SB 5723
As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Commerce & Labor, February 20, 1997
Title: An act relating to industrial insurance compensation for beneficiaries and dependents who are nonresident aliens.
Brief Description: Revising industrial insurance compensation for beneficiaries and dependents who are nonresident aliens.
Sponsors: Senator Swecker.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Commerce & Labor: 2/18/97, 2/20/97 [DP].
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Schow, Chair; Horn, Vice Chair; Anderson, Franklin, Heavey and Newhouse.
Staff: Jonathan Seib (786-7427)
Background: When an employee is killed in the course of employment, his or her dependents are entitled to compensation under the state's Industrial Insurance Act. However, nonresident aliens other than fathers and mothers are explicitly excluded under the act's definition of "dependent."
When workers' compensation benefits are due a nonresident alien beneficiary, the nonresident alien is paid 50 percent of the benefits that would otherwise be provided.
Summary of Bill: A nonresident alien beneficiary is to receive the same benefits under the state Industrial Insurance Act as a resident beneficiary.
Language is removed which excludes nonresident aliens other than fathers and mothers from the definition of "dependent" for purposes of the Industrial Insurance Act.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 10, 1997.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Treating nonresident aliens differently than others under the state=s industrial insurance law makes no sense. This bill is the fair, right thing to do.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: PRO: Senator Swecker, prime sponsor; Myrna Villanueva, Buddy Villanueva, Asian Pacific Labor Alliance.