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Washington State Senate | 5th Order | |
Introduction and First Reading Short Titles and Referrals |
2005 Regular Session of the 59th Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem | ||
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate | PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2005 | 65TH DAY | ||
SB 6086 | By Senators Honeyford, Hewitt, Poulsen and Morton Concerning the retrofitting of wells during drought conditions. Referred to Committee on WATER, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT. |
SB 6087 | By Senators Brown, Kline, Keiser, Fairley and Weinstein Addressing health care liability reform. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
ESHB 1153 | By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Springer, Nixon, Clibborn, Jarrett, Simpson, P. Sullivan, Shabro and B. Sullivan) Equalizing the costs of providing municipal services to newly annexed areas. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
ESHB 1301 | By House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Hunt, Alexander, Ormsby, Jarrett, Dunshee, Williams and Moeller) Creating the legislative buildings committee. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SHB 1408 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Pettigrew, Hinkle, Morrell, Jarrett, Darneille, McDonald, B. Sullivan, Kagi, Skinner, Schual-Berke, Chase, McIntire, McCoy, Hasegawa, Upthegrove, Ormsby, Woods, Miloscia, P. Sullivan, Santos and Simpson) Creating an individual development account program. Referred to Committee on INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
E2SHB 1418 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Kirby, Roach, Simpson, Santos, Campbell, Orcutt, Williams and Serben) Regulating insurance overpayment recovery practices. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SHB 1636 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Pettigrew, Roberts, Kagi, Clements, Darneille, Hunt, Green, Kenney, Appleton, Chase, Jarrett, Kessler, Moeller, Morrell, Williams, Ormsby, Murray, Dickerson, Conway, Lantz, Wood, Haigh, McDermott, Santos and Hudgins) Adopting a wage ladder for child care workers. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SHB 1802 | By House Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture & Trade (originally sponsored by Representatives Kilmer, Walsh, Pettigrew, Strow, Wallace, Kenney, Clibborn, Hankins, McCoy, Haler, Blake, McCune, Linville, P. Sullivan, Grant, Kessler, Simpson, Morrell, Williams, O'Brien, Lantz, Eickmeyer, Chase, Haigh, Hasegawa, Hudgins and Moeller) Authorizing a property tax exemption for certain nonprofit organizations located in economically disadvantaged areas. Referred to Committee on INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
2SHB 1815 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Wallace, Skinner, Pettigrew, Rodne, Kilmer, Ahern, Blake, McCoy, Anderson, Walsh, Lovick, Hudgins, Appleton, Strow, Murray, B. Sullivan, Simpson, Kessler, Williams, O'Brien, Conway, Morris, Linville, Lantz and Moeller) Creating a competitive grant program for organizations that assist small businesses. Referred to Committee on INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
HB 1864 | By Representatives Kilmer, Woods, Lantz, Appleton, Green and Hasegawa Modifying citizen oversight of toll charges. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
ESHB 1865 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Kilmer, Woods, Lantz, Appleton, Talcott, Green and Williams) Modifying sales and use taxation related to the state route 16 corridor improvements project. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
ESHB 1883 | By House Committee on Select Committee on Hood Canal (originally sponsored by Representatives McCoy, Pearson, Eickmeyer, Upthegrove and Haigh) Providing for collection of oral histories about Hood Canal. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SHB 1936 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Upthegrove, Hinkle, Simpson, Priest, Miloscia, Schual-Berke, P. Sullivan, Williams, Hasegawa and O'Brien) Allowing members of the public employees' retirement system plans 1 and 2 employed as emergency medical technicians to transfer to the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system plan 2. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
EHB 1998 | By Representatives P. Sullivan and Santos Creating the apple award program. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
ESHB 2053 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Hankins, Murray, Haler, Schual-Berke and Skinner) Clarifying intermediate drivers' license law. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
ESHB 2126 | By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Lantz, Kenney, Kessler, Rodne, Linville, Hankins, Grant, Takko, Newhouse, Williams, Flannigan, Sells, Ormsby, Chase and Serben) Providing accommodations to dependent persons who are victims and witnesses. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SHB 2173 | By House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Serben, Lantz, Curtis, Darneille, Williams, Rodne, Ahern, Sump, Sells, Woods, Dunn, Springer, Haler, Talcott, Wallace, Conway, O'Brien, Kenney and P. Sullivan) Adopting the service members' civil relief act. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
ESHB 2194 | By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Springer and Simpson) Changing public participation requirements of the growth management act. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
EHB 2241 | By Representatives Dunshee, Lovick and O'Brien Authorizing limited recreational activities, playing fields, and supporting facilities existing before July 1, 2004, on designated recreational lands in jurisdictions planning under RCW 36.70A.040. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |