SB 6211
Title:An act relating to the access road revolving fund..
Brief Description:Concerning the use of access road revolving fund moneys.
Sponsors:Senator T. Sheldon.
Meeting Date: February 22, 2000.
Bill Analysis Prepared by:Josh Weiss, Counsel (786-7129)
Created in 1963, the access road revolving fund is used to build and maintain state forest roads. The Department of Natural Resources collects $13.45 per 1,000 board feet of timber from purchasers. This money is collected at the time of sale and placed into the access road revolving fund. The fund now receives about $9 million a year.
Moneys collected for the access road revolving fund is in addition to the regulatory management fee that the department charges for its management of state trust and county trust lands.
Presently, moneys from the access road revolving fund are dispersed without legislative appropriation.
Summary of Bill:
Moneys from the access road revolving may only be spent after appropriation by the Legislature.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date:Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Senate Passage:2/15/00, 36-12.