Passed by the House April 18, 2009 Yeas 97 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 8, 2009 Yeas 44 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1741 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved May 7, 2009, 2:36 p.m. CHRISTINE GREGOIRE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | May 8, 2009 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 61st Legislature | 2009 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to crimes that require dismissal or certificate revocation for school employees; amending RCW 28A.400.320, 28A.400.330, 28A.405.470, 28A.410.090, 28A.410.110, 9.96A.020, and 43.43.845; adding a new section to chapter 28A.400 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.405 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 41.59 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 41.56 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 28A.400
RCW to read as follows:
(1) RCW 28A.400.320, 28A.400.330, 28A.405.470, 28A.410.090(3),
28A.410.110, 9.96A.020, and 43.43.845 apply upon a guilty plea or
conviction occurring after July 23, 1989, and before the effective date
of this section, for any of the following felony crimes:
(a) Any felony crime involving the physical neglect of a child
under chapter 9A.42 RCW;
(b) The physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or
9A.36 RCW, except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW;
(c) Sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW;
(d) Sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the
(e) Promoting prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW;
(f) The sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030;
(g) Violation of laws of another jurisdiction that are similar to
those specified in (a) through (f) of this subsection.
(2) RCW 28A.400.320, 28A.400.330, 28A.405.470, 28A.410.090(3),
28A.410.110, 9.96A.020, and 43.43.845 apply upon a guilty plea or
conviction occurring on or after the effective date of this section,
for any of the following felony crimes or attempts, conspiracies, or
solicitations to commit any of the following felony crimes:
(a) A felony violation of RCW 9A.88.010, indecent exposure;
(b) A felony violation of chapter 9A.42 RCW involving physical
(c) A felony violation of chapter 9A.32 RCW;
(d) A violation of RCW 9A.36.011, assault 1; 9A.36.021, assault 2;
9A.36.120, assault of a child 1; 9A.36.130, assault of a child 2; or
any other felony violation of chapter 9A.36 RCW involving physical
injury except assault 3 where the victim is eighteen years of age or
(e) A sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030;
(f) A violation of RCW 9A.40.020, kidnapping 1; or 9A.40.030,
kidnapping 2;
(g) A violation of RCW 9A.64.030, child selling or child buying;
(h) A violation of RCW 9A.88.070, promoting prostitution 1;
(i) A violation of RCW 9A.56.200, robbery 1; or
(j) A violation of laws of another jurisdiction that are similar to
those specified in (a) through (i) of this subsection.
Sec. 2 RCW 28A.400.320 and 1990 c 33 s 383 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The school district board of directors shall immediately
terminate the employment of any classified employee who has contact
with children during the course of his or her employment upon a guilty
plea or conviction of any felony crime ((involving the physical neglect
of a child under chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a
child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (except motor vehicle violations
under chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual exploitation of a child under chapter
9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the
victim, promoting prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the
sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of
similar laws of another jurisdiction)) specified under section 1 of
this act.
(2) The employee shall have a right of appeal under chapter 28A.645
RCW including any right of appeal under a collective bargaining
agreement. A school district board of directors is entitled to recover
from the employee any salary or other compensation that may have been
paid to the employee for the period between such time as the employee
was placed on administrative leave, based upon criminal charges that
the employee committed a felony crime specified under section 1 of this
act, and the time termination becomes final.
Sec. 3 RCW 28A.400.330 and 1989 c 320 s 4 are each amended to
read as follows:
The school district board of directors shall include in any
contract for services with an entity or individual other than an
employee of the school district a provision requiring the contractor to
prohibit any employee of the contractor from working at a public school
who has contact with children at a public school during the course of
his or her employment and who has pled guilty to or been convicted of
any felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child under
chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under
chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (except motor vehicle violations under
chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A
RCW, sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the
victim, promoting prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the
sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of
similar laws of another jurisdiction)) specified under section 1 of
this act. The contract shall also contain a provision that any failure
to comply with this section shall be grounds for the school district
immediately terminating the contract.
Sec. 4 RCW 28A.405.470 and 1990 c 33 s 405 are each amended to
read as follows:
The school district shall immediately terminate the employment of
any person whose certificate or permit authorized under chapter 28A.405
or 28A.410 RCW is subject to revocation under RCW 28A.410.090(((2)))
(3) upon a guilty plea or conviction of any felony crime ((involving
the physical neglect of a child under chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical
injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (except
motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual exploitation
of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44
RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of a minor
under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a minor child under
RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction))
specified under section 1 of this act. Employment shall remain
terminated unless the employee successfully prevails on appeal. A
school district board of directors is entitled to recover from the
employee any salary or other compensation that may have been paid to
the employee for the period between such time as the employee was
placed on administrative leave, based upon criminal charges that the
employee committed a felony crime specified under section 1 of this
act, and the time termination becomes final. This section shall only
apply to employees holding a certificate or permit who have contact
with children during the course of their employment.
Sec. 5 RCW 28A.410.090 and 2005 c 461 s 2 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1)(a) Any certificate or permit authorized under the provisions of
this chapter, chapter 28A.405 RCW, or rules promulgated thereunder may
be revoked or suspended by the authority authorized to grant the same
based upon a criminal records report authorized by law, or upon the
complaint of any school district superintendent, educational service
district superintendent, or private school administrator for
immorality, violation of written contract, unprofessional conduct,
intemperance, or crime against the law of the state. School district
superintendents, educational service district superintendents, or
private school administrators may file a complaint concerning any
certificated employee of a school district, educational service
district, or private school and this filing authority is not limited to
employees of the complaining superintendent or administrator. Such
written complaint shall state the grounds and summarize the factual
basis upon which a determination has been made that an investigation by
the superintendent of public instruction is warranted.
(b) If the superintendent of public instruction has reasonable
cause to believe that an alleged violation of this chapter or rules
adopted under it has occurred based on a written complaint alleging
physical abuse or sexual misconduct by a certificated school employee
filed by a parent or another person, but no complaint has been
forwarded to the superintendent by a school district superintendent,
educational service district superintendent, or private school
administrator, and that a school district superintendent, educational
service district superintendent, or private school administrator has
sufficient notice of the alleged violation and opportunity to file a
complaint, the superintendent of public instruction may cause an
investigation to be made of the alleged violation, together with such
other matters that may be disclosed in the course of the investigation
related to certificated personnel.
(2) A parent or another person may file a written complaint with
the superintendent of public instruction alleging physical abuse or
sexual misconduct by a certificated school employee if:
(a) The parent or other person has already filed a written
complaint with the educational service district superintendent
concerning that employee;
(b) The educational service district superintendent has not caused
an investigation of the allegations and has not forwarded the complaint
to the superintendent of public instruction for investigation; and
(c) The written complaint states the grounds and factual basis upon
which the parent or other person believes an investigation should be
(3)(a) Any such certificate or permit authorized under this chapter
or chapter 28A.405 RCW shall be revoked by the authority authorized to
grant the certificate upon a guilty plea or the conviction of any
felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child under chapter
9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32
or 9A.36 RCW (excepting motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61
RCW), sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual
offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting
prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase
of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of similar laws of
another jurisdiction)) specified under section 1 of this act, in
accordance with this section. The person whose certificate is in
question shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
(b) Mandatory permanent revocation upon a guilty plea or the
conviction of felony crimes specified under ((this subsection)) section
1(1) of this act shall apply to such convictions or guilty pleas which
occur after July 23, 1989, and before the effective date of section 1
of this act.
(c) Mandatory permanent revocation upon a guilty plea or conviction
of felony crimes specified under section 1(2) of this act shall apply
to such convictions or guilty pleas that occur on or after the
effective date of section 1 of this act.
(d) Revocation of any certificate or permit authorized under this
chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW for a guilty plea or criminal conviction
of a crime specified under section 1 of this act occurring prior to
July 23, 1989, shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of
this section.
(4)(a) Any such certificate or permit authorized under this chapter
or chapter 28A.405 RCW shall be suspended or revoked, according to the
provisions of this subsection, by the authority authorized to grant the
certificate upon a finding that an employee has engaged in an
unauthorized use of school equipment to intentionally access material
depicting sexually explicit conduct or has intentionally possessed on
school grounds any material depicting sexually explicit conduct; except
for material used in conjunction with established curriculum. A first
time violation of this subsection shall result in either suspension or
revocation of the employee's certificate or permit as determined by the
office of the superintendent of public instruction. A second violation
shall result in a mandatory revocation of the certificate or permit.
(b) In all cases under this subsection (4), the person whose
certificate is in question shall be given an opportunity to be heard
and has the right to appeal as established in RCW 28A.410.100.
Certificates or permits shall be suspended or revoked under this
subsection only if findings are made on or after July 24, 2005. For
the purposes of this subsection, "sexually explicit conduct" has the
same definition as provided in RCW 9.68A.011.
(5) Any such certificate or permit authorized under this chapter or
chapter 28A.405 RCW shall be revoked by the authority authorized to
grant the certificate upon a finding that the certificate holder
obtained the certificate through fraudulent means, including fraudulent
misrepresentation of required academic credentials or prior criminal
record. In all cases under this subsection, the person whose
certificate is in question shall be given an opportunity to be heard
and has the right to appeal as established in RCW 28A.410.100.
Certificates or permits shall be revoked under this subsection only if
findings are made on or after the effective date of this section.
Sec. 6 RCW 28A.410.110 and 1990 c 33 s 410 are each amended to
read as follows:
In case any certificate or permit authorized under this chapter or
chapter 28A.405 RCW is revoked, the holder shall not be eligible to
receive another certificate or permit for a period of twelve months
after the date of revocation. However, if the certificate or permit
authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW was revoked
because of a guilty plea or the conviction of a felony crime
((involving the physical neglect of a child under chapter 9A.42 RCW,
the physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36
RCW (except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual
exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under
chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution
of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a minor
child under RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of similar laws of another
jurisdiction)) specified under section 1 of this act, the certificate
or permit shall not be reinstated.
Sec. 7 RCW 9.96A.020 and 2008 c 134 s 26 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Subject to the exceptions in subsections (3) through (5) of
this section, and unless there is another provision of law to the
contrary, a person is not disqualified from employment by the state of
Washington or any of its counties, cities, towns, municipal
corporations, or quasi-municipal corporations, nor is a person
disqualified to practice, pursue or engage in any occupation, trade,
vocation, or business for which a license, permit, certificate or
registration is required to be issued by the state of Washington or any
of its counties, cities, towns, municipal corporations, or quasi-
municipal corporations solely because of a prior conviction of a
felony. However, this section does not preclude the fact of any prior
conviction of a crime from being considered.
(2) A person may be denied employment by the state of Washington or
any of its counties, cities, towns, municipal corporations, or quasi-municipal corporations, or a person may be denied a license, permit,
certificate or registration to pursue, practice or engage in an
occupation, trade, vocation, or business by reason of the prior
conviction of a felony if the felony for which he or she was convicted
directly relates to the position of employment sought or to the
specific occupation, trade, vocation, or business for which the
license, permit, certificate or registration is sought, and the time
elapsed since the conviction is less than ten years. However, for
positions in the county treasurer's office, a person may be
disqualified from employment because of a prior guilty plea or
conviction of a felony involving embezzlement or theft, even if the
time elapsed since the guilty plea or conviction is ten years or more.
(3) A person is disqualified for any certificate required or
authorized under chapters 28A.405 or 28A.410 RCW, because of a prior
guilty plea or the conviction of a felony ((involving sexual
exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under
chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution
of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, or a violation of similar laws of
another jurisdiction)) crime specified under section 1 of this act,
even if the time elapsed since the guilty plea or conviction is ten
years or more.
(4) A person is disqualified from employment by school districts,
educational service districts, and their contractors hiring employees
who will have regularly scheduled unsupervised access to children,
because of a prior guilty plea or conviction of a felony ((involving
sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses
under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting
prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, or a violation of
similar laws of another jurisdiction)) crime specified under section 1
of this act, even if the time elapsed since the guilty plea or
conviction is ten years or more.
(5) The provisions of this chapter do not apply to issuance of
licenses or credentials for professions regulated under chapter 18.130
(6) Subsections (3) and (4) of this section ((only)) as they
pertain to felony crimes specified under section 1(1) of this act apply
to a person applying for a certificate or for employment on or after
July 25, 1993, and before the effective date of section 1 of this act.
Subsections (3) and (4) of this section as they pertain to all felony
crimes specified under section 1(2) of this act apply to a person
applying for a certificate or for employment on or after the effective
date of section 1 of this act. Subsection (5) of this section only
applies to a person applying for a license or credential on or after
June 12, 2008.
Sec. 8 RCW 43.43.845 and 2006 c 263 s 828 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Upon a guilty plea or conviction of a person of any felony
crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child under chapter 9A.42
RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or
9A.36 RCW (except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW),
sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses
under chapter 9A.44 RCW, promoting prostitution of a minor under
chapter 9A.88 RCW, or the sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW
9A.64.030)) specified under section 1 of this act, the prosecuting
attorney shall notify the state patrol of such guilty pleas or
(2) When the state patrol receives ((information that a person has
pled guilty to or been convicted of one of the felony crimes)) the
notice required under subsection (1) of this section, the state patrol
shall transmit that information to the superintendent of public
instruction. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public
instruction, on at least a quarterly basis, to identify whether the
person holds a certificate or permit issued under chapters 28A.405 and
28A.410 RCW or is employed by a school district, and provide this
information to the Washington professional educator standards board and
the school district employing the ((individual who pled guilty or was
convicted of the crimes identified in subsection (1) of this section))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 A new section is added to chapter
RCW to read as follows:
(1) A school district superintendent shall immediately notify the
office of the superintendent of public instruction when the district
terminates the employment contract of a certificated employee on the
basis of a guilty plea or a conviction of any felony crime specified
under section 1 of this act.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
maintain a record of the notices received under this section.
(3) This section applies only to employees holding a certificate or
permit authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.410 RCW who have
contact with children during the course of employment.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10 A new section is added to chapter 41.59 RCW
to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to grant employers or
employees the right to reach agreements that are in conflict with the
termination provisions of RCW 28A.405.470.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11 A new section is added to chapter 41.56 RCW
to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to grant school district
employers or classified school district employees the right to reach
agreements that are in conflict with the termination provisions of RCW