodian for a period of three
months creates a rebuttable presumption of abandonment, even if there
is no expressed intent to abandon.
(2) "Child" and "juvenile" means any individual under the age of
eighteen years.
(3) "Current placement episode" means the period of time that
begins with the most recent date that the child was removed from the
home of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian for purposes of
placement in out-of-home care and continues until: (a) The child
returns home; (b) an adoption decree, a permanent custody order, or
guardianship order is entered; or (c) the dependency is dismissed,
whichever occurs first.
(4) "Department" means the department of social and health
(5) "Dependency guardian" means the person, nonprofit corporation,
or Indian tribe appointed by the court pursuant to this chapter for the
limited purpose of assisting the court in the supervision of the
(6) "Dependent child" means any child who:
(a) Has been abandoned;
(b) Is abused or neglected as defined in chapter 26.44 RCW by a
person legally responsible for the care of the child; or
(c) Has no parent, guardian, or custodian capable of adequately
caring for the child, such that the child is in circumstances which
constitute a danger of substantial damage to the child's psychological
or physical development.
(7) "Developmental disability" means a disability attributable to
((mental retardation)) intellectual disability, cerebral palsy,
epilepsy, autism, or another neurological or other condition of an
individual found by the secretary to be closely related to ((mental
retardation)) an intellectual disability or to require treatment
similar to that required for individuals with ((mental retardation))
intellectual disabilities, which disability originates before the
individual attains age eighteen, which has continued or can be expected
to continue indefinitely, and which constitutes a substantial
((handicap)) limitation to the individual.
(8) "Guardian" means the person or agency that: (a) Has been
appointed as the guardian of a child in a legal proceeding other than
a proceeding under this chapter; and (b) has the legal right to custody
of the child pursuant to such appointment. The term "guardian" shall
not include a "dependency guardian" appointed pursuant to a proceeding
under this chapter.
(9) "Guardian ad litem" means a person, appointed by the court to
represent the best interests of a child in a proceeding under this
chapter, or in any matter which may be consolidated with a proceeding
under this chapter. A "court-appointed special advocate" appointed by
the court to be the guardian ad litem for the child, or to perform
substantially the same duties and functions as a guardian ad litem,
shall be deemed to be guardian ad litem for all purposes and uses of
this chapter.
(10) "Guardian ad litem program" means a court-authorized volunteer
program, which is or may be established by the superior court of the
county in which such proceeding is filed, to manage all aspects of
volunteer guardian ad litem representation for children alleged or
found to be dependent. Such management shall include but is not
limited to: Recruitment, screening, training, supervision, assignment,
and discharge of volunteers.
(11) "Housing assistance" means appropriate referrals by the
department or other supervising agencies to federal, state, local, or
private agencies or organizations, assistance with forms, applications,
or financial subsidies or other monetary assistance for housing. For
purposes of this chapter, "housing assistance" is not a remedial
service or time-limited family reunification service as described in
RCW 13.34.025(2).
(12) "Indigent" means a person who, at any stage of a court
proceeding, is:
(a) Receiving one of the following types of public assistance:
Temporary assistance for needy families, general assistance, poverty-related veterans' benefits, food stamps or food stamp benefits
transferred electronically, refugee resettlement benefits, medicaid, or
supplemental security income; or
(b) Involuntarily committed to a public mental health facility; or
(c) Receiving an annual income, after taxes, of one hundred twenty-five percent or less of the federally established poverty level; or
(d) Unable to pay the anticipated cost of counsel for the matter
before the court because his or her available funds are insufficient to
pay any amount for the retention of counsel.
(13) "Out-of-home care" means placement in a foster family home or
group care facility licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW or placement
in a home, other than that of the child's parent, guardian, or legal
custodian, not required to be licensed pursuant to chapter 74.15 RCW.
(14) "Preventive services" means preservation services, as defined
in chapter 74.14C RCW, and other reasonably available services,
including housing assistance, capable of preventing the need for out-of-home placement while protecting the child.
(15) "Shelter care" means temporary physical care in a facility
licensed pursuant to RCW 74.15.030 or in a home not required to be
licensed pursuant to RCW 74.15.030.
(16) "Sibling" means a child's birth brother, birth sister,
adoptive brother, adoptive sister, half-brother, or half-sister, or as
defined by the law or custom of the Indian child's tribe for an Indian
child as defined in 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1903(4).
(17) "Social study" means a written evaluation of matters relevant
to the disposition of the case and shall contain the following
(a) A statement of the specific harm or harms to the child that
intervention is designed to alleviate;
(b) A description of the specific services and activities, for both
the parents and child, that are needed in order to prevent serious harm
to the child; the reasons why such services and activities are likely
to be useful; the availability of any proposed services; and the
agency's overall plan for ensuring that the services will be delivered.
The description shall identify the services chosen and approved by the
(c) If removal is recommended, a full description of the reasons
why the child cannot be protected adequately in the home, including a
description of any previous efforts to work with the parents and the
child in the home; the in-home treatment programs that have been
considered and rejected; the preventive services, including housing
assistance, that have been offered or provided and have failed to
prevent the need for out-of-home placement, unless the health, safety,
and welfare of the child cannot be protected adequately in the home;
and the parents' attitude toward placement of the child;
(d) A statement of the likely harms the child will suffer as a
result of removal;
(e) A description of the steps that will be taken to minimize the
harm to the child that may result if separation occurs including an
assessment of the child's relationship and emotional bond with any
siblings, and the agency's plan to provide ongoing contact between the
child and the child's siblings if appropriate; and
(f) Behavior that will be expected before determination that
supervision of the family or placement is no longer necessary.
(18) "Supervising agency" means an agency licensed by the state
under RCW 74.15.090 or an Indian tribe under RCW 74.15.190 with whom
the department has entered into a performance-based contract to provide
child welfare services as defined in RCW 74.13.020.
Sec. 7 RCW 26.26.220 and 1989 c 404 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
A person shall not enter into, induce, arrange, procure, or
otherwise assist in the formation of a surrogate parentage contract
under which an unemancipated minor female or a female diagnosed as
((being mentally retarded or as)) having an intellectual disability, a
mental illness, or developmental disability is the surrogate mother.
Sec. 8 RCW 28B.20.410 and 1969 ex.s. c 223 s 28B.20.410 are each
amended to read as follows:
There is hereby established at the University of Washington a
((children's)) center for research and training in ((mental retardation
and other handicapping conditions)) intellectual and developmental
Sec. 9 RCW 28B.20.414 and 1969 ex.s. c 223 s 28B.20.414 are each
amended to read as follows:
The general purposes of the center shall be:
(1) To provide clinical and laboratory facilities for research on
the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of ((mental
retardation and other handicapping conditions in children))
intellectual and developmental disabilities;
(2) To develop improved professional and in-service training
programs in the various disciplines concerned with ((handicapped
children)) persons with disabilities;
(3) To provide diagnostic and consultative services to various
state programs and to regional and local centers, to an extent
compatible with the primary research and teaching objectives of the
Sec. 10 RCW 39.32.010 and 1995 c 137 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
For the purposes of RCW 39.32.010 through 39.32.060:
The term "eligible donee" means any public agency carrying out or
promoting for the residents of a given political area one or more
public purposes, such as conservation, economic development, education,
parks and recreation, public health, and public safety; or nonprofit
educational or public health institutions or organizations, such as
medical institutions, hospitals, clinics, health centers, schools,
colleges, universities, schools for ((the mentally retarded)) persons
with intellectual disabilities, schools for ((the physically
handicapped)) persons with physical disabilities, child care centers,
radio and television stations licensed by the federal communications
commission as educational radio or educational television stations,
museums attended by the public, and public libraries serving all
residents of a community, district, state, or region, and which are
exempt from taxation under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1954, for purposes of education or public health, including research
for any such purpose.
The term "public agency" means the state or any subdivision
thereof, including any unit of local government, economic development
district, emergency services organization, or any instrumentality
created by compact or other agreement between the state and a political
subdivision, or any Indian tribe, band, group, or community located on
a state reservation.
The term "surplus property" means any property, title to which is
in the federal, state, or local government or any department or agency
thereof, and which property is to be disposed of as surplus under any
act of congress or the legislature or local statute, heretofore or
hereafter enacted providing for such disposition.
Sec. 11 RCW 41.05.095 and 2007 c 259 s 18 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Any plan offered to employees under this chapter must offer
each employee the option of covering any unmarried dependent of the
employee under the age of twenty-five.
(2) Any employee choosing under subsection (1) of this section to
cover a dependent who is: (a) Age twenty through twenty-three and not
a registered student at an accredited secondary school, college,
university, vocational school, or school of nursing; or (b) age twenty-four, shall be required to pay the full cost of such coverage.
(3) Any employee choosing under subsection (1) of this section to
cover a dependent with disabilities, ((developmental disabilities,))
mental illness, or ((mental retardation)) intellectual or other
developmental disabilities, who is incapable of self-support, may
continue covering that dependent under the same premium and payment
structure as for dependents under the age of twenty, irrespective of
Sec. 12 RCW 43.20B.080 and 2008 c 6 s 302 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The department shall file liens, seek adjustment, or otherwise
effect recovery for medical assistance correctly paid on behalf of an
individual consistent with 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396p. The department shall
adopt a rule providing for prior notice and hearing rights to the
record title holder or purchaser under a land sale contract.
(2) Liens may be adjusted by foreclosure in accordance with chapter
61.12 RCW.
(3) In the case of an individual who was fifty-five years of age or
older when the individual received medical assistance, the department
shall seek adjustment or recovery from the individual's estate, and
from nonprobate assets of the individual as defined by RCW 11.02.005,
but only for medical assistance consisting of nursing facility
services, home and community-based services, other services that the
department determines to be appropriate, and related hospital and
prescription drug services. Recovery from the individual's estate,
including foreclosure of liens imposed under this section, shall be
undertaken as soon as practicable, consistent with 42 U.S.C. Sec.
(4) The department shall apply the medical assistance estate
recovery law as it existed on the date that benefits were received when
calculating an estate's liability to reimburse the department for those
(5)(a) The department shall establish procedures consistent with
standards established by the federal department of health and human
services and pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396p to waive recovery when
such recovery would work an undue hardship. The department shall
recognize an undue hardship for a surviving domestic partner whenever
recovery would not have been permitted if he or she had been a
surviving spouse. The department is not authorized to pursue recovery
under such circumstances.
(b) Recovery of medical assistance from a recipient's estate shall
not include property made exempt from claims by federal law or treaty,
including exemption for tribal artifacts that may be held by individual
Native Americans.
(6) A lien authorized under this section relates back to attach to
any real property that the decedent had an ownership interest in
immediately before death and is effective as of that date or date of
recording, whichever is earlier.
(7) The department may enforce a lien authorized under this section
against a decedent's life estate or joint tenancy interest in real
property held by the decedent immediately prior to his or her death.
Such a lien enforced under this subsection shall not end and shall
continue as provided in this subsection until the department's lien has
been satisfied.
(a) The value of the life estate subject to the lien shall be the
value of the decedent's interest in the property subject to the life
estate immediately prior to the decedent's death.
(b) The value of the joint tenancy interest subject to the lien
shall be the value of the decedent's fractional interest the recipient
would have owned in the jointly held interest in the property had the
recipient and the surviving joint tenants held title to the property as
tenants in common on the date of the recipient's death.
(c) The department may not enforce the lien provided by this
subsection against a bona fide purchaser or encumbrancer that obtains
an interest in the property after the death of the recipient and before
the department records either its lien or the request for notice of
transfer or encumbrance as provided by RCW 43.20B.750.
(d) The department may not enforce a lien provided by this
subsection against any property right that vested prior to July 1,
(8)(a) Subject to the requirements of 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396p(a) and
the conditions of this subsection (8), the department is authorized to
file a lien against the property of an individual prior to his or her
death, and to seek adjustment and recovery from the individual's estate
or sale of the property subject to the lien, if:
(i) The individual is an inpatient in a nursing facility,
intermediate care facility for ((individuals with mental retardation))
persons with intellectual disabilities, or other medical institution;
(ii) The department has determined after notice and opportunity for
a hearing that the individual cannot reasonably be expected to be
discharged from the medical institution and to return home.
(b) If the individual is discharged from the medical facility and
returns home, the department shall dissolve the lien.
(9) The department is authorized to adopt rules to effect recovery
under this section. The department may adopt by rule later enactments
of the federal laws referenced in this section.
(10) It is the responsibility of the department to fully disclose
in advance verbally and in writing, in easy to understand language, the
terms and conditions of estate recovery to all persons offered long-term care services subject to recovery of payments.
(11) In disclosing estate recovery costs to potential clients, and
to family members at the consent of the client, the department shall
provide a written description of the community service options.
Sec. 13 RCW 43.190.020 and 1995 1st sp.s. c 18 s 32 are each
amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter, "long-term care facility" means any of the
(1) A facility which:
(a) Maintains and operates twenty-four hour skilled nursing
services for the care and treatment of chronically ill or convalescent
patients, including mental, emotional, or behavioral problems, ((mental
retardation)) intellectual disabilities, or alcoholism;
(b) Provides supportive, restorative, and preventive health
services in conjunction with a socially oriented program to its
residents, and which maintains and operates twenty-four hour services
including board, room, personal care, and intermittent nursing care.
"Long-term health care facility" includes nursing homes and nursing
facilities, but does not include acute care hospital or other licensed
facilities except for that distinct part of the hospital or facility
which provides nursing facility services.
(2) Any family home, group care facility, or similar facility
determined by the secretary, for twenty-four hour nonmedical care of
persons in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance
essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the
protection of the individual.
(3) Any swing bed in an acute care facility.
Sec. 14 RCW 48.01.035 and 1985 c 264 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
The term "developmental disability" as used in this title means a
disability attributable to ((mental retardation)) intellectual
disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, or another neurological
condition closely related to ((mental retardation)) an intellectual
disability or to require treatment similar to that required for
((mentally retarded individuals)) persons with intellectual
disabilities, which disability originates before such individual
attains age eighteen, which has continued or can be expected to
continue indefinitely, and which constitutes a substantial ((handicap))
limitation to such individual.
Sec. 15 RCW 70.10.010 and 1967 ex.s. c 4 s 1 are each amended to
read as follows:
It is declared to be the policy of the legislature of the state of
Washington that, wherever feasible, community health((, mental health
and mental retardation)) services and services for persons with mental
illness or intellectual disabilities shall be combined within single
facilities in order to provide maximum utilization of available funds
and personnel, and to assure the greatest possible coordination of such
services for the benefit of those requiring them. It is further
declared to be the policy of the legislature to authorize the state to
cooperate with counties, cities, and other municipal corporations in
order to encourage them to take such steps as may be necessary to
construct comprehensive community health centers in communities
throughout the state.
Sec. 16 RCW 70.10.030 and 1967 ex.s. c 4 s 3 are each amended to
read as follows:
The several agencies of the state authorized to administer within
the state the various federal acts providing federal moneys to assist
in the cost of establishing facilities for community health((,)) and
mental health((,)) and ((mental retardation)) facilities for persons
with intellectual disabilities, are authorized to apply for and
disburse federal grants, matching funds, or other funds, including
gifts or donations from any source, available for use by counties,
cities, other municipal corporations or nonprofit corporations. Upon
application, these agencies shall also be authorized to distribute such
state funds as may be appropriated by the legislature for such local
construction projects: PROVIDED, That where state funds have been
appropriated to assist in covering the cost of constructing a
comprehensive community health center, or a facility for community
health((,)) and mental health((,)) or ((mental retardation)) a facility
for persons with intellectual disabilities, and where any county, city,
other municipal corporation or nonprofit corporation has submitted an
approved application for such state funds, then, after any applicable
federal grant has been deducted from the total cost of construction,
the state agency or agencies in charge of each program may allocate to
such applicant an amount not to exceed fifty percent of that particular
program's contribution toward the balance of remaining construction
Sec. 17 RCW 70.41.020 and 2002 c 116 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following
terms, whenever used in this chapter, shall be deemed to have the
following meanings:
(1) "Department" means the Washington state department of health.
(2) "Emergency care to victims of sexual assault" means medical
examinations, procedures, and services provided by a hospital emergency
room to a victim of sexual assault following an alleged sexual assault.
(3) "Emergency contraception" means any health care treatment
approved by the food and drug administration that prevents pregnancy,
including but not limited to administering two increased doses of
certain oral contraceptive pills within seventy-two hours of sexual
(4) "Hospital" means any institution, place, building, or agency
which provides accommodations, facilities and services over a
continuous period of twenty-four hours or more, for observation,
diagnosis, or care, of two or more individuals not related to the
operator who are suffering from illness, injury, deformity, or
abnormality, or from any other condition for which obstetrical,
medical, or surgical services would be appropriate for care or
diagnosis. "Hospital" as used in this chapter does not include hotels,
or similar places furnishing only food and lodging, or simply
domiciliary care; nor does it include clinics, or physician's offices
where patients are not regularly kept as bed patients for twenty-four
hours or more; nor does it include nursing homes, as defined and which
come within the scope of chapter 18.51 RCW; nor does it include
centers, which come within the scope of chapter 18.46 RCW; nor
does it include psychiatric hospitals, which come within the scope of
chapter 71.12 RCW; nor any other hospital, or institution specifically
intended for use in the diagnosis and care of those suffering from
mental illness, ((mental retardation)) intellectual disability,
convulsive disorders, or other abnormal mental condition. Furthermore,
nothing in this chapter or the rules adopted pursuant thereto shall be
construed as authorizing the supervision, regulation, or control of the
remedial care or treatment of residents or patients in any hospital
conducted for those who rely primarily upon treatment by prayer or
spiritual means in accordance with the creed or tenets of any well
recognized church or religious denominations.
(5) "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation,
company, association, or joint stock association, and the legal
successor thereof.
(6) "Secretary" means the secretary of health.
(7) "Sexual assault" has the same meaning as in RCW 70.125.030.
(8) "Victim of sexual assault" means a person who alleges or is
alleged to have been sexually assaulted and who presents as a patient.
Sec. 18 RCW 70.83.020 and 1991 c 3 s 348 are each amended to read
as follows:
It shall be the duty of the department of health to require
screening tests of all newborn infants before they are discharged from
the hospital for the detection of phenylketonuria and other heritable
or metabolic disorders leading to ((mental retardation)) intellectual
disabilities or physical defects as defined by the state board of
health: PROVIDED, That no such tests shall be given to any newborn
infant whose parents or guardian object thereto on the grounds that
such tests conflict with their religious tenets and practices.
Sec. 19 RCW 70.83.040 and 2007 c 259 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
When notified of positive screening tests, the state department of
health shall offer the use of its services and facilities, designed to
prevent ((mental retardation)) intellectual disabilities or physical
defects in such children, to the attending physician, or the parents of
the newborn child if no attending physician can be identified.
The services and facilities of the department, and other state and
local agencies cooperating with the department in carrying out programs
of detection and prevention of ((mental retardation)) intellectual
disabilities and physical defects shall be made available to the family
and physician to the extent required in order to carry out the intent
of this chapter and within the availability of funds.
Sec. 20 RCW 71.34.020 and 2006 c 93 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in
this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Child psychiatrist" means a person having a license as a
physician and surgeon in this state, who has had graduate training in
child psychiatry in a program approved by the American Medical
Association or the American Osteopathic Association, and who is board
eligible or board certified in child psychiatry.
(2) "Children's mental health specialist" means:
(a) A mental health professional who has completed a minimum of one
hundred actual hours, not quarter or semester hours, of specialized
training devoted to the study of child development and the treatment of
children; and
(b) A mental health professional who has the equivalent of one year
of full-time experience in the treatment of children under the
supervision of a children's mental health specialist.
(3) "Commitment" means a determination by a judge or court
commissioner, made after a commitment hearing, that the minor is in
need of inpatient diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment or that the minor
is in need of less restrictive alternative treatment.
(4) "Department" means the department of social and health
(5) "Designated mental health professional" means a mental health
professional designated by one or more counties to perform the
functions of a designated mental health professional described in this
(((5) "Department" means the department of social and health
(6) "Evaluation and treatment facility" means a public or private
facility or unit that is certified by the department to provide
emergency, inpatient, residential, or outpatient mental health
evaluation and treatment services for minors. A physically separate
and separately-operated portion of a state hospital may be designated
as an evaluation and treatment facility for minors. A facility which
is part of or operated by the department or federal agency does not
require certification. No correctional institution or facility,
juvenile court detention facility, or jail may be an evaluation and
treatment facility within the meaning of this chapter.
(7) "Evaluation and treatment program" means the total system of
services and facilities coordinated and approved by a county or
combination of counties for the evaluation and treatment of minors
under this chapter.
(8) "Gravely disabled minor" means a minor who, as a result of a
mental disorder, is in danger of serious physical harm resulting from
a failure to provide for his or her essential human needs of health or
safety, or manifests severe deterioration in routine functioning
evidenced by repeated and escalating loss of cognitive or volitional
control over his or her actions and is not receiving such care as is
essential for his or her health or safety.
(9) "Inpatient treatment" means twenty-four-hour-per-day mental
health care provided within a general hospital, psychiatric hospital,
or residential treatment facility certified by the department as an
evaluation and treatment facility for minors.
(10) "Less restrictive alternative" or "less restrictive setting"
means outpatient treatment provided to a minor who is not residing in
a facility providing inpatient treatment as defined in this chapter.
(11) "Likelihood of serious harm" means either: (a) A substantial
risk that physical harm will be inflicted by an individual upon his or
her own person, as evidenced by threats or attempts to commit suicide
or inflict physical harm on oneself; (b) a substantial risk that
physical harm will be inflicted by an individual upon another, as
evidenced by behavior which has caused such harm or which places
another person or persons in reasonable fear of sustaining such harm;
or (c) a substantial risk that physical harm will be inflicted by an
individual upon the property of others, as evidenced by behavior which
has caused substantial loss or damage to the property of others.
(12) "Medical necessity" for inpatient care means a requested
service which is reasonably calculated to: (a) Diagnose, correct,
cure, or alleviate a mental disorder; or (b) prevent the worsening of
mental conditions that endanger life or cause suffering and pain, or
result in illness or infirmity or threaten to cause or aggravate a
handicap, or cause physical deformity or malfunction, and there is no
adequate less restrictive alternative available.
(13) "Mental disorder" means any organic, mental, or emotional
impairment that has substantial adverse effects on an individual's
cognitive or volitional functions. The presence of alcohol abuse, drug
abuse, juvenile criminal history, antisocial behavior, or ((mental
retardation)) intellectual disabilities alone is insufficient to
justify a finding of "mental disorder" within the meaning of this
(14) "Mental health professional" means a psychiatrist,
psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or social worker, and such other
mental health professionals as may be defined by rules adopted by the
secretary under this chapter.
(15) "Minor" means any person under the age of eighteen years.
(16) "Outpatient treatment" means any of the nonresidential
services mandated under chapter 71.24 RCW and provided by licensed
services providers as identified by RCW 71.24.025.
(17) "Parent" means:
(a) A biological or adoptive parent who has legal custody of the
child, including either parent if custody is shared under a joint
custody agreement; or
(b) A person or agency judicially appointed as legal guardian or
custodian of the child.
(18) "Professional person in charge" or "professional person" means
a physician or other mental health professional empowered by an
evaluation and treatment facility with authority to make admission and
discharge decisions on behalf of that facility.
(19) "Psychiatric nurse" means a registered nurse who has a
bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, and who has
had, in addition, at least two years' experience in the direct
treatment of ((mentally ill or emotionally disturbed)) persons who have
a mental illness or who are emotionally disturbed, such experience
gained under the supervision of a mental health professional.
"Psychiatric nurse" shall also mean any other registered nurse who has
three years of such experience.
(20) "Psychiatrist" means a person having a license as a physician
in this state who has completed residency training in psychiatry in a
program approved by the American Medical Association or the American
Osteopathic Association, and is board eligible or board certified in
(21) "Psychologist" means a person licensed as a psychologist under
chapter 18.83 RCW.
(22) "Responsible other" means the minor, the minor's parent or
estate, or any other person legally responsible for support of the
(23) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department or
secretary's designee.
(24) "Start of initial detention" means the time of arrival of the
minor at the first evaluation and treatment facility offering inpatient
treatment if the minor is being involuntarily detained at the time.
With regard to voluntary patients, "start of initial detention" means
the time at which the minor gives notice of intent to leave under the
provisions of this chapter.
Sec. 21 RCW 71A.10.020 and 1998 c 216 s 2 are each amended to
read as follows:
As used in this title, the following terms have the meanings
indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Community residential support services," or "community support
services," and "in-home services" means one or more of the services
listed in RCW 71A.12.040.
(2) "Department" means the department of social and health
(3) "Developmental disability" means a disability attributable to
((mental retardation)) intellectual disability, cerebral palsy,
epilepsy, autism, or another neurological or other condition of an
individual found by the secretary to be closely related to ((mental
retardation)) an intellectual disability or to require treatment
similar to that required for individuals with ((mental retardation))
intellectual disabilities, which disability originates before the
individual attains age eighteen, which has continued or can be expected
to continue indefinitely, and which constitutes a substantial
((handicap)) limitation to the individual. By January 1, 1989, the
department shall promulgate rules which define neurological or other
conditions in a way that is not limited to intelligence quotient scores
as the sole determinant of these conditions, and notify the legislature
of this action.
(4) "Eligible person" means a person who has been found by the
secretary under RCW 71A.16.040 to be eligible for services.
(5) "Habilitative services" means those services provided by
program personnel to assist persons in acquiring and maintaining life
skills and to raise their levels of physical, mental, social, and
vocational functioning. Habilitative services include education,
training for employment, and therapy.
(6) "Legal representative" means a parent of a person who is under
eighteen years of age, a person's legal guardian, a person's limited
guardian when the subject matter is within the scope of the limited
guardianship, a person's attorney-at-law, a person's attorney-in-fact,
or any other person who is authorized by law to act for another person.
(7) "Notice" or "notification" of an action of the secretary means
notice in compliance with RCW 71A.10.060.
(8) "Residential habilitation center" means a state-operated
facility for persons with developmental disabilities governed by
chapter 71A.20 RCW.
(9) "Secretary" means the secretary of social and health services
or the secretary's designee.
(10) "Service" or "services" means services provided by state or
local government to carry out this title.
(11) "Vacancy" means an opening at a residential habilitation
center, which when filled, would not require the center to exceed its
((biannually [biennially])) biennially budgeted capacity.
Sec. 22 RCW 74.09.035 and 1987 c 406 s 12 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) To the extent of available funds, medical care services may be
provided to recipients of general assistance, and recipients of alcohol
and drug addiction services provided under chapter 74.50 RCW, in
accordance with medical eligibility requirements established by the
(2) Determination of the amount, scope, and duration of medical
care services shall be limited to coverage as defined by the
department, except that adult dental, and routine foot care shall not
be included unless there is a specific appropriation for these
(3) The department shall establish standards of assistance and
resource and income exemptions, which may include deductibles and co-insurance provisions. In addition, the department may include a
prohibition against the voluntary assignment of property or cash for
the purpose of qualifying for assistance.
(4) Residents of skilled nursing homes, intermediate care
facilities, and intermediate care facilities for ((the mentally
retarded)) persons with intellectual disabilities who are eligible for
medical care services shall be provided medical services to the same
extent as provided to those persons eligible under the medical
assistance program.
(5) Payments made by the department under this program shall be the
limit of expenditures for medical care services solely from state
(6) Eligibility for medical care services shall commence with the
date of certification for general assistance or the date of eligibility
for alcohol and drug addiction services provided under chapter 74.50
Sec. 23 RCW 74.09.120 and 1998 c 322 s 45 are each amended to
read as follows:
The department shall purchase necessary physician and dentist
services by contract or "fee for service." The department shall
purchase nursing home care by contract and payment for the care shall
be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 74.46 RCW and rules
adopted by the department under the authority of RCW 74.46.800. No
payment shall be made to a nursing home which does not permit
inspection by the department of social and health services of every
part of its premises and an examination of all records, including
financial records, methods of administration, general and special
dietary programs, the disbursement of drugs and methods of supply, and
any other records the department deems relevant to the regulation of
nursing home operations, enforcement of standards for resident care,
and payment for nursing home services.
The department may purchase nursing home care by contract in
veterans' homes operated by the state department of veterans affairs
and payment for the care shall be in accordance with the provisions of
chapter 74.46 RCW and rules adopted by the department under the
authority of RCW 74.46.800.
The department may purchase care in institutions for ((the mentally
retarded)) persons with intellectual disabilities, also known as
intermediate care facilities for ((the mentally retarded)) persons with
intellectual disabilities. The department shall establish rules for
reasonable accounting and reimbursement systems for such care.
Institutions for ((the mentally retarded)) persons with intellectual
disabilities include licensed nursing homes, public institutions,
licensed boarding homes with fifteen beds or less, and hospital
facilities certified as intermediate care facilities for ((the mentally
retarded)) persons with intellectual disabilities under the federal
medicaid program to provide health, habilitative, or rehabilitative
services and twenty-four hour supervision for ((mentally retarded
individuals or persons with)) persons with intellectual disabilities or
related conditions and includes in the program "active treatment" as
federally defined.
The department may purchase care in institutions for mental
diseases by contract. The department shall establish rules for
reasonable accounting and reimbursement systems for such care.
Institutions for mental diseases are certified under the federal
medicaid program and primarily engaged in providing diagnosis,
treatment, or care to persons with mental diseases, including medical
attention, nursing care, and related services.
The department may purchase all other services provided under this
chapter by contract or at rates established by the department.
Sec. 24 RCW 74.09.510 and 2007 c 315 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
Medical assistance may be provided in accordance with eligibility
requirements established by the department, as defined in the social
security Title XIX state plan for mandatory categorically needy persons
(1) Individuals who would be eligible for cash assistance except
for their institutional status;
(2) Individuals who are under twenty-one years of age, who would be
eligible for medicaid, but do not qualify as dependent children and who
are in (a) foster care, (b) subsidized adoption, (c) a nursing facility
or an intermediate care facility for persons ((who are mentally
retarded)) with intellectual disabilities, or (d) inpatient psychiatric
(3) Individuals who:
(a) Are under twenty-one years of age;
(b) On or after July 22, 2007, were in foster care under the legal
responsibility of the department or a federally recognized tribe
located within the state; and
(c) On their eighteenth birthday, were in foster care under the
legal responsibility of the department or a federally recognized tribe
located within the state;
(4) Persons who are aged, blind, or disabled who: (a) Receive only
a state supplement, or (b) would not be eligible for cash assistance if
they were not institutionalized;
(5) Categorically eligible individuals who meet the income and
resource requirements of the cash assistance programs;
(6) Individuals who are enrolled in managed health care systems,
who have otherwise lost eligibility for medical assistance, but who
have not completed a current six-month enrollment in a managed health
care system, and who are eligible for federal financial participation
under Title XIX of the social security act;
(7) Children and pregnant women allowed by federal statute for whom
funding is appropriated;
(8) Working individuals with disabilities authorized under section
1902(a)(10)(A)(ii) of the social security act for whom funding is
(9) Other individuals eligible for medical services under RCW
74.09.035 and 74.09.700 for whom federal financial participation is
available under Title XIX of the social security act;
(10) Persons allowed by section 1931 of the social security act for
whom funding is appropriated; and
(11) Women who: (a) Are under sixty-five years of age; (b) have
been screened for breast and cervical cancer under the national breast
and cervical cancer early detection program administered by the
department of health or tribal entity and have been identified as
needing treatment for breast or cervical cancer; and (c) are not
otherwise covered by health insurance. Medical assistance provided
under this subsection is limited to the period during which the woman
requires treatment for breast or cervical cancer, and is subject to any
conditions or limitations specified in the omnibus appropriations act.
Sec. 25 RCW 74.09.700 and 2001 c 269 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) To the extent of available funds and subject to any conditions
placed on appropriations made for this purpose, medical care may be
provided under the limited casualty program to persons not otherwise
eligible for medical assistance or medical care services who are
medically needy as defined in the social security Title XIX state plan
and medical indigents in accordance with eligibility requirements
established by the department. The eligibility requirements may
include minimum levels of incurred medical expenses. This includes
residents of nursing facilities, residents of intermediate care
facilities for ((the mentally retarded)) persons with intellectual
disabilities, and individuals who are otherwise eligible for section
1915(c) of the federal social security act home and community-based
waiver services, administered by the department of social and health
services aging and adult services administration, who are aged, blind,
or disabled as defined in Title XVI of the federal social security act
and whose income exceeds three hundred percent of the federal
supplement security income benefit level.
(2) Determination of the amount, scope, and duration of medical
coverage under the limited casualty program shall be the responsibility
of the department, subject to the following:
(a) Only the following services may be covered:
(i) For persons who are medically needy as defined in the social
security Title XIX state plan: Inpatient and outpatient hospital
services, and home and community-based waiver services;
(ii) For persons who are medically needy as defined in the social
security Title XIX state plan, and for persons who are medical
indigents under the eligibility requirements established by the
department: Rural health clinic services; physicians' and clinic
services; prescribed drugs, dentures, prosthetic devices, and
eyeglasses; nursing facility services; and intermediate care facility
services for ((the mentally retarded)) persons with intellectual
disabilities; home health services; hospice services; other laboratory
and X-ray services; rehabilitative services, including occupational
therapy; medically necessary transportation; and other services for
which funds are specifically provided in the omnibus appropriations
(b) Medical care services provided to the medically indigent and
received no more than seven days prior to the date of application shall
be retroactively certified and approved for payment on behalf of a
person who was otherwise eligible at the time the medical services were
furnished: PROVIDED, That eligible persons who fail to apply within
the seven-day time period for medical reasons or other good cause may
be retroactively certified and approved for payment.
(3) The department shall establish standards of assistance and
resource and income exemptions. All nonexempt income and resources of
limited casualty program recipients shall be applied against the cost
of their medical care services.
Sec. 26 RCW 74.29.010 and 1993 c 213 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) "Individual with disabilities" means an individual:
(a) Who has a physical, mental, or sensory disability, which
requires vocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, enter into,
engage in, retain, or engage in and retain gainful employment
consistent with his or her capacities and abilities; or
(b) Who has a physical, mental, or sensory impairment whose ability
to function independently in the family or community or whose ability
to obtain, maintain, or advance in employment is substantially limited
and for whom the delivery of vocational rehabilitation or independent
living services will improve the ability to function, continue
functioning, or move towards functioning independently in the family or
community or to continue in employment.
(2) "Individual with severe disabilities" means an individual with
(a) Who has a physical, mental, or sensory impairment that
seriously limits one or more functional capacities, such as mobility,
communication, self-care, self-direction, interpersonal skills, work
tolerance, or work skills, in terms of employment outcome, and/
(b) Whose rehabilitation can be expected to require multiple
rehabilitation services over an extended period of time; and
(c) Who has one or more physical, mental, or sensory disabilities
resulting from amputation, arthritis, autism, blindness, burn injury,
cancer, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, deafness, head injury, heart
disease, hemiplegia, hemophilia, respiratory or pulmonary dysfunction,
((mental retardation)) intellectual disability, mental illness,
multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, musculoskeletal disorders,
neurological disorders (including stroke and epilepsy), paraplegia,
quadriplegia, other spinal cord conditions, sickle cell anemia,
specific learning disability, end-stage renal disease, or another
disability or combination of disabilities determined on the basis of an
assessment for determining eligibility and rehabilitation needs to
cause comparable substantial functional limitation.
(3) "Physical, mental, or sensory disability" means a physical,
mental, or sensory condition which materially limits, contributes to
limiting or, if not corrected or accommodated, will probably result in
limiting an individual's activities or functioning.
(4) "Rehabilitation services" means goods or services provided to:
(a) Determine eligibility and rehabilitation needs of individuals with
disabilities, and/
(5) "Independence" means a reasonable degree of restoration from
dependency upon others to self-direction and greater control over
circumstances of one's life for personal needs and care and includes
but is not limited to the ability to live in one's home.
(6) "Job support services" means ongoing goods and services
provided after vocational rehabilitation, subject to available funds,
that support an individual with severe disabilities in employment.
services include, but are not limited to, extraordinary
supervision or job coaching.
(7) "State agency" means the department of social and health
Sec. 27 RCW 74.42.010 and 1994 sp.s. c 9 s 750 are each amended
to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in
this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Department" means the department of social and health services
and the department's employees.
(2) "Facility" refers to a nursing home as defined in RCW
(3) "Licensed practical nurse" means a person licensed to practice
practical nursing under chapter 18.79 RCW.
(4) "Medicaid" means Title XIX of the Social Security Act enacted
by the social security amendments of 1965 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396; 79
Stat. 343), as amended.
(5) "Nursing care" means that care provided by a registered nurse,
an advanced registered nurse practitioner, a licensed practical nurse,
or a nursing assistant in the regular performance of their duties.
(6) "Qualified therapist" means:
(a) An activities specialist who has specialized education,
training, or experience specified by the department.
(b) An audiologist who is eligible for a certificate of clinical
competence in audiology or who has the equivalent education and
clinical experience.
(c) A mental health professional as defined in chapter 71.05 RCW.
(d) ((A mental retardation)) An intellectual disabilities
professional who is a qualified therapist or a therapist approved by
the department and has specialized training or one year experience in
treating or working with ((the mentally retarded or developmentally
disabled)) persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
(e) An occupational therapist who is a graduate of a program in
occupational therapy or who has equivalent education or training.
(f) A physical therapist as defined in chapter 18.74 RCW.
(g) A social worker who is a graduate of a school of social work.
(h) A speech pathologist who is eligible for a certificate of
clinical competence in speech pathology or who has equivalent education
and clinical experience.
(7) "Registered nurse" means a person licensed to practice
registered nursing under chapter 18.79 RCW.
(8) "Resident" means an individual residing in a nursing home, as
defined in RCW 18.51.010.
(9) "Physician assistant" means a person practicing pursuant to
chapters 18.57A and 18.71A RCW.
(10) "Nurse practitioner" means a person licensed to practice
advanced registered nursing under chapter 18.79 RCW.
Sec. 28 RCW 74.42.490 and 1980 c 184 s 13 are each amended to
read as follows:
Each resident's room shall:
(1) Be equipped with or conveniently located near toilet and
bathing facilities;
(2) Be at or above grade level;
(3) Contain a suitable bed for each resident and other appropriate
(4) Have closet space that provides security and privacy for
clothing and personal belongings;
(5) Contain no more than four beds;
(6) Have adequate space for each resident; and
(7) Be equipped with a device for calling the staff member on duty.
The department may waive the space, occupancy, and certain
equipment requirements of this section for an existing building
constructed prior to January 1, 1980, or space and certain equipment
for new intermediate care facilities for ((the mentally retarded))
persons with intellectual disabilities for as long as the department
considers appropriate if the department finds that the requirements
would result in unreasonable hardship on the facility, the waiver
serves the particular needs of the residents, and the waiver does not
adversely affect the health and safety of the residents.
Sec. 29 RCW 74.46.020 and 2007 c 508 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in
this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Accrual method of accounting" means a method of accounting in
which revenues are reported in the period when they are earned,
regardless of when they are collected, and expenses are reported in the
period in which they are incurred, regardless of when they are paid.
(2) "Appraisal" means the process of estimating the fair market
value or reconstructing the historical cost of an asset acquired in a
past period as performed by a professionally designated real estate
appraiser with no pecuniary interest in the property to be appraised.
It includes a systematic, analytic determination and the recording and
analyzing of property facts, rights, investments, and values based on
a personal inspection and inventory of the property.
(3) "Arm's-length transaction" means a transaction resulting from
good-faith bargaining between a buyer and seller who are not related
organizations and have adverse positions in the market place. Sales or
exchanges of nursing home facilities among two or more parties in which
all parties subsequently continue to own one or more of the facilities
involved in the transactions shall not be considered as arm's-length
transactions for purposes of this chapter. Sale of a nursing home
facility which is subsequently leased back to the seller within five
years of the date of sale shall not be considered as an arm's-length
transaction for purposes of this chapter.
(4) "Assets" means economic resources of the contractor, recognized
and measured in conformity with generally accepted accounting
(5) "Audit" or "department audit" means an examination of the
records of a nursing facility participating in the medicaid payment
system, including but not limited to: The contractor's financial and
statistical records, cost reports and all supporting documentation and
schedules, receivables, and resident trust funds, to be performed as
deemed necessary by the department and according to department rule.
(6) "Bad debts" means amounts considered to be uncollectible from
accounts and notes receivable.
(7) "Beneficial owner" means:
(a) Any person who, directly or indirectly, through any contract,
arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise has or shares:
(i) Voting power which includes the power to vote, or to direct the
voting of such ownership interest; and/or
(ii) Investment power which includes the power to dispose, or to
direct the disposition of such ownership interest;
(b) Any person who, directly or indirectly, creates or uses a
trust, proxy, power of attorney, pooling arrangement, or any other
contract, arrangement, or device with the purpose or effect of
divesting himself or herself of beneficial ownership of an ownership
interest or preventing the vesting of such beneficial ownership as part
of a plan or scheme to evade the reporting requirements of this
(c) Any person who, subject to (b) of this subsection, has the
right to acquire beneficial ownership of such ownership interest within
sixty days, including but not limited to any right to acquire:
(i) Through the exercise of any option, warrant, or right;
(ii) Through the conversion of an ownership interest;
(iii) Pursuant to the power to revoke a trust, discretionary
account, or similar arrangement; or
(iv) Pursuant to the automatic termination of a trust,
discretionary account, or similar arrangement;
except that, any person who acquires an ownership interest or power
specified in (c)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this subsection with the purpose
or effect of changing or influencing the control of the contractor, or
in connection with or as a participant in any transaction having such
purpose or effect, immediately upon such acquisition shall be deemed to
be the beneficial owner of the ownership interest which may be acquired
through the exercise or conversion of such ownership interest or power;
(d) Any person who in the ordinary course of business is a pledgee
of ownership interest under a written pledge agreement shall not be
deemed to be the beneficial owner of such pledged ownership interest
until the pledgee has taken all formal steps necessary which are
required to declare a default and determines that the power to vote or
to direct the vote or to dispose or to direct the disposition of such
pledged ownership interest will be exercised; except that:
(i) The pledgee agreement is bona fide and was not entered into
with the purpose nor with the effect of changing or influencing the
control of the contractor, nor in connection with any transaction
having such purpose or effect, including persons meeting the conditions
set forth in (b) of this subsection; and
(ii) The pledgee agreement, prior to default, does not grant to the
(A) The power to vote or to direct the vote of the pledged
ownership interest; or
(B) The power to dispose or direct the disposition of the pledged
ownership interest, other than the grant of such power(s) pursuant to
a pledge agreement under which credit is extended and in which the
pledgee is a broker or dealer.
(8) "Capitalization" means the recording of an expenditure as an
(9) "Case mix" means a measure of the intensity of care and
services needed by the residents of a nursing facility or a group of
residents in the facility.
(10) "Case mix index" means a number representing the average case
mix of a nursing facility.
(11) "Case mix weight" means a numeric score that identifies the
relative resources used by a particular group of a nursing facility's
(12) "Certificate of capital authorization" means a certification
from the department for an allocation from the biennial capital
financing authorization for all new or replacement building
construction, or for major renovation projects, receiving a certificate
of need or a certificate of need exemption under chapter 70.38 RCW
after July 1, 2001.
(13) "Contractor" means a person or entity licensed under chapter
18.51 RCW to operate a medicare and medicaid certified nursing
facility, responsible for operational decisions, and contracting with
the department to provide services to medicaid recipients residing in
the facility.
(14) "Default case" means no initial assessment has been completed
for a resident and transmitted to the department by the cut-off date,
or an assessment is otherwise past due for the resident, under state
and federal requirements.
(15) "Department" means the department of social and health
services (DSHS) and its employees.
(16) "Depreciation" means the systematic distribution of the cost
or other basis of tangible assets, less salvage, over the estimated
useful life of the assets.
(17) "Direct care" means nursing care and related care provided to
nursing facility residents. Therapy care shall not be considered part
of direct care.
(18) "Direct care supplies" means medical, pharmaceutical, and
other supplies required for the direct care of a nursing facility's
(19) "Entity" means an individual, partnership, corporation,
limited liability company, or any other association of individuals
capable of entering enforceable contracts.
(20) "Equity" means the net book value of all tangible and
intangible assets less the recorded value of all liabilities, as
recognized and measured in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles.
(21) "Essential community provider" means a facility which is the
only nursing facility within a commuting distance radius of at least
forty minutes duration, traveling by automobile.
(22) "Facility" or "nursing facility" means a nursing home licensed
in accordance with chapter 18.51 RCW, excepting nursing homes certified
as institutions for mental diseases, or that portion of a multiservice
facility licensed as a nursing home, or that portion of a hospital
licensed in accordance with chapter 70.41 RCW which operates as a
nursing home.
(23) "Fair market value" means the replacement cost of an asset
less observed physical depreciation on the date for which the market
value is being determined.
(24) "Financial statements" means statements prepared and presented
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles including,
but not limited to, balance sheet, statement of operations, statement
of changes in financial position, and related notes.
(25) "Generally accepted accounting principles" means accounting
principles approved by the financial accounting standards board (FASB).
(26) "Goodwill" means the excess of the price paid for a nursing
facility business over the fair market value of all net identifiable
tangible and intangible assets acquired, as measured in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles.
(27) "Grouper" means a computer software product that groups
individual nursing facility residents into case mix classification
groups based on specific resident assessment data and computer logic.
(28) "High labor-cost county" means an urban county in which the
median allowable facility cost per case mix unit is more than ten
percent higher than the median allowable facility cost per case mix
unit among all other urban counties, excluding that county.
(29) "Historical cost" means the actual cost incurred in acquiring
and preparing an asset for use, including feasibility studies,
architect's fees, and engineering studies.
(30) "Home and central office costs" means costs that are incurred
in the support and operation of a home and central office. Home and
central office costs include centralized services that are performed in
support of a nursing facility. The department may exclude from this
definition costs that are nonduplicative, documented, ordinary,
necessary, and related to the provision of care services to authorized
(31) "Imprest fund" means a fund which is regularly replenished in
exactly the amount expended from it.
(32) "Joint facility costs" means any costs which represent
resources which benefit more than one facility, or one facility and any
other entity.
(33) "Lease agreement" means a contract between two parties for the
possession and use of real or personal property or assets for a
specified period of time in exchange for specified periodic payments.
Elimination (due to any cause other than death or divorce) or addition
of any party to the contract, expiration, or modification of any lease
term in effect on January 1, 1980, or termination of the lease by
either party by any means shall constitute a termination of the lease
agreement. An extension or renewal of a lease agreement, whether or
not pursuant to a renewal provision in the lease agreement, shall be
considered a new lease agreement. A strictly formal change in the
lease agreement which modifies the method, frequency, or manner in
which the lease payments are made, but does not increase the total
lease payment obligation of the lessee, shall not be considered
modification of a lease term.
(34) "Medical care program" or "medicaid program" means medical
assistance, including nursing care, provided under RCW 74.09.500 or
authorized state medical care services.
(35) "Medical care recipient," "medicaid recipient," or "recipient"
means an individual determined eligible by the department for the
services provided under chapter 74.09 RCW.
(36) "Minimum data set" means the overall data component of the
resident assessment instrument, indicating the strengths, needs, and
preferences of an individual nursing facility resident.
(37) "Net book value" means the historical cost of an asset less
accumulated depreciation.
(38) "Net invested funds" means the net book value of tangible
fixed assets employed by a contractor to provide services under the
medical care program, including land, buildings, and equipment as
recognized and measured in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles.
(39) "Nonurban county" means a county which is not located in a
metropolitan statistical area as determined and defined by the United
States office of management and budget or other appropriate agency or
office of the federal government.
(40) "Operating lease" means a lease under which rental or lease
expenses are included in current expenses in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles.
(41) "Owner" means a sole proprietor, general or limited partners,
members of a limited liability company, and beneficial interest holders
of five percent or more of a corporation's outstanding stock.
(42) "Ownership interest" means all interests beneficially owned by
a person, calculated in the aggregate, regardless of the form which
such beneficial ownership takes.
(43) "Patient day" or "resident day" means a calendar day of care
provided to a nursing facility resident, regardless of payment source,
which will include the day of admission and exclude the day of
discharge; except that, when admission and discharge occur on the same
day, one day of care shall be deemed to exist. A "medicaid day" or
"recipient day" means a calendar day of care provided to a medicaid
recipient determined eligible by the department for services provided
under chapter 74.09 RCW, subject to the same conditions regarding
admission and discharge applicable to a patient day or resident day of
(44) "Professionally designated real estate appraiser" means an
individual who is regularly engaged in the business of providing real
estate valuation services for a fee, and who is deemed qualified by a
nationally recognized real estate appraisal educational organization on
the basis of extensive practical appraisal experience, including the
writing of real estate valuation reports as well as the passing of
written examinations on valuation practice and theory, and who by
virtue of membership in such organization is required to subscribe and
adhere to certain standards of professional practice as such
organization prescribes.
(45) "Qualified therapist" means:
(a) A mental health professional as defined by chapter 71.05 RCW;
(b) ((A mental retardation)) An intellectual disabilities
professional who is a therapist approved by the department who has had
specialized training or one year's experience in treating or working
with ((the mentally retarded or developmentally disabled)) persons with
intellectual or developmental disabilities;
(c) A speech pathologist who is eligible for a certificate of
clinical competence in speech pathology or who has the equivalent
education and clinical experience;
(d) A physical therapist as defined by chapter 18.74 RCW;
(e) An occupational therapist who is a graduate of a program in
occupational therapy, or who has the equivalent of such education or
training; and
(f) A respiratory care practitioner certified under chapter 18.89
(46) "Rate" or "rate allocation" means the medicaid per-patient-day
payment amount for medicaid patients calculated in accordance with the
allocation methodology set forth in part E of this chapter.
(47) "Real property," whether leased or owned by the contractor,
means the building, allowable land, land improvements, and building
improvements associated with a nursing facility.
(48) "Rebased rate" or "cost-rebased rate" means a facility-specific component rate assigned to a nursing facility for a particular
rate period established on desk-reviewed, adjusted costs reported for
that facility covering at least six months of a prior calendar year
designated as a year to be used for cost-rebasing payment rate
allocations under the provisions of this chapter.
(49) "Records" means those data supporting all financial statements
and cost reports including, but not limited to, all general and
subsidiary ledgers, books of original entry, and transaction
documentation, however such data are maintained.
(50) "Related organization" means an entity which is under common
ownership and/or control with, or has control of, or is controlled by,
the contractor.
(a) "Common ownership" exists when an entity is the beneficial
owner of five percent or more ownership interest in the contractor and
any other entity.
(b) "Control" exists where an entity has the power, directly or
indirectly, significantly to influence or direct the actions or
policies of an organization or institution, whether or not it is
legally enforceable and however it is exercisable or exercised.
(51) "Related care" means only those services that are directly
related to providing direct care to nursing facility residents. These
services include, but are not limited to, nursing direction and
supervision, medical direction, medical records, pharmacy services,
activities, and social services.
(52) "Resident assessment instrument," including federally approved
modifications for use in this state, means a federally mandated,
comprehensive nursing facility resident care planning and assessment
tool, consisting of the minimum data set and resident assessment
(53) "Resident assessment protocols" means those components of the
resident assessment instrument that use the minimum data set to trigger
or flag a resident's potential problems and risk areas.
(54) "Resource utilization groups" means a case mix classification
system that identifies relative resources needed to care for an
individual nursing facility resident.
(55) "Restricted fund" means those funds the principal and/or
income of which is limited by agreement with or direction of the donor
to a specific purpose.
(56) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social
and health services.
(57) "Support services" means food, food preparation, dietary,
housekeeping, and laundry services provided to nursing facility
(58) "Therapy care" means those services required by a nursing
facility resident's comprehensive assessment and plan of care, that are
provided by qualified therapists, or support personnel under their
supervision, including related costs as designated by the department.
(59) "Title XIX" or "medicaid" means the 1965 amendments to the
social security act, P.L. 89-07, as amended and the medicaid program
administered by the department.
(60) "Urban county" means a county which is located in a
metropolitan statistical area as determined and defined by the United
States office of management and budget or other appropriate agency or
office of the federal government.
(61) "Vital local provider" means a facility that meets the
following qualifications:
(a) It reports a home office with an address located in Washington
state; and
(b) The sum of medicaid days for all Washington facilities
reporting that home office as their home office was greater than two
hundred fifteen thousand in 2003; and
(c) The facility was recognized as a "vital local provider" by the
department as of April 1, 2007.
The definition of "vital local provider" shall expire, and have no
force or effect, after June 30, 2007. After that date, no facility's
payments under this chapter shall in any way be affected by its prior
determination or recognition as a vital local provider.
Sec. 30 RCW 82.65A.020 and 1992 c 80 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in
this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Gross income" means all income from whatever source derived,
including but not limited to gross income of the business as defined in
RCW 82.04.080 and moneys received from state appropriations.
(2) "Intermediate care facility for ((the mentally retarded))
persons with intellectual disabilities" means an intermediate care
facility for the mentally retarded, as described by federal law, that
is certified by the department of social and health services and the
federal department of health and human services to provide residential
care under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396d(d).
Sec. 31 RCW 82.65A.030 and
1993 c 276 s 1 are each amended to
read as follows:
In addition to any other tax, a tax is imposed on every
intermediate care facility for ((the mentally retarded)) persons with
developmental disabilities for the act or privilege of engaging in
business within this state. The tax is equal to the gross income
attributable to services for the ((mentally retarded)) persons with
developmental disabilities, multiplied by the rate of six percent.
Sec. 32 RCW 72.29.010 and 1977 ex.s. c 80 s 52 are each amended
to read as follows:
After the acquisition of Harrison Memorial Hospital, the department
of social and health services is authorized to enter into contracts for
the repair or remodeling of the hospital to the extent they are
necessary and reasonable, in order to establish a multi-use facility
for ((the mentally or physically handicapped or the mentally ill))
persons with mental or physical disabilities or mental illness. The
secretary of the department of social and health services is authorized
to determine the most feasible and desirable use of the facility and to
operate the facility in the manner he or she deems most beneficial to
((the mentally and physically handicapped, or the mentally ill))
persons with mental or physical disabilities or mental illness, and is
authorized, but not limited to programs for out-patient, diagnostic and
referral, day care, vocational and educational services to the
community which he or she determines are in the best interest of the
Sec. 33 1965 c 11 s 1 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
The state facilities to provide community services to ((the
mentally and physically deficient and the mentally ill)) persons with
mental or physical disabilities or mental illness are inadequate to
meet the present demand. Great savings to the taxpayers can be
achieved while helping to meet these worthwhile needs. It is therefore
the purpose of this act to provide for acquisition or lease of Harrison
Memorial Hospital property and facilities and the operation thereof as
a multi-use facility for ((the mentally and physically deficient and
mentally ill)) persons with mental or physical disabilities or
mental illness.