SHB 1325
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
State & Local Government, March 26, 2001
Title: An act relating to the joint committee on veterans' and military affairs.
Brief Description: Creating a joint committee on veterans' and military affairs.
Sponsors: By House Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Representatives D. Schmidt (co‑prime sponsor), Conway (co‑prime sponsor), Haigh, Bush, Talcott, Romero, Mielke, Anderson, Rockefeller, Campbell and Wood; by request of Joint Select Committee on Veterans' and Military Affairs).
Brief History:
Committee Activity: State & Local Government: 3/22/01, 3/26/01 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Patterson, Chair; Fairley, Vice Chair; Gardner, Hale, Horn, T. Sheldon and Swecker.
Staff: Eugene Green (786‑7405)
Background: In 1999, the Senate passed SR 1999-8688, creating the Senate Select Committee on Veterans= and Military Affairs. It consisted of eight members, four from each major caucus. Committee meetings were attended by members of the House of Representatives.
In 2000, the Legislature passed SHCR 4428, creating the Joint Select Committee on Veterans= and Military Affairs. It consisted of 16 members, four from each major caucus of the Senate and House of Representatives. The committee examined and defined issues and made a number of recommendations to the Legislature.
The authority for a Joint Select Committee created by concurrent resolution expires at the end of each biennium (unless an earlier expiration is specified).
Summary of Bill: The Joint Committee on Veterans= and Military Affairs is created. The committee consists of 16 members, four members from each of the two major caucuses of the Senate and House of Representatives. Members of the committee must be appointed before the close of the 2001 legislative session. Each member=s term of office runs from the close of the session in which she or he was appointed until the close of the next regular session held in an odd-numbered year.
The committee must establish an executive committee of four members representing the major caucuses of each house. The executive committee is responsible for performing all general administrative and personnel duties assigned to it in the rules and procedures adopted by the committee.
The Joint Committee on Veterans= and Military Affairs must study and make recommendations to the Legislature on issues related to veterans, active military forces, and the National Guard and Reserve component. The committee must also study the structure and administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Military Department and make recommendations to the Legislature.
The committee terminates December 31, 2005.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: This committee has been successful in acting as a focal point for veterans and the military. We want it to continue.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: PRO: John Lee, Deputy Director, WDVA.