Passed by the House April 11, 2009 Yeas 85 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 9, 2009 Yeas 44 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1415 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BARBARA BAKER ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved April 25, 2009, 11:43 a.m. CHRISTINE GREGOIRE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | April 27, 2009 Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 61st Legislature | 2009 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to sales of wine at the legislative gift center; adding new sections to chapter 44.73 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 66.12 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 15.88 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that the production of
wine grapes in the state is an important segment of Washington
agriculture as evidenced by the continued investments made by the state
in developing the wine industry, including the creation of viticulture
and enology programs at Washington State University and wine technology
programs at community and technical colleges. The legislature further
finds that the promotion and sale of Washington wine at the legislative
gift center is harmonious with the purpose of the gift center, which is
to promote the state and the goods produced around the state.
Therefore, the legislature intends to allow the legislative gift center
to sell wine produced in Washington to visitors of legal drinking age.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 66.12 RCW
to read as follows:
Nothing in this title shall apply to or prevent the legislative
center created in chapter 44.73 RCW from selling at retail for
off-premises consumption wine produced in Washington by a licensed
domestic winery.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 (1) The legislative gift center is
authorized to sell at retail for off-premises consumption wine produced
in Washington by a licensed domestic winery. Wine sold by the
legislative gift center must: (a) Be sold to individuals twenty-one
years of age or older; (b) be sold for personal use and not for resale;
and (c) have been purchased from a licensed wine distributor or from a
manufacturer authorized to distribute wine of its own production.
(2) The legislative gift center must collect and remit to the
department of revenue all applicable state and local taxes on sales of
(3) The legislative gift center must consult with the Washington
wine commission to select which Washington wines will be sold. The
Washington wine commission must give consideration to award winning
wines in assisting the gift center.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 15.88 RCW
to read as follows:
The commission must assist the legislative gift center in selecting
the Washington wines the legislative gift center will sell as provided
in section 3 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 Sections 1 and 3 of this act are each added
to chapter