HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4691, by Representative Reams
WHEREAS, Washington Marketplace received the Council of State of Government's 1994 Innovations Award; and
WHEREAS, Washington Marketplace is a proactive means of delivering trade leads and is an innovative program proven to be effective in increasing business opportunity in the State of Washington, as well as promoting international trade for Washington companies; and
WHEREAS, The Washington Marketplace Program has been expanded to the five northwest states by the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) under the name "PNWER CATALIST"; and
WHEREAS, PNWER CATALIST has been named a semifinalist in the Ford Foundation's 1995 Innovations in Government Award; and
WHEREAS, Exports are critical to the economic health of the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS, PNWER CATALIST is currently matching 40,000 trade opportunities per month including 8,500 international leads to 30,000 Washington State companies; and
WHEREAS, The United States Department of Commerce has recognized PNWER CATALIST as an exemplary program and has funded it for expansion to the five northwest states of Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana; and
WHEREAS, The provinces of British Columbia and Alberta have recognized PNWER CATALIST as a successful program for increasing both domestic and international business and are negotiating to participate at their own expense; and
WHEREAS, PNWER CATALIST has formed a consortium that includes the five northwest states and regional organizations such as the Northwest Policy Center of the University of Washington, the Western Library Network, the Economic Development Network (formerly 509 Net), private telecommunications companies, and others to develop a program to enhance the PNWER CATALIST with Internet Access and E-mail capacity; and
WHEREAS, PNWER on behalf of the consortium has applied to the United States Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, under the Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program for a matching grant; and
WHEREAS, The receipt of this matching grant will be beneficial to the private sector in Washington State; and
WHEREAS, Members of Washington State's Congressional delegation have strongly endorsed the proposal for the matching grant;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives endorse the PNWER application to the United States Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program.
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