HB 2410
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions, February 21, 2002
Title: An act relating to advisory board of plumbers.
Brief Description: Authorizing advisory board of plumbers to advise department of labor and industries on proposed legislation.
Sponsors: Representatives Cairnes, Simpson, Kirby, Armstrong and Haigh.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Labor, Commerce & Financial Institutions: 2/21/02 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Keiser, Vice Chair; Benton, Franklin, Gardner, Rasmussen, Regala and Winsley.
Staff: Matthew Adams (786‑7784)
Background: The Advisory Board of Plumbers was created in 1973. The board has five members: two journey level plumbers; two persons engaged in the plumbing business; and one member of the public with knowledge of the business and trade of plumbing. The Governor appoints the members of the board for three-year staggered terms.
The board advises the director of the Department of Labor and Industries on all matters related to state law on plumbing. For example, the board advises the director on rules regulating the plumbing trade and on criteria for examinations of persons who wish to engage in the plumbing trade. The board also conducts hearings on the revocation of a certificate of competency.
Summary of Bill: The State Advisory Board of Plumbers may advise the director of the Department of Labor and Industries on proposed legislation on plumbing.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: This bill clarifies that the Board of Plumbers may advise L&I on proposed legislation. It will enhance the legislative process by allowing more review over proposals before they are introduced to the Legislature and the Governor.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Rep. Cairnes, prime sponsor (pro).