Chapter 165, Laws of 1996
(partial veto)
54th Legislature
1996 Regular Session
Passed by the House February 14, 1996 Yeas 73 Nays 23
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate March 1, 1996 Yeas 48 Nays 1 |
I, Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2343 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
President of the Senate |
Chief Clerk
Approved March 28, 1996, with the exception of sections 202(5), 202(6), 206(2), 215(6), 502 (lines 9-16), and 505 (lines 3-9), which are vetoed. |
March 28, 1996 - 9:40 a.m. |
Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1996 Regular Session
State of Washington 54th Legislature 1996 Regular Session
By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives K. Schmidt, R. Fisher, D. Schmidt and Thompson; by request of Office of Financial Management)
Read first time 02/07/96.
AN ACT Relating to transportation funding and appropriations; amending RCW 46.16.313; amending 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 ss 103, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 301, 302, 303, 401, 402, 403, 404, and 408 (uncodified); adding new sections to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified); repealing 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 224 (uncodified); and declaring an emergency.
Sec. 1. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 103 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $ ((205,000))
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity: The legislative evaluation and accountability program committee shall enter into a service level agreement with the legislative transportation committee by September 30, 1995, which shall be reviewed annually thereafter.
Sec. 201. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 203 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Rural Arterial Trust
Appropriation............... $ ((37,553,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund--State Appropriation........ $ 1,340,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Private/Local Appropriation $ 508,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-County Arterial Preservation
Account‑-State Appropriation............... $ 26,023,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((65,424,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity: The county road administration board shall conduct an analysis of gravel roads under county jurisdictions and provide a report to the legislative transportation committee consisting of recommendations for implementing a state-wide program for paving county gravel roads. The recommendations will include prioritizing methodology and legislative changes required for implementation of the program. The report and a list of high priority projects will be provided to the legislative transportation committee by December 31, 1996.
*Sec. 202. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 204 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Urban Arterial Trust
Appropriation............... $ ((38,997,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Improvement
Appropriation............... $ ((143,061,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-City Hardship Assistance
Appropriation............... $ ((1,904,000))
Central Puget Sound Public Transportation Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 14,509,000
Public Transportation Systems Account‑-State
Appropriation.............................. $ 2,882,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Small City Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 5,702,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((189,664,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The transportation improvement account‑-state appropriation includes $50,000,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.26.500. However, the transportation improvement board may authorize the use of current revenues available in lieu of bond proceeds.
(2) The appropriations in this section include $9,000,000 for the Mill Plain extension project.
(3) The appropriations in this section include sufficient funds for any costs associated with the implementation of Substitute Senate Bill No. 6761.
(4) $225,000 from the central Puget Sound public transportation account--state appropriation is provided for the South Hill park and ride lot project.
(5) Prior to July 1, 1997, no applications for grants from the central Puget Sound public transportation account may be accepted from, nor may funds from that account be granted to, the regional transit authority.
(6) The public transportation systems account--state appropriation provided in this section includes $800,000 that is in addition to the appropriation under 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14. This additional $800,000 may not be used for studies or planning purposes.
*Sec. 202 was partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
Sec. 203. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 205 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 2,528,000
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation $ 125,000
High Capacity Transportation Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 125,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ 2,778,000
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The legislative
transportation committee shall convene representatives from the department of
transportation, Washington state patrol, department of licensing, and any other
agency receiving an appropriation in this act, as necessary, to establish
performance measures that are associated with the ((final legislative
appropriation)) budget for the 1997-1999 biennium. The performance
measures are to be established and will be tracked within the transportation
executive information system.
(2) The legislative transportation committee shall convene one or more groups to address activities that result in the loss of transportation tax revenue. The groups shall present their findings to the legislative transportation committee and the office of financial management. One of the groups shall study and submit to the legislature by December 31, 1996, draft legislation to move the special fuel tax point of collection from the special fuel dealer level to the bulk transfer/terminal system. The group may also study the feasibility of moving the point of collection for motor vehicle fuel.
(3) ((The legislative
transportation committee shall study the governance and operations of the
ports.)) The legislative transportation committee shall undertake an
assessment of the methods and technology currently available to create a
driver's license and identicard that cannot be fraudulently obtained from the
department of licensing, thereby providing the public, businesses, and agencies
with a more secure driver's license. A consultant may be hired to assist in
the assessment. A final report is due by January 15, 1997.
(4) By December 31, 1996, the legislative transportation committee, in consultation with the department of licensing, Washington state patrol, and vendors of license plate materials and technologies, shall develop recommendations regarding motor vehicle license plates.
(5) The legislative transportation committee shall conduct an assessment of those public transportation issues identified for further examination by the 1995 subcommittee on transit of the house of representatives transportation committee. These issues include the funding and use of state transit related accounts, the level of transit system reserves, transit governance and direct accountability, methods to improve transit efficiency, improving the productivity of transit expenditures, and an assessment of the appropriate level of state subsidy and improved accountability for state funds. The committee shall also assess transit services provided across jurisdictional boundaries including the efficient use of resources and the avoidance of empty backhauls; and may address any other issue related to public transportation it deems necessary. The committee shall also evaluate the need for addressing specialized transportation needs in areas where public transportation systems have not been established. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the 1997 legislature and prepare legislation necessary to implement those recommendations. $125,000 of the transportation fund--state appropriation and $125,000 of the high capacity transportation account‑-state appropriation are provided solely for this assessment.
Sec. 204. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 207 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Transportation Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((677,000))
((The appropriation in
this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations and
specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:))
Sec. 205. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 208 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund--State Patrol Highway
Appropriation............... $ ((140,251,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway
Account‑-Federal Appropriation............. $ 3,196,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 747,000
Marine Operating Fund‑-State Appropriation..... $ 927,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((145,121,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The state patrol shall
have a staffing level of not less than ((735)) 741 commissioned
officers at the end of the 1995-97 biennium. This compares to a level of 700
commissioned officers that was established in the 1993-95 biennium. To achieve
these levels: A class of not less than 30 cadets shall begin in July of 1995
((and)); a class of not less than 40 cadets shall begin in
January of 1996; and a class of not less than 40 shall begin in September
(2) Management levels, lieutenants and above, are redirected to perform direct traffic law enforcement activities equivalent to five field force FTE staff years. Management personnel engaged in management activity shall not exceed 55 FTE staff years. This level compares to 76 FTE management level staff years in January of 1993.
(3) Any user of Washington state patrol aircraft shall reimburse the Washington state patrol for its pro rata share of all operating and maintenance costs including capitalization.
(((5) By January 1,
1996, the chief of the state patrol shall submit to the legislative
transportation committee a plan to incorporate safety education officer
functions into field force activities. In development of the plan, the chief
may consult with various constituent groups including the Washington traffic
safety commission, schools, businesses, and local traffic entities. Up to
$200,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state patrol highway account‑-state
appropriation provided for in this section may be used for these purposes.
(6))) (4) The $747,000 motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation in this section is provided for the following traditional general
fund purposes: The Governor's air travel, the license fraud program, and the
special services unit. This motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation
shall not be recognized as a permanent funding source for these purposes, but
rather as a temporary funding source subject to renewed evaluation during the
1997 legislative session.
*Sec. 206. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 209 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway
Account‑-State Appropriation............... $ ((53,229,000))
Highway Safety Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 440,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((1,491,000))
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $...................................... 2,636,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((57,356,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) ((The office of the
chief of the state patrol shall prepare a strategic plan that represents the
future of the Washington state patrol and how management envisions meeting the
challenges identified in the plan. The plan shall address the future
responsibilities of commissioned and non-commissioned personnel, and the use of
technology in law enforcement. It will focus on maximizing joint services and
projects with other transportation agencies such as communication systems,
computer systems, and facilities. Additionally, the state patrol shall include
any other issues it deems necessary and will provide a six-year financial plan
to address the future challenges identified in the strategic plan. The plan
outline shall be delivered to the legislative transportation committee by
August 1, 1995, and the final plan delivered to the legislature by January 1,
(2))) $1,241,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation and $2,363,000 of the transportation fund‑-state
appropriation provided for in this section are for the following traditional
general fund purposes: The executive protection unit, revolving fund charges,
budget and fiscal services, computer services, personnel, human resources,
administrative services, and property management. These appropriations shall
not be recognized as permanent funding sources for these purposes, but rather
as temporary funding sources subject to renewed evaluation during the 1997
legislative session.
(2) The Washington state patrol shall develop and recommend policies and cost neutral procedures to facilitate the dissemination of driver's license status data to private sector entities that satisfactorily demonstrate an operational need for such information. The Washington state patrol shall report its findings to the legislative transportation committee not later than July 1, 1996.
*Sec. 206 was partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
Sec. 207. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 211 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Highway Safety Fund‑-Motorcycle Safety Education Account--
State Appropriation........................ $ ((78,000))
State Wildlife Account‑-State
Appropriation.... $ ((69,000))
Highway Safety Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((5,090,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((4,338,000))
Transportation Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((791,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((10,366,000))
Sec. 208. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 212 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Highway Safety Fund‑‑Motorcycle Safety Education
Account‑-State Appropriation............... $ 2,000
General Fund‑-Wildlife Account‑-State
Appropriation.............................. $ ((118,000))
Highway Safety Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((7,820,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((12,871,000))
Transportation Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((1,302,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((22,111,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) (($15,223,000)) $30,143,000
is for the licensing application migration project (LAMP), of which (($9,134,000))
$17,240,000 is motor vehicle account‑-state, (($6,089,000))
$11,493,000 is highway safety fund‑-state, and $1,400,000 is
transportation account‑-state. The increase in this subsection
represents the second year funding for the LAMP project in the 1995-97 biennium.
Of the (($15,223,000))
$30,143,000 LAMP appropriation (($761,150)) $1,507,150 is
provided solely as a contingency amount.
(2) The licensing application migration project (LAMP) shall comply with section 49, chapter 23, Laws of 1993 ex. sess.
(3) The steering committee specified in the licensing application migration project (LAMP) feasibility study, dated July 7, 1992, shall meet monthly. In addition to the existing steering committee membership established in the feasibility study, the LAMP project director, the LAMP contractor's project manager, the LAMP quality assurance consultant, and a representative of the Washington state patrol shall be ex officio members of the LAMP steering committee.
(4) The licensing application migration project (LAMP) quality assurance consultant shall provide the LAMP steering committee with bimonthly reports on the status of the LAMP project. The bimonthly reports shall be on alternate months from the bimonthly reports provided by the department of information services. The reports required in this subsection shall also be delivered to the senate and house of representatives transportation committee chairs.
(((5) No moneys are
provided in this act for the inclusion of general fund activities in the LAMP
Sec. 209. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 213 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
General Fund‑-Marine Fuel Tax Refund Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 26,000
General Fund‑-Wildlife Account‑-State
Appropriation.............................. $ 534,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((46,554,000))
Department of Licensing Services Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ ((2,944,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((50,058,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations: If any of the following bills are not enacted by June 30, 1996, the amounts specified for those bills from the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation shall lapse:
(1) Substitute House Bill No. 2520: $20,000;
(2) Substitute Senate Bill No. 6673: $64,000;
(3) Substitute Senate Bill No. 6271: $24,000;
(4) Senate Bill No. 6476: $20,000;
(5) Engrossed Senate Bill No. 6566: $11,000; and
(6) Substitute Senate Bill No. 5250: $258,000.
Sec. 210. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 214 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Highway Safety Fund‑-Motorcycle Safety Education
Account‑-State Appropriation............... $ 1,150,000
Highway Safety Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((56,759,000))
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $...................................... 4,914,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((62,823,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations: If the following bills are not enacted by June 30, 1996, the amounts specified from the highway safety fund--state appropriation shall lapse:
(1) Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2150: $298,000;
(2) Substitute Senate Bill No. 6487: $61,000;
(3) Engrossed Third Substitute Senate Bill No. 6062: $133,000.
Sec. 211. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 215 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State
Appropriation......... $ ((24,194,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Federal Appropriation....... $ 400,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑‑Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation..... $ 21,974,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION.................. $ ((46,568,000))
Sec. 212. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 216 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Transportation Fund‑-Aeronautics Account‑-State
Appropriation.............................. $ 3,780,000
Transportation Fund‑-Aeronautics Account‑-Federal
Appropriation.............................. $ 500,000
Transportation Fund‑-Aircraft Search and Rescue,
Safety, and Education Account‑-State
Appropriation............................. $ ((132,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((4,412,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations:
The aircraft search and rescue, safety, and education account appropriation includes $40,000 of additional funding for search and rescue missions and to expand the education program for search and rescue volunteers, flight instructors, mechanics, and the aviation public pursuant to RCW 47.68.233.
Sec. 213. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 217 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Economic Development Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 2,000,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((235,055,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Federal
Appropriation...... $ ((296,774,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Private/Local
Appropriation.............................. $ ((47,750,000))
Special Category C Account‑-State Appropriation $ 177,600,000
Special Category C Account‑-Local
Appropriation.............................. $ 50,000
Transportation Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((60,000,000))
Central Puget Sound Public Transportation Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 8,500,000
High Capacity Transportation Account‑‑State
Appropriation.............................. $ 8,680,000
Puyallup Tribal Settlement Account‑-State
Appropriation............................. $ ((21,000,000))
Puyallup Tribal Settlement Account‑-Federal
Appropriation............................. $ 1,000,000
Puyallup Tribal Settlement Account‑-Private/Local
Appropriation............................. $ 2,300,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((853,841,000))
The appropriations in this section are provided for the location, design, right of way acquisition, and construction of state highway projects designated as improvements under RCW 47.05.030. The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) Up to $32,204,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-federal appropriation in this section is provided for construction of demonstration projects specified in the federal intermodal surface transportation efficiency act (P.L. 101-240; 105 Stat. 1914). The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation includes $7,525,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.819(1) for the federal match requirements. However, the transportation commission may authorize the use of current revenues available to the department of transportation in lieu of bond proceeds for any part of the state appropriation. No bond proceeds shall be used to pay for a federal demonstration study project.
(2) The special category C account‑-state appropriation of $177,600,000 includes $160,000,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by RCW 47.10.812 through 47.10.817. The appropriation includes $75,746,000 for the 1st avenue south bridge in Seattle, $15,254,000 for North-South Corridor/Division street improvements in Spokane, and $86,600,000 for selected sections of state route 18. However, the transportation commission may revise the allocation of the appropriation for these projects with the concurrence of the legislative transportation committee. The transportation commission may authorize the use of current revenues available to the department of transportation in lieu of bond proceeds for any part of the state appropriation.
(3) The motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation includes (($8,710,000)) $9,500,000 in proceeds from
the sale of bonds authorized by RCW 47.10.761 and 47.10.762. These funds shall
be expended for the following projects:
(a) Sea Tac International Blvd;
(b) SR 99 to SR 5 - HOV Lanes;
(c) SR 3 to Bremerton Ferry Terminal;
(d) Leavenworth Intermodal Improvement;
(e) Olympic Interchange;
(f) Sunset Dr. I/C - I/C Modifications;
(g) 94th Ave. E. Interchange;
(h) 164th Ave. Interchange; and
(i) NE 160th I/C Modifications (CN only).
These projects are not necessarily in prioritized order and are not subject to the provisions of chapter 490, Laws of 1993.
(4) (($44,685,000)) $47,087,000
appropriated in this section, which includes: (($3,212,000)) $5,614,000
of the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation; $39,886,000 of the
transportation fund--state appropriation; $1,328,000 of the motor vehicle
fund--local appropriation; and $259,000 of the economic development
account--state appropriation, is to be expended on the following projects:
(a) Spring St. to Johnson Rd;
(b) W. Lk. Samm. Pkwy. to SR 202;
(c) Diamond Lake Channelization;
(d) 15th SW to SR 161 U-Xing;
(e) Andresen Road to SR 503;
(f) NE 144th St. to Battleground;
(g) Steamboat Island Rd I/C;
(h) Graham Hill Vicinity;
(i) North of Winslow - Stage 1;
(j) SR 5 to Blandford Drive;
(k) North Sumner Interchange; and
(l) Sunnyslope I/C - Stage 2.
These projects are not necessarily in prioritized order and are not subject to the provisions of chapter 490, Laws of 1993.
(5) (($69,111,000)) $78,586,000
appropriated in this section, which includes: (($35,060,000)) $37,935,000
of the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation; (($18,948,000)) $25,548,000
of the transportation fund--state appropriation; and $15,103,000 of the motor
vehicle fund--federal appropriation, is to be expended on the following
(a) SO 360th St/Milton Rd SO to SR 18 - Stage 1;
(b) SR 522 to 228th St. SE - Stage 1;
(c) 104th Ave NE to 124th Ave NE I/C;
(d) 124th NE I/C to W. Lake Samm. Pkwy.;
(e) Lewis Street Interchange;
(f) SR 202 Interchange;
(g) SR 82 to Selah;
(h) O'Brien to Lewis Rd;
(i) NE 147th to 80th NE - HOV Lanes;
(j) Old Cascade Hwy - to Deception CR - Stage 1;
(k) Prophets point to Old Cascade Hwy - Stage 2; and
(l) Sequim Bypass.
These projects are not necessarily in prioritized order and are not subject to the provisions of chapter 490, Laws of 1993.
(6) ((The motor vehicle
fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes)) $47,072,000 appropriated
in this section, which includes $44,772,000 from the motor vehicle fund--state
appropriation and $2,300,000 from the central Puget Sound public transportation
account--state appropriation, is for the following high occupancy vehicle
lane projects:
(a) 15th St SW to 84th Ave. SO - Stage 2; and
(b) Pierce C.L. to Tukwila I/C - Stage 1.
((Construction of the
projects under this subsection is subject to the availability of revenue from
the repeal of the gasohol exemption and credit.))
(7) When the projects identified in subsections (4) through (6) of this section are complete, the legislature will have fulfilled the commitments made in 1990 associated with the passage of the 1990 transportation revenue package.
(8) $5,400,000 appropriated in this section, which includes: $880,000 of the high capacity transportation account--state and $4,520,000 of the transportation fund--state is provided for the following economic development projects:
(a) Mill Plain extension provided that the port of Vancouver contributes $3,600,000 to the project and a written agreement is reached that upon completion of the project, the city of Vancouver will transfer jurisdiction of Mill Plain Boulevard to the department and the department will transfer jurisdiction of Fourth Plain to the city of Vancouver without further obligation; and
(b) NE 40th Street Interchange (SR 520).
(9) The central Puget Sound public transportation account appropriation and the high capacity transportation account appropriation in this section include $14,000,000 for the following high-occupancy vehicle mobility projects:
(a) 164th to SR 526 HOV Lanes - NB and SB (SR 5);
(b) Woodinville Interchange (SR 405); and
(c) Bothell to Swamp Creek I/C STAGE 1 (SR 405).
(10) The motor vehicle fund appropriation in this section includes $17,800,000 for new preconstruction activities to include additional projects on SR 18. Up to $2,100,000 of the appropriation in this subsection is to be expended for preconstruction activities on the following project: 196th Street SW/SR 524 I/C.
(((9))) (11)
The department shall report annually to the legislative transportation
committee on the status of the projects funded by the special category C
appropriations contained in this section. The report shall be submitted by
January 1 of each year.
(((10))) (12)
If chapter . . . (Substitute House Bill No. 1597), Laws of 1995 is
enacted by the 1995 legislature, the department of transportation shall assess
the impacts of the bill upon the department of transportation and provide a
report on such impacts to the legislative transportation committee by January
1, 1997.
(((11))) (13)
The legislature needs to determine all possible causes for changes in a
project's cost from the time the cost is identified in the transportation
commission's budget recommendation provided to the governor and legislature in
support of the proposed highway construction budget, through completion of
project construction.
The department shall provide a historical data report showing changes throughout the life of selected projects. The historical data report shall quantify the reasons for project increases or decreases and include department of transportation actions taken to minimize such changes. The department is directed to assess whether construction cost efficiencies can be achieved by ensuring continuity between design efforts and construction administrative activities.
The department shall explicitly identify in its 1997-99 agency budget submittal any project for which funding is being requested as part of two or more budget items or programs. For each such project, the department shall identify the relevant budget items, the programs in which the budget items are contained, the amount being requested for the project in each budget item, and the total amount being requested for the project.
(((12))) (14)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$2,700,000 solely for state match for the Blaine border crossing project to be
used only if federal demonstration project funding is authorized for this
(((13))) (15)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$600,000 solely for a rest area and information facility in the Nisqually
gateway area to Mt. Rainier, provided that at least forty percent of the total
project costs are provided from federal, local, or private sources. The
contributions from the nonstate sources may be in the form of in-kind
contributions including, but not limited to, donations of property and
(((14))) (16)
The economic development account‑-state appropriation in this section
includes $1,000,000 for state highway projects associated with the development
of a horse racetrack in western Washington. With the funding of these
projects, funding from the economic development account for state highway
projects is fully obligated. The community economic revitalization board and
the transportation commission shall not select any new projects pursuant to RCW
43.160.074 and 47.01.280, notwithstanding projects selected to fulfill the
provisions of this subsection.
(((15))) (17)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$2,500,000 solely for the department of transportation match for transportation
improvement board projects ready for construction in fiscal year 1996.
(((16))) (18)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$6,533,000 solely for additional all-weather highway projects.
(((18))) (19)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$4,870,000 to be expended on the following project: SR 82, SR 823 UC to SR 12
UC. This project will complete the Selah project identified in subsection (5)
of this section.
(((19))) (20)
$93,000 of the appropriation in this section, including $74,000 of the motor
vehicle fund‑-federal appropriation and $19,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation, is provided solely for the Aurora avenue bicycle/pedestrian
overpass at Galer Street. The motor vehicle fund‑-federal appropriation
in this subsection is to be provided from transportation enhancement moneys.
(((20))) (21)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$3,300,000 for safety work associated with additional pavement preservation
(((21))) (22)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes
$400,000 for additional fish barrier removal projects on state highways.
(((22))) (23)
The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section includes up
to $2,160,000 from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.834.
(24) $924,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑‑state appropriation in this section is provided for the SR 522/SR 527/Main Street project.
(25) $475,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the SR 305/SR 3 to Bond Road vicinity project.
(26) $50,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the Belfair Bypass corridor analysis.
(27) $500,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑‑state appropriation in this section is provided for the I-90 Sunset Interchange modifications project.
(28) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the Sprague Avenue to Argonne Road project.
(29) $200,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the 192nd Avenue Interchange (Brady Road) project.
(30) $1,100,000 of the transportation fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the port of Tacoma Road grade separation project.
(31) $3,000,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑‑state appropriation is provided for additional safety projects such as SR 12, SR 395, and SR 507.
(32) $150,000 of the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation is provided solely for implementation of Substitute Senate Bill No. 6322. If the bill is not enacted by June 30, 1996, this amount shall lapse.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 214. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation............. $...................................... 1,238,000
Motor Vehicle Account‑-State Appropriation.......... $ 17,442,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION............................. $ 18,680,000
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation includes $17,442,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.834 for all forms of cash contributions, or the payment of other costs incident to the location, development, design, right of way, and construction of only the SR 16 corridor improvements and park and ride projects selected under the public-private transportation initiative program authorized under chapter 47.46 RCW; support costs of the public-private transportation initiatives program, including the program and fiscal audit required under RCW 47.46.030(2) and subsection (3) of this section; and development of the replacement project process required under RCW 47.46.030(2). $2,160,000 of the bond proceeds are to be deposited in the motor vehicle fund‑-state to pay back the loan recommended by the transportation commission and the legislative transportation committee.
(2) Any additional FTEs required to support the public-private initiatives in the transportation program established under chapter 47.46 RCW shall be funded from program management and administration fees paid by private entities participating in the program.
(3) The department of transportation shall provide quarterly reports to the legislative transportation committee and the office of financial management on the status of the public-private initiatives in the transportation program. The department shall conduct a program and fiscal review of the public-private initiatives in the transportation program, authorized under chapter 47.46 RCW, for the biennium ending June 30, 1997. Such review shall include, at a minimum, the extent to which the program has operated in the public interest and fulfilled its statutory obligation; the extent to which the program is operating in an efficient, effective, and economical manner; and the extent to which continuation of the program maintains, improves, or adversely impacts the transportation system of the state of Washington. The department shall provide a progress report on its program and fiscal review of the public-private initiatives in transportation program by June 30, 1996.
*Sec. 215. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 218 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((221,368,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Federal Appropriation...... $ 461,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Private/Local Appropriation $ 3,305,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((225,134,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) If portions of the appropriations in this section are required to fund maintenance work resulting from major disasters not covered by federal emergency funds such as fire, flooding, and major slides, supplemental appropriations will be requested to restore state funding for ongoing maintenance activities.
(2) ((If projected snow
and ice expenditures exceed the plan of $40,000,000, the department will
continue service delivery as planned within the other major maintenance groups,
and will request a supplemental appropriation in the following legislative
session to fund the additional snow and ice expenditures.
(3))) The department shall deliver the highway
maintenance program according to the plans for each major maintenance group to
the extent practical. However, if projected snow and ice expenditures exceed
the plan of $40,000,000, the department will, after prior consultation with the
legislative transportation committee, adopt one or both of the following
courses of action:
(a) Reduce planned maintenance activities in other groups to offset the necessary increases for snow and ice control and detail these expenditures; or
(b) Continue service delivery as planned within the other major maintenance groups and access up to $2,000,000 in the snow and ice reserve to cover increased snow and ice expenditures provided for in section 505 of this act.
(3) The department
shall provide recommendations to the legislative transportation committee by ((December
15, 1995)) June 30, 1996, on: (a) The feasibility of developing a
maintenance management system; (b) methods for providing a consistent
maintenance level of service throughout the state; (c) options for centralized
versus decentralized management of the program; (d) improving accountability
and oversight of the maintenance program; and (e) improving accountability and
oversight of the transportation equipment fund program.
(4) The motor vehicle fund--state appropriation in this section includes $250,000 solely for augmentation of the adopt-a-highway program, under Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1512.
(5) The motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation in this section includes (($906,000)) $1,812,000
for payment of local stormwater assessment fees ((for fiscal year 1996.
Funding for the remainder of the biennium is withheld pending the results of a
legislative transportation committee review of local stormwater assessment fees
charged to the department of transportation)).
(6) The department of transportation shall participate with the Grant county noxious weed board in a demonstration project to examine ways to accomplish weed control in a more cost effective manner.
*Sec. 215 was partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
Sec. 216. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 219 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State............. Appropriation $ ((95,544,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Federal Appropriation...... $ 74,600,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Private/Local Appropriation $ 8,100,000
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $...................................... 119,600,000
Transportation Fund‑-Federal Appropriation..... $ 143,400,000
Transportation Fund‑-Private/Local Appropriation $ 3,000,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION........................ $ ((444,244,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation includes $8,300,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.761 and 47.10.762 for emergency purposes. However, the transportation commission may authorize the use of current revenues available to the department of transportation in lieu of bond proceeds for any part of the state appropriation.
(2) The appropriations in this section include $10,034,000 for seismic retrofit activities.
(3) The department shall not reduce its commitment to sexual harassment training and diversity training, notwithstanding the reduction in this section for training.
(4) $36,000,000 of the appropriation in this section, including $21,000,000 of the transportation fund‑-state appropriation and $15,000,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation, is provided for additional pavement preservation projects.
(5) The appropriations in this section include $6,879,000 for Washington state's share to replace the deck on the Lewis and Clark bridge. If the Oregon state legislature enacts a public/private partnership program and the Washington state transportation commission, in consultation with the legislative transportation committee, negotiates and enters into an agreement between Washington and Oregon to place the bridge into Oregon's public/private partnership program, up to $1,000,000 of this amount shall be used for Washington's share of emergency deck repairs to extend the service life of the bridge. The remaining funds may be used as Washington's contribution toward the design of the project pursuant to the agreement between Washington and Oregon. Any additional contributions shall be subject to Washington state legislative appropriations and approvals. The department shall provide a status report on this project to the legislative transportation committee by January 15, 1996.
(6) $3,700,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the Susie creek bridge (112/38) replacement project.
(7) $150,000 of the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation is provided solely for implementation of Substitute Senate Bill No. 6322. If the bill is not enacted by June 30, 1996, this amount shall lapse.
Sec. 217. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 220 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((10,241,000))
The appropriations in this
section are subject to the following conditions and limitations ((and
specified amounts are provided solely for that activity)):
(((1) The appropriation
contained in this section provides funding for fiscal year 1996 only.
(2))) By December 31, 1995, the department shall
increase the motorist information sign annual permit fee from ten dollars to
fifty dollars, increase the motorist information sign initial application fee
from seventy-five dollars to one hundred dollars, and provide recommendations
to the legislative transportation committee for making the motorist information
sign program and the billboard program fully self-supporting within three
years. For the purposes of achieving a self-supporting program, the erection,
maintenance, and replacement of backpanels shall not be considered part of the
department's program costs.
Sec. 218. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 221 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((368,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Federal Appropriation...... $ 400,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Private/Local
Appropriation $ ((2,232,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((3,000,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(((1) By December 1,
1995, the department of transportation is to provide the legislative
transportation committee an analysis and recommended policy modifications,
where appropriate, regarding the following regional practices:
(a) Recovery of full
costs for reimbursable services; and
(b) Consistency of
charging for reimbursable services across the department's regions.
(2))) It is the intent of the legislature to
continue the state's partnership with the federal government, local government,
and the private sector in transportation construction and operations in the
most cost-effective manner. The ((program is established)) office of
financial management, in cooperation with the department of transportation, is
directed to establish an efficient and effective process to increase the
expenditure and work force authority for this program to allow the department
the ability to provide services on nonappropriated, outside requests ((through
the unanticipated receipt process including both dollar and full-time
equivalent staff increases)).
Sec. 219. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 222 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Capital Construction
Account‑-State Appropriation............... $ 1,109,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((60,781,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Ferry Operations
Account‑-State Appropriation............... $ 1,105,000
Transportation Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((2,002,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((64,997,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) ((The motor vehicle
fund‑-state appropriation includes $8,370,000 in proceeds from the sale
of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.834 for all forms of cash contributions, or
the payment of other costs incident to the location, development, design, right
of way, and construction of projects selected under the public-private
transportation initiative program. $2,160,000 of the bond proceeds are to be
deposited in the motor vehicle fund‑-state to pay back the loan
recommended by the transportation commission and the legislative transportation
(2) Any additional FTEs
required to support the public-private initiatives in the transportation
program established under chapter 47.46 RCW shall be funded from program
management and administration fees paid by private entities participating in
the program.
(3) The department of
transportation shall provide quarterly reports to the legislative
transportation committee and the office of financial management on the status
of the public-private initiatives in the transportation program. The
department shall conduct a program and fiscal review of the public-private
initiatives in the transportation program, authorized under chapter 47.46 RCW,
for the biennium ending June 30, 1997. Such review shall include, at a
minimum, the extent to which the program has operated in the public interest
and fulfilled its statutory obligation; the extent to which the program is
operating in an efficient, effective, and economical manner; and the extent to
which continuation of the program maintains, improves, or adversely impacts the
transportation system of the state of Washington. The department shall provide
a progress report on its program and fiscal review of the public-private
initiatives in transportation program by June 30, 1996.
(4))) It is the intent of the legislature that the
department reduce the amount of money spent on nonessential training programs
for its employees.
(((5) One of the two
full-time employees funded in this section for enhanced public involvement
shall be responsible for improving communications between the department and
the public. His or her responsibilities shall include: (a) Developing a more
efficient and effective system for replying to inquiries from the public and
(b) supporting new and existing programs related to public involvement.
(6) By December 1, 1995,
the department of transportation shall implement: (a) Modifications to the
construction administration system that promote prudent project management and
standards that ensure state-wide consistency of approach among all departmental
regions; and (b) modifications to the preconstruction system that streamline
processes, reduce the number of internal reviews, and eliminate duplicative
(7) To assure that
maximum resources are available for the construction programs, the finance and
administration division shall assess the financial condition of the
transportation equipment fund programs and report to the legislative
transportation committee and the office of financial management by December 1,
1995. The evaluation should address lower operating cash balances and
reductions in the purchase of highway and computer equipment, and where
possible, should identify any surplus equipment to match the downsizing of the
department's work force.)) (2)
The department in conjunction with the legislative transportation committee,
office of financial management, and the state treasurer is to evaluate the
feasibility of implementing a fiduciary fund for processing one hundred percent
reimbursable local and federally funded activities and submit recommendations
that shall be forwarded to the legislative transportation committee and the
governor by August 31, 1996.
(3) $25,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation in this section is provided for the implementation of toll-free telecommunications to provide mountain pass reports. The department of transportation shall seek methods to make this service self-supporting.
Sec. 220. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 223 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
((Essential Rail Assistance
Appropriation.............................. $ 1,036,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((13,653,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund--Federal
Appropriation...... $ ((16,198,000))
((High Capacity
Transportation Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 2,475,000
Essential Rail Banking
Appropriation.............................. $ 52,000))
Transportation Fund--State
Appropriation........ $...................................... ((37,770,000))
Fund--Federal Appropriation... $ 11,643,000
Transportation Fund‑-Private/Local
Appropriation.............................. $ 105,000
Central Puget Sound Public
Appropriation............... $ 11,009,000
Public Transportation
Systems Account‑-State
Appropriation.............................. $ 3,082,000))
TOTAL APPROPRIATION ................. $ ((97,023,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(((1) Up to $33,845,000
of the transportation fund‑-state appropriation and $700,000 of the
transportation fund‑-federal appropriation is provided for intercity rail
passenger service including up to $12,000,000 for lease purchase of two
advanced technology train sets with total purchase costs not to exceed
$20,000,000, subsidies for operating costs not to exceed $10,000,000, to
maintain service of one state contracted round trip between Seattle and
Portland and Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia, and capital projects
necessary to provide Seattle-Vancouver, British Columbia, train operating times
of under 4 hours. The lease purchase of the train sets is predicated on the
condition that the manufacturer of the trains has the obligation of
establishing a corporate office in Washington state. The manufacturer is also
obligated to spend a minimum of twenty-five percent of the total purchase price
of the train sets on the assembly and manufacture of parts of the train sets in
Washington state.
(2))) Up to $2,400,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation is provided for regional transportation planning organizations,
with allocations for participating counties maintained at the 1993-1995
biennium levels for those counties not having metropolitan planning
organizations within their boundaries.
(((3) The appropriations
from the central Puget Sound public transportation account and the public
transportation systems account are transferred to the transportation
improvement board should either chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute
House Bill No. 1107), Laws of 1995 or chapter . . . (Substitute
Senate Bill No. 5199), Laws of 1995 be enacted, and contain provisions
transferring responsibility for administration of these accounts from the
department of transportation to the transportation improvement board, except $1,000,000
of the appropriation from the public transportation systems account shall be
utilized for the rural mobility program and be administered by the department
of transportation. Priority for grants provided from these accounts shall be
given to projects and programs that can be accomplished in the 1995-1997
biennium and that are not primarily intended for the planning of facilities.
Prior to July 1, 1996, no applications for grants from the central Puget Sound
public transportation account may be accepted from, nor may funds from that
account be granted to, the regional transit authority. The public
transportation systems account funds provided to the rural mobility program are
for the 1995-97 biennium and are not intended for grants which will have
ongoing costs to this program.
(4) Up to $700,000 of
the high capacity transportation account‑-state appropriation is
reappropriated for regional transit authority grants. However, this amount
shall not exceed the amount of unexpended regional transit authority grants in
the 1993-95 biennium.
(5) None of the high
capacity transportation account‑-state appropriation or reappropriation
may be used to disseminate information in a manner that attempts to persuade,
rather than inform or educate, area residents regarding the adopted system
plan. The appropriation and reappropriation also may not be used to lobby or
advertise, or distribute free promotional materials.
(6) The department of
transportation may not transfer high capacity transportation account‑-state
funds to a regional transportation authority during the 1995-1997 biennium,
unless the authority has provided a detailed report to the department of
transportation and the house of representatives and senate transportation
committees regarding its use of those funds during preceding biennia and how it
proposes to spend additional state funds.
(7) The motor vehicle
fund‑-state appropriation includes $558,000 for the office of urban
mobility. This appropriation is for fiscal year 1996 only, pending a
legislative transportation committee review of the office of urban mobility's
activities in relation to the planning functions of the department's regional
Sec. 221. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 225 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 4,646,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 832,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 3,374,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 2,240,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State
Appropriation........ $ ((5,049,000))
((The motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation of $5,049,000 in this subsection is provided for the
self-insurance premium and for risk management administrative costs. The
department of general administration, the office of financial management, and
the department of transportation shall develop funding proposals for: (a)
Participation by the department of transportation in the state-wide liability
self-insurance program in fiscal year 1997, and (b) alternative methods for
funding the department of transportation's tort claim payments, if
appropriate. A report shall be made to the legislative transportation
committee and the governor no later than October 31, 1995.))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Ferry Operations
Account‑-State Appropriation........ $ 2,000,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 508,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 95,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $ 361,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State
Appropriation........ $ ((230,000))
Sec. 222. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 226 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Capital Construction
Account‑-State Appropriation.................... $ 244,659,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Capital Construction
Account‑-Federal Appropriation.................. $ 22,172,000
Transportation Fund‑-Passenger Ferry Account‑-State
Appropriation................................... $ 1,250,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Capital Construction
Account‑-Private/Local Appropriation............. $ 765,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ 268,846,000
The appropriations in this section are provided for improving the Washington state ferry system, including, but not limited to, vessel acquisition, vessel construction, major and minor vessel improvements, and terminal construction and improvements. The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The appropriations in this section are provided to carry out only the projects presented to the legislature (version 3) for the 1995-97 budget. The department shall reconcile the 1993-95 capital expenditures within ninety days of the end of the biennium and submit a final report to the legislative transportation committee and office of financial management.
(2) The Puget Sound capital construction account‑‑state appropriation includes $15,000,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by RCW 47.60.560 and $155,000,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by RCW 47.60.800 for construction of new jumbo ferry vessels in accordance with the requirements of RCW 47.60.770 through 47.60.778. However, the department of transportation may use current revenues available to the Puget Sound capital construction account in lieu of bond proceeds for any part of the state appropriation.
(3) The appropriations contained in this section shall not be expended for the development of park facilities at the Seattle colman dock ferry terminal.
(4) The Washington state ferries shall acquire an appropriate passenger-only vessel. If permissible under regulations governing the procurement of necessary federal funds, construction and assembly of any passenger-only vessels shall take place within Washington state. If the vessel is procured through the use of state funds, the construction and assembly of any passenger-only vessels shall take place within Washington state.
(5) The department of transportation shall provide to the legislative transportation committee and office of financial management a quarterly financial report concerning the status of the capital program authorized in this section.
(6) Washington state ferries is authorized to reimburse up to $3,000,000 from the Puget Sound capital construction account‑-state to the city of Bremerton and the port of Bremerton for Washington state ferries' financial participation in the development of a Bremerton multimodal transportation terminal, port of Bremerton passenger-only terminal expansion, and ferry vehicular connections to downtown traffic circulation improvements. The reimbursement shall specifically support the construction of the following components: Appropriate passenger-only ferry terminal linkages to accommodate bow-loading catamaran type vessels and the needed transit connections; and the Washington state ferries' component of the Bremerton multimodal transportation terminal as part of the downtown Bremerton redevelopment project, including appropriate access to the new downtown traffic circulation road network.
Sec. 223. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 227 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Marine Operating Fund‑-State
Appropriation..... $ ((244,187,000))
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) The appropriation is based on the budgeted expenditure of $30,297,190 for vessel operating fuel in the 1995-97 biennium. If the actual cost of fuel is less than this budgeted amount, the excess amount may not be expended. If the actual cost exceeds this amount, the department shall request a supplemental appropriation.
(2) The appropriation contained in this section provides for the compensation of ferry employees. The expenditures for compensation paid to ferry employees during the 1995-97 biennium may not exceed $159,990,000 plus a dollar amount, as prescribed by the office of financial management, that is equal to any insurance benefit increase granted general government employees in excess of $305.32 a month annualized per eligible marine employee multiplied by the number of eligible marine employees for the respective fiscal year, a dollar amount as prescribed by the office of financial management for costs associated with pension amortization charges, and a dollar amount prescribed by the office of financial management for salary increases during the 1995-97 biennium. For the purposes of this section, the expenditures for compensation paid to ferry employees shall be limited to salaries and wages and employee benefits as defined in the office of financial management's policies, regulations, and procedures named under objects of expenditure "A" and "B" (
The prescribed salary and
insurance benefit increase or decrease dollar amount that shall be allocated
from the governor's compensation appropriations is in addition to the
appropriation contained in this section and may be used to increase or decrease
compensation costs, effective July 1, 1995, and ((thereafter)) July
1, 1996, as established in the 1995-97 general fund operating budget and
1996 operating supplemental budget.
(3) The appropriation in this section includes $614,000 for the automated ticket vending program. These funds shall be expended only in accordance with the implementation of the automated ticket vending program.
(4) The department of transportation shall provide to the legislative transportation committee and office of financial management a quarterly financial report concerning the status of the operating program authorized in this section.
(5) If Second Engrossed House Bill No. 1016 becomes law, as provided in that legislation, $3,000,000 is appropriated from the Puget Sound ferry operations account to Washington state ferries to reimburse Kitsap county and the port of Bremerton for the construction of facilities supporting the permanent placement of and access to the USS Missouri in the city of Bremerton.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 224. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
Essential Rail Assistance Account‑-State
Appropriation................................... $ 1,088,000
Motor Vehicle Account‑-State Appropriation.......... $ 138,000
Motor Vehicle Account‑-Federal Appropriation........ $ 551,000
High Capacity Transportation Account‑-State
Appropriation................................... $ 4,275,000
Air Pollution Control Account--State Appropriation... $................................................ 3,145,000
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation............. $...................................... 34,480,000
Transportation Fund‑-Federal Appropriation.......... $ 11,643,000
Transportation Fund‑-Private Local Appropriation.... $ 105,000
Public Transportation Systems Account‑-State
Appropriation................................... $ 1,000,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION...................... $ 56,425,000
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) Up to $31,845,000 of the transportation fund‑-state appropriation and $700,000 of the transportation fund‑-federal appropriation is provided for intercity rail passenger service including up to $12,000,000 for lease purchase of two advanced technology train sets with total purchase costs not to exceed $20,000,000, subsidies for operating costs not to exceed $8,000,000, to maintain service of one state contracted round trip between Seattle and Portland and Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia, and capital projects necessary to provide Seattle-Vancouver, British Columbia, train operating times of under 4 hours. The lease purchase of the train sets is predicated on the condition that the manufacturer of the trains has the obligation of establishing a corporate office in Washington state. The manufacturer is also obligated to spend a minimum of twenty-five percent of the total purchase price of the train sets on the assembly and manufacture of parts of the train sets in Washington state.
(2) The appropriations from the central Puget Sound public transportation account and the public transportation systems account are transferred to the transportation improvement board should either chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1107), Laws of 1995 or chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 5199), Laws of 1995 be enacted, and contain provisions transferring responsibility for administration of these accounts from the department of transportation to the transportation improvement board, except $1,000,000 of the appropriation from the public transportation systems account shall be utilized for the rural mobility program and be administered by the department of transportation. Priority for grants provided from these accounts shall be given to projects and programs that can be accomplished in the 1995-1997 biennium and that are not primarily intended for the planning of facilities. Prior to July 1, 1996, no applications for grants from the central Puget Sound public transportation account may be accepted from, nor may funds from that account be granted to, the regional transit authority. The public transportation systems account funds provided to the rural mobility program are for the 1995-97 biennium and are not intended for grants which will have ongoing costs to this program.
(3) Up to $700,000 of the high capacity transportation account‑-state appropriation is reappropriated for regional transit authority grants. However, this amount shall not exceed the amount of unexpended regional transit authority grants in the 1993-95 biennium.
(4) None of the high capacity transportation account‑-state appropriation or reappropriation may be used to disseminate information in a manner that attempts to persuade, rather than inform or educate, area residents regarding the adopted system plan. The appropriation and reappropriation also may not be used to lobby or advertise, or distribute free promotional materials.
(5) The department of transportation may not transfer high capacity transportation account‑-state funds to a regional transportation authority during the 1995-1997 biennium, unless the authority has provided a detailed report to the department of transportation and the house of representatives and senate transportation committees regarding its use of those funds during preceding biennia and how it proposes to spend additional state funds.
(6) $1,800,000 of the high capacity transportation account‑-state appropriation is provided for the regional transit authority.
(7) The air pollution control account appropriation is provided solely for operation of the commute trip reduction program created under chapter 70.94 RCW and transferred to the department of transportation by Senate Bill No. 6451 or House Bill No. 2009. If Senate Bill No. 6451 or House Bill No. 2009 is not enacted by June 30, 1996, this subsection is null and void.
(8) If Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2832 is not enacted by June 30, 1996, $189,000 of the transportation fund--state appropriation shall lapse.
Sec. 225. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 228 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
General Fund‑-State Appropriation.............. $ 1,400,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State............. Appropriation $ ((14,567,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Federal
Appropriation...... $ ((168,179,000))
Transportation Fund-‑State Appropriation........ $ 356,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Private/Local Appropriation $ 5,087,000
Transfer Relief Account‑-State Appropriation... $ 307,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION.............. ... $ ((188,140,000))
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1) Up to $13,100,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-federal appropriation in this section is provided for construction of demonstration projects specified in the federal intermodal surface transportation efficiency act (P.L. 101-240; 105 Stat. 1914). The motor vehicle fund‑-state appropriation includes $3,275,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.819(1) for the federal match requirements. However, the transportation commission may authorize the use of current revenues available to the department of transportation in lieu of bond proceeds for any part of the state appropriation.
(((3))) (2)
The motor vehicle fund--state appropriation in this section includes $1,750,000
solely to fund the state's share of the east marine view drive project. This
amount represents a reappropriation of the funding first provided for Everett
homeport transportation projects in 1987. With this reappropriation, the
legislature has fulfilled its commitment for funding of special transportation
projects associated with the Everett homeport.
(((5))) (3)
$((4,000,000)) 2,600,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-state
appropriation and $1,400,000 of the general fund‑-state appropriation
in this section is provided solely for one-time capital infrastructure investment
associated with development of a horse racetrack in western Washington. With
this appropriation, the state has fulfilled its commitment to ((provide
funding for infrastructure associated with development of a horse racetrack in
western Washington)) this project.
(4) Up to $1,100,000 of the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation and $300,000 of the transportation fund--state appropriation contained in this section shall be used for evaluations that mutually benefit the state department of transportation, counties, and cities. The evaluations may include fuel tax evasion; license fraud; and the development of an implementation plan for the financing and construction of state, local, and private transportation improvements in south downtown Seattle. The implementation plan shall address the safety needs of the Spokane street viaduct, but shall not include any projects that would be financed and constructed under the public-private transportation initiatives program established in chapter 47.46 RCW. The evaluations shall include port mobility issues and other issues as determined by the legislative transportation committee.
(5) $700,000 of the motor vehicle fund--federal appropriation for the surface transportation program enhancements program is provided for storm water control grants as provided for in Second Substitute House Bill No. 2031. If Second Substitute House Bill No. 2031 is not enacted by June 30, 1996, this subsection is null and void.
(6) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle fund‑-federal appropriation for the surface transportation program enhancements program is provided to the state parks and recreation commission to be used for trail development. The amount provided represents partial consideration for cross-state trail development necessitated under Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2832.
(7) $6,000 of the transportation fund--state appropriation is provided as the state match on the Colfax paving project.
(8) $25,000 of the transportation fund--state appropriation in this section is provided to evaluate and determine which agency or organization should be authorized to manage and operate the aerial search and rescue program.
(9) $50,000 of the motor vehicle fund--state appropriation and $25,000 of the transportation fund--state appropriation in this section are provided solely for an evaluation of the impacts of rail transportation through the city of Auburn, to be conducted by the city of Auburn. "Evaluation" for the purpose of this subsection does not include litigation. This evaluation shall be coordinated with the Port of Tacoma, the cities of Tacoma, Federal Way, and Algona, and other affected jurisidictions participating in the Tacoma tideflat truck and rail circulation analysis provided for in subsection (4) of this section. The city of Auburn shall complete its analysis no later than October 31, 1996, and report its findings to the Tacoma tideflat truck and rail circulation study group.
(End of part)
Sec. 301. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 301 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
In addition to the
transfer language in section 303 of this act, the appropriations in
this section ((is)) are subject to the following conditions and
limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 486,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State Appropriation........ $ 71,000
Highway Safety Fund‑-State Appropriation... $ 71,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ 628,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 789,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 215,000
((Motor Vehicle Fund‑-))Transportation
Facilities Account‑-State
Appropriation.... $ ((6,480,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 1,800,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION................. $ ((8,280,000))
(2) The agency listed first in the appropriation in subsection (1) of this section is designated as the lead agency responsible for management of the projects and shall receive the entire appropriation. (3) The state patrol, the department of licensing, and the department of transportation shall coordinate their activities when siting facilities. This coordination shall result in the collocation of driver and vehicle licensing, vehicle inspection service facilities, and other transportation services whenever possible.
The department of licensing, the department of transportation, and the state patrol shall explore alternative state services, such as vehicle emission testing, that would be feasible to collocate in these joint facilities. All services provided at these transportation service facilities shall be provided at cost to the participating agencies.
(4) The department of licensing may lease develop with option to purchase or lease purchase new customer service centers to be paid for from operating revenues. The Washington state patrol shall provide project management for the department of licensing. Alternatively, a financing contract may be entered into on behalf of the department of licensing in the amounts indicated plus financing expenses and reserves pursuant to chapter 39.94 RCW. The locations and amounts for projects covered under this section are as follows:
(a) A new customer service
center in Vancouver for (($2,629,700)) 3,709,700;
(b) A new customer service
center in West Spokane for (($3,083,600)) $3,467,600;
(c) A new customer service
center in Lacey for (($3,152,500)) $4,641,200;
(d) A new customer service
center in Union Gap for (($3,026,500)) $3,642,000; and
(e) A new customer service
center in Wenatchee for (($2,078,800)) $1,987,800.
(5) The Washington state patrol, department of licensing, and department of transportation shall provide bimonthly progress reports on the capital facilities receiving an appropriation in this act.
Sec. 302. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 302 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
The appropriations in this section are provided for the following projects:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 500,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 890,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 506,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 151,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 197,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account‑-
State Appropriation........................ $ 358,000
Motor Vehicle Fund--State Patrol Highway Account--
State Appropriation........................ $ 5,000,000
Sec. 303. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 303 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
All projects in this section are funded from the motor vehicle fund‑-transportation capital facilities account‑-state.
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State
Appropriation.... $ ((2,801,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation.... $ 4,865,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation.... $ 1,163,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation.... $ 150,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation.... $ 1,036,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation.... $ 1,525,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State Appropriation.... $ 1,525,000
(8) The department of transportation shall provide to the legislative transportation committee: (a) Prior notice and the latest project information at least two weeks in advance of the bid process for transportation capital facilities projects going to bid in the 1995-97 biennium, and (b) bimonthly progress reports on all transportation capital facilities projects receiving appropriations in this act.
(9) The office of financial management, following a review and recommendation by the legislative transportation committee, may authorize a transfer of appropriation authority provided for a capital project in sections 301 and 303 of this act that is in excess of the biennial expenditure needs of such project to another capital project funded by an appropriation in these sections for which the biennial appropriation is insufficient. No such transfer may be used to expand the capacity of any facility beyond that intended by the legislature in making the appropriation. Such transfers may be made only between appropriations from the transportation capital facilities account for projects included in sections 301 and 303 of this act.
(End of part)
Sec. 401. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 401 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund--Puget Sound Capital Construction Account
Appropriation.............................. $ 4,250,000
Motor Vehicle Fund
Appropriation............... $ ((695,000))
Transportation Improvement Account
Appropriation.............................. $ 1,250,000
((Transportation Fund
Appropriation............. $.................................. 208,000))
Special Category C Account Appropriation........ $...................................... 4,000,000
Highway Bond Retirement Account Appropriation... $........................................... 195,814,000
Ferry Bond Retirement Account Appropriation.... $ 36,788,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION............. $ 243,005,000
Sec. 402. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 402 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Puget Sound Capital Construction
Account Appropriation...................... $ 850,000
Motor Vehicle Fund
Appropriation............... $ ((139,000))
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Urban Arterial Trust Account
Appropriation.............................. $ 5,000
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-Transportation Improvement
Account Appropriation...................... $ 250,000
Special Category C Account Appropriation........ $ 800,000
((Transportation Fund
Appropriation............. $.................................. 42,000))
Transportation Capital Facilities Account
Appropriation.............................. $ 1,000
TOTAL APPROPRIATION............. $ 2,087,000
Sec. 403. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 403 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund Appropriation for motor
vehicle fuel tax and overload penalties
distribution............................... $ 452,180,000
Transportation Fund
Appropriation.............. $ ((2,352,000))
APPROPRIATION............. $ ((454,532,000))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 404. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
City Hardship Assistance Account‑-State Appropriation for Distribution to the Cities and Towns............................. $ 2,600,000
The appropriation in this section is valid only if House Bill No. . . . . (Z-1097.1/96) or Senate Bill No. . . . . (Z-1097.1/96) is enacted and contains provisions for returning excess funds to cities and towns.
Sec. 405. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 404 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Patrol Highway Account
Appropriation.............................. $ ((8,947,000))
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations and specified amounts are provided solely for that activity:
(1)(a) Commissioned officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, and communication officers of the state patrol shall receive a five percent salary increase on July 1, 1995.
(b) Commissioned officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, and communication officers of the state patrol shall receive an additional four percent salary increase on July 1, 1996, if the state patrol vehicle inspection program is decommissioned by September 1, 1995.
(2) The salary increases provided for in subsection (1) of this section supersede any salary increases provided for in Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1410, the omnibus budget, for commissioned officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, and communication officers of the state patrol. The appropriation in this section is not in addition to the salary increases provided for in Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1410; therefore, the appropriation in this section shall be reduced by any amount provided for commissioned officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, and communication officers of the state patrol in Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1410.
(3) The appropriation in this section includes $1,350,000 to implement shift differential pay and educational incentive pay for commissioned officers effective July 1, 1996.
Sec. 406. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 408 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
(1) R V Account‑-State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Motor Vehicle Fund‑-
State...................................... $ ((454,000))
The transfer in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: If Substitute Senate Bill No. 6322 is not enacted by June 30, 1996, $300,000 of the RV account--state appropriation shall lapse.
(2) Transfer Relief Account‑-State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Motor Vehicle Fund‑-
State...................................... $ 1,329,000
The transfer in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: The secretary of transportation shall notify the office of the state treasurer to close out the transfer relief account and transfer the cash balance into the motor vehicle fund.
(3) Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Transportation Capital
Facilities Account‑-State.................. $ ((41,762,000))
(4) Small City Account‑-State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Urban Arterial Trust
Account‑-State............................. $ 2,544,000
(5) Small City Account‑-State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Transportation Improvement
Account‑-State............................. $ 7,500,000
(6) High Capacity Transportation Account‑-
State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Passenger Ferry Account.... $ 760,000
(7) Public Transportation Systems Account‑-
State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Transportation Fund‑-State.. $ 178,000
(8) Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Marine Operating Fund‑-
State....................................... $ 2,500,000
The appropriation in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: $1,000,000 of the appropriation in this subsection shall be transferred in fiscal year 1996. $1,500,000 of the appropriation in this subsection shall be transferred in fiscal year 1997, provided, however, that the transfer for fiscal year 1997 is null and void if Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1016 is enacted by July 1, 1996.
(9) Transportation Equipment Fund‑-State
For transfer to the Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State... $........................................... 3,300,000
(10) Transportation Fund--State Appropriation:
For transfer to the Cross-state Trail Account--
State...... ................................. $ 1,000,000
The transfer in this subsection is subject to the following conditions and limitations: If Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2832 is not enacted by June 30, 1996, this appropriation shall lapse.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 407. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
FOR THE STATE TREASURER‑-TRANSFERS. The secretary of transportation shall notify the office of the state treasurer to close out the gasohol holding and exemption account and transfer the cash balance into the motor vehicle account.
(End of part)
NEW SECTION. Sec. 501. 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 s 224 (uncodified) is repealed.
*NEW SECTION. Sec. 502. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
Transportation Fund‑-State Appropriation........ $...................................... 2,000,000
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
Savings in passenger rail service operating cost subsidies are to be placed in unallotted status. Upon approval of the legislative transportation committee, the department of transportation may allot up to $2,000,000 to provide additional expenditure authority for revised estimates of operating cost subsidies, lease purchase costs, capital projects costs, and to secure other funds for the rail program.
*Sec. 502 was partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 503. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
The department of transportation and the state patrol are appropriated $150,000 from the state patrol highway account‑-state and $150,000 from the motor vehicle fund--state to jointly contract for consultant services to do a feasibility study in cooperation with the department of licensing on the potential to consolidate mainframe computer hardware and software, the maintenance and servicing of data and voice transmissions systems, and the supporting information technology infrastructure of the three transportation agencies. In performing this analysis, the agencies and consultants should consider information and advice from the department of information services as well as the current directions of colocating outlying offices of the three transportation agencies. While the study needs to consider long-term information technology needs of the agencies, the focus should be on technology currently in use by the agencies or anticipated within the next few years. Both the operational and financial aspects of any consolidation will be addressed by the consultant. If the consultants recommend consolidation based on their analysis, a specific time frame for implementation must be provided. The state patrol and the department of transportation, in cooperation with the department of licensing, are to report findings and recommendations to the house of representatives and senate transportation committees by November 15, 1996.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 504. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
Pursuant to the report of the house of representatives subcommittee on state aircraft:
(1) In order to facilitate comparison between agencies, the department of transportation's aviation division, in consultation with the state patrol, department of fish and wildlife, and department of natural resources, shall initiate action to develop standard aircraft activity records for all four state agencies. While the records should continue to meet the mission-specific needs of each agency, to the extent possible, operational, maintenance, inspection, and cost records should be standardized.
(2) Each state agency owning and operating aircraft shall prepare a plan for acquisition and disposition of aircraft. The initial plan shall be submitted to the legislative transportation committee no later than January 1, 1997. The plan shall include, but is not limited to:
(a) Descriptions of how each agency aircraft fulfills the mission objectives of the agency or college;
(b) Actual and projected use;
(c) Target aircraft replacement dates; and
(d) Proposed funding options for aircraft acquisition, including state surplus.
(3) Until such time as the state patrol has prepared its aircraft acquisition and disposition plan, it shall retain ownership of the beechjet. The plan should document the mission appropriateness of the agency's entire aircraft fleet. Thus, any plans to dispose of the beechjet and/or acquire another plane in lieu of the beechjet should be documented and substantiated in the plan.
*NEW SECTION. Sec. 505. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
Motor Vehicle Fund‑-State Appropriation......... $ 2,000,000
The appropriation in this section is subject to the following conditions and limitations:
This appropriation is to be placed in reserve status for emergency relief should snow and ice expenditures exceed the $40,000,000 plan for this activity. The legislative transportation committee shall notify the office of financial management to transfer the appropriation authority from reserve to active status.
*Sec. 505 was partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.
Sec. 506. RCW 46.16.313 and 1995 3rd sp.s. c 1 s 103 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department may establish a fee for each type of special license plates issued under RCW 46.16.301(1) (a), (b), or (c) in an amount calculated to offset the cost of production of the special license plates and the administration of this program. The fee shall not exceed thirty-five dollars and is in addition to all other fees required to register and license the vehicle for which the plates have been requested. All such additional special license plate fees collected by the department shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the motor vehicle fund.
(2) In addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon application, registration, and renewal registration of a motor vehicle, the holder of a collegiate license plate shall pay a fee of thirty dollars. The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed two dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it. The remaining proceeds, minus the cost of plate production, shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer with a proper identifying detailed report. The state treasurer shall credit the funds to the appropriate collegiate license plate fund as provided in RCW 28B.10.890.
(3) Except as set forth under subsection (4) of this section, in addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon application, registration, and renewal registration of a motor vehicle, the holder of a special baseball stadium license plate shall pay a fee of thirty dollars. The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed two dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for administration and collection expenses incurred by it. The remaining proceeds, minus the cost of plate production, shall be distributed to a county for the purpose of paying the principal and interest payments on bonds issued by the county to construct a baseball stadium, as defined in RCW 82.14.0485, including reasonably necessary preconstruction costs, while the taxes are being collected under RCW 82.14.360. After this date, the state treasurer shall credit the funds to the state general fund.
(4) Until June 30, 1997, in addition to all fees and taxes required to be paid upon application, registration, and renewal registration of a motor vehicle, the holder of a special baseball stadium license plate shall pay a fee of forty dollars. The department shall deduct an amount not to exceed twelve dollars of each fee collected under this subsection for license plate administration and collection expenses incurred by it. The remaining proceeds shall be distributed to a county for the purpose of paying the principal and interest payments on bonds issued by the county to construct a baseball stadium, as defined in RCW 82.14.0485, including reasonably necessary preconstruction costs, while the taxes are being collected under RCW 82.14.360. After this date, the state treasurer shall credit the funds to the state general fund.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 507. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
$5,000,000 from the motor vehicle fund--state and $1,500,000 from the transportation fund--state are appropriated to the department of transportation for damage resulting from winter storms and floods. This appropriation will be allotted in programs p-preservation, m-maintenance, and y-public transportation and rail as determined by the department of transportation. Priority for use of transportation fund dollars shall be for rail projects. Remaining funds may be used for flood prevention projects along highways prone to flooding.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 508. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
The appropriations contained in sections 201 and 202 of this act include funding to assist cities and counties in providing match for federal emergency funding for winter storm and flood damage as determined by the county road administration board and the transportation improvement board. The county road administration board and the transportation improvement board will report to the legislative transportation committee and the office of financial management by September 30, 1996, on the projects selected to receive match funding.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 509. A new section is added to 1995 2nd sp.s. c 14 (uncodified) to read as follows:
The department of transportation shall develop a plan for considering the accommodation of telecommunication facilities within limited access rights of way. In developing the plan, the department shall include, at a minimum, the legislative transportation committee, the information services board, and telecommunication providers. The plan shall be delivered to the legislative transportation committee on or before December 31, 1996, and shall include recommendations on statutory changes, if applicable, and reasonable consideration for accommodation.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 510. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 511. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately.
(End of part)
COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD................................ 2
DRIVER SERVICES................................................ 10
INFORMATION SYSTEMS............................................. 8
MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES................................. 8
VEHICLE SERVICES............................................... 10
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION................................... 18
AVIATION--PROGRAM F............................................ 11
CHARGES FROM OTHER AGENCIES--PROGRAM U......................... 28
HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE--PROGRAM M................................. 19
IMPROVEMENTS--PROGRAM I........................................ 12
LOCAL PROGRAMS--PROGRAM Z...................................... 34
MARINE CONSTRUCTION--PROGRAM W................................. 29
MARINE--PROGRAM X.............................................. 31
PRESERVATION--PROGRAM P........................................ 21
SALES AND SERVICES TO OTHERS--PROGRAM R........................ 23
SNOW AND ICE--PROGRAM M........................................ 49
GOVERNOR--COMPENSATION......................................... 43
JOINT PROJECTS................................................. 37
BOND RETIREMENT................................................ 42
STATE REVENUES FOR DISTRIBUTION................................ 43
TRANSFERS.................................................. 44, 46
TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION....................................... 5
TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD................................ 2
CAPITAL PROJECTS............................................... 39
FIELD OPERATIONS................................................ 6
SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU......................................... 7
Passed the House February 14, 1996.
Passed the Senate March 1, 1996.
Approved by the Governor March 28, 1996, with the exception of certain items that were vetoed.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 28, 1996.
Note: Governor's explanation of partial veto is as follows:
"I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 202(5); 202(6); 206(2); 215(6); 502(lines 9-16); and 505(lines 3-9), Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2343 entitled:
"AN ACT Relating to transportation funding and appropriations;"
This 1996 Transportation Supplemental Budget is similar to the one that I proposed in that it provides funding for several important initiatives in economic development, safety, and mobility. At the same time, however, this budget also assumes an unfortunate shift in policy regarding fund sources. While this funding is necessary to maintain a number of important transportation programs, I cannot approve it without expressing reservations about certain provisions.
My first concern is that this budget continues to move funding away from multimodal transportation solutions and focuses mainly on highway construction. This, I believe, is a short‑sighted approach that will only add to problems of traffic congestion in the future. Our local transit agencies are a vital link in any successful long‑term solution to mobility and congestion. Yet, the legislature used fund balances from two local transit grant accounts to construct highway projects. Unfortunately, without these transit account appropriations, several high capacity improvement projects will not be constructed as planned. It is important that use of these local transit accounts be considered a one‑time shift and not a long‑term policy change. It is essential that revenue sources for transit not be eroded further.
I am also concerned that this budget starts several new highway projects even though there are no specific future revenues to finish the work in the next biennium. Using other funds to complete the work could jeopardize the existing programming and prioritization process which provides a coordinated approach to long‑term system planning.
Finally, I disagree with the legislature's designation of one‑third of the federal enhancement grant money for projects outside the citizen project selection process. This competitive process has proved to be a successful tool in funding alternative modes of transportation. While I strongly support the trail development project and the stormwater grants designated by the legislature, I must state my objection to the fund source selected for these projects.
Despite its shortcomings, this budget contains funding critical to the continuation of important agency operations in the second year of the biennium and provides assistance to state and local agencies to repair damage from the February floods. These projects must go forward despite my disagreement with the funding sources used and the policy shift away from multimodal solutions.
In order to protect specific local transit funding sources and clarify legislative direction, I am vetoing six provisos in this budget. My reasons for these vetoes are as follows:
Section 202(5), lines 31‑34, page 3, Regional Transit Authority (Transportation Improvement Board)
This proviso prohibits the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) from receiving any grants in Fiscal Year 1997 from the Central Puget Sound Public Transportation Account established specifically to provide support for regional transit projects. I am vetoing this proviso because it is overly restrictive. The RTA needs the flexibility to apply for these grant funds should this organization be successful in receiving approval for its multimodal regional transportation plan at the ballot this fall. The RTA should not be singled out as the only regional transit authority prohibited from applying for funds that it may otherwise be qualified to receive.
Section 202(6), lines 35‑38, page 3, Transit Planning Funds (Transportation Improvement Board)
This proviso specifies that an $800,000 increase in appropriations for the Public Transportation System Account (PTSA) cannot be used for grants to pay for studies or planning activities by local transit agencies. I am vetoing this proviso because it is overly restrictive and inconsistent with the current policies regarding the use of PTSA funds. Local transit agencies need the flexibility to apply for these grant funds within consistent guidelines set by the project selection committee. Without access to these funds for planning, transit agencies would lose an important source of funding needed to complete system planning efforts in a timely and efficient manner.
Section 206(2), lines 4‑9, page 8, Driver's License Information (Washington State Patrol)
This proviso language is unclear and could be interpreted to require access to driver's license data by the private sector in addition to requiring the Washington State Patrol (WSP) to conduct a study regarding such access. I have concerns about the issue of privacy and other matters regarding the use of driver's license data that need to be addressed prior to implementation. For this reason, I am vetoing this proviso, but I will direct the WSP and the Department of Licensing to conduct a study regarding the feasibility and privacy implications of providing driver's license data to private entities. I expect this study to be reported to the Office of Financial Management and the Legislative Transportation Committee no later than September 1, 1996.
Section 215(6), lines 36‑38, page 20, Grant County Noxious Weed Demonstration Project (Department of Transportation‑Highway Maintenance‑‑Program M)
This proviso directs the Department of Transportation to participate with the Grant County Noxious Weed Board in a demonstration project to examine weed control methods on state road rights of way. I am not opposed to a demonstration project of this type. However, I am vetoing this proviso because cooperative development of such a pilot project has not yet occurred among all the affected parties. Also, there is confusion regarding how this pilot project is to be undertaken within the parameters of current civil service law.
Section 502, lines 9‑16, page 47, and section 505, lines 3‑9, page 49, Appropriations in Unallotted Reserve (Department of Transportation‑‑Program M)
Section 502 appropriates $2,000,000 in savings from the passenger rail program and section 505 appropriates $2,000,000 in the highway maintenance program to provide contingency funds for snow and ice removal. Both sections include provisos requiring that the appropriations be placed in reserve. They also state that the Department of Transportation is not allowed to spend the funds until approval is given from the Legislative Transportation Committee. I am vetoing these provisos because they are not in accordance with established allotment practices. I will direct the Department of Transportation to place these two appropriations in reserve status and if and when expenditure is necessary, seek a recommendation from the Legislative Transportation Committee before bringing the request to the Office of Financial Management for approval of an allotment revision.
For these reasons, I am vetoing sections 202(5); 202(6); 206(2); 215(6); 502 (lines 9‑16); and 505 (lines 3‑9), Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2343.
With the exception of sections 202(5); 202(6); 206(2); 215(6); 502 (lines 9‑16); and 505 (lines 3‑9), Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2343 is approved."