1268-S AMH BLIN 46 Failed 02-13-02
SHB 1268 - H AMD
By Representative ___
On page 73, after line 30, insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 312. FINANCIAL REPORTS TO EMPLOYEES. Every employee organization shall keep an adequate record of its financial transactions. The employee organization must make available to all employees who are required to pay dues or representation fees under this chapter a financial report in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement, certified as to accuracy by a certified public accountant, within sixty days after the end of its fiscal year. Additional details on which the financial report is based must be made available to an employee on request. If an employee organization fails to comply with this section, the employee may petition the commission for an order compelling compliance, which shall be enforceable in the same manner as other orders of the commission."
Renumber the sections consecutively and correct internal references accordingly.
EFFECT: Requires an employee organization to keep financial records and make the records available for disclosure to employees who are required to pay dues or representation fees to the organization.