2505-S.E AMS HOCH GORR 056
ESHB 2505 - S AMD 749
By Senator Hochstatter
WITHDRAWN 03/08/02
On page 1, line 10, after "significant" insert "bodily"
On page 1, line 15, after "significant" insert "bodily"
On page 1, line 18, after "is a" strike "class B felony" and insert "misdemeanor"
On page 2, line 10, after "significant" insert "bodily"
On page 2, after line 13, strike all of section 2.
Renumber the sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
ESHB 2505 - S AMD
By Senator Hochstatter
On page 1, line 1 of the title after "disorder;" strike "reenacting and amending RCW 9.94A.515;"
--- END ---
EFFECT: Clarifies that the significant injury must be "bodily" injury. Civil disorder training is a misdemeanor.