HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4630, by Representatives Ogden, Carlson, Basich and Conway
WHEREAS, The State of Washington will be the recipient of an American Foundation for the Blind "Access 95 Award"; and
WHEREAS, This is a national award which recognizes individuals, organizations, or products that have made a significant difference in improving access for people who are blind and visually impaired; and
WHEREAS, The award will be presented to the State of Washington during the Josephine L. Taylor Leadership Institute which will be held in the Washington, D.C. area on March 16, 1995; and
WHEREAS, The American Foundation for the Blind is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1921 providing services throughout the world to blind and visually impaired persons and their families, and to companies, corporations, and organizations which serve this population; and
WHEREAS, The first president of American Foundation for the Blind was a former Washington State School for the Blind graduate, Robert Irwin. The main school building on campus was named after this prominent educator and leader; and
WHEREAS, The Braille Access Center, located at the Washington State School for the Blind in Vancouver, Washington, is an independent program established in August of 1993 under the direction of Governor Mike Lowry and through the diligent work of a committee made up of various state agencies and blind consumer organizations. Within the Center's first year and one-half of operation over a half million pages of Braille have been produced; and
WHEREAS, Washington is one of the first states to have a system in place where Braille is easily available on demand by blind consumers. The Center also provides a system whereby students at the Washington State School for the Blind can gain important skills through their work in the Center. The Access Center is self-supported and operates on a free-for-service basis;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives recognize the great honor bestowed upon this state by the American Foundation for the Blind.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4630 adopted by the House of Representatives
March 24, 1995.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk