HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4681, by Representatives Costa, Ballasiotes, Appelwick, Lambert, Cody, Ebersole, Veloria, Chappell, Kessler, Mason, Morris, Tokuda, Conway, Cole, Ogden, Sheldon, G. Fisher, Romero, Wolfe, Chopp, Ballard, Patterson, Basich, Rust, Hickel, K. Schmidt, Sommers, Robertson, R. Fisher, Sherstad, Mitchell, Hymes, Hankins, Delvin, Campbell, Smith, Skinner, Radcliff, Scott, Sheahan, Jacobsen, Dickerson, Regala, Hatfield and Kremen
WHEREAS, One violent crime is committed in America every sixteen seconds; and
WHEREAS, With thirty-five million Americans victimized in the United States each year, crime victims are rapidly becoming a majority; and
WHEREAS, Crime victims play an indispensable role in bringing offenders to justice, thus preventing further violence; and
WHEREAS, As a nation devoted to liberty and justice for all, America must plant the seeds of justice to restore and protect crime victims' rights; and
WHEREAS, Harvesting justice over the last two decades has been accomplished in part by the millions of survivors of crime, their families, and advocates whose commitment and spirit has persevered while confronting an increasingly violent nation; and
WHEREAS, The Washington Coalition of Crime Victim Advocates, Office of Crime Victims Advocacy, and the Crime Victims Compensation Program are joining forces with victim service providers, criminal justice officials, and concerned citizens throughout Washington and America to observe National Crime Victims' Rights Week;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives designate the week of April 23 to April 29, 1995, as Washington Crime Victims' Rights Week; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives reaffirm a commitment to address victims' rights and criminal justice issues during 1995 Washington Victims' Rights Week and throughout the year; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this official Resolution be presented to The Washington Coalition of Crime Victim Advocates on April 19, 1995.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4681 adopted by the House of Representatives
April 19, 1995.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk