Chapter 122, Laws of 1996
54th Legislature
1996 Regular Session
Passed by the House March 4, 1996 Yeas 94 Nays 0
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate February 29, 1996 Yeas 46 Nays 0 |
I, Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2358 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved March 21, 1996 |
March 21, 1996 - 10:47 a.m. |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1996 Regular Session
State of Washington 54th Legislature 1996 Regular Session
By House Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Representatives Costa, Ballasiotes, Chopp, Conway, Scott, Linville, Radcliff, Chappell, Dickerson, Hatfield, Quall, Murray, Cooke, Patterson, Cody, Keiser, Veloria and Kessler)
Read first time 02/02/96.
AN ACT Relating to penalty assessments for support of crime victim and witness programs; amending RCW 7.68.035, 7.68.060, and 7.68.070; creating new sections; and prescribing penalties.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that current funding for county victim-witness advocacy programs is inadequate. Also, the state crime victims compensation program should be enhanced to provide for increased benefits to families of victims who are killed as a result of a criminal act. It is the intent of the legislature to provide increased financial support for the county and state crime victim and witness programs by requiring offenders to pay increased penalty assessments upon conviction of a gross misdemeanor or felony crime. The increased financial support is intended to allow county victim/witness programs to more fully assist victims and witnesses through the criminal justice processes. On the state level, the increased funds will allow the remedial intent of the crime victims compensation program to be more fully served. Specifically, the increased funds from offender penalty assessments will allow more appropriate compensation for families of victims who are killed as a result of a criminal act, including reasonable burial benefits.
Sec. 2. RCW 7.68.035 and 1991 c 293 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Whenever
any person is found guilty in any superior court of having committed a crime,
except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, there shall be imposed by
the court upon such convicted person a penalty assessment. The assessment
shall be in addition to any other penalty or fine imposed by law and shall be
((one)) five hundred dollars for each case or cause of action
that includes one or more convictions of a felony or gross misdemeanor and ((seventy-five))
two hundred fifty dollars for any case or cause of action that includes convictions
of only one or more misdemeanors.
(b) Whenever any juvenile is adjudicated of any offense in any juvenile offense disposition under Title 13 RCW, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, there shall be imposed upon the juvenile offender a penalty assessment. The assessment shall be in addition to any other penalty or fine imposed by law and shall be one hundred dollars for each case or cause of action that includes one or more adjudications for a felony or gross misdemeanor and seventy-five dollars for each case or cause of action that includes adjudications of only one or more misdemeanors.
(2) The assessment imposed by subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to motor vehicle crimes defined in Title 46 RCW except those defined in the following sections: RCW 46.61.520, 46.61.522, 46.61.024, 46.52.090, 46.70.140, 46.61.502, 46.61.504, 46.52.100, 46.20.410, 46.52.020, 46.10.130, 46.09.130, 46.61.525, 46.61.685, 46.61.530, 46.61.500, 46.61.015, 46.52.010, 46.44.180, 46.10.090(2), and 46.09.120(2).
(3) Whenever any person accused of having committed a crime posts bail in superior court pursuant to the provisions of chapter 10.19 RCW and such bail is forfeited, there shall be deducted from the proceeds of such forfeited bail a penalty assessment, in addition to any other penalty or fine imposed by law, equal to the assessment which would be applicable under subsection (1) of this section if the person had been convicted of the crime.
(4) Such penalty
assessments shall be paid by the clerk of the superior court to the county
treasurer who shall monthly transmit the money as provided in RCW 10.82.070.
Each county shall deposit fifty percent of the money it receives per case or
cause of action under subsection (1) of this section and retains under RCW
10.82.070, not less than one and seventy-five one-hundredths percent of the
remaining money it retains under RCW 10.82.070 and the money it
retains under chapter 3.62 RCW, and all money it receives under
subsection (((8))) (7) of this section into a fund maintained
exclusively for the support of comprehensive programs to encourage and
facilitate testimony by the victims of crimes and witnesses to crimes. A
program shall be considered "comprehensive" only after approval of the
department upon application by the county prosecuting attorney. The department
shall approve as comprehensive only programs which:
(a) Provide comprehensive services to victims and witnesses of all types of crime with particular emphasis on serious crimes against persons and property. It is the intent of the legislature to make funds available only to programs which do not restrict services to victims or witnesses of a particular type or types of crime and that such funds supplement, not supplant, existing local funding levels;
(b) Are administered by the county prosecuting attorney either directly through the prosecuting attorney's office or by contract between the county and agencies providing services to victims of crime;
(c) Make a reasonable effort to inform the known victim or his surviving dependents of the existence of this chapter and the procedure for making application for benefits;
(d) Assist victims in the restitution and adjudication process; and
(e) Assist victims of violent crimes in the preparation and presentation of their claims to the department of labor and industries under this chapter.
Before a program in any county west of the Cascade mountains is submitted to the department for approval, it shall be submitted for review and comment to each city within the county with a population of more than one hundred fifty thousand. The department will consider if the county's proposed comprehensive plan meets the needs of crime victims in cases adjudicated in municipal, district or superior courts and of crime victims located within the city and county.
(5) Upon submission to the department of a letter of intent to adopt a comprehensive program, the prosecuting attorney shall retain the money deposited by the county under subsection (4) of this section until such time as the county prosecuting attorney has obtained approval of a program from the department. Approval of the comprehensive plan by the department must be obtained within one year of the date of the letter of intent to adopt a comprehensive program. The county prosecuting attorney shall not make any expenditures from the money deposited under subsection (4) of this section until approval of a comprehensive plan by the department. If a county prosecuting attorney has failed to obtain approval of a program from the department under subsection (4) of this section or failed to obtain approval of a comprehensive program within one year after submission of a letter of intent under this section, the county treasurer shall monthly transmit one hundred percent of the money deposited by the county under subsection (4) of this section to the state treasurer for deposit in the public safety and education account established under RCW 43.08.250.
(6) County prosecuting attorneys are responsible to make every reasonable effort to insure that the penalty assessments of this chapter are imposed and collected.
(7) ((Penalty
assessments under this section shall also be imposed in juvenile offense
dispositions under Title 13 RCW. Upon motion of a party and a showing of good
cause, the court may modify the penalty assessment in the disposition of
juvenile offenses under Title 13 RCW.
(8))) Every city and town shall transmit monthly one
and seventy-five one-hundredths percent of all money, other than money received
for parking infractions, retained under RCW 3.46.120, 3.50.100, and 35.20.220
to the county treasurer for deposit as provided in subsection (4) of this
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The office of crime victims advocacy shall report to the legislature on December 31, 1999, December 31, 2002, and December 31, 2005, regarding the collection of penalty assessments under this act and the use of collected funds to provide assistance to victims and witnesses of crime.
Sec. 4. RCW 7.68.060 and 1990 c 3 s 501 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) For the purposes of
applying for benefits under this chapter, the rights, privileges,
responsibilities, duties, limitations and procedures contained in RCW
51.28.020, 51.28.030, 51.28.040 and 51.28.060 ((as now or hereafter amended))
shall apply: PROVIDED, That no compensation of any kind shall be available
under this chapter if:
(a) An application for
benefits is not received by the department within ((one year)) two
years after the date the criminal act was reported to a local police
department or sheriff's office or the date the rights of dependents or
beneficiaries accrued, unless the director has determined that "good
cause" exists to expand the time permitted to receive the application.
"Good cause" shall be determined by the department on a case-by-case
basis and may extend the period of time in which an application can be received
for up to five years after the date the criminal act was reported to a local
police department or sheriff's office or the date the rights of dependents or
beneficiaries accrued; or
(b) The criminal act is not reported by the victim or someone on his or her behalf to a local police department or sheriff's office within twelve months of its occurrence or, if it could not reasonably have been reported within that period, within twelve months of the time when a report could reasonably have been made. In making determinations as to reasonable time limits, the department shall give greatest weight to the needs of the victims.
(2) This section shall apply only to criminal acts reported after December 31, 1985.
(3) Because victims of childhood criminal acts may repress conscious memory of such criminal acts far beyond the age of eighteen, the rights of adult victims of childhood criminal acts shall accrue at the time the victim discovers or reasonably should have discovered the elements of the crime. In making determinations as to reasonable time limits, the department shall give greatest weight to the needs of the victim.
Sec. 5. RCW 7.68.070 and 1993 sp.s. c 24 s 912 are each amended to read as follows:
The right to benefits
under this chapter and the amount thereof will be governed insofar as is
applicable by the provisions contained in chapter 51.32 RCW ((as now or
hereafter amended)) except as provided in this section:
(1) The provisions
contained in RCW 51.32.015, 51.32.030, 51.32.072, 51.32.073, 51.32.180,
51.32.190, and 51.32.200 ((as now or hereafter amended)) are not
applicable to this chapter.
(2) Each victim injured
as a result of a criminal act, including criminal acts committed between July
1, 1981, and January 1, 1983, or the victim's family or dependents in case of
death of the victim, are entitled to benefits in accordance with this chapter,
subject to the limitations under RCW 7.68.015. The rights, duties, responsibilities,
limitations, and procedures applicable to a worker as contained in RCW
51.32.010 ((as now or hereafter amended)) are applicable to this
(3) The limitations
contained in RCW 51.32.020 ((as now or hereafter amended)) are
applicable to claims under this chapter. In addition thereto, no person or
spouse, child, or dependent of such person is entitled to benefits under this
chapter when the injury for which benefits are sought, was:
(a) The result of consent, provocation, or incitement by the victim, unless an injury resulting from a criminal act caused the death of the victim;
(b) Sustained while the crime victim was engaged in the attempt to commit, or the commission of, a felony; or
(c) Sustained while the victim was confined in any county or city jail, federal jail or prison or in any other federal institution, or any state correctional institution maintained and operated by the department of social and health services or the department of corrections, prior to release from lawful custody; or confined or living in any other institution maintained and operated by the department of social and health services or the department of corrections.
(4) The benefits
established upon the death of a worker and contained in RCW 51.32.050 ((as now
or hereafter amended)) shall be the benefits obtainable under this chapter
and provisions relating to payment contained in that section shall equally
apply under this chapter: PROVIDED, That benefits for burial expenses shall
not exceed the ((maximum cost used by the department of social and health
services for the funeral and burial of a deceased indigent person under chapter
74.08 RCW)) amount paid by the department in case of the death of a
worker as provided in chapter 51.32 RCW in any claim: PROVIDED FURTHER,
That if the criminal act results in the death of a victim who was not gainfully
employed at the time of the criminal act, and who was not so employed for at
least three consecutive months of the twelve months immediately preceding the
criminal act;
(a) Benefits payable to an eligible surviving spouse, where there are no children of the victim at the time of the criminal act who have survived the victim or where such spouse has legal custody of all of his or her children, shall be limited to burial expenses and a lump sum payment of seven thousand five hundred dollars without reference to number of children, if any;
(b) Where any such spouse has legal custody of one or more but not all of such children, then such burial expenses shall be paid, and such spouse shall receive a lump sum payment of three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and any such child or children not in the legal custody of such spouse shall receive a lump sum of three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars to be divided equally among such child or children;
(c) If any such spouse does not have legal custody of any of the children, the burial expenses shall be paid and the spouse shall receive a lump sum payment of up to three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and any such child or children not in the legal custody of the spouse shall receive a lump sum payment of up to three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars to be divided equally among the child or children;
(d) If no such spouse survives, then such burial expenses shall be paid, and each surviving child of the victim at the time of the criminal act shall receive a lump sum payment of three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars up to a total of two such children and where there are more than two such children the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars shall be divided equally among such children.
No other benefits may be paid or payable under these circumstances.
(5) The benefits
established in RCW 51.32.060 ((as now or hereafter amended)) for
permanent total disability proximately caused by the criminal act shall be the
benefits obtainable under this chapter, and provisions relating to payment
contained in that section apply under this chapter: PROVIDED, That if a victim
becomes permanently and totally disabled as a proximate result of the criminal
act and was not gainfully employed at the time of the criminal act, the victim
shall receive monthly during the period of the disability the following
percentages, where applicable, of the average monthly wage determined as of the
date of the criminal act pursuant to RCW 51.08.018 ((as now or hereafter
(a) If married at the time of the criminal act, twenty-nine percent of the average monthly wage.
(b) If married with one child at the time of the criminal act, thirty-four percent of the average monthly wage.
(c) If married with two children at the time of the criminal act, thirty-eight percent of the average monthly wage.
(d) If married with three children at the time of the criminal act, forty-one percent of the average monthly wage.
(e) If married with four children at the time of the criminal act, forty-four percent of the average monthly wage.
(f) If married with five or more children at the time of the criminal act, forty-seven percent of the average monthly wage.
(g) If unmarried at the time of the criminal act, twenty-five percent of the average monthly wage.
(h) If unmarried with one child at the time of the criminal act, thirty percent of the average monthly wage.
(i) If unmarried with two children at the time of the criminal act, thirty-four percent of the average monthly wage.
(j) If unmarried with three children at the time of the criminal act, thirty-seven percent of the average monthly wage.
(k) If unmarried with four children at the time of the criminal act, forty percent of the average monthly wage.
(l) If unmarried with five or more children at the time of the criminal act, forty-three percent of the average monthly wage.
(6) The benefits
established in RCW 51.32.080 ((as now or hereafter amended)) for
permanent partial disability shall be the benefits obtainable under this
chapter, and provisions relating to payment contained in that section equally
apply under this chapter.
(7) The benefits
established in RCW 51.32.090 ((as now or hereafter amended)) for
temporary total disability shall be the benefits obtainable under this chapter,
and provisions relating to payment contained in that section apply under this
chapter: PROVIDED, That no person is eligible for temporary total disability
benefits under this chapter if such person was not gainfully employed at the
time of the criminal act, and was not so employed for at least three
consecutive months of the twelve months immediately preceding the criminal act.
(8) The benefits
established in RCW 51.32.095 ((as now or hereafter amended)) for
continuation of benefits during vocational rehabilitation shall be benefits
obtainable under this chapter, and provisions relating to payment contained in
that section apply under this chapter: PROVIDED, That benefits shall not
exceed five thousand dollars for any single injury.
(9) The provisions for
lump sum payment of benefits upon death or permanent total disability as
contained in RCW 51.32.130 ((as now or hereafter amended)) apply under
this chapter.
(10) The provisions
relating to payment of benefits to, for or on behalf of workers contained in
RCW 51.32.040, 51.32.055, 51.32.100, 51.32.110, 51.32.120, 51.32.135,
51.32.140, 51.32.150, 51.32.160, and 51.32.210 ((as now or hereafter amended))
are applicable to payment of benefits to, for or on behalf of victims under
this chapter.
(11) No person or spouse, child, or dependent of such person is entitled to benefits under this chapter where the person making a claim for such benefits has refused to give reasonable cooperation to state or local law enforcement agencies in their efforts to apprehend and convict the perpetrator(s) of the criminal act which gave rise to the claim.
(12) In addition to other benefits provided under this chapter, victims of sexual assault are entitled to receive appropriate counseling. Fees for such counseling shall be determined by the department in accordance with RCW 51.04.030, subject to the limitations of RCW 7.68.080. Counseling services may include, if determined appropriate by the department, counseling of members of the victim's immediate family, other than the perpetrator of the assault.
(13) Except for medical benefits authorized under RCW 7.68.080, no more than thirty thousand dollars shall be granted as a result of a single injury or death, except that benefits granted as the result of total permanent disability or death shall not exceed forty thousand dollars.
(14) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter and Title 51 RCW, benefits payable for total temporary disability under subsection (7) of this section, shall be limited to fifteen thousand dollars.
(15) Any person who is responsible for the victim's injuries, or who would otherwise be unjustly enriched as a result of the victim's injuries, shall not be a beneficiary under this chapter.
(16) Crime victims' compensation is not available to pay for services covered under chapter 74.09 RCW or Title XIX of the federal social security act, except to the extent that the costs for such services exceed service limits established by the department of social and health services or, during the 1993-95 fiscal biennium, to the extent necessary to provide matching funds for federal medicaid reimbursement.
(17) In addition to other benefits provided under this chapter, immediate family members of a homicide victim may receive appropriate counseling to assist in dealing with the immediate, near-term consequences of the related effects of the homicide. Fees for counseling shall be determined by the department in accordance with RCW 51.04.030, subject to the limitations of RCW 7.68.080. Payment of counseling benefits under this section may not be provided to the perpetrator of the homicide. The benefits under this subsection may be provided only with respect to homicides committed on or after July 1, 1992.
Passed the House March 4, 1996.
Passed the Senate February 29, 1996.
Approved by the Governor March 21, 1996.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 21, 1996.