Passed by the House April 20, 2009 Yeas 77 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 23, 2009 Yeas 28 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2343 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 18, 2009, 3:48 p.m. CHRISTINE GREGOIRE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 20, 2009 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 61st Legislature | 2009 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to achieving savings in education programs by revising provisions relating to diagnostic assessments, classified staff training, conditional scholarships, certain professional development programs, coordination for career and technical student organizations, and national board certification bonuses; amending RCW 28A.655.200, 28A.415.315, 28A.660.050, 28A.415.350, 28A.415.250, and 28A.405.415; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
Sec. 1 RCW 28A.655.200 and 2007 c 354 s 8 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The legislature intends to permit school districts to offer
norm-referenced assessments, make diagnostic tools available to school
districts, and provide funding for diagnostic assessments to enhance
student learning at all grade levels and provide early intervention
before the high school Washington assessment of student learning.
(2) In addition to the diagnostic assessments provided under this
section, school districts may, at their own expense, administer norm-referenced assessments to students.
(3) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this
purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
post on its web site for voluntary use by school districts, a guide of
diagnostic assessments. The assessments in the guide, to the extent
possible, shall include the characteristics listed in subsection (4) of
this section.
(4) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this
purpose, beginning September 1, 2007, the office of the superintendent
of public instruction shall make diagnostic assessments in reading,
writing, mathematics, and science in elementary, middle, and high
school grades available to school districts. Subject to funds
appropriated for this purpose, the office of the superintendent of
public instruction shall also provide funding to school districts for
administration of diagnostic assessments to help improve student
learning, identify academic weaknesses, enhance student planning and
guidance, and develop targeted instructional strategies to assist
students before the high school Washington assessment of student
learning. To the greatest extent possible, the assessments shall be:
(a) Aligned to the state's grade level expectations;
(b) Individualized to each student's performance level;
(c) Administered efficiently to provide results either immediately
or within two weeks;
(d) Capable of measuring individual student growth over time and
allowing student progress to be compared to other students across the
(e) Readily available to parents; and
(f) Cost-effective.
(5) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
offer training at statewide and regional staff development activities
(a) The interpretation of diagnostic assessments; and
(b) Application of instructional strategies that will increase
student learning based on diagnostic assessment data.
Sec. 2 RCW 28A.415.315 and 2008 c 65 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this
purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, in
consultation with various groups representing school district
classified employees, shall develop and offer a training strand through
the summer institutes and the winter conference targeted to classified
instructional assistants and designed to help them maximize their
effectiveness in improving student achievement.
Sec. 3 RCW 28A.660.050 and 2007 c 396 s 8 are each amended to
read as follows:
Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for these
purposes, the conditional scholarship programs in this chapter are
created under the following guidelines:
(1) The programs shall be administered by the higher education
coordinating board. In administering the programs, the higher
education coordinating board has the following powers and duties:
(a) To adopt necessary rules and develop guidelines to administer
the programs;
(b) To collect and manage repayments from participants who do not
meet their service obligations; and
(c) To accept grants and donations from public and private sources
for the programs.
(2) Requirements for participation in the conditional scholarship
programs are as provided in this subsection (2).
(a) The alternative route conditional scholarship program is
limited to interns of the partnership grant programs under RCW
28A.660.040. In order to receive conditional scholarship awards,
recipients shall:
(i) Be accepted and maintain enrollment in alternative
certification routes through the partnership grant program;
(ii) Continue to make satisfactory progress toward completion of
the alternative route certification program and receipt of a residency
teaching certificate; and
(iii) Receive no more than the annual amount of the scholarship,
not to exceed eight thousand dollars, for the cost of tuition, fees,
and educational expenses, including books, supplies, and transportation
for the alternative route certification program in which the recipient
is enrolled. The board may adjust the annual award by the average rate
of resident undergraduate tuition and fee increases at the state
universities as defined in RCW 28B.10.016.
(b) The pipeline for paraeducators conditional scholarship program
is limited to qualified paraeducators as provided by RCW 28A.660.042.
In order to receive conditional scholarship awards, recipients shall:
(i) Be accepted and maintain enrollment at a community and
technical college for no more than two years and attain an associate of
arts degree;
(ii) Continue to make satisfactory progress toward completion of an
associate of arts degree. This progress requirement is a condition for
eligibility into a route one program of the alternative routes to
teacher certification program for a mathematics, special education, or
English as a second language endorsement; and
(iii) Receive no more than the annual amount of the scholarship,
not to exceed four thousand dollars, for the cost of tuition, fees, and
educational expenses, including books, supplies, and transportation for
the alternative route certification program in which the recipient is
enrolled. The board may adjust the annual award by the average rate of
tuition and fee increases at the state community and technical
(c) The retooling to teach mathematics and science conditional
scholarship program is limited to current K-12 teachers and individuals
having an elementary education certificate but who are not employed in
positions requiring an elementary education certificate as provided by
RCW 28A.660.045. In order to receive conditional scholarship awards:
(i) Individuals currently employed as teachers shall pursue a
middle level mathematics or science, or secondary mathematics or
science endorsement; or
(ii) Individuals who are certificated with an elementary education
endorsement, but not employed in positions requiring an elementary
education certificate, shall pursue an endorsement in middle level
mathematics or science, or both; and
(iii) Individuals shall use one of the pathways to endorsement
processes to receive a mathematics or science endorsement, or both,
which shall include passing a mathematics or science endorsement test,
or both tests, plus observation and completing applicable coursework to
attain the proper endorsement; and
(iv) Individuals shall receive no more than the annual amount of
the scholarship, not to exceed three thousand dollars, for the cost of
tuition, test fees, and educational expenses, including books,
supplies, and transportation for the endorsement pathway being pursued.
(3) The Washington professional educator standards board shall
select individuals to receive conditional scholarships.
(4) For the purpose of this chapter, a conditional scholarship is
a loan that is forgiven in whole or in part in exchange for service as
a certificated teacher employed in a Washington state K-12 public
school. The state shall forgive one year of loan obligation for every
two years a recipient teaches in a public school. Recipients who fail
to continue a course of study leading to residency teacher
certification or cease to teach in a public school in the state of
Washington in their endorsement area are required to repay the
remaining loan principal with interest.
(5) Recipients who fail to fulfill the required teaching obligation
are required to repay the remaining loan principal with interest and
any other applicable fees. The higher education coordinating board
shall adopt rules to define the terms for repayment, including
applicable interest rates, fees, and deferments.
(6) The higher education coordinating board may deposit all
appropriations, collections, and any other funds received for the
program in this chapter in the future teachers conditional scholarship
account authorized in RCW 28B.102.080.
Sec. 4 RCW 28A.415.350 and 2007 c 402 s 7 are each amended to
read as follows:
Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this
purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall:
(1) Create partnerships with the educational service districts or
public or private institutions of higher education with approved
educator preparation programs to develop and deliver professional
development learning opportunities for educators that fulfill the goals
and address the activities described in sections 3 through 6 of this
act and RCW 28A.415.360. The partnerships shall:
(a) Support school districts by providing professional development
leadership, courses, and consultation services to school districts in
their implementation of professional development activities, including
the activities described in sections 3 through 6 of this act and RCW
28A.415.360; and
(b) Support one another in the delivery of state-level and
regional-level professional development activities such as state
conferences and regional accountability institutes; and
(2) Enter into a performance agreement with each educational
service district to clearly articulate partner responsibilities and
assure fidelity for the delivery of professional development
initiatives including job-embedded practices. Components of such
performance agreements shall include:
(a) Participation in the development of various professional
development workshops, programs, and activities;
(b) Characteristics and qualifications of professional development
staff supported by the program;
(c) Methods to ensure consistent delivery of professional
development services; and
(d) Reporting responsibilities related to services provided,
program participation, outcomes, and recommendations for service
Sec. 5 RCW 28A.415.250 and 1993 c 336 s 401 are each amended to
read as follows:
Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this
purpose, the superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules to
establish and operate a teacher assistance program. For the purposes
of this section, the terms "mentor teachers," "beginning teachers," and
"experienced teachers" may include any person possessing any one of the
various certificates issued by the superintendent of public instruction
under RCW 28A.410.010. Subject to the availability of amounts
appropriated for this purpose, the program shall provide for:
(1) Assistance by mentor teachers who will provide a source of
continuing and sustained support to beginning teachers, or experienced
teachers who are having difficulties, or both, both in and outside the
classroom. A mentor teacher may not be involved in evaluations under
RCW 28A.405.100 of a teacher who receives assistance from said mentor
teacher under the teacher assistance program established under this
section. The mentor teachers shall also periodically inform their
principals respecting the contents of training sessions and other
program activities;
(2) Stipends for mentor teachers and beginning and experienced
teachers which shall not be deemed compensation for the purposes of
salary lid compliance under RCW 28A.400.200: PROVIDED, That stipends
shall not be subject to the continuing contract provisions of this
(3) Workshops for the training of mentor and beginning teachers;
(4) The use of substitutes to give mentor teachers, beginning
teachers, and experienced teachers opportunities to jointly observe and
evaluate teaching situations and to give mentor teachers opportunities
to observe and assist beginning and experienced teachers in the
(5) Mentor teachers who are superior teachers based on their
evaluations, pursuant to RCW ((28A.405.010)) 28A.410.025 and
28A.405.030 through 28A.405.240, and who hold valid continuing
(6) Mentor teachers shall be selected by the district and may serve
as mentors up to and including full time. If a bargaining unit,
certified pursuant to RCW 41.59.090 exists within the district,
classroom teachers representing the bargaining unit shall participate
in the mentor teacher selection process; and
(7) Periodic consultation by the superintendent of public
instruction or the superintendent's designee with representatives of
educational organizations and associations, including educational
service districts and public and private institutions of higher
education, for the purposes of improving communication and cooperation
and program review.
Sec. 6 RCW 28A.405.415 and 2008 c 175 s 2 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Certificated instructional staff who have attained
certification from the national board for professional teaching
standards shall receive a bonus each year in which they maintain the
certification. The bonus shall be calculated as follows: The annual
bonus shall be five thousand dollars in the 2007-08 school year.
Thereafter, the annual bonus shall increase by inflation. For the
2009-10 and 2010-11 school years the annual bonus shall be subject to
the availability of amounts appropriated for this purpose. During the
2011-2013 and 2013-2015 fiscal biennia, in addition to annual
adjustments for inflation, the bonus amount shall be additionally
increased such that, by the end of the 2014-15 school year, national
board bonus amounts are, at a minimum, equal to what they would have
been if annual adjustments for inflation had not been suspended during
the 2009-10 or 2010-11 school year.
(2) Certificated instructional staff who have attained
certification from the national board for professional teaching
standards shall be eligible for bonuses in addition to that provided by
subsection (1) of this section if the individual is in an instructional
assignment in a school in which at least seventy percent of the
students qualify for the free and reduced-price lunch program.
(3) The amount of the additional bonus under subsection (2) of this
section for those meeting the qualifications of subsection (2) of this
section is five thousand dollars.
(4) The bonuses provided under this section are in addition to
compensation received under a district's salary schedule adopted in
accordance with RCW 28A.405.200 and shall not be included in
calculations of a district's average salary and associated salary
limitations under RCW 28A.400.200.
(5) The bonuses provided under this section shall be paid in a lump
sum amount.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 This act is necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the
state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect
July 1, 2009.