HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 96-4707, by Representatives Backlund, Pelesky, L. Thomas, Hatfield, Robertson, Thompson, Dyer and B. Thomas
WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to recognize excellence in all fields of endeavor; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of these great United States, through his selfless service and sacrifice to this great country demonstrated the very highest level of excellence in all matters, public and private; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln's conduct, actions, and decisions were faithfully governed by an unerring and unwavering devotion to absolute personal and public integrity, acquiring the deserving nickname "Honest Abe"; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln unequivocally exemplified that freedom is the richest fountain of unlimited opportunity and limitless achievement, where from humble beginnings, being raised in a log cabin and learning the values and rewards of hard work as a young man splitting rails, he later achieved great stature from his selfless public service contributions as a member of the Illinois State Legislature, as a member of the bench in the Eighth Circuit, as a member of the United States Congress, and later as the President of these great United States of America; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, as President of these great United States, was reverently guided by and understood that efforts and achievements of men and nations are only possible because of the grace and hand of providence, illustrated by his annual Proclamations of National Prayer Day, which humbly thanked the will of God for our nation's blessings, and by his own words inscribed on his memorial in our nation's capitol "That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln demonstrated unimpeachable leadership and moral courage wherein in 1862 for the greater good of humanity he issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation Act, adopted by the United States Congress later that year, which ensured the opportunities of freedom for all persons without regard to race or color; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, as President of these great United States of America after only one month, resolutely led our nation through the struggle of the Civil War, which although taking a great toll in human loss and suffering illuminated as a shining example that the foundations of a nation built upon justice and freedom will endure and vanquish any storm untarnished and vital for posterity; and
WHEREAS, Abraham Lincoln, with the cruel precision of an assassin's bullet, suffered an untimely death just five days after bringing the Civil War to a close, tragically ending a life which was committed to selfless public service and the noblest causes of justice, freedom, and liberty for all persons which enured innumerable benefits to these great United States;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of these great United States.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4707 adopted by the House of Representatives
February 19, 1996.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk