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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2005 Regular Session of the 59th Legislature |
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate | ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem | ||
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate | PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2005 | 25TH DAY | ||
SB 5710 | By Senators Poulsen, Swecker, Brown, Rockefeller, Regala, Pridemore, Kline, Rasmussen and Kohl-Welles Requiring the removal of mercury components from end-of-life motor vehicles. Referred to Committee on WATER, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT. |
SB 5711 | By Senators Hewitt, Honeyford, McCaslin, Delvin and Mulliken Prohibiting labor organizations from using union dues for political purposes. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5712 | By Senators Kline, Johnson and Rasmussen; by request of Board For Judicial Administration Reorganizing the administration of the local and district courts. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5713 | By Senators Regala, Franklin and Kohl-Welles Assisting tenants in multiple-unit housing proposed for rehabilitation. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & CONSUMER PROTECTION. |
SB 5714 | By Senators Keiser, Deccio, Kastama, Parlette, Thibaudeau, McAuliffe, Brown, Rasmussen, Rockefeller and Kohl-Welles Establishing an early detection breast and cervical cancer screening program. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5715 | By Senators Keiser, Deccio, Parlette, Thibaudeau, Kastama and Kohl-Welles Establishing the joint public health financing committee. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5716 | By Senators McAuliffe and Rasmussen Providing a sales and use tax exemption for livestock and poultry feed. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE & RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5717 | By Senators Rockefeller, Benton, Fairley, Oke, Keiser, Zarelli, Shin, Rasmussen and Kohl-Welles Providing a funding formula for skill centers. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5718 | By Senators Hargrove, Kline, Shin, Rasmussen and Kohl-Welles Providing financial assistance for victims of domestic violence seeking protection orders. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5719 | By Senator Hargrove Extending the community commitment disposition alternative pilot program. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES & CORRECTIONS. |
SB 5720 | By Senators Keiser, Franklin and McAuliffe Eliminating employee noncompetition agreements in the broadcasting industry. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5721 | By Senators Keiser, Kohl-Welles and Regala Regulating advertising of travel services. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5722 | By Senators Keiser, Thibaudeau, McAuliffe, Kline, Franklin, Prentice, Kastama, Rasmussen and Kohl-Welles Concerning small employers and the basic health plan. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG-TERM CARE. |
SB 5723 | By Senators Delvin, Rasmussen, Schoesler, Mulliken and Rockefeller Extending an asparagus exception to the standards for fruits and vegetables. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE & RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5724 | By Senators Kohl-Welles, Benson, Franklin, Benton, Keiser, Esser, Pridemore, Kline, Roach, Regala and McAuliffe Requiring collective bargaining regarding hours of work for individual providers. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5725 | By Senators Fraser, Schmidt, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Doumit, Hewitt, Eide, Brandland, Parlette, McAuliffe, Esser, Rasmussen, Mulliken and Kohl-Welles Providing for an emergency school repair account. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5726 | By Senators Carrell, Hargrove, Rasmussen and Mulliken Changing provisions relating to bail bond recovery agents. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5727 | By Senators Carrell, Roach, Stevens, Esser, Mulliken, Zarelli, Schoesler and Benson Ensuring that only legally registered voters can vote. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5728 | By Senators Shin, Berkey, Eide, Rasmussen, Schmidt and Mulliken Studying the community and technical college funding system. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5729 | By Senators Rockefeller, Oke, Regala, Spanel, Sheldon, Shin, Poulsen, Jacobsen and Kohl-Welles Considering prepurchase of multiple ferry fares. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5730 | By Senators Doumit, Zarelli, Eide, Shin, Rasmussen and Mulliken Reducing the impact of administrative rules on small businesses. Referred to Committee on INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5731 | By Senators McAuliffe, Fairley and Rockefeller Requiring seat belts on school buses. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5732 | By Senators McAuliffe, Weinstein, Schmidt, Berkey, Rockefeller, Shin, Prentice, Thibaudeau, Pridemore, Carrell, Kohl-Welles, Regala, Spanel, Fairley, Delvin and Rasmussen Revising the powers, duties, and membership of the state board of education and the Washington professional educator standards board and eliminating the academic achievement and accountability commission. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING, K-12 & HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5733 | By Senators Kline, McCaslin, Rockefeller, Esser, Thibaudeau, Weinstein, Rasmussen and Eide Concerning mandatory arbitration. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5734 | By Senators Fairley, Kline, McCaslin, Thibaudeau, Weinstein, Deccio, Rasmussen and Kohl-Welles Revising provisions relating to civil actions following wrongful injury or death. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5735 | By Senators Brown, Finkbeiner, Keiser, Esser, Honeyford, Mulliken, Franklin, Prentice, McAuliffe, Stevens, Poulsen, Parlette, Deccio, Pflug, Rockefeller, Hewitt, Johnson, Oke, Shin and Rasmussen; by request of Attorney General Revising public disclosure law. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5736 | By Senator Spanel Exempting certain private ambulance services from the insurance code. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, HOUSING & CONSUMER PROTECTION. |
SB 5737 | By Senators Carrell, Esser and Hargrove Allowing attorneys to recover actual costs for service of process. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5738 | By Senators Roach, Weinstein, Swecker, Eide, Rasmussen, Sheldon, Schoesler, Keiser, Kastama, Mulliken and Rockefeller Prohibiting engaging in body piercing on persons under the age of eighteen. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |
SB 5739 | By Senators Stevens, Schmidt, Swecker, Carrell, Schoesler and Oke Allowing agricultural lands that are not being used for the commercial production of food or other agricultural products to be used for recreational activities. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5740 | By Senators Berkey, Fairley, Haugen, Benson, Sheldon, Shin, Parlette, Rasmussen, Mulliken, Doumit, Roach, Rockefeller and Kohl-Welles; by request of Secretary of State Improving procedures for ballot processing and canvassing. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5741 | By Senators Kastama, Roach, Fairley, Benson, Prentice, Berkey, Haugen, Sheldon, McAuliffe, Shin, Parlette, Mulliken, Doumit and Kohl-Welles; by request of Secretary of State Modifying provisions on voters' pamphlets. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5742 | By Senators Roach, Berkey, Fairley, Benson, Parlette, Mulliken, Rockefeller and Kohl-Welles; by request of Secretary of State Strengthening review and correction of county election procedures. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5743 | By Senators Kastama, Roach, Fairley, Benson, Berkey, Haugen, McAuliffe, Shin, Parlette, Keiser, Mulliken and Rockefeller; by request of Secretary of State Enhancing voter registration recordkeeping. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5744 | By Senators Haugen, Berkey, Fairley, Sheldon, McAuliffe, Schmidt, Mulliken and Doumit; by request of Secretary of State Authorizing county-wide mail ballot elections. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5745 | By Senators Roach, Hargrove, Berkey, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Haugen, Benson, Sheldon, Schmidt, Mulliken and Rockefeller; by request of Secretary of State Modifying primary election law. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5746 | By Senators Kastama, Berkey, Fairley, Benson, Prentice, Sheldon, Haugen, McAuliffe, Kline, Schmidt, Mulliken and Kohl-Welles; by request of Secretary of State Requiring the state to assume a share of primary and general election costs. Referred to Committee on GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
SB 5747 | By Senators Hewitt, Parlette, Honeyford, Mulliken, Morton, Stevens, Swecker, Deccio, Delvin, Schmidt, Zarelli, Sheldon, Pflug, Hargrove, Johnson, McCaslin and Oke Modifying the inflationary adjustment to the minimum wage. Referred to Committee on LABOR, COMMERCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. |
SJM 8014 | By Senators Thibaudeau, Jacobsen, Fairley, Brown, Prentice, McAuliffe, Regala, Rockefeller, Fraser, Rasmussen, Weinstein, Kline, Keiser and Kohl-Welles Requesting that the privatization of social security be rejected. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SJR 8209 | By Senators Swecker, Benton, Deccio, Mulliken, Roach, Stevens, Schmidt, Carrell, Zarelli, Honeyford, Hewitt, Morton, Esser, Benson, Delvin and Oke Amending the Constitution to limit which relationships may be recognized as a marriage. Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY. |