Chapter 388, Laws of 1999
56th Legislature
1999 Regular Session
EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/25/99 - Except section 101 which becomes effective on 7/1/99; and sections 502 and 604 which become effective on 5/18/99.
Passed by the Senate April 24, 1999 YEAS 42 NAYS 6
President of the Senate
Passed by the House April 24, 1999 YEAS 95 NAYS 0 |
I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5418 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. |
Speaker of the House of Representatives |
Speaker of the House of Representatives |
Approved May 18, 1999 |
May 18, 1999 - 3:20 p.m. |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1999 Regular Session
State of Washington 56th Legislature 1999 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Senators McAuliffe, Rasmussen, Patterson and Kohl‑Welles; by request of Governor Locke, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Commission on Student Learning)
Read first time 02/24/1999.
AN ACT Relating to K-12 accountability and assistance; amending RCW 28A.630.887, 28A.630.889, 28A.320.205, and 28A.300.130; adding a new chapter to Title 28A RCW; creating new sections; recodifying RCW 28A.320.205, 28A.630.887, 28A.630.889, 28A.630.883, 28A.630.885, 28A.630.945, 28A.630.950, 28A.630.951, 28A.630.952, 28A.630.953, and 28A.630.954; repealing RCW 28A.300.138; repealing 1998 c 225 s 3 (uncodified); repealing 1995 c 209 s 3 (uncodified); repealing 1995 c 209 s 2 and 1992 c 141 s 203 (uncodified); providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. INTENT. The legislature finds that the purpose of Washington's accountability system is to improve student learning and student achievement of the essential academic learning requirement standards so that each individual student will be given the opportunity to become a responsible citizen and successfully live, learn, and work in the twenty-first century. To achieve this purpose, the accountability system should be based on student achievement and continuous improvement at all levels of Washington's education system and on a fundamental principle that all public school students have access to curriculum and instruction that is aligned to the standards.
The legislature further finds that the accountability system should rely on local responsibility and leadership. Districts and schools should be expected to improve and be evaluated based on their improvement over time. Districts should recognize exceptional progress and work closely with schools needing assistance.
The legislature further finds that the accountability system must be simple to use and understand. Consequences must be predictable and fair. Differences among students, schools, and districts should be recognized and respected as the system is implemented. There should be a balance of each student's right to privacy and the public's right to know the overall levels of learning and achievement at the school, district, and state levels. In addition, the accountability system should be continuously reviewed and improved as more is learned about how schools operate to meet the learning needs of Washington's students.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. COMMISSION FORMED AND MEMBERS APPOINTED. (1) The academic achievement and accountability commission is established.
(2) The primary purpose of the commission is to provide oversight of the state's educational accountability system.
(3) The commission shall consist of nine members selected as follows:
(a) One member shall be the superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee; and
(b) Eight members shall be appointed by the governor. Four of the members shall be selected as follows: Each major caucus of the house of representatives and the senate shall submit a list of three names. The lists may not include the names of members of the legislature. The governor shall select a member from each list provided by each caucus. All members appointed by the governor shall be subject to confirmation by the senate.
(4) The governor shall appoint a chair from among the commission members.
(5) Appointees shall be individuals who are supportive of educational improvement, who have a positive record of service, and who will devote sufficient time to the responsibilities of the commission to ensure that the objectives of the commission are achieved. The commission shall be composed of a balance of individuals from within and outside the public education system. The commission shall include educators, business leaders, and parents.
(6) The governor shall appoint its initial commission members by July 1, 1999. The first meeting of the commission shall be convened by the superintendent of public instruction no later than July 30, 1999.
(7) Appointed members shall serve for terms of four years, with the terms expiring on June 30th of the fourth year of the term. However, in the case of the initial members, four members shall serve four-year terms, two members shall serve three-year terms, and two members shall serve two-year terms, with each of the terms expiring on June 30th of the applicable year. Appointees may be reappointed to serve more than one term.
(8) The governor shall fill any vacancy in appointments that may occur. When filling a vacancy of a member nominated by a major caucus of the legislature, the governor shall select the new member from a list of three names submitted by the same caucus that provided the list from which the retiring member was appointed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. COMMISSION'S POWERS AND DUTIES. The powers and duties of the academic achievement and accountability commission shall include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) For purposes of state-wide accountability, the commission shall:
(a) Adopt and revise performance improvement goals in reading, writing, science, and mathematics by subject and grade level as the commission deems appropriate to improve student learning, once assessments in these subjects are required state-wide. The goals shall be in addition to any goals adopted in RCW 28A.630.887 (as recodified by this act). The commission may also revise any goal adopted in RCW 28A.630.887 (as recodified by this act). The commission shall adopt the goals by rule. However, before each goal is implemented, the commission shall present the goal to the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate for the committees' review and comment in a time frame that will permit the legislature to take statutory action on the goal if such action is deemed warranted by the legislature;
(b) Identify the scores students must achieve in order to meet the standard on the Washington assessment of student learning and determine student scores that identify levels of student performance below and beyond the standard. The commission shall set such performance standards and levels in consultation with the superintendent of public instruction and after consideration of any recommendations that may be developed by any advisory committees that may be established for this purpose;
(c) Adopt objective, systematic criteria to identify successful schools and school districts and recommend to the superintendent of public instruction schools and districts to be recognized for two types of accomplishments, student achievement and improvements in student achievement. Recognition for improvements in student achievement shall include consideration of one or more of the following accomplishments:
(i) An increase in the percent of students meeting standards. The level of achievement required for recognition may be based on the achievement goals established by the legislature under RCW 28A.630.887 (as recodified by this act) and the commission under (a) of this subsection;
(ii) Positive progress on an improvement index that measures improvement in all levels of the assessment; and
(iii) Improvements despite challenges such as high levels of mobility, poverty, English as a second language learners, and large numbers of students in special populations as measured by either the percent of students meeting the standard, or the improvement index.
When determining the baseline year or years for recognizing individual schools, the commission may use the assessment results from the initial years the assessments were administered, if doing so with individual schools would be appropriate;
(d) Adopt objective, systematic criteria to identify schools and school districts in need of assistance and those in which significant numbers of students persistently fail to meet state standards. In its deliberations, the commission shall consider the use of all state-wide mandated criterion-referenced and norm-referenced standardized tests;
(e) Identify schools and school districts in which state intervention measures will be needed and a range of appropriate intervention strategies, beginning no earlier than June 30, 2001, and after the legislature has authorized a set of intervention strategies. Beginning no earlier than June 30, 2001, and after the legislature has authorized a set of intervention strategies, at the request of the commission, the superintendent shall intervene in the school or school district and take corrective actions. This chapter does not provide additional authority for the commission or the superintendent of public instruction to intervene in a school or school district;
(f) Identify performance incentive systems that have improved or have the potential to improve student achievement;
(g) Annually review the assessment reporting system to ensure fairness, accuracy, timeliness, and equity of opportunity, especially with regard to schools with special circumstances and unique populations of students, and a recommendation to the superintendent of public instruction of any improvements needed to the system;
(h) Annually report by December 1st to the legislature, the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the state board of education on the progress, findings, and recommendations of the commission. The report may include recommendations of actions to help improve student achievement;
(i) By December 1, 2000, and by December 1st annually thereafter, report to the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate on the progress that has been made in achieving the reading goal under RCW 28A.630.887 (as recodified by this act) and any additional goals adopted by the commission;
(j) Coordinate its activities with the state board of education and the office of the superintendent of public instruction;
(k) Seek advice from the public and all interested educational organizations in the conduct of its work; and
(l) Establish advisory committees, which may include persons who are not members of the commission;
(2) Holding meetings and public hearings, which may include regional meetings and hearings;
(3) Hiring necessary staff and determining the staff's duties and compensation. However, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall provide staff support to the commission until the commission has hired its own staff, and shall provide most of the technical assistance and logistical support needed by the commission thereafter. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall be the fiscal agent for the commission. The commission may direct the office of the superintendent of public instruction to enter into subcontracts, within the commission's resources, with school districts, teachers, higher education faculty, state agencies, business organizations, and other individuals and organizations to assist the commission in its deliberations; and
(4) Receiving per diem and travel allowances as permitted under RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. COMMISSION'S REPORT ON ACCOUNTABILITY POLICIES. By September 5, 2000, the academic achievement and accountability commission shall recommend accountability policies to the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the education and fiscal committees of the house of representatives and senate. The policies shall include, but need not be limited to:
(1) A graduated series of increasingly intensive state intervention strategies for schools and school districts in which low-performance persists over an identified period of time.
(a) The strategies shall be formulated in accordance with the assumption that school districts have primary responsibility for intervening in schools with relatively large numbers of students who are not achieving the essential academic learning requirements.
(b) The strategies shall be formulated in accordance with the assumption that continued low performance despite school district efforts shall trigger an evaluation by the commission. The evaluation is intended to identify the next steps needed to improve student performance. In its evaluation, the commission shall use multiple sources of information that may include, but need not be limited to:
(i) The results of the Washington assessment of student learning;
(ii) The results of state-mandated norm-referenced standardized tests;
(iii) Student achievement evidence from other district or school assessments;
(iv) The level of improvement in student achievement over time;
(v) Student mobility and poverty;
(vi) Attendance and dropout rates;
(vii) Graduation rates and posthigh school indicators;
(viii) The percent of students in special programs; and
(ix) Other factors presented by individual districts or schools.
(c) In its deliberations, the commission shall consider issues of due process, student dropout rates, management and personnel, and educational options, including public school choice options, for students attending schools in which the state has intervened. The commission may consider intervention strategies underway in Washington and other states;
(2) Additional assistance measures for students and schools;
(3) Rewards for successful schools and school districts; and
(4) Any statutory changes necessary to give the superintendent of public instruction the authority to implement, in a school or school district, the state intervention strategies identified in subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 201. RCW 28A.630.887 and 1998 c 319 s 101 are each amended to read as follows:
((By December 15, 1998,)) Each school district board of directors
(a) Select the reading standard results on either the 1997 or 1998 fourth grade Washington assessment of student learning as the school district's initial baseline reading standard. Districts may select the 1997 results only if all of the elementary schools with fourth grade students administered the assessment;
(b) By December 15, 2001, select the mathematics standard results on the 1998, 1999, or 2000 fourth grade Washington assessment of student learning as the school district's fourth grade baseline mathematics standard, using for its baseline a year in which all of the elementary schools with fourth grade students administered the assessment;
Establish ((a)) three-year, district-wide goals to increase, by
the end of the 2000-01 school year, the percentage of students who meet or
exceed the reading standard, and by the 2003-04 school year, the percentage
of students who meet or exceed the mathematics standard on the fourth grade
Washington assessment of student learning. The three-year percentage increase
goal in each subject may not be less than the district's total
percentage of students who did not meet the baseline ((reading))
standard in each subject multiplied by twenty-five percent;
(d) Specify the annual district-wide percentage improvement increments
to meet the ((three-year)) goals; and
(e) Direct each elementary school to establish ((a)) three-year
goals for its fourth grade students, subject to approval by the board.
The aggregate of the elementary school goals must meet or exceed the
district-wide goals established by the board.
((Each school district board of directors shall:
Report biannually to parents in writing and to the community in a public
meeting the following information:
District-wide and school-level three-year goals;
Student performance relative to the goals; and
District-wide and school-level plans to achieve the reading goal in
kindergarten through fourth grade, including grade-level expectations,
curriculum and instruction, parental or guardian involvement, and resources
available to parents and guardians to help students meet the reading standard;
Report annually to the superintendent of public instruction and in a news
release to the local media the district's progress toward meeting the
district-wide and school-level goals; and
Include the reported information in each school's annual school performance
report under RCW 28A.320.205.
By December 1, 2000, the superintendent of public instruction shall report to
the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate on the
progress that has been made in achieving the three-year reading goal, and
provide recommendations to the legislature on setting reading goals for the
next three years.
This section expires July 1, 2006)) By December 15, 2001,
each school district board of directors shall:
(a) Select the mathematics standard results on the 1998, 1999, 2000, or 2001 seventh grade Washington assessment of student learning as the school district's seventh grade baseline mathematics standard;
(b) Establish a three-year district-wide goal to increase, by the end of the 2003-04 school year, the percentage of students who meet or exceed the mathematics standard, on the seventh grade Washington assessment of student learning. The district shall select for its baseline a year in which all of the schools with seventh grade students administered the assessment. The percentage increase goal may not be less than the district's total percentage of students who did not meet the baseline standard in mathematics multiplied by twenty-five percent;
(c) Specify the annual district-wide percentage improvement increments necessary to meet the goal; and
(d) Direct each middle or junior high school, as appropriate, to establish a mathematics goal for its seventh grade students, subject to approval by the board. The aggregate of the middle or junior high school goals must meet or exceed the district-wide goals established by the board in each subject.
(3) Schools and school districts in which ten or fewer students are eligible to be assessed in a grade level are not required to establish numerical improvement goals and performance relative to the goals.
Sec. 301. RCW 28A.630.889 and 1998 c 319 s 301 are each amended to read as follows:
By September 10, 1998, and by September 10th each year thereafter, the
superintendent of public instruction shall((:
(a))) report
to schools, school districts, and the legislature on the results of the ((fourth
grade)) Washington assessment of student learning((; and
Post individual school results of the fourth grade Washington assessment of
student learning on the superintendent of public instruction's internet
world-wide web site)) and state-mandated
norm-referenced standardized tests.
(2) The reports shall include the assessment results by school and school district, and include changes over time. For the Washington assessment of student learning, results shall be reported as follows:
(a) The percentage of students meeting the standards;
(b) The percentage of students performing at each level of the assessment; and
(c) A learning improvement index that shows changes in student performance within the different levels of student learning reported on the Washington assessment of student learning.
(3) The reports shall contain data regarding the different characteristics of schools, such as poverty levels, percent of English as a second language students, dropout rates, attendance, percent of students in special education, and student mobility so that districts and schools can learn from the improvement efforts of other schools and districts with similar characteristics.
(4) The reports shall contain student scores on mandated tests by comparable Washington schools of similar characteristics.
(5) The reports shall contain information on public school choice options available to students, including vocational education.
(6) The reports shall be posted on the superintendent of public instruction's internet web site.
(7) To protect the privacy of students, the results of schools and districts that test fewer than ten students in a grade level shall not be reported. In addition, in order to ensure that results are reported accurately, the superintendent of public instruction shall maintain the confidentiality of state-wide data files until the superintendent determines that the data are complete and accurate.
(8) The superintendent of public instruction shall monitor the percentage and number of special education and limited English-proficient students exempted from taking the assessments by schools and school districts to ensure the exemptions are in compliance with exemption guidelines.
This section expires July 1, 2006.))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 302. SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORTS ON PROGRESS TOWARD PERFORMANCE GOALS. Each school district board of directors shall:
(1)(a) Annually report to parents and to the community in a public meeting and annually report in writing the following information:
(i) District-wide and school-level performance improvement goals;
(ii) Student performance relative to the goals; and
(iii) District-wide and school-level plans to achieve the goals, including curriculum and instruction, parental or guardian involvement, and resources available to parents and guardians to help students meet the state standards;
(b) Report annually in a news release to the local media the district's progress toward meeting the district-wide and school-level goals; and
(c) Include the school-level goals, student performance relative to the goals, and a summary of school-level plans to achieve the goals in each school's annual school performance report under RCW 28A.320.205 (as recodified by this act).
(2) School districts in which ten or fewer students in the district or in a school in the district are eligible to be assessed in a grade level are not required to report numerical improvement goals and performance relative to the goals, but are required to report to parents and the community their plans to improve student achievement.
Sec. 303. RCW 28A.320.205 and 1993 c 336 s 1006 are each amended to read as follows:
Beginning with the 1994-95 school year, to provide the local community and
electorate with access to information on the educational programs in the
schools in the district, each school shall publish annually a school
performance report and deliver the report to each parent with children enrolled
in the school and make the report available to the community served by the
school. The annual performance report shall be in a form that can be easily
understood and be used by parents, guardians, and other members of the
community who are not professional educators to make informed educational
decisions. As data from the assessments in RCW 28A.630.885 (as recodified
by this act) becomes available, the annual performance report should enable
parents, educators, and school board members to determine whether students in
the district's schools are attaining mastery of the student learning goals
under RCW 28A.150.210, and other important facts about the schools' performance
in assisting students to learn. The annual report shall make comparisons to a
school's performance in preceding years and shall ((project goals in
performance categories)) include school level goals under RCW
28A.630.887 (as recodified by this act), student performance relative to the
goals and the percentage of students performing at each level of the
assessment, a comparison of student performance at each level of the assessment
to the previous year's performance, and information regarding school-level
plans to achieve the goals.
The annual performance report shall include, but not be limited to: (a)
A brief statement of the mission of the school and the school district; (b)
enrollment statistics including student demographics; (c) expenditures
per pupil for the school year; (d) a summary of student scores on all
mandated tests; (e) a concise annual budget report; (f) student
attendance, graduation, and dropout rates; (g) information regarding the
use and condition of the school building or buildings; (h) a brief
description of the ((restructuring)) learning improvement plans
for the school; and (i) an invitation to all parents and citizens to
participate in school activities.
(3) The superintendent of public instruction shall develop by June 30, 1994, and update periodically, a model report form, which shall also be adapted for computers, that schools may use to meet the requirements of subsections (1) and (2) of this section. In order to make school performance reports broadly accessible to the public, the superintendent of public instruction, to the extent feasible, shall make information on each school's report available on or through the superintendent's internet web site.
Sec. 401. RCW 28A.300.130 and 1996 c 273 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
Expanding activity in educational research, educational restructuring, and
educational improvement initiatives has produced and continues to produce much
valuable information. The legislature finds that such information should be
shared with the citizens and educational community of the state as widely as
possible. To facilitate access to information and materials on educational
improvement and research, the superintendent of public instruction, to the
extent funds are appropriated, shall establish the center for the improvement
of student learning. The primary purpose of the center is to provide
assistance and advice to parents, school board members, educators, and the
public regarding strategies for assisting students in learning the essential
academic learning requirements pursuant to RCW 28A.630.885. The center shall
work in conjunction with the academic achievement and accountability
commission ((on student learning)), educational service districts, ((and))
institutions of higher education, and education, parent, community, and
business organizations.
(2) The center, in conjunction with other staff in the office of the superintendent of public instruction, shall:
Serve as a clearinghouse for the completed work and activities of the academic
achievement and accountability commission ((on student learning));
Serve as a clearinghouse for information regarding successful educational ((restructuring))
improvement and parental involvement programs in schools and districts,
and information about efforts within institutions of higher education in the
state to support educational ((restructuring)) improvement
initiatives in Washington schools and districts;
Provide best practices research and advice that can be used to help schools
develop and implement: Programs and practices to improve ((reading))
instruction of the essential academic learning requirements under section
701 of this act; systems to analyze student assessment data, with an emphasis
on systems that will combine the use of state and local data to monitor the
academic progress of each and every student in the school district; ((school))
comprehensive, school-wide improvement plans; school-based shared
decision-making models; programs to promote lifelong learning and community
involvement in education; school-to-work transition programs; programs to meet
the needs of highly capable students; programs and practices to meet the
diverse needs of students based on gender, racial, ethnic, economic, and
special needs status; research, information, and technology systems; and
other programs and practices that will assist educators in helping
students learn the essential academic learning requirements;
Develop and distribute, in conjunction with the academic achievement and
accountability commission ((on student learning)), parental
involvement materials, including instructional guides developed to inform
parents of the essential academic learning requirements. The instructional
guides also shall contain actions parents may take to assist their children in
meeting the requirements, and should focus on reaching parents who have not
previously been involved with their children's education;
(e) Identify obstacles to greater parent and community involvement in school shared decision-making processes and recommend strategies for helping parents and community members to participate effectively in school shared decision-making processes, including understanding and respecting the roles of school building administrators and staff;
(f) Develop and maintain an internet web site to increase the availability of information, research, and other materials;
(g) Take other actions to increase public awareness of the importance of parental and community involvement in education;
(h) Work with appropriate organizations to inform teachers, district and
school administrators, and school directors about the waivers available ((under
RCW 28A.305.140)) and the broadened school board powers under RCW
(i) Provide training and consultation services, including conducting
regional summer institutes;
(j) Address methods for improving the success rates of certain ethnic
and racial student groups; and
(k) Perform other functions consistent with the purpose of the center as
prescribed in subsection (1) of this section.
The superintendent of public instruction, after consultation with the academic
achievement and accountability commission ((on student learning)),
shall select and employ a director for the center.
The superintendent may enter into contracts with individuals or organizations
including but not limited to: School districts; educational service
districts; educational organizations; teachers; higher education faculty;
institutions of higher education; state agencies; business or community-based
organizations; and other individuals and organizations to accomplish the duties
and responsibilities of the center. ((The superintendent shall contract out
with community-based organizations to meet the provisions of subsection (2)(d)
and (e) of this section.)) In carrying out the duties and responsibilities
of the center, the superintendent, whenever possible, shall use practitioners
to assist agency staff as well as assist educators and others in schools and
The superintendent shall report annually to the commission on student learning
on the activities of the center.))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 402. ACCOUNTABILITY IMPLEMENTATION FUNDS. (1) To the extent funds are appropriated, the office of the superintendent of public instruction annually shall allocate accountability implementation funds to school districts. The purposes of the funds are to: Develop and update student learning improvement plans; implement curriculum materials and instructional strategies; provide staff professional development to implement the selected curricula and instruction; develop and implement assessment strategies and training in assessment scoring; and fund other activities intended to improve student learning for all students, including students with diverse needs. Activities funded by the allocations must be consistent with the school or district improvement plan, designed to improve the ability of teachers and other instructional certificated and classified staff to assist students in meeting the essential academic learning requirements, and designed to achieve state and local accountability goals. Activities funded by the allocations shall be designed to protect the teachers' instructional time with students and minimize the use of substitute teachers.
(2) Schools receiving funds shall develop, update as needed, and keep on file a school student learning improvement plan to achieve the student learning goals and essential academic learning requirements and to implement the assessment system as it is developed. The plan shall delineate how the accountability implementation funds will be used to accomplish the requirements of this section. The plan shall be made available to the public and to others upon request.
(3) The amount of allocations shall be determined in the omnibus appropriations act.
(4) The state schools for the deaf and blind are eligible to receive allocations under this section.
(5) The superintendent of public instruction may adopt timelines and rules as necessary under chapter 34.05 RCW to administer the program, and require that schools and districts submit reports regarding the use of the funds.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 403. HELPING CORPS. (1) In order to increase the availability and quality of technical assistance state-wide, the superintendent of public instruction, subject to available funding, may employ school improvement coordinators and school improvement specialists to provide assistance to schools and districts. The improvement specialists shall serve on a rotating basis and shall not be permanent employees.
(2) The types of assistance provided by the improvement coordinators and specialists may include, but need not be limited to:
(a) Assistance to schools to use student performance data and develop improvement plans based on those data;
(b) Consultation with schools and districts concerning their performance on the Washington assessment of student learning and other assessments;
(c) Consultation concerning curricula that aligns with the essential academic learning requirements and the Washington assessment of student learning and that meets the needs of diverse learners;
(d) Assistance in the identification and implementation of research-based instructional practices;
(e) Staff training that emphasizes effective instructional strategies and classroom-based assessment;
(f) Assistance in developing and implementing family and community involvement programs; and
(g) Other assistance to schools and school districts intended to improve student learning.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 501. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION'S DUTIES FOR STANDARDS AND ASSESSMENTS. (1) The superintendent of public instruction shall identify the knowledge and skills all public school students need to know and be able to do based on the student learning goals in RCW 28A.150.210, develop student assessments, and implement the accountability recommendations and requests regarding assistance, rewards, and recognition of the academic achievement and accountability commission.
(2) The superintendent of public instruction shall periodically revise the essential academic learning requirements, as needed, based on the student learning goals in RCW 28A.150.210. Goals one and two shall be considered primary. To the maximum extent possible, the superintendent shall integrate goal four and the knowledge and skill areas in the other goals in the essential academic learning requirements.
(3) In consultation with the academic achievement and accountability commission, the superintendent of public instruction shall maintain and continue to develop and revise a state-wide academic assessment system for use in the elementary, middle, and high school years designed to determine if each student has mastered the essential academic learning requirements identified in subsection (1) of this section. The academic assessment system shall include a variety of assessment methods, including criterion-referenced and performance-based measures.
(4) The assessment system shall be designed so that the results under the assessment system are used by educators as tools to evaluate instructional practices, and to initiate appropriate educational support for students who have not mastered the essential academic learning requirements at the appropriate periods in the student's educational development.
(5) To the maximum extent possible, the superintendent shall integrate knowledge and skill areas in development of the assessments.
(6) Assessments for goals three and four of RCW 28A.150.210 shall be integrated in the essential academic learning requirements and assessments for goals one and two.
(7) The superintendent shall develop assessments that are directly related to the essential academic learning requirements, and are not biased toward persons with different learning styles, racial or ethnic backgrounds, or on the basis of gender.
(8) The superintendent shall consider methods to address the unique needs of special education students when developing the assessments under this section.
(9) The superintendent shall consider methods to address the unique needs of highly capable students when developing the assessments under this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 502. COMMISSION ON STUDENT LEARNING‑-TRANSFER OF POWERS. (1) Beginning July 1, 1999, the powers, duties, and functions of the commission on student learning are transferred to the academic achievement and accountability commission or to the superintendent of public instruction as appropriate under the transfer of duties made from the commission on student learning to the academic achievement and accountability commission or the superintendent of public instruction under this act. All references to the commission on student learning in the Revised Code of Washington shall be construed to mean the academic achievement and accountability commission when addressing the duties, activities, or functions regarding the accountability system under this act. All references to the commission on student learning in the Revised Code of Washington shall be construed to mean the superintendent of public instruction when addressing the duties, activities, or functions regarding the essential academic learning requirements, the standards, or the assessments addressed under this act.
(2) All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or written material in the possession of the commission on student learning shall be delivered to the custody of the academic achievement and accountability commission or the superintendent of public instruction, as appropriate. All cabinets, furniture, office equipment, motor vehicles, and other tangible property employed by the commission on student learning shall be made available to the academic achievement and accountability commission or the superintendent of public instruction, as appropriate.
(3) The transfer of the powers, duties, functions, and personnel of the commission on student learning shall not affect the validity of any act performed before the effective date of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 601. ANALYSIS OF FOURTH GRADE MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENT. By August 1, 2000, the superintendent of public instruction shall complete an objective analysis of the fourth grade mathematics assessment. The analysis shall include, but need not be limited to, the student developmental level required to achieve the fourth grade standard successfully and the extent to which the assessment measures a student's computational skills, problem-solving skills, math communications skills, and a breakdown of other skills assessed. The analysis shall include the percentage of items that: Require students to use computational skills without the use of technology; require the use of technology to complete an item; measure mathematics communication skills; measure problem-solving skills; and measure other skills included in the mathematics assessment. The superintendent of public instruction shall consult recognized experts with differing views on the instruction of mathematics, and report the results of the analysis to the governor and the education committees of the house of representatives and the senate by August 15, 2000.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 602. CONSOLIDATED PLANNING. The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with school district personnel, shall consolidate and streamline the planning, application, and reporting requirements for major state and federal categorical and grant programs. The superintendent also shall take actions to increase the use of online electronic applications and reporting.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 603. SLIGS REPEALED. RCW 28A.300.138 (Student learning improvement grants) and 1994 c 245 s 1 & 1993 c 336 s 301 are each repealed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 604. REPEALERS. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) 1998 c 225 s 3 (uncodified);
(2) 1995 c 209 s 3 (uncodified); and
(3) 1995 c 209 s 2 & 1992 c 141 s 203 (uncodified).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 605. PART HEADINGS AND SECTION CAPTIONS NOT LAW. Part headings and section captions used in this act are not any part of the law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 606. NEW ACCOUNTABILITY CHAPTER CREATED. Sections 101 through 103, 302, 402, 403, 501, 502, and 602 of this act constitute a new chapter in Title 28A RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 607. RECODIFICATIONS. The following sections are each recodified as new sections in the chapter created in section 606 of this act:
RCW 28A.320.205
RCW 28A.630.887
RCW 28A.630.889
RCW 28A.630.883
RCW 28A.630.885
RCW 28A.630.945
RCW 28A.630.950
RCW 28A.630.951
RCW 28A.630.952
RCW 28A.630.953
RCW 28A.630.954
NEW SECTION. Sec. 608. EMERGENCY CLAUSE. (1) Section 101 of this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 1999.
(2) Sections 502 and 604 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and take effect immediately.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 609. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
Passed the Senate April 24, 1999.
Passed the House April 24, 1999.
Approved by the Governor May 18, 1999.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 18, 1999.