Passed by the Senate June 11, 2003 YEAS 31 BRAD OWEN ________________________________________ President of the Senate Passed by the House June 11, 2003 YEAS 57 FRANK CHOPP ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives | I, Milton H. Doumit, Jr., Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SECOND ENGROSSED SENATE BILL 6097 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. MILTON H. DOUMIT JR. ________________________________________ Secretary | |
Approved June 20, 2003, with the
exception of section 28, which is
vetoed. GARY LOCKE ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | June 20, 2003 - 9:10 a.m. Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 58th Legislature | 2003 1st Special Session |
Read first time . Referred to .
AN ACT Relating to revising the unemployment compensation system through creating forty rate classes for determining employer contribution rates; amending RCW 50.01.010, 50.20.010, 50.20.050, 50.04.293, 50.20.060, 50.20.065, 50.20.240, 50.20.120, 50.20.100, 50.29.025, 50.04.355, 50.29.026, 50.29.062, 50.29.070, 50.12.220, 50.16.010, 50.16.015, 50.24.014, 50.20.190, 50.04.206, 50.20.140, 50.20.043, 50.20.160, 50.32.040, and 28B.50.030; reenacting and amending RCW 50.29.020; adding new sections to chapter 50.04 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 50.20 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 50.29 RCW; creating new sections; repealing RCW 50.20.015, 50.20.045, 50.20.125, and 50.29.045; providing an expiration date; and declaring an emergency.
Sec. 1 RCW 50.01.010 and 1945 c 35 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Whereas, economic insecurity due to unemployment is a serious
menace to the health, morals and welfare of the people of this state;
involuntary unemployment is, therefore, a subject of general interest
and concern which requires appropriate action by the legislature to
prevent its spread and to lighten its burden which now so often falls
with crushing force upon the unemployed worker and his family. Social
security requires protection against this greatest hazard of our
economic life. This can be provided only by application of the
insurance principle of sharing the risks, and by the systematic
accumulation of funds during periods of employment to provide benefits
for periods of unemployment, thus maintaining purchasing powers and
limiting the serious social consequences of relief assistance. The
state of Washington, therefore, exercising herein its police and
sovereign power endeavors by this title to remedy any widespread
unemployment situation which may occur and to set up safeguards to
prevent its recurrence in the years to come. The legislature,
therefore, declares that in its considered judgment the public good,
and the general welfare of the citizens of this state require the
enactment of this measure, under the police powers of the state, for
the compulsory setting aside of unemployment reserves to be used for
the benefit of persons unemployed through no fault of their own((, and
that this title shall be liberally construed for the purpose of
reducing involuntary unemployment and the suffering caused thereby to
the minimum)).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 50.04 RCW
to read as follows:
After December 31, 2003, for the purpose of the payment of
contributions, the term "wages" does not include an employee's income
attributable to the transfer of shares of stock to the employee
pursuant to his or her exercise of a stock option granted for any
reason connected with his or her employment.
Sec. 3 RCW 50.20.010 and 1995 c 381 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) An unemployed individual shall be eligible to receive waiting
period credits or benefits with respect to any week in his or her
eligibility period only if the commissioner finds that:
(((1))) (a) He or she has registered for work at, and thereafter
has continued to report at, an employment office in accordance with
regulation as the commissioner may prescribe, except that the
commissioner may by regulation waive or alter either or both of the
requirements of this subdivision as to individuals attached to regular
jobs and as to such other types of cases or situations with respect to
which the commissioner finds that the compliance with such requirements
would be oppressive, or would be inconsistent with the purposes of this
(((2))) (b) He or she has filed an application for an initial
determination and made a claim for waiting period credit or for
benefits in accordance with the provisions of this title;
(((3))) (c) He or she is able to work, and is available for work in
any trade, occupation, profession, or business for which he or she is
reasonably fitted.
(i) With respect to claims that have an effective date before
January 4, 2004, to be available for work an individual must be ready,
able, and willing, immediately to accept any suitable work which may be
offered to him or her and must be actively seeking work pursuant to
customary trade practices and through other methods when so directed by
the commissioner or the commissioner's agents.
(ii) With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
January 4, 2004, to be available for work an individual must be ready,
able, and willing, immediately to accept any suitable work which may be
offered to him or her and must be actively seeking work pursuant to
customary trade practices and through other methods when so directed by
the commissioner or the commissioner's agents. If a labor agreement or
dispatch rules apply, customary trade practices must be in accordance
with the applicable agreement or rules;
(((4))) (d) He or she has been unemployed for a waiting period of
one week;
(((5))) (e) He or she participates in reemployment services if the
individual has been referred to reemployment services pursuant to the
profiling system established by the commissioner under RCW 50.20.011,
unless the commissioner determines that:
(((a))) (i) The individual has completed such services; or
(((b))) (ii) There is justifiable cause for the claimant's failure
to participate in such services; and
(((6))) (f) As to weeks beginning after March 31, 1981, which fall
within an extended benefit period as defined in RCW 50.22.010, the
individual meets the terms and conditions of RCW 50.22.020 with respect
to benefits claimed in excess of twenty-six times the individual's
weekly benefit amount.
(2) An individual's eligibility period for regular benefits shall
be coincident to his or her established benefit year. An individual's
eligibility period for additional or extended benefits shall be the
periods prescribed elsewhere in this title for such benefits.
Sec. 4 RCW 50.20.050 and 2002 c 8 s 1 are each amended to read as
(1) With respect to claims that have an effective date before
January 4, 2004:
(a) An individual shall be disqualified from benefits beginning
with the first day of the calendar week in which he or she has left
work voluntarily without good cause and thereafter for seven calendar
weeks and until he or she has obtained bona fide work in employment
covered by this title and earned wages in that employment equal to
seven times his or her weekly benefit amount.
The disqualification shall continue if the work obtained is a mere
sham to qualify for benefits and is not bona fide work. In determining
whether work is of a bona fide nature, the commissioner shall consider
factors including but not limited to the following:
(((a))) (i) The duration of the work;
(((b))) (ii) The extent of direction and control by the employer
over the work; and
(((c))) (iii) The level of skill required for the work in light of
the individual's training and experience.
(((2))) (b) An individual shall not be considered to have left work
voluntarily without good cause when:
(((a))) (i) He or she has left work to accept a bona fide offer of
bona fide work as described in ((subsection (1))) (a) of this
((section)) subsection;
(((b))) (ii) The separation was because of the illness or
disability of the claimant or the death, illness, or disability of a
member of the claimant's immediate family if the claimant took all
reasonable precautions, in accordance with any regulations that the
commissioner may prescribe, to protect his or her employment status by
having promptly notified the employer of the reason for the absence and
by having promptly requested reemployment when again able to assume
employment: PROVIDED, That these precautions need not have been taken
when they would have been a futile act, including those instances when
the futility of the act was a result of a recognized labor/management
dispatch system;
(((c))) (iii) He or she has left work to relocate for the spouse's
employment that is due to an employer-initiated mandatory transfer that
is outside the existing labor market area if the claimant remained
employed as long as was reasonable prior to the move; or
(((d))) (iv) The separation was necessary to protect the claimant
or the claimant's immediate family members from domestic violence, as
defined in RCW 26.50.010, or stalking, as defined in RCW 9A.46.110.
(((3))) (c) In determining under this ((section)) subsection
whether an individual has left work voluntarily without good cause, the
commissioner shall only consider work-connected factors such as the
degree of risk involved to the individual's health, safety, and morals,
the individual's physical fitness for the work, the individual's
ability to perform the work, and such other work connected factors as
the commissioner may deem pertinent, including state and national
emergencies. Good cause shall not be established for voluntarily
leaving work because of its distance from an individual's residence
where the distance was known to the individual at the time he or she
accepted the employment and where, in the judgment of the department,
the distance is customarily traveled by workers in the individual's job
classification and labor market, nor because of any other significant
work factor which was generally known and present at the time he or she
accepted employment, unless the related circumstances have so changed
as to amount to a substantial involuntary deterioration of the work
factor or unless the commissioner determines that other related
circumstances would work an unreasonable hardship on the individual
were he or she required to continue in the employment.
(((4))) (d) Subsection((s)) (1)(a) and (((3))) (c) of this section
shall not apply to an individual whose marital status or domestic
responsibilities cause him or her to leave employment. Such an
individual shall not be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits
beginning with the first day of the calendar week in which he or she
left work and thereafter for seven calendar weeks and until he or she
has requalified, either by obtaining bona fide work in employment
covered by this title and earning wages in that employment equal to
seven times his or her weekly benefit amount or by reporting in person
to the department during ten different calendar weeks and certifying on
each occasion that he or she is ready, able, and willing to immediately
accept any suitable work which may be offered, is actively seeking work
pursuant to customary trade practices, and is utilizing such employment
counseling and placement services as are available through the
department. This subsection does not apply to individuals covered by
((subsection (2)(b) or (c) of this section)) (b)(ii) or (iii) of this
(2) With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
January 4, 2004:
(a) An individual shall be disqualified from benefits beginning
with the first day of the calendar week in which he or she has left
work voluntarily without good cause and thereafter for seven calendar
weeks and until he or she has obtained bona fide work in employment
covered by this title and earned wages in that employment equal to
seven times his or her weekly benefit amount.
The disqualification shall continue if the work obtained is a mere
sham to qualify for benefits and is not bona fide work. In determining
whether work is of a bona fide nature, the commissioner shall consider
factors including but not limited to the following:
(i) The duration of the work;
(ii) The extent of direction and control by the employer over the
work; and
(iii) The level of skill required for the work in light of the
individual's training and experience.
(b) An individual is not disqualified from benefits under (a) of
this subsection when:
(i) He or she has left work to accept a bona fide offer of bona
fide work as described in (a) of this subsection;
(ii) The separation was necessary because of the illness or
disability of the claimant or the death, illness, or disability of a
member of the claimant's immediate family if:
(A) The claimant pursued all reasonable alternatives to preserve
his or her employment status by requesting a leave of absence, by
having promptly notified the employer of the reason for the absence,
and by having promptly requested reemployment when again able to assume
employment. These alternatives need not be pursued, however, when they
would have been a futile act, including those instances when the
futility of the act was a result of a recognized labor/management
dispatch system; and
(B) The claimant terminated his or her employment status, and is
not entitled to be reinstated to the same position or a comparable or
similar position;
(iii) He or she: (A) Left work to relocate for the spouse's
employment that, due to a mandatory military transfer: (I) Is outside
the existing labor market area; and (II) is in Washington or another
state that, pursuant to statute, does not consider such an individual
to have left work voluntarily without good cause; and (B) remained
employed as long as was reasonable prior to the move;
(iv) The separation was necessary to protect the claimant or the
claimant's immediate family members from domestic violence, as defined
in RCW 26.50.010, or stalking, as defined in RCW 9A.46.110;
(v) The individual's usual compensation was reduced by twenty-five
percent or more;
(vi) The individual's usual hours were reduced by twenty-five
percent or more;
(vii) The individual's worksite changed, such change caused a
material increase in distance or difficulty of travel, and, after the
change, the commute was greater than is customary for workers in the
individual's job classification and labor market;
(viii) The individual's worksite safety deteriorated, the
individual reported such safety deterioration to the employer, and the
employer failed to correct the hazards within a reasonable period of
(ix) The individual left work because of illegal activities in the
individual's worksite, the individual reported such activities to the
employer, and the employer failed to end such activities within a
reasonable period of time; or
(x) The individual's usual work was changed to work that violates
the individual's religious convictions or sincere moral beliefs.
Sec. 5 RCW 50.04.293 and 1993 c 483 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
With respect to claims that have an effective date before January
4, 2004, "misconduct" means an employee's act or failure to act in
willful disregard of his or her employer's interest where the effect of
the employee's act or failure to act is to harm the employer's
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 A new section is added to chapter 50.04 RCW
to read as follows:
With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
January 4, 2004:
(1) "Misconduct" includes, but is not limited to, the following
conduct by a claimant:
(a) Willful or wanton disregard of the rights, title, and interests
of the employer or a fellow employee;
(b) Deliberate violations or disregard of standards of behavior
which the employer has the right to expect of an employee;
(c) Carelessness or negligence that causes or would likely cause
serious bodily harm to the employer or a fellow employee; or
(d) Carelessness or negligence of such degree or recurrence to show
an intentional or substantial disregard of the employer's interest.
(2) The following acts are considered misconduct because the acts
signify a willful or wanton disregard of the rights, title, and
interests of the employer or a fellow employee. These acts include,
but are not limited to:
(a) Insubordination showing a deliberate, willful, or purposeful
refusal to follow the reasonable directions or instructions of the
(b) Repeated inexcusable tardiness following warnings by the
(c) Dishonesty related to employment, including but not limited to
deliberate falsification of company records, theft, deliberate
deception, or lying;
(d) Repeated and inexcusable absences, including absences for which
the employee was able to give advance notice and failed to do so;
(e) Deliberate acts that are illegal, provoke violence or violation
of laws, or violate the collective bargaining agreement. However, an
employee who engages in lawful union activity may not be disqualified
due to misconduct;
(f) Violation of a company rule if the rule is reasonable and if
the claimant knew or should have known of the existence of the rule; or
(g) Violations of law by the claimant while acting within the scope
of employment that substantially affect the claimant's job performance
or that substantially harm the employer's ability to do business.
(3) "Misconduct" does not include:
(a) Inefficiency, unsatisfactory conduct, or failure to perform
well as the result of inability or incapacity;
(b) Inadvertence or ordinary negligence in isolated instances; or
(c) Good faith errors in judgment or discretion.
(4) "Gross misconduct" means a criminal act in connection with an
individual's work for which the individual has been convicted in a
criminal court, or has admitted committing, or conduct connected with
the individual's work that demonstrates a flagrant and wanton disregard
of and for the rights, title, or interest of the employer or a fellow
Sec. 7 RCW 50.20.060 and 2000 c 2 s 13 are each amended to read
as follows:
With respect to claims that have an effective date before January
4, 2004, an individual shall be disqualified from benefits beginning
with the first day of the calendar week in which he or she has been
discharged or suspended for misconduct connected with his or her work
and thereafter for seven calendar weeks and until he or she has
obtained bona fide work in employment covered by this title and earned
wages in that employment equal to seven times his or her weekly benefit
amount. Alcoholism shall not constitute a defense to disqualification
from benefits due to misconduct.
Sec. 8 RCW 50.20.065 and 1993 c 483 s 11 are each amended to read
as follows:
With respect to claims that have an effective date before January
4, 2004:
(1) An individual who has been discharged from his or her work
because of a felony or gross misdemeanor of which he or she has been
convicted, or has admitted committing to a competent authority, and
that is connected with his or her work shall have all hourly wage
credits based on that employment canceled.
(2) The employer shall notify the department of such an admission
or conviction, not later than six months following the admission or
(3) The claimant shall disclose any conviction of the claimant of
a work-connected felony or gross misdemeanor occurring in the previous
two years to the department at the time of application for benefits.
(4) All benefits that are paid in error based on wage/
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 A new section is added to chapter 50.20 RCW
to read as follows:
With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
January 4, 2004:
(1) An individual shall be disqualified from benefits beginning
with the first day of the calendar week in which he or she has been
discharged or suspended for misconduct connected with his or her work
and thereafter for ten calendar weeks and until he or she has obtained
bona fide work in employment covered by this title and earned wages in
that employment equal to ten times his or her weekly benefit amount.
Alcoholism shall not constitute a defense to disqualification from
benefits due to misconduct.
(2) An individual who has been discharged from his or her work
because of gross misconduct shall have all hourly wage credits based on
that employment or six hundred eighty hours of wage credits, whichever
is greater, canceled.
(3) The employer shall notify the department of a felony or gross
misdemeanor of which an individual has been convicted, or has admitted
committing to a competent authority, not later than six months
following the admission or conviction.
(4) The claimant shall disclose any conviction of the claimant of
a work-connected felony or gross misdemeanor occurring in the previous
two years to the department at the time of application for benefits.
(5) All benefits that are paid in error based on this section are
recoverable, notwithstanding RCW 50.20.190 or 50.24.020 or any other
provisions of this title.
Sec. 10 RCW 50.20.240 and 2002 c 8
s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) To ensure that following the initial application for
benefits, an individual is actively engaged in searching for work,
((effective July 1, 1999,)) the employment security department shall
implement a job search monitoring program. Effective January 4, 2004,
the department shall contract with employment security agencies in
other states to ensure that individuals residing in those states and
receiving benefits under this title are actively engaged in searching
for work in accordance with the requirements of this section. The
department may use interactive voice technology and other electronic
means to ensure that individuals are subject to comparable job search
monitoring, regardless of whether they reside in Washington or
(b) Except for those individuals with employer attachment or union
referral, individuals who qualify for unemployment compensation under
RCW 50.20.050(((2)(d))) (1)(b)(iii) or (2)(b)(v), as applicable, and
individuals in commissioner-approved training, an individual who has
received five or more weeks of benefits under this title, regardless of
whether the individual resides in Washington or elsewhere, must provide
evidence of seeking work, as directed by the commissioner or the
commissioner's agents, for each week beyond five in which a claim is
filed. With regard to claims with an effective date before January 4,
2004, the evidence must demonstrate contacts with at least three
employers per week or documented in-person job search activity at the
local reemployment center. With regard to claims with an effective
date on or after January 4, 2004, the evidence must demonstrate
contacts with at least three employers per week or documented in-person
job search activities at the local reemployment center at least three
times per week.
(c) In developing the requirements for the job search monitoring
program, the commissioner or the commissioner's agents shall utilize an
existing advisory committee having equal representation of employers
and workers.
(2) Effective January 4, 2004, an individual who fails to comply
fully with the requirements for actively seeking work under RCW
50.20.010 shall lose all benefits for all weeks during which the
individual was not in compliance, and the individual shall be liable
for repayment of all such benefits under RCW 50.20.190.
Sec. 11 RCW 50.20.120 and 2002 c 149 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) Subject to the other provisions of this title, benefits
shall be payable to any eligible individual during the individual's
benefit year in a maximum amount equal to the lesser of thirty times
the weekly benefit amount (((determined hereinafter))), as determined
in subsection (2) of this section, or one-third of the individual's
base year wages under this title: PROVIDED, That as to any week
((beginning on and after March 31, 1981,)) which falls in an extended
benefit period as defined in RCW 50.22.010(1), ((as now or hereafter
amended,)) an individual's eligibility for maximum benefits in excess
of twenty-six times his or her weekly benefit amount will be subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in RCW 50.22.020((, as now or
hereafter amended)).
(b) With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
the first Sunday of the calendar month immediately following the month
in which the commissioner finds that the state unemployment rate is six
and eight-tenths percent or less, benefits shall be payable to any
eligible individual during the individual's benefit year in a maximum
amount equal to the lesser of twenty-six times the weekly benefit
amount, as determined in subsection (2) of this section, or one-third
of the individual's base year wages under this title.
(2)(a) For claims with an effective date before January 4, 2004, an
individual's weekly benefit amount shall be an amount equal to one
twenty-fifth of the average quarterly wages of the individual's total
wages during the two quarters of the individual's base year in which
such total wages were highest.
(b) With respect to claims with an effective date on or after
January 4, 2004, and before January 2, 2005, an individual's weekly
benefit amount shall be an amount equal to one twenty-fifth of the
average quarterly wages of the individual's total wages during the
three quarters of the individual's base year in which such total wages
were highest.
(c) With respect to claims with an effective date on or after
January 2, 2005, an individual's weekly benefit amount shall be an
amount equal to one percent of the total wages paid in the individual's
base year.
(3) The maximum and minimum amounts payable weekly shall be
determined as of each June 30th to apply to benefit years beginning in
the twelve-month period immediately following such June 30th. ((Except
as provided in RCW 50.20.125,))
(a)(i) With respect to claims that have an effective date before
January 4, 2004, the maximum amount payable weekly shall be seventy
percent of the "average weekly wage" for the calendar year preceding
such June 30th.
(ii) With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
January 4, 2004, the maximum amount payable weekly shall be either four
hundred ninety-six dollars or sixty-three percent of the "average
weekly wage" for the calendar year preceding such June 30th, whichever
is greater.
(b) The minimum amount payable weekly shall be fifteen percent of
the "average weekly wage" for the calendar year preceding such June
(4) If any weekly benefit, maximum benefit, or minimum benefit
amount computed herein is not a multiple of one dollar, it shall be
reduced to the next lower multiple of one dollar.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 12 A new section is added to chapter 50.20 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) With respect to claims that have an effective date on or after
January 2, 2005, an otherwise eligible individual may not be denied
benefits for any week because the individual is a part-time worker and
is available for, seeks, applies for, or accepts only work of seventeen
or fewer hours per week by reason of the application of RCW
50.20.010(1)(c), 50.20.080, or 50.22.020(1) relating to availability
for work and active search for work, or failure to apply for or refusal
to accept suitable work.
(2) For purposes of this section, "part-time worker" means an
individual who: (a) Earned wages in "employment" in at least forty
weeks in the individual's base year; and (b) did not earn wages in
"employment" in more than seventeen hours per week in any weeks in the
individual's base year.
Sec. 13 RCW 50.20.100 and 2002 c 8 s 2 are
each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Suitable work for an individual is employment in an occupation
in keeping with the individual's prior work experience, education, or
training and if the individual has no prior work experience, special
education, or training for employment available in the general area,
then employment which the individual would have the physical and mental
ability to perform. In determining whether work is suitable for an
individual, the commissioner shall also consider the degree of risk
involved to the individual's health, safety, and morals, the
individual's physical fitness, the individual's length of unemployment
and prospects for securing local work in the individual's customary
occupation, the distance of the available work from the individual's
residence, and such other factors as the commissioner may deem
pertinent, including state and national emergencies.
(2) For individuals with base year work experience in agricultural
labor, any agricultural labor available from any employer shall be
deemed suitable unless it meets conditions in RCW 50.20.110 or the
commissioner finds elements of specific work opportunity unsuitable for
a particular individual.
(3) For part-time workers as defined in section 12 of this act,
suitable work includes suitable work under subsection (1) of this
section that is for seventeen or fewer hours per week.
(4) For individuals who have qualified for unemployment
compensation benefits under RCW 50.20.050(((2)(d))) (1)(b)(iii) or
(2)(b)(v), as applicable, an evaluation of the suitability of the work
must consider the individual's need to address the physical,
psychological, legal, and other effects of domestic violence or
Sec. 14 RCW 50.29.025 and 2003 c 4 (SHB 1832) s 1 are each
amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the
contribution rate for each employer subject to contributions under RCW
50.24.010 shall be determined under this ((section)) subsection.
(((1))) (a) A fund balance ratio shall be determined by dividing
the balance in the unemployment compensation fund as of the September
30th immediately preceding the rate year by the total remuneration paid
by all employers subject to contributions during the second calendar
year preceding the rate year and reported to the department by the
following March 31st. The division shall be carried to the fourth
decimal place with the remaining fraction, if any, disregarded. The
fund balance ratio shall be expressed as a percentage.
(((2))) (b) The interval of the fund balance ratio, expressed as a
percentage, shall determine which tax schedule in (e) of this
subsection (((5) of this section)) shall be in effect for assigning tax
rates for the rate year. The intervals for determining the effective
tax schedule shall be:
Interval of the Fund Balance Ratio Expressed as a Percentage | Effective Tax Schedule | |
2.90 and above | AA | |
2.10 to 2.89 | A | |
1.70 to 2.09 | B | |
1.40 to 1.69 | C | |
1.00 to 1.39 | D | |
0.70 to 0.99 | E | |
Less than 0.70 | F |
Percent of Cumulative Taxable Payrolls | Schedules of Contributions Rates for Effective Tax Schedule | |||||||||
From | To | Rate Class | AA | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
0.00 | 5.00 | 1 | 0.47 | 0.47 | 0.57 | 0.97 | 1.47 | 1.87 | 2.47 | |
5.01 | 10.00 | 2 | 0.47 | 0.47 | 0.77 | 1.17 | 1.67 | 2.07 | 2.67 | |
10.01 | 15.00 | 3 | 0.57 | 0.57 | 0.97 | 1.37 | 1.77 | 2.27 | 2.87 | |
15.01 | 20.00 | 4 | 0.57 | 0.73 | 1.11 | 1.51 | 1.90 | 2.40 | 2.98 | |
20.01 | 25.00 | 5 | 0.72 | 0.92 | 1.30 | 1.70 | 2.09 | 2.59 | 3.08 | |
25.01 | 30.00 | 6 | 0.91 | 1.11 | 1.49 | 1.89 | 2.29 | 2.69 | 3.18 | |
30.01 | 35.00 | 7 | 1.00 | 1.29 | 1.69 | 2.08 | 2.48 | 2.88 | 3.27 | |
35.01 | 40.00 | 8 | 1.19 | 1.48 | 1.88 | 2.27 | 2.67 | 3.07 | 3.47 | |
40.01 | 45.00 | 9 | 1.37 | 1.67 | 2.07 | 2.47 | 2.87 | 3.27 | 3.66 | |
45.01 | 50.00 | 10 | 1.56 | 1.86 | 2.26 | 2.66 | 3.06 | 3.46 | 3.86 | |
50.01 | 55.00 | 11 | 1.84 | 2.14 | 2.45 | 2.85 | 3.25 | 3.66 | 3.95 | |
55.01 | 60.00 | 12 | 2.03 | 2.33 | 2.64 | 3.04 | 3.44 | 3.85 | 4.15 | |
60.01 | 65.00 | 13 | 2.22 | 2.52 | 2.83 | 3.23 | 3.64 | 4.04 | 4.34 | |
65.01 | 70.00 | 14 | 2.40 | 2.71 | 3.02 | 3.43 | 3.83 | 4.24 | 4.54 | |
70.01 | 75.00 | 15 | 2.68 | 2.90 | 3.21 | 3.62 | 4.02 | 4.43 | 4.63 | |
75.01 | 80.00 | 16 | 2.87 | 3.09 | 3.42 | 3.81 | 4.22 | 4.53 | 4.73 | |
80.01 | 85.00 | 17 | 3.27 | 3.47 | 3.77 | 4.17 | 4.57 | 4.87 | 4.97 | |
85.01 | 90.00 | 18 | 3.67 | 3.87 | 4.17 | 4.57 | 4.87 | 4.97 | 5.17 | |
90.01 | 95.00 | 19 | 4.07 | 4.27 | 4.57 | 4.97 | 5.07 | 5.17 | 5.37 | |
95.01 | 100.00 | 20 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 5.40 |
Benefit Ratio | Rate Class | Rate (percent) | |
At least | Less than | ||
0.000001 | 1 | 0.00 | |
0.000001 | 0.001250 | 2 | 0.13 |
0.001250 | 0.002500 | 3 | 0.25 |
0.002500 | 0.003750 | 4 | 0.38 |
0.003750 | 0.005000 | 5 | 0.50 |
0.005000 | 0.006250 | 6 | 0.63 |
0.006250 | 0.007500 | 7 | 0.75 |
0.007500 | 0.008750 | 8 | 0.88 |
0.008750 | 0.010000 | 9 | 1.00 |
0.010000 | 0.011250 | 10 | 1.15 |
0.011250 | 0.012500 | 11 | 1.30 |
0.012500 | 0.013750 | 12 | 1.45 |
0.013750 | 0.015000 | 13 | 1.60 |
0.015000 | 0.016250 | 14 | 1.75 |
0.016250 | 0.017500 | 15 | 1.90 |
0.017500 | 0.018750 | 16 | 2.05 |
0.018750 | 0.020000 | 17 | 2.20 |
0.020000 | 0.021250 | 18 | 2.35 |
0.021250 | 0.022500 | 19 | 2.50 |
0.022500 | 0.023750 | 20 | 2.65 |
0.023750 | 0.025000 | 21 | 2.80 |
0.025000 | 0.026250 | 22 | 2.95 |
0.026250 | 0.027500 | 23 | 3.10 |
0.027500 | 0.028750 | 24 | 3.25 |
0.028750 | 0.030000 | 25 | 3.40 |
0.030000 | 0.031250 | 26 | 3.55 |
0.031250 | 0.032500 | 27 | 3.70 |
0.032500 | 0.033750 | 28 | 3.85 |
0.033750 | 0.035000 | 29 | 4.00 |
0.035000 | 0.036250 | 30 | 4.15 |
0.036250 | 0.037500 | 31 | 4.30 |
0.037500 | 0.040000 | 32 | 4.45 |
0.040000 | 0.042500 | 33 | 4.60 |
0.042500 | 0.045000 | 34 | 4.75 |
0.045000 | 0.047500 | 35 | 4.90 |
0.047500 | 0.050000 | 36 | 5.05 |
0.050000 | 0.052500 | 37 | 5.20 |
0.052500 | 0.055000 | 38 | 5.30 |
0.055000 | 0.057500 | 39 | 5.35 |
0.057500 | 40 | 5.40 |
Sec. 15 RCW 50.04.355 and 2000 c 2
s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) For computations made before January 1, 2007, the employment
security department shall compute, on or before the fifteenth day of
June of each year, an "average annual wage", an "average weekly wage",
and an "average annual wage for contributions purposes" ((shall be
computed)) from information for the specified preceding calendar years
including corrections thereof reported within three months after the
close of the final year of the specified years by all employers as
defined in RCW 50.04.080.
(((1))) (a) The "average annual wage" is the quotient derived by
dividing the total remuneration reported by all employers for the
preceding calendar year by the average number of workers reported for
all months of the preceding calendar year and if the result is not a
multiple of one dollar, rounding the result to the next lower multiple
of one dollar.
(((2))) (b) The "average weekly wage" is the quotient derived by
dividing the "average annual wage" obtained under (((1))) (a) of this
subsection by fifty-two and if the result is not a multiple of one
dollar, rounding the result to the next lower multiple of one dollar.
(((3))) (c) The "average annual wage for ((contribution[s]))
contributions purposes" is the quotient derived by dividing by three
the total remuneration reported by all employers subject to
contributions for the preceding three consecutive calendar years and
dividing this amount by the average number of workers reported for all
months of these three years by these same employers and if the result
is not a multiple of one dollar, rounding the result to the next lower
multiple of one dollar.
(2) For computations made on or after January 1, 2007, the
employment security department shall compute, on or before the
fifteenth day of June of each year, an "average annual wage," an
"average weekly wage," and an "average annual wage for contributions
purposes" from information for the preceding calendar year including
corrections thereof reported within three months after the close of
that year by all employers as defined in RCW 50.04.080.
(a) The "average annual wage" is the quotient derived by dividing
the total remuneration reported by all employers by the average number
of workers reported for all months and if the result is not a multiple
of one dollar, rounding the result to the next lower multiple of one
(b) The "average weekly wage" is the quotient derived by dividing
the "average annual wage" obtained under (a) of this subsection by
fifty-two and if the result is not a multiple of one dollar, rounding
the result to the next lower multiple of one dollar.
(c) The "average annual wage for contributions purposes" is the
quotient derived by dividing the total remuneration reported by all
employers subject to contributions by the average number of workers
reported for all months by these same employers and if the result is
not a multiple of one dollar, rounding the result to the next lower
multiple of one dollar.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16 A new section is added to chapter 50.29 RCW
to read as follows:
Beginning with contributions assessed for rate year 2005, the
contribution rate of each employer subject to contributions under RCW
50.24.010 shall include a solvency surcharge determined as follows:
(1) This section shall apply to employers' contributions for a rate
year immediately following a cut-off date only if, on the cut-off date,
the balance in the unemployment compensation fund is determined by the
commissioner to be an amount that will provide fewer than six months of
unemployment benefits.
(2) The solvency surcharge shall be the lowest rate necessary, as
determined by the commissioner, but not more than two-tenths of one
percent, to provide revenue during the applicable rate year that will
fund unemployment benefits for the number of months that is the
difference between eight months and the number of months for which the
balance in the unemployment compensation fund on the cut-off date will
provide benefits.
(3) The basis for determining the number of months of unemployment
benefits shall be the same basis used in RCW 50.29.025(2)(b)(i)(B).
Sec. 17 RCW 50.29.026 and 2000 c 2 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Beginning with contributions assessed for rate year 1996, a
qualified employer's contribution rate applicable for rate years
beginning before January 1, 2005, or array calculation factor rate
applicable for rate years beginning on or after January 1, 2005,
determined under RCW 50.29.025 may be modified as follows:
(a) Subject to the limitations of this subsection, an employer may
make a voluntary contribution of an amount equal to part or all of the
benefits charged to the employer's account during the two years most
recently ended on June 30th that were used for the purpose of computing
the employer's contribution rate applicable for rate years beginning
before January 1, 2005, or array calculation factor rate applicable for
rate years beginning on or after January 1, 2005. On receiving timely
payment of a voluntary contribution, plus a surcharge of ten percent of
the amount of the voluntary contribution, the commissioner shall cancel
the benefits equal to the amount of the voluntary contribution,
excluding the surcharge, and compute a new benefit ratio for the
employer. The employer shall then be assigned the contribution rate
applicable for rate years beginning before January 1, 2005, or array
calculation factor rate applicable for rate years beginning on or after
January 1, 2005, applicable to the rate class within which the
recomputed benefit ratio is included. The minimum amount of a
voluntary contribution, excluding the surcharge, must be an amount that
will result in a recomputed benefit ratio that is in a rate class at
least ((two)) four rate classes lower than the rate class that included
the employer's original benefit ratio.
(b) Payment of a voluntary contribution is considered timely if
received by the department during the period beginning on the date of
mailing to the employer the notice of contribution rate applicable for
rate years beginning before January 1, 2005, or notice of array
calculation factor rate applicable for rate years beginning on or after
January 1, 2005, required under this title for the rate year for which
the employer is seeking a modification of his or her ((contribution))
rate and ending on February 15th of that rate year or, for voluntary
contributions for rate year 2000, ending on March 31, 2000.
(c) A benefit ratio may not be recomputed nor a ((contribution))
rate be reduced under this section as a result of a voluntary
contribution received after the payment period prescribed in (b) of
this subsection.
(2) This section does not apply to any employer who has not had an
increase of at least ((six)) twelve rate classes from the previous tax
rate year.
Sec. 18 RCW 50.29.062 and 1996 c 238 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
Predecessor and successor employer contribution rates shall be
computed in the following manner:
(1) If the successor is an employer, as defined in RCW 50.04.080,
at the time of the transfer, its contribution rate shall remain
unchanged for the remainder of the rate year in which the transfer
occurs. From and after January 1 following the transfer, the
successor's contribution rate for each rate year shall be based on its
experience with payrolls and benefits including the experience of the
acquired business or portion of a business from the date of transfer,
as of the regular computation date for that rate year.
(2) For transfers before January 1, 2005, the following applies if
the successor is not an employer at the time of the transfer((, it)).
The successor shall pay contributions at the lowest rate determined
under either of the following:
(a)(i) For transfers before January 1, 1997, the contribution rate
of the rate class assigned to the predecessor employer at the time of
the transfer for the remainder of that rate year and continuing until
the successor qualifies for a different rate in its own right;
(ii) For transfers on or after January 1, 1997, the contribution
rate of the rate class assigned to the predecessor employer at the time
of the transfer for the remainder of that rate year. Any experience
relating to the assignment of that rate class attributable to the
predecessor is transferred to the successor. Beginning with the
January 1 following the transfer, the successor's contribution rate
shall be based on the transferred experience of the acquired business
and the successor's experience after the transfer; or
(b) The contribution rate equal to the average industry rate as
determined by the commissioner, but not less than one percent, and
continuing until the successor qualifies for a different rate in its
own right. Assignment of employers by the commissioner to industrial
classification, for purposes of this subsection, must be in accordance
with established classification practices found in the "Standard
Industrial Classification Manual" issued by the federal office of
management and budget to the third digit provided in the standard
industrial classification code, or in the North American industry
classification code system.
(3) For transfers before January 1, 2005, if the successor is not
an employer at the time of the transfer and simultaneously acquires the
business or a portion of the business of two or more employers in
different rate classes, its rate from the date the transfer occurred
until the end of that rate year and until it qualifies in its own right
for a new rate, shall be the highest rate class applicable at the time
of the acquisition to any predecessor employer who is a party to the
acquisition, but not less than one percent.
(4) For transfers on or after January 1, 2005, the following
applies if the successor is not an employer at the time of the
(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, the successor
shall pay contributions:
(i) At the contribution rate determined for the predecessor
employer at the time of the transfer for the remainder of the rate
year. Any experience attributable to the predecessor relating to the
assignment of the predecessor's rate class is transferred to the
successor. On and after January 1st following the transfer, the
successor's array calculation factor rate shall be based on the
transferred experience of the acquired business and the successor's
experience after the transfer; or
(ii) At the contribution rate equal to the sum of the rates
determined by the commissioner under RCW 50.29.025(2) (c)(ii) and
(d)(ii), and section 16 of this act, if applicable, and continuing
until the successor qualifies for a different rate in its own right.
(b) If there is a substantial continuity of ownership or management
by the successor of the business of the predecessor, the successor
shall pay contributions at the contribution rate determined for the
predecessor employer at the time of the transfer for the remainder of
that rate year. Any experience attributable to the predecessor
relating to the assignment of the predecessor's rate class is
transferred to the successor. On and after January 1st following the
transfer, the successor's array calculation factor rate shall be based
on the transferred experience of the acquired business and the
successor's experience after the transfer.
(c) If the successor simultaneously acquires the business or a
portion of the business of two or more employers with different
contribution rates, the successor's rate from the date the transfer
occurred until the end of that rate year and until it qualifies in its
own right for a new rate, shall be the sum of the rates determined by
the commissioner under RCW 50.29.025(2) (a) and (b), and section 16 of
this act, applicable at the time of the acquisition to the predecessor
employer who, among the parties to the acquisition, had the largest
taxable payroll in the completed calendar quarter immediately preceding
the date of transfer, but not less than the sum of the rates determined
by the commissioner under RCW 50.29.025(2) (c)(ii) and (d)(ii), and
section 16 of this act, if applicable.
(5) The contribution rate on any payroll retained by a predecessor
employer shall remain unchanged for the remainder of the rate year in
which the transfer occurs.
(((5))) (6) In all cases, from and after January 1 following the
transfer, the predecessor's contribution rate or, beginning January 1,
2005, the predecessor's array calculation factor for each rate year
shall be based on its experience with payrolls and benefits as of the
regular computation date for that rate year including the experience of
the acquired business or portion of business up to the date of
transfer: PROVIDED, That if all of the predecessor's business is
transferred to a successor or successors, the predecessor shall not be
a qualified employer until it satisfies the requirements of a
"qualified employer" as set forth in RCW 50.29.010.
Sec. 19 RCW 50.29.070 and 1990 c 245 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Within a reasonable time after the computation date each
employer shall be notified of the employer's rate of contribution as
determined for the succeeding rate year and factors used in the
calculation. Beginning with rate year 2005, the notice must include
the amount of the contribution rate that is attributable to each
component of the rate under RCW 50.29.025(2).
(2) Any employer dissatisfied with the benefit charges made to the
employer's account for the twelve-month period immediately preceding
the computation date or with his or her determined rate may file a
request for review and redetermination with the commissioner within
thirty days of the mailing of the notice to the employer, showing the
reason for such request. Should such request for review and
redetermination be denied, the employer may, within thirty days of the
mailing of such notice of denial, file with the appeal tribunal a
petition for hearing which shall be heard in the same manner as a
petition for denial of refund. The appellate procedure prescribed by
this title for further appeal shall apply to all denials of review and
redetermination under this section.
Sec. 20 RCW 50.29.020 and 2002 c 149 s 6 and 2002 c 8 s 4 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) This section applies to benefits charged to the experience
rating accounts of employers for claims that have an effective date
before January 4, 2004.
(2) An experience rating account shall be established and
maintained for each employer, except employers as described in RCW
50.44.010 and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in
lieu of contributions, taxable local government employers as described
in RCW 50.44.035, and those employers who are required to make payments
in lieu of contributions, based on existing records of the employment
security department. Benefits paid to any eligible individuals shall
be charged to the experience rating accounts of each of such
individual's employers during the individual's base year in the same
ratio that the wages paid by each employer to the individual during the
base year bear to the wages paid by all employers to that individual
during that base year, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(((2))) (3) The legislature finds that certain benefit payments, in
whole or in part, should not be charged to the experience rating
accounts of employers except those employers described in RCW 50.44.010
and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in lieu of
contributions, taxable local government employers described in RCW
50.44.035, and those employers who are required to make payments in
lieu of contributions, as follows:
(a) Benefits paid to any individuals later determined to be
ineligible shall not be charged to the experience rating account of any
contribution paying employer.
(b) Benefits paid to an individual filing under the provisions of
chapter 50.06 RCW shall not be charged to the experience rating account
of any contribution paying employer only if:
(i) The individual files under RCW 50.06.020(1) after receiving
crime victims' compensation for a disability resulting from a nonwork-related occurrence; or
(ii) The individual files under RCW 50.06.020(2).
(c) Benefits paid which represent the state's share of benefits
payable as extended benefits defined under RCW 50.22.010(6) shall not
be charged to the experience rating account of any contribution paying
(d) In the case of individuals who requalify for benefits under RCW
50.20.050 or 50.20.060, benefits based on wage credits earned prior to
the disqualifying separation shall not be charged to the experience
rating account of the contribution paying employer from whom that
separation took place.
(e) Individuals who qualify for benefits under RCW
50.20.050(((2)(d))) (1)(b)(iii) shall not have their benefits charged
to the experience rating account of any contribution paying employer.
(f) In the case of individuals identified under RCW 50.20.015,
benefits paid with respect to a calendar quarter, which exceed the
total amount of wages earned in the state of Washington in the higher
of two corresponding calendar quarters included within the individual's
determination period, as defined in RCW 50.20.015, shall not be charged
to the experience rating account of any contribution paying employer.
(((3)(a))) (4)(a) A contribution-paying base year employer, not
otherwise eligible for relief of charges for benefits under this
section, may receive such relief if the benefit charges result from
payment to an individual who:
(i) Last left the employ of such employer voluntarily for reasons
not attributable to the employer;
(ii) Was discharged for misconduct connected with his or her work
not a result of inability to meet the minimum job requirements;
(iii) Is unemployed as a result of closure or severe curtailment of
operation at the employer's plant, building, worksite, or other
facility. This closure must be for reasons directly attributable to a
catastrophic occurrence such as fire, flood, or other natural disaster;
(iv) Continues to be employed on a regularly scheduled permanent
part-time basis by a base year employer and who at some time during the
base year was concurrently employed and subsequently separated from at
least one other base year employer. Benefit charge relief ceases when
the employment relationship between the employer requesting relief and
the claimant is terminated. This subsection does not apply to shared
work employers under chapter 50.60 RCW.
(b) The employer requesting relief of charges under this subsection
must request relief in writing within thirty days following mailing to
the last known address of the notification of the valid initial
determination of such claim, stating the date and reason for the
separation or the circumstances of continued employment. The
commissioner, upon investigation of the request, shall determine
whether relief should be granted.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 21 A new section is added to chapter 50.29 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) This section applies to benefits charged to the experience
rating accounts of employers for claims that have an effective date on
or after January 4, 2004.
(2)(a) An experience rating account shall be established and
maintained for each employer, except employers as described in RCW
50.44.010 and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in
lieu of contributions, taxable local government employers as described
in RCW 50.44.035, and those employers who are required to make payments
in lieu of contributions, based on existing records of the employment
security department.
(b) Benefits paid to an eligible individual shall be charged to the
experience rating accounts of each of such individual's employers
during the individual's base year in the same ratio that the wages paid
by each employer to the individual during the base year bear to the
wages paid by all employers to that individual during that base year,
except as otherwise provided in this section.
(c) When the eligible individual's separating employer is a covered
contribution paying base year employer, benefits paid to the eligible
individual shall be charged to the experience rating account of only
the individual's separating employer if the individual qualifies for
benefits under:
(i) RCW 50.20.050(2)(b)(i), as applicable, and became unemployed
after having worked and earned wages in the bona fide work; or
(ii) RCW 50.20.050(2)(b)(v) through (x).
(3) The legislature finds that certain benefit payments, in whole
or in part, should not be charged to the experience rating accounts of
employers except those employers described in RCW 50.44.010 and
50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in lieu of
contributions, taxable local government employers described in RCW
50.44.035, and those employers who are required to make payments in
lieu of contributions, as follows:
(a) Benefits paid to any individual later determined to be
ineligible shall not be charged to the experience rating account of any
contribution paying employer.
(b) Benefits paid to an individual filing under the provisions of
chapter 50.06 RCW shall not be charged to the experience rating account
of any contribution paying employer only if:
(i) The individual files under RCW 50.06.020(1) after receiving
crime victims' compensation for a disability resulting from a nonwork-related occurrence; or
(ii) The individual files under RCW 50.06.020(2).
(c) Benefits paid which represent the state's share of benefits
payable as extended benefits defined under RCW 50.22.010(6) shall not
be charged to the experience rating account of any contribution paying
(d) In the case of individuals who requalify for benefits under RCW
50.20.050 or 50.20.060, benefits based on wage credits earned prior to
the disqualifying separation shall not be charged to the experience
rating account of the contribution paying employer from whom that
separation took place.
(e) Individuals who qualify for benefits under RCW
50.20.050(2)(b)(iv), as applicable, shall not have their benefits
charged to the experience rating account of any contribution paying
(4)(a) A contribution paying base year employer, not otherwise
eligible for relief of charges for benefits under this section, may
receive such relief if the benefit charges result from payment to an
individual who:
(i) Last left the employ of such employer voluntarily for reasons
not attributable to the employer;
(ii) Was discharged for misconduct or gross misconduct connected
with his or her work not a result of inability to meet the minimum job
(iii) Is unemployed as a result of closure or severe curtailment of
operation at the employer's plant, building, worksite, or other
facility. This closure must be for reasons directly attributable to a
catastrophic occurrence such as fire, flood, or other natural disaster;
(iv) Continues to be employed on a regularly scheduled permanent
part-time basis by a base year employer and who at some time during the
base year was concurrently employed and subsequently separated from at
least one other base year employer. Benefit charge relief ceases when
the employment relationship between the employer requesting relief and
the claimant is terminated. This subsection does not apply to shared
work employers under chapter 50.60 RCW.
(b) The employer requesting relief of charges under this subsection
must request relief in writing within thirty days following mailing to
the last known address of the notification of the valid initial
determination of such claim, stating the date and reason for the
separation or the circumstances of continued employment. The
commissioner, upon investigation of the request, shall determine
whether relief should be granted.
Sec. 22 RCW 50.12.220 and 1987 c 111 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) If an employer fails to file in a timely and complete manner
a report required by RCW 50.12.070 ((as now or hereafter amended)), or
the rules adopted pursuant thereto, the employer shall be subject to a
((minimum)) penalty ((of ten dollars per violation)) to be determined
by the commissioner, but not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars or ten
percent of the quarterly contributions for each such offense, whichever
is less.
(b) If an employer knowingly misrepresents to the employment
security department the amount of his or her payroll upon which
contributions under this title are based, the employer shall be liable
to the state for up to ten times the amount of the difference in
contributions paid, if any, and the amount the employer should have
paid and for the reasonable expenses of auditing his or her books and
collecting such sums. Such liability may be enforced in the name of
the department.
(c) If any part of a delinquency for which an assessment is made
under this title is due to an intent to evade the successorship
provisions of RCW 50.29.062, the commissioner shall assign to the
employer, and to any business found to be promoting the evasion of such
provisions, the tax rate determined under RCW 50.29.025 for rate class
20 or rate class 40, as applicable, for five consecutive calendar
quarters, beginning with the calendar quarter in which the intent to
evade such provision is found.
(2) If contributions are not paid on the date on which they are due
and payable as prescribed by the commissioner, there shall be assessed
a penalty of five percent of the amount of the contributions for the
first month or part thereof of delinquency; there shall be assessed a
total penalty of ten percent of the amount of the contributions for the
second month or part thereof of delinquency; and there shall be
assessed a total penalty of twenty percent of the amount of the
contributions for the third month or part thereof of delinquency. No
penalty so added shall be less than ten dollars. These penalties are
in addition to the interest charges assessed under RCW 50.24.040.
(3) Penalties shall not accrue on contributions from an estate in
the hands of a receiver, executor, administrator, trustee in
bankruptcy, common law assignee, or other liquidating officer
subsequent to the date when such receiver, executor, administrator,
trustee in bankruptcy, common law assignee, or other liquidating
officer qualifies as such, but contributions accruing with respect to
employment of persons by a receiver, executor, administrator, trustee
in bankruptcy, common law assignee, or other liquidating officer shall
become due and shall be subject to penalties in the same manner as
contributions due from other employers.
(4) Where adequate information has been furnished to the department
and the department has failed to act or has advised the employer of no
liability or inability to decide the issue, penalties shall be waived
by the commissioner. Penalties may also be waived for good cause if
the commissioner determines that the failure to timely file reports or
pay contributions was not due to the employer's fault.
(5) Any decision to assess a penalty as provided by this section
shall be made by the chief administrative officer of the tax branch or
his or her designee.
(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to deny an employer
the right to appeal the assessment of any penalty. Such appeal shall
be made in the manner provided in RCW 50.32.030.
Sec. 23 RCW 50.16.010 and 2002 c 371 s 914 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) There shall be maintained as special funds, separate and apart
from all public moneys or funds of this state an unemployment
compensation fund, an administrative contingency fund, and a federal
interest payment fund, which shall be administered by the commissioner
exclusively for the purposes of this title, and to which RCW 43.01.050
shall not be applicable.
(2)(a) The unemployment compensation fund shall consist of:
(((1))) (i) All contributions collected under RCW 50.24.010 and
payments in lieu of contributions collected pursuant to the provisions
of this title((,));
(((2))) (ii) Any property or securities acquired through the use of
moneys belonging to the fund((,));
(((3))) (iii) All earnings of such property or securities((,));
(((4))) (iv) Any moneys received from the federal unemployment
account in the unemployment trust fund in accordance with Title XII of
the social security act, as amended((,));
(((5))) (v) All money recovered on official bonds for losses
sustained by the fund((,));
(((6))) (vi) All money credited to this state's account in the
unemployment trust fund pursuant to section 903 of the social security
act, as amended((,));
(((7))) (vii) All money received from the federal government as
reimbursement pursuant to section 204 of the federal-state extended
compensation act of 1970 (84 Stat. 708-712; 26 U.S.C. Sec. 3304)((,));
(((8))) (viii) All moneys received for the fund from any other
(b) All moneys in the unemployment compensation fund shall be
commingled and undivided.
(3)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, the
administrative contingency fund shall consist of:
(i) All interest on delinquent contributions collected pursuant to
this title((,));
(ii) All fines and penalties collected pursuant to the provisions
of this title((,));
(iii) All sums recovered on official bonds for losses sustained by
the fund((,)); and
(iv) Revenue received under RCW 50.24.014((: PROVIDED, That)).
(b) All fees, fines, forfeitures, and penalties collected or
assessed by a district court because of the violation of ((a state
law)) this title or rules adopted under this title shall be remitted as
provided in chapter 3.62 RCW ((as now exists or is later amended)).
(c) Moneys available in the administrative contingency fund, other
than money in the special account created under RCW 50.24.014(1)(a),
shall be expended upon the direction of the commissioner, with the
approval of the governor, whenever it appears to him or her that such
expenditure is necessary solely for:
(((a))) (i) The proper administration of this title and no federal
funds are available for the specific purpose to which such expenditure
is to be made, provided, the moneys are not substituted for
appropriations from federal funds which, in the absence of such moneys,
would be made available.
(((b))) (ii) The proper administration of this title for which
purpose appropriations from federal funds have been requested but not
yet received, provided, the administrative contingency fund will be
reimbursed upon receipt of the requested federal appropriation.
(((c))) (iii) The proper administration of this title for which
compliance and audit issues have been identified that establish federal
claims requiring the expenditure of state resources in resolution.
Claims must be resolved in the following priority: First priority is
to provide services to eligible participants within the state; second
priority is to provide substitute services or program support; and last
priority is the direct payment of funds to the federal government.
(d) ((During the 2001-2003 fiscal biennium, the cost of worker
retraining programs at community and technical colleges as appropriated
by the legislature.))
Money in the special account created under RCW 50.24.014(1)(a) may
only be expended, after appropriation, for the purposes specified in
this section and RCW 50.62.010, 50.62.020, 50.62.030, ((50.04.070,
50.04.072, 50.16.010, 50.29.025,)) 50.24.014, 50.44.053, and 50.22.010.
Sec. 24 RCW 50.16.015 and 1983 1st ex.s. c 13 s 6 are each
amended to read as follows:
A separate and identifiable fund to provide for the payment of
interest on advances received from this state's account in the federal
unemployment trust fund shall be established and administered under the
direction of the commissioner. This fund shall be known as the federal
interest payment fund and shall consist of contributions paid under RCW
50.16.070. All money in this fund shall be expended solely for the
payment of interest on advances received from this state's account in
the federal unemployment trust fund and for no other purposes
Sec. 25 RCW 50.24.014 and 2000 c 2 s 15 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1)(a) A separate and identifiable account to provide for the
financing of special programs to assist the unemployed is established
in the administrative contingency fund. All money in this account
shall be expended solely for the purposes of this title and for no
other purposes whatsoever. Contributions to this account shall accrue
and become payable by each employer, except employers as described in
RCW 50.44.010 and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments
in lieu of contributions, taxable local government employers as
described in RCW 50.44.035, and those employers who are required to
make payments in lieu of contributions, at a basic rate of two one-hundredths of one percent. The amount of wages subject to tax shall be
determined under RCW 50.24.010.
(b) A separate and identifiable account is established in the
administrative contingency fund for financing the employment security
department's administrative cost under RCW 50.22.150 and the costs
under RCW 50.22.150(9). All money in this account shall be expended
solely for the purposes of this title and for no other purposes
whatsoever. Contributions to this account shall accrue and become
payable by each employer, except employers as described in RCW
and 50.44.030 who have properly elected to make payments in
lieu of contributions, taxable local government employers as described
in RCW 50.44.035, those employers who are required to make payments in
lieu of contributions, those employers described under RCW
50.29.025(((6)(b))) (1)(f)(ii), and those qualified employers assigned
rate class 20 or rate class 40, as applicable, under RCW 50.29.025, at
a basic rate of one one-hundredth of one percent. The amount of wages
subject to tax shall be determined under RCW 50.24.010. Any amount of
contributions payable under this subsection (1)(b) that exceeds the
amount that would have been collected at a rate of four one-thousandths
of one percent must be deposited in the unemployment compensation trust
(c) For the first calendar quarter of 1994 only, the basic two one-hundredths of one percent contribution payable under (a) of this
subsection shall be increased by one-hundredth of one percent to a
total rate of three one-hundredths of one percent. The proceeds of
this incremental one-hundredth of one percent shall be used solely for
the purposes described in section 22, chapter 483, Laws of 1993, and
for the purposes of conducting an evaluation of the call center
approach to unemployment insurance under section 5, chapter 161, Laws
of 1998. During the 1997-1999 fiscal biennium, any surplus from
contributions payable under this subsection (c) may be deposited in the
unemployment compensation trust fund, used to support tax and wage
automated systems projects that simplify and streamline employer
reporting, or both.
(2)(a) Contributions under this section shall become due and be
paid by each employer under rules as the commissioner may prescribe,
and shall not be deducted, in whole or in part, from the remuneration
of individuals in the employ of the employer. Any deduction in
violation of this section is unlawful.
(b) In the payment of any contributions under this section, a
fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to
one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one cent.
(3) If the commissioner determines that federal funding has been
increased to provide financing for the services specified in chapter
50.62 RCW, the commissioner shall direct that collection of
contributions under this section be terminated on the following January
Sec. 26 RCW 50.20.190 and 2002 c 371 s 915 are each
amended to
read as follows:
(1) An individual who is paid any amount as benefits under this
title to which he or she is not entitled shall, unless otherwise
relieved pursuant to this section, be liable for repayment of the
amount overpaid. The department shall issue an overpayment assessment
setting forth the reasons for and the amount of the overpayment. The
amount assessed, to the extent not collected, may be deducted from any
future benefits payable to the individual: PROVIDED, That in the
absence of a back pay award, a settlement affecting the allowance of
benefits, fraud, misrepresentation, or willful nondisclosure, every
determination of liability shall be mailed or personally served not
later than two years after the close of or final payment made on the
individual's applicable benefit year for which the purported
overpayment was made, whichever is later, unless the merits of the
claim are subjected to administrative or judicial review in which event
the period for serving the determination of liability shall be extended
to allow service of the determination of liability during the six-month
period following the final decision affecting the claim.
(2) The commissioner may waive an overpayment if the commissioner
finds that the overpayment was not the result of fraud,
misrepresentation, willful nondisclosure, or fault attributable to the
individual and that the recovery thereof would be against equity and
good conscience: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the overpayment so waived
shall be charged against the individual's applicable entitlement for
the eligibility period containing the weeks to which the overpayment
was attributed as though such benefits had been properly paid.
(3) Any assessment herein provided shall constitute a determination
of liability from which an appeal may be had in the same manner and to
the same extent as provided for appeals relating to determinations in
respect to claims for benefits: PROVIDED, That an appeal from any
determination covering overpayment only shall be deemed to be an appeal
from the determination which was the basis for establishing the
overpayment unless the merits involved in the issue set forth in such
determination have already been heard and passed upon by the appeal
tribunal. If no such appeal is taken to the appeal tribunal by the
individual within thirty days of the delivery of the notice of
determination of liability, or within thirty days of the mailing of the
notice of determination, whichever is the earlier, the determination of
liability shall be deemed conclusive and final. Whenever any such
notice of determination of liability becomes conclusive and final, the
commissioner, upon giving at least twenty days notice by certified mail
return receipt requested to the individual's last known address of the
intended action, may file with the superior court clerk of any county
within the state a warrant in the amount of the notice of determination
of liability plus a filing fee under RCW 36.18.012(10). The clerk of
the county where the warrant is filed shall immediately designate a
superior court cause number for the warrant, and the clerk shall cause
to be entered in the judgment docket under the superior court cause
number assigned to the warrant, the name of the person(s) mentioned in
the warrant, the amount of the notice of determination of liability,
and the date when the warrant was filed. The amount of the warrant as
docketed shall become a lien upon the title to, and any interest in,
all real and personal property of the person(s) against whom the
warrant is issued, the same as a judgment in a civil case duly docketed
in the office of such clerk. A warrant so docketed shall be sufficient
to support the issuance of writs of execution and writs of garnishment
in favor of the state in the manner provided by law for a civil
judgment. A copy of the warrant shall be mailed to the person(s)
mentioned in the warrant by certified mail to the person's last known
address within five days of its filing with the clerk.
(4) On request of any agency which administers an employment
security law of another state, the United States, or a foreign
government and which has found in accordance with the provisions of
such law that a claimant is liable to repay benefits received under
such law, the commissioner may collect the amount of such benefits from
the claimant to be refunded to the agency. In any case in which under
this section a claimant is liable to repay any amount to the agency of
another state, the United States, or a foreign government, such amounts
may be collected without interest by civil action in the name of the
commissioner acting as agent for such agency if the other state, the
United States, or the foreign government extends such collection rights
to the employment security department of the state of Washington, and
provided that the court costs be paid by the governmental agency
benefiting from such collection.
(5) Any employer who is a party to a back pay award or settlement
due to loss of wages shall, within thirty days of the award or
settlement, report to the department the amount of the award or
settlement, the name and social security number of the recipient of the
award or settlement, and the period for which it is awarded. When an
individual has been awarded or receives back pay, for benefit purposes
the amount of the back pay shall constitute wages paid in the period
for which it was awarded. For contribution purposes, the back pay
award or settlement shall constitute wages paid in the period in which
it was actually paid. The following requirements shall also apply:
(a) The employer shall reduce the amount of the back pay award or
settlement by an amount determined by the department based upon the
amount of unemployment benefits received by the recipient of the award
or settlement during the period for which the back pay award or
settlement was awarded;
(b) The employer shall pay to the unemployment compensation fund,
in a manner specified by the commissioner, an amount equal to the
amount of such reduction;
(c) The employer shall also pay to the department any taxes due for
unemployment insurance purposes on the entire amount of the back pay
award or settlement notwithstanding any reduction made pursuant to (a)
of this subsection;
(d) If the employer fails to reduce the amount of the back pay
award or settlement as required in (a) of this subsection, the
department shall issue an overpayment assessment against the recipient
of the award or settlement in the amount that the back pay award or
settlement should have been reduced; and
(e) If the employer fails to pay to the department an amount equal
to the reduction as required in (b) of this subsection, the department
shall issue an assessment of liability against the employer which shall
be collected pursuant to the procedures for collection of assessments
provided herein and in RCW 50.24.110.
(6) When an individual fails to repay an overpayment assessment
that is due and fails to arrange for satisfactory repayment terms, the
commissioner shall impose an interest penalty of one percent per month
of the outstanding balance. Interest shall accrue immediately on
overpayments assessed pursuant to RCW 50.20.070 and shall be imposed
when the assessment becomes final. For any other overpayment, interest
shall accrue when the individual has missed two or more of ((their))
the individual's monthly payments either partially or in full. The
interest penalty shall be used, first, to fully fund either social
security number cross-match audits or other more effective activities
that ensure that individuals are entitled to all amounts of benefits
that they are paid and, second, to fund other detection and recovery of
overpayment and collection activities ((and, during the 2001-2003
fiscal biennium, the cost of worker retraining programs at community
and technical colleges as appropriated by the legislature)).
Sec. 27 RCW 50.04.206 and 1990 c 245 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
The term "employment" shall not include service that is performed
by a nonresident alien for the period he or she is temporarily present
in the United States as a nonimmigrant under subparagraph (F), (H)(ii),
(H)(iii), or (J) of section 101(a)(15) of the federal immigration and
naturalization act, as amended, and that is performed to carry out the
purpose specified in the applicable subparagraph of the federal
immigration and naturalization act.
*Sec. 28 RCW 50.20.140 and 1998 c 161 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) An application for initial determination, a claim for waiting
period, or a claim for benefits shall be filed in accordance with such
rules as the commissioner may prescribe. An application for an initial
determination may be made by any individual whether unemployed or not.
Each employer shall post and maintain printed statements of such rules
in places readily accessible to individuals in his or her employment
and shall make available to each such individual at the time he or she
becomes unemployed, a printed statement of such rules and such notices,
instructions, and other material as the commissioner may by rule
prescribe. Such printed material shall be supplied by the commissioner
to each employer without cost to the employer.
(2) The term "application for initial determination" shall mean a
request in writing, or by other means as determined by the
commissioner, for an initial determination. The term "claim for
waiting period" shall mean a certification, after the close of a given
week, that the requirements stated herein for eligibility for waiting
period have been met. The term "claim for benefits" shall mean a
certification, after the close of a given week, that the requirements
stated herein for eligibility for receipt of benefits have been met.
(3) A representative designated by the commissioner shall take the
application for initial determination and for the claim for waiting
period credits or for benefits. When an application for initial
determination has been made, the employment security department shall
promptly make an initial determination which shall be a statement of
the applicant's base year wages, his or her weekly benefit amount, his
or her maximum amount of benefits potentially payable, and his or her
benefit year. Such determination shall fix the general conditions
under which waiting period credit shall be granted and under which
benefits shall be paid during any period of unemployment occurring
within the benefit year fixed by such determination.
(4) The legislature finds that the shift by the employment security
department from in-person written applications for unemployment
insurance benefits to call centers and internet applications has
increased the potential for fraud. Therefore, the employment security
department must require claimants filing initial and weekly claims
telephonically or electronically to provide additional proof of
identity, such as a valid driver's license, a valid identification
card, or other similar proof specified in rule by the department.
*Sec. 28 was vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 29 The employment security department shall:
(1) In consultation with an advisory committee equally representing
business and labor, identify the programs funded by special
administrative contributions under Title 50 RCW and report to the
advisory committee the expenditures for these programs annually and
cumulatively since enactment. Following its report to the advisory
committee, the department shall report its findings and any
recommendations to the appropriate committees of the legislature by
December 1, 2003.
(2) Conduct a review of the type, rate, and causes of employer
turnover in the unemployment compensation system, using unified
business identifier information or other relevant data bases and
methods. The department shall report its findings and any
recommendations to the appropriate committees of the legislature by
December 1, 2003.
(3) Conduct a study of the potential for year to year volatility,
if any, in the rate classes to which employers in the array are
assigned under RCW 50.29.025(2)(a)(ii). The department shall report
its findings and any recommendations for minimizing the potential for
year to year volatility to the appropriate committees of the
legislature by December 1, 2003.
Sec. 30 RCW 50.20.043 and 1985 c 40 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
No otherwise eligible individual shall be denied benefits for any
week because the individual is in training with the approval of the
commissioner, nor shall such individual be denied benefits with respect
to any week in which the individual is satisfactorily progressing in a
training program with the approval of the commissioner by reason of the
application of RCW 50.20.010(((3))) (1)(c), ((50.20.015,)) 50.20.080,
or 50.22.020(1) relating to availability for work and active search for
work, or failure to apply for or refusal to accept suitable work.
An individual who the commissioner determines to be a dislocated
worker as defined by RCW 50.04.075 and who is satisfactorily
progressing in a training program approved by the commissioner shall be
considered to be in training with the approval of the commissioner.
Sec. 31 RCW 50.20.160 and 1990 c 245 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A determination of amount of benefits potentially payable
issued pursuant to the provisions of RCW 50.20.120 and 50.20.140 shall
not serve as a basis for appeal but shall be subject to request by the
claimant for reconsideration and/or for redetermination by the
commissioner at any time within one year from the date of delivery or
mailing of such determination, or any redetermination thereof:
PROVIDED, That in the absence of fraud or misrepresentation on the part
of the claimant, any benefits paid prior to the date of any
redetermination which reduces the amount of benefits payable shall not
be subject to recovery under the provisions of RCW 50.20.190. A denial
of a request to reconsider or a redetermination shall be furnished the
claimant in writing and provide the basis for appeal under the
provisions of RCW 50.32.020.
(2) A determination of denial of benefits issued under the
provisions of RCW 50.20.180 shall become final, in absence of timely
appeal therefrom: PROVIDED, That the commissioner may reconsider and
redetermine such determinations at any time within one year from
delivery or mailing to correct an error in identity, omission of fact,
or misapplication of law with respect to the facts.
(3) A determination of allowance of benefits shall become final, in
absence of a timely appeal therefrom: PROVIDED, That the commissioner
may redetermine such allowance at any time within two years following
the benefit year in which such allowance was made in order to recover
any benefits improperly paid and for which recovery is provided under
the provisions of RCW 50.20.190: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That in the
absence of fraud, misrepresentation, or nondisclosure, this provision
or the provisions of RCW 50.20.190 shall not be construed so as to
permit redetermination or recovery of an allowance of benefits which
having been made after consideration of the provisions of RCW
50.20.010(((3))) (1)(c), or the provisions of RCW 50.20.050, 50.20.060,
50.20.080, or 50.20.090 has become final.
(4) A redetermination may be made at any time: (a) To conform to
a final court decision applicable to either an initial determination or
a determination of denial or allowance of benefits; (b) in the event of
a back pay award or settlement affecting the allowance of benefits; or
(c) in the case of fraud, misrepresentation, or willful nondisclosure.
Written notice of any such redetermination shall be promptly given by
mail or delivered to such interested parties as were notified of the
initial determination or determination of denial or allowance of
benefits and any new interested party or parties who, pursuant to such
regulation as the commissioner may prescribe, would be an interested
Sec. 32 RCW 50.32.040 and 1989 c 175 s 117 are each amended to
read as follows:
In any proceeding before an appeal tribunal involving a dispute of
an individual's initial determination, all matters covered by such
initial determination shall be deemed to be in issue irrespective of
the particular ground or grounds set forth in the notice of appeal.
In any proceeding before an appeal tribunal involving a dispute of
an individual's claim for waiting period credit or claim for benefits,
all matters and provisions of this title relating to the individual's
right to receive such credit or benefits for the period in question,
including but not limited to the question and nature of the claimant's
availability for work within the meaning of RCW 50.20.010(((3))) (1)(c)
and 50.20.080, shall be deemed to be in issue irrespective of the
particular ground or grounds set forth in the notice of appeal in
single claimant cases. The claimant's availability for work shall be
determined apart from all other matters.
In any proceeding before an appeal tribunal involving an
individual's right to benefits, all parties shall be afforded an
opportunity for hearing after not less than seven days' notice in
accordance with RCW 34.05.434.
In any proceeding involving an appeal relating to benefit
determinations or benefit claims, the appeal tribunal, after affording
the parties reasonable opportunity for fair hearing, shall render its
decision affirming, modifying, or setting aside the determination or
decisions of the unemployment compensation division. The parties shall
be duly notified of such appeal tribunal's decision together with its
reasons therefor, which shall be deemed to be the final decision on the
initial determination or the claim for waiting period credit or the
claim for benefits unless, within thirty days after the date of
notification or mailing, whichever is the earlier, of such decision,
further appeal is perfected pursuant to the provisions of this title
relating to review by the commissioner.
Sec. 33 RCW 28B.50.030 and 1997 c 367 s 13 are each amended to
read as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, the
(1) "System" shall mean the state system of community and technical
colleges, which shall be a system of higher education.
(2) "Board" shall mean the work force training and education
coordinating board.
(3) "College board" shall mean the state board for community and
technical colleges created by this chapter.
(4) "Director" shall mean the administrative director for the state
system of community and technical colleges.
(5) "District" shall mean any one of the community and technical
college districts created by this chapter.
(6) "Board of trustees" shall mean the local community and
technical college board of trustees established for each college
district within the state.
(7) "Occupational education" shall mean that education or training
that will prepare a student for employment that does not require a
baccalaureate degree.
(8) "K-12 system" shall mean the public school program including
kindergarten through the twelfth grade.
(9) "Common school board" shall mean a public school district board
of directors.
(10) "Community college" shall include those higher education
institutions that conduct education programs under RCW 28B.50.020.
(11) "Technical college" shall include those higher education
institutions with the sole mission of conducting occupational
education, basic skills, literacy programs, and offering on short
notice, when appropriate, programs that meet specific industry needs.
The programs of technical colleges shall include, but not be limited
to, continuous enrollment, competency-based instruction, industry-experienced faculty, curriculum integrating vocational and basic skills
education, and curriculum approved by representatives of employers and
labor. For purposes of this chapter, technical colleges shall include
Lake Washington Vocational-Technical Institute, Renton Vocational-Technical Institute, Bates Vocational-Technical Institute, Clover Park
Vocational Institute, and Bellingham Vocational-Technical Institute.
(12) "Adult education" shall mean all education or instruction,
including academic, vocational education or training, basic skills and
literacy training, and "occupational education" provided by public
educational institutions, including common school districts for persons
who are eighteen years of age and over or who hold a high school
diploma or certificate. However, "adult education" shall not include
academic education or instruction for persons under twenty-one years of
age who do not hold a high school degree or diploma and who are
a public high school for the sole purpose of obtaining a high
school diploma or certificate, nor shall "adult education" include
education or instruction provided by any four year public institution
of higher education.
(13) "Dislocated forest product worker" shall mean a forest
products worker who: (a)(i) Has been terminated or received notice of
termination from employment and is unlikely to return to employment in
the individual's principal occupation or previous industry because of
a diminishing demand for his or her skills in that occupation or
industry; or (ii) is self-employed and has been displaced from his or
her business because of the diminishing demand for the ((business's))
business' services or goods; and (b) at the time of last separation
from employment, resided in or was employed in a rural natural
resources impact area.
(14) "Forest products worker" shall mean a worker in the forest
products industries affected by the reduction of forest fiber
enhancement, transportation, or production. The workers included
within this definition shall be determined by the employment security
department, but shall include workers employed in the industries
assigned the major group standard industrial classification codes "24"
and "26" and the industries involved in the harvesting and management
of logs, transportation of logs and wood products, processing of wood
products, and the manufacturing and distribution of wood processing and
logging equipment. The commissioner may adopt rules further
interpreting these definitions. For the purposes of this subsection,
"standard industrial classification code" means the code identified in
RCW 50.29.025(((6)(c))) (3).
(15) "Dislocated salmon fishing worker" means a finfish products
worker who: (a)(i) Has been terminated or received notice of
termination from employment and is unlikely to return to employment in
the individual's principal occupation or previous industry because of
a diminishing demand for his or her skills in that occupation or
industry; or (ii) is self-employed and has been displaced from his or
her business because of the diminishing demand for the business's
services or goods; and (b) at the time of last separation from
employment, resided in or was employed in a rural natural resources
impact area.
(16) "Salmon fishing worker" means a worker in the finfish industry
affected by 1994 or future salmon disasters. The workers included
within this definition shall be determined by the employment security
department, but shall include workers employed in the industries
involved in the commercial and recreational harvesting of finfish
including buying and processing finfish. The commissioner may adopt
rules further interpreting these definitions.
(17) "Rural natural resources impact area" means:
(a) A nonmetropolitan county, as defined by the 1990 decennial
census, that meets three of the five criteria set forth in subsection
(18) of this section;
(b) A nonmetropolitan county with a population of less than forty
thousand in the 1990 decennial census, that meets two of the five
criteria as set forth in subsection (18) of this section; or
(c) A nonurbanized area, as defined by the 1990 decennial census,
that is located in a metropolitan county that meets three of the five
criteria set forth in subsection (18) of this section.
(18) For the purposes of designating rural natural resources impact
areas, the following criteria shall be considered:
(a) A lumber and wood products employment location quotient at or
above the state average;
(b) A commercial salmon fishing employment location quotient at or
above the state average;
(c) Projected or actual direct lumber and wood products job losses
of one hundred positions or more;
(d) Projected or actual direct commercial salmon fishing job losses
of one hundred positions or more; and
(e) An unemployment rate twenty percent or more above the state
average. The counties that meet these criteria shall be determined by
the employment security department for the most recent year for which
data is available. For the purposes of administration of programs
under this chapter, the United States post office five-digit zip code
delivery areas will be used to determine residence status for
eligibility purposes. For the purpose of this definition, a zip code
delivery area of which any part is ten miles or more from an urbanized
area is considered nonurbanized. A zip code totally surrounded by zip
codes qualifying as nonurbanized under this definition is also
considered nonurbanized. The office of financial management shall make
available a zip code listing of the areas to all agencies and
organizations providing services under this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 34 The commissioner of the employment security
department may adopt such rules as are necessary to implement this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 35 The following acts or parts of acts are
each repealed:
(1) RCW 50.20.015 (Person with marginal labor force attachment) and
1986 c 106 s 1, 1985 c 285 s 3, & 1984 c 205 s 9;
(2) RCW 50.20.045 (Employee separated from employment due to wage
garnishment not disqualified) and 1969 ex.s. c 264 s 35;
(3) RCW 50.20.125 (Maximum amount payable weekly) and 2002 c 149 s
3; and
(4) RCW 50.29.045 (Contribution rate -- Insolvency surcharge) and
2002 c 149 s 9.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 36 If any part of this act is found to be in
conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to
the allocation of federal funds to the state or the eligibility of
employers in this state for federal unemployment tax credits, the
conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the
conflict, and the finding or determination does not affect the
operation of the remainder of this act. Rules adopted under this act
must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the
receipt of federal funds by the state or the granting of federal
unemployment tax credits to employers in this state.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 37 If any provision of this act or its
application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other
persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 38 Section 29 of this act expires January 1,
NEW SECTION. Sec. 39 This act is necessary for the
preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the
state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect