SB 6330
Title:An act relating to nonconsumptive wildlife activities.
Brief Description:Allowing nonconsumptive wildlife activities on public lands.
Sponsors:Senators Jacobsen, Swecker and Oke.
Meeting Date: February 22, 2000.
Bill Analysis Prepared by:Carole Richmond, Research Analyst (786-7114)
State lands leased for grazing or agricultural purposes are open to the public for hunting and fishing under most circumstances.
Nonconsumptive wildlife activities, also known as watchable wildlife activities, are not currently included in the list of multiple use activities compatible with Department of Natural Resources trust management of public lands.
Nonconsumptive wildlife activities are not defined in rule, but may include activities such as bird watching and wildlife photography.
Summary of Bill:
State lands that are leased for grazing or agricultural purposes, and that are open for hunting and fishing activities, must also be open for nonconsumptive wildlife activities, as defined by the Department of Fish and Wildlife by rule.
Nonconsumptive wildlife activities are prohibited in the same manner as hunting and fishing when:
Clands are closed because of fire danger; or
Clands are posted to prevent entry with the prior permission of the Department of Natural Resources.
Nonconsumptive wildlife activities are added to the list of multiple uses determined to be compatible with trust land management activities conducted by the Department of Natural Resources.
Fiscal Note:None.
Effective Date:Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Senate Passage:2/14/00, 48-0