Passed by the Senate April 18, 2005 YEAS 41 ________________________________________ President of the Senate Passed by the House April 15, 2005 YEAS 96 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives | I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5139 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Secretary | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 59th Legislature | 2005 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to highway and bridge tolling authority; amending RCW 47.56.075, 47.56.076, and 47.56.270; creating a new section; and repealing RCW 47.56.273, 47.56.282, 47.56.284, 47.56.286, 47.56.287, 47.56.288, 47.56.290, 47.56.291, 47.56.310, 47.56.320, 47.56.330, 47.56.340, 47.56.343, 47.56.345, 47.56.360, 47.56.380, 47.56.390, 47.56.400, 47.56.410, 47.56.420, 47.56.430, 47.56.440, 47.56.450, 47.56.460, 47.56.470, 47.56.480, 47.56.490, 47.56.500, 47.56.580, 47.56.590, 47.56.610, 47.56.630, 47.56.631, 47.56.640, 47.56.643, 47.56.646, 47.56.649, 47.56.652, 47.56.655, 47.56.658, 47.56.659, 47.56.661, 47.56.667, 47.56.700, 47.56.701, 47.56.702, 47.56.703, 47.56.704, 47.56.705, 47.56.706, 47.56.7115, 47.56.7125, 47.56.740, 47.56.741, 47.56.742, 47.56.743, 47.56.744, 47.56.745, 47.56.746, 47.56.747, 47.56.748, 47.56.749, 47.56.750, 47.56.751, 47.56.752, 47.56.753, 47.56.754, 47.56.755, 47.56.756, 47.56.760, 47.56.761, 47.58.500, 47.60.445, 47.60.450, 47.60.502, and 47.60.503.
Sec. 1 RCW 47.56.075 and 2002 c 56 s 404 are each amended to read
as follows:
The ((department)) commission shall approve for construction only
such toll roads as the legislature specifically authorizes or such toll
facilities as are specifically sponsored by a regional transportation
investment district, city, town, or county.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 No tolls may be imposed on new or existing
highways or bridges without specific legislative authorization, or upon
a majority vote of the people within the boundaries of the unit of
government empowered to impose tolls. This section applies to chapter
47.56 RCW and to any tolls authorized under Substitute House Bill No.
1541, the transportation innovative partnership act of 2005.
Sec. 3 RCW 47.56.076 and 2002 c 56 s 403 are each amended to read
as follows:
Upon approval of a majority of the voters within its boundaries
voting on the ballot proposition, and only for the purposes authorized
in RCW 36.120.050(1)(((f))) (g), a regional transportation investment
district may ((impose)) authorize vehicle tolls on state routes where
improvements financed in whole or in part by a regional transportation
investment district add additional lanes to, or reconstruct lanes on,
a highway of statewide significance. The department shall administer
the collection of vehicle tolls authorized on designated facilities
unless otherwise specified in law, and the state transportation
commission, or its successor, shall be the tolling authority.
Sec. 4 RCW 47.56.270 and 2002 c 114 s 20 are each amended to read
as follows:
The ((Lake Washington bridge and the)) 1950 Tacoma Narrows bridge
in chapter 47.17 RCW made a part of the primary state highways of the
state of Washington((,)) shall, upon completion, be operated,
maintained, kept up, and repaired by the department in the manner
provided in this chapter, and the cost of such operation, maintenance,
upkeep, and repair shall be paid from funds appropriated for the use of
the department for the construction and maintenance of the primary
state highways of the state of Washington. This section does not apply
to that portion of the Tacoma Narrows bridge facility first opened to
traffic after June 13, 2002.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 The following acts or parts of acts are each
(1) RCW 47.56.273 (Fox Island toll bridge -- Need for removal of
tolls) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.273;
(2) RCW 47.56.282 (Additional Lake Washington bridge (1957 Act) -- Revenue bonds -- Toll charges and other support) and 1965 ex.s. c 170 s
56 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.282;
(3) RCW 47.56.284 (Additional Lake Washington bridge (1957 Act) -- Continuous project -- Authorization of other additional bridges) and 1984
c 7 s 273 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.284;
(4) RCW 47.56.286 (Additional Lake Washington bridge (1957 Act) -- Interpretation) and 1985 c 7 s 114, 1984 c 7 s 274, & 1961 c 13 s
(5) RCW 47.56.287 (Second Lake Washington bridge -- Use of motor
vehicle fund to pay deficits) and 1984 c 7 s 275 & 1965 ex.s. c 170 s
(6) RCW 47.56.288 (Second Lake Washington bridge -- Designation of
funds to pay deficits -- Pledge of excise tax proceeds) and 1965 ex.s. c
170 s 55;
(7) RCW 47.56.290 (Additional Lake Washington bridge (1953 Act) -- Appropriation -- Repayment from bond issue) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.290;
(8) RCW 47.56.291 (Additional Lake Washington bridge in vicinity of
first bridge -- Design and construction authorized) and 1965 ex.s. c 170
s 57;
(9) RCW 47.56.310 (Additional Columbia river bridge -- Vancouver to
Portland bridges -- Cooperation with Oregon) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.310;
(10) RCW 47.56.320 (Additional Columbia river bridge -- Tolls) and
1961 c 13 s 47.56.320;
(11) RCW 47.56.330 (Additional Columbia river bridge -- Agreements
with Oregon authorized) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.330;
(12) RCW 47.56.340 (Additional Columbia river bridge -- When toll
free) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.340;
(13) RCW 47.56.343 (Additional Columbia river bridge -- Revenue
bonds) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.343;
(14) RCW 47.56.345 (Additional Columbia river bridge -- Construction -- Severability) and 1984 c 7 s 276 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.345;
(15) RCW 47.56.360 (Bridging Puget Sound, Hood Canal -- Operation,
maintenance, prior charge upon revenue -- Appropriations to be repaid)
and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.360;
(16) RCW 47.56.380 (Express highway -- Tacoma-Seattle-Everett -- Limited access) and 1984 c 7 s 278 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.380;
(17) RCW 47.56.390 (Express highway -- Operation as toll highway -- Part of state system) and 1984 c 7 s 279 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.390;
(18) RCW 47.56.400 (Express highway -- Powers and duties of
department) and 1984 c 7 s 280 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.400;
(19) RCW 47.56.410 (Lopez Island-San Juan toll bridge -- Appropriation -- Study -- Location, exploration, foundation, design) and
1961 c 13 s 47.56.410;
(20) RCW 47.56.420 (Lopez Island-San Juan toll bridge -- Final
designs, construction, revenue bonds authorized) and 1961 c 13 s
(21) RCW 47.56.430 (Lopez Island-San Juan toll bridge -- Operation,
maintenance, prior charge upon revenue -- Appropriations to be repaid)
and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.430;
(22) RCW 47.56.440 (Lopez Island-San Juan toll bridge -- Effect of
toll bridge authority resolution No. 295 -- Ferry system refunding
revenue bonds) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.440;
(23) RCW 47.56.450 (Columbia river bridge at Biggs Rapids -- Authorized -- Cooperation with Klickitat county, highway commission,
Oregon highway commission and Sherman county) and 1961 c 13 s
(24) RCW 47.56.460 (Columbia river bridge at Biggs Rapids -- Appropriation -- Repayment from bond issue) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.460;
(25) RCW 47.56.470 (Columbia river bridge at Biggs Rapids -- Revenue
bonds) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.470;
(26) RCW 47.56.480 (Columbia river bridge at Biggs Rapids -- Construction of act) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.480;
(27) RCW 47.56.490 (Columbia river bridge at Biggs Rapids -- Powers
of department -- Tolls) and 1984 c 7 s 281 & 1961 c 13 s 47.56.490;
(28) RCW 47.56.500 (Columbia river bridge at Biggs Rapids -- Agreements authorized) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.500;
(29) RCW 47.56.580 (Naches Pass tunnel -- What studies and surveys
shall include) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.580;
(30) RCW 47.56.590 (Naches Pass tunnel -- Plan for financing) and
1961 c 13 s 47.56.590;
(31) RCW 47.56.610 (Naches Pass tunnel -- Contribution by political
subdivisions) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.610;
(32) RCW 47.56.630 (Naches Pass tunnel -- Repayment to motor vehicle
fund of funds appropriated) and 1961 c 13 s 47.56.630;
(33) RCW 47.56.631 (Naches Pass tunnel -- Additional studies -- Route
of highway and tunnel -- Appropriation) and 1961 ex.s. c 21 s 18;
(34) RCW 47.56.640 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler) and 1961 c 209 s 1;
(35) RCW 47.56.643 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Agreements with United States -- Acceptance of public or
private funds) and 1961 c 209 s 2;
(36) RCW 47.56.646 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Agreements with Oregon -- Provisions for Oregon bond
issue, powers and duties of both states, tolls, apportionment of costs,
etc.) and 1961 c 209 s 3;
(37) RCW 47.56.649 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Use of Washington motor vehicle fuel taxes, motor
vehicle fund to pay Oregon bonds if tolls and fees insufficient) and
1961 c 209 s 4;
(38) RCW 47.56.652 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Procedure for this state paying deficiency in tolls and
fees for Oregon bond issue) and 1961 c 209 s 5;
(39) RCW 47.56.655 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Washington liability for costs -- Maintenance and
repair -- Approaches) and 1961 c 209 s 6;
(40) RCW 47.56.658 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Financial responsibility of Pacific county -- Prior
commitment required) and 1969 ex.s. c 281 s 52 & 1961 c 209 s 7;
(41) RCW 47.56.659 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Contractual obligations of Pacific county terminated)
and 1969 ex.s. c 281 s 53;
(42) RCW 47.56.661 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- Deposit of contribution of Pacific county in motor
vehicle fund -- Use) and 1961 c 209 s 8;
(43) RCW 47.56.667 (Bridging lower Columbia river in vicinity of
Astoria-Megler -- When toll free) and 1961 c 209 s 10;
(44) RCW 47.56.700 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Authorized) and 1963 c 197 s 1;
(45) RCW 47.56.701 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Revenue bonds -- Tolls and charges) and 1963 c
197 s 2;
(46) RCW 47.56.702 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Pledge of excise taxes imposed on motor vehicle
fuels) and 1984 c 7 s 282 & 1963 c 197 s 3;
(47) RCW 47.56.703 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Continued imposition of such taxes) and 1984 c
7 s 283 & 1963 c 197 s 4;
(48) RCW 47.56.704 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Repayment of motor vehicle fund money -- Continuation of tolls) and 1984 c 7 s 284 & 1963 c 197 s 5;
(49) RCW 47.56.705 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Facility to be part of highway system -- Operation, collection of tolls) and 1983 c 3 s 131 & 1963 c 197 s 6;
(50) RCW 47.56.706 (Columbia river, Vernita bridge and highway
approach from Richland -- Laws applicable -- Construction of 1963 statute)
and 1983 c 3 s 132 & 1963 c 197 s 7;
(51) RCW 47.56.7115 (Spokane river toll bridge -- Operation and
maintenance responsibility and funding) and 1990 c 42 s 402;
(52) RCW 47.56.7125 (Spokane river toll bridge -- Transfer of funds)
and 1990 c 42 s 404;
(53) RCW 47.56.740 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Authorized -- Approach routes) and 1981 c 327 s 1 & 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 1;
(54) RCW 47.56.741 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Agreements with local governments) and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 2;
(55) RCW 47.56.742 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Agreements with local governments required) and 1981 c 327 s 2 & 1979
ex.s. c 212 s 3;
(56) RCW 47.56.743 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Plans for funding obligations of local governments required) and 1979
ex.s. c 212 s 4;
(57) RCW 47.56.744 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Agreements with United States -- Acceptance of public or private funds)
and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 5;
(58) RCW 47.56.745 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- General
obligation bonds authorized -- Additional bonds authorized, restriction)
and 1981 c 327 s 3 & 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 6;
(59) RCW 47.56.746 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Issuance, sale, retirement supervised by state finance committee) and
1979 ex.s. c 212 s 7;
(60) RCW 47.56.747 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Term -- Terms and conditions -- Signatures -- Registration -- Where payable -- Negotiable instruments -- Legal investment for state funds -- Bond
anticipation notes) and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 8;
(61) RCW 47.56.748 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Bond proceeds -- Deposit and use) and 1981 c 327 s 4 & 1979 ex.s. c 212
s 9;
(62) RCW 47.56.749 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Statement describing nature of obligation -- Sources of payment) and 1995
c 274 s 15 & 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 10;
(63) RCW 47.56.750 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Bonds -- Account created in highway bond retirement fund -- Deposit of revenue -- Pledge of excise taxes -- Repayment procedure -- Legislative covenant) and
1999 c 269 s 13, 1995 c 274 s 16, & 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 11;
(64) RCW 47.56.751 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Operation
by department of transportation -- Amount and duration of tolls -- Use of
motor vehicle fund moneys -- Priority of payments -- Trust fund -- Covenants
by state finance committee) and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 12;
(65) RCW 47.56.752 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Toll
revenue trust fund -- Transfer of surplus moneys) and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s
(66) RCW 47.56.753 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Repayment
of motor vehicle fund money -- Continuation of tolls) and 1979 ex.s. c
212 s 14;
(67) RCW 47.56.754 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- Ferries,
urban arterials, Spokane river toll bridges, bonds -- Lien against fuel
tax revenues) and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 15;
(68) RCW 47.56.755 (Columbia river bridge at Horn Rapids -- When toll
free -- Conveyance to city or counties) and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 16;
(69) RCW 47.56.756 (Additional bridge at Columbia Point authorized)
and 1979 ex.s. c 212 s 17;
(70) RCW 47.56.760 (First Avenue South bridge in Seattle -- Study by
commission -- Bonds, tolls -- Additional funding) and 1987 c 510 s 1;
(71) RCW 47.56.761 (First Avenue South bridge in Seattle -- Study by
city -- Tolls -- Revenues) and 1987 c 510 s 2;
(72) RCW 47.58.500 (Manette bridge -- Port Washington Narrows
project) and 1961 c 13 s 47.58.500;
(73) RCW 47.60.445 (Hood Canal bridge -- Tolls, upkeep costs) and
1990 c 42 s 409;
(74) RCW 47.60.450 (Additional revenue bonds, refunding bonds,
authorized, 1961 Act -- Revision of tolls to meet debt service) and 1986
c 66 s 7, 1984 c 7 s 331, & 1961 ex.s. c 9 s 6;
(75) RCW 47.60.502 (Hood Canal bridge -- Legislative finding -- Authority to restore or replace) and 1979 c 27 s 1; and
(76) RCW 47.60.503 (Hood Canal bridge -- Authority to obtain federal
emergency relief funds) and 1979 c 27 s 2.