SB 6493
As of January 28, 2000
Title: An act relating to review of local governmental actions under the state environmental policy act.
Brief Description: Clarifying the procedure for review of local governmental actions under the state environmental policy act.
Sponsors: Senator Heavey.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Environmental Quality & Water Resources: 1/28/2000.
Staff: Genevieve Pisarski (786-7488)
Background: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) directs the Department of Ecology to adopt rules for implementation of the act by government entities. In the case of public projects, these rules provide that the entity, or "agency," that proposes a project is also the "lead agency" for compliance with the requirements of the act.
Summary of Bill: For public projects over $1 million, if proposed by a county, the lead agency is the nearest city over 100,000, and its costs are paid by the county. If the public project over $1 million is proposed by a municipal or public corporation, the county in which the project is located is the lead agency, and its costs are paid by the municipal or public corporation.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.