HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4677, by Representatives Costa, Ballasiotes, Regala, Hymes, Dickerson, Robertson, Hatfield, Skinner, Jacobsen, Sheahan, Basich, Smith, Grant, Campbell, Patterson, Lambert, Kremen, Sherstad, Ogden, Mulliken, Chopp, Radcliff, Mason, Hickel, Conway, Blanton, Veloria, Hankins, Tokuda, Sheldon, Cole, Cody, R. Fisher, Ebersole, Chappell, Appelwick and Scott
WHEREAS, Correctional officers serve in Washington's state and local correctional institutional settings; and
WHEREAS, Correctional officers work with juvenile offenders housed in juvenile rehabilitation centers throughout Washington state; and
WHEREAS, Correctional officers at the state and local levels are charged with the difficult responsibility of monitoring nearly 19,000 prisoners and inmates in often overcrowded prison facilities; and
WHEREAS, Correctional officers are required to labor in stressful and hostile work environments; and
WHEREAS, The protection of the public is of paramount importance; and
WHEREAS, The difficult work of correctional officers often goes without public recognition;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives wish to recognize the work and dedication of all correctional officers.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4677 adopted by the House of Representatives
Rules Committee on April 22, 1995.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk