HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4608, by Representatives Talcott, Wolfe, D. Schmidt, Dyer, Carrell, Cairnes, Robertson, Huff, Pelesky, Foreman, Sherstad, Hargrove, Skinner, Elliot, Ballasiotes, Buck, Radcliff, Goldsmith, Honeyford, McMahan, Sheahan, Clements, Conway, Van Luven, L. Thomas, Carlson, Johnson, Thompson, Brumsickle, Hatfield, Chandler, Hankins, Campbell, Cooke, Backlund, Lambert and Casada
WHEREAS, Over nine thousand men and women of the Washington National Guard continue to serve the country as a key part of our national defense; and
WHEREAS, These citizen soldiers who reside in every legislative district throughout Washington volunteer their time and personal efforts to serve the needs of the people of Washington State; and
WHEREAS, The Guard is assisting local communities with their health needs through Operation Guardcare, a program under which medical personnel give care to medically underserved areas through inoculations and wellness services; and
WHEREAS, The Guard is active in promoting positive activities for the youth of our state through active involvement in the DARE program, drug demand reduction presentations at local schools, and Camp Minuteman, a motivational summer youth experience at Camp Murray; and
WHEREAS, The Guard makes a major contribution to our state's war on drugs by providing soldiers and equipment in support of local law enforcement through thirty-five different agencies. These counterdrug support efforts by our men and women last year contributed to over 9,000 drug-related arrests, seizures, and destruction of millions of dollars of illegal drugs; and
WHEREAS, The Guard continues its high priority support for local communities by opening armories for public use for classes, food banks, and community and youth activities. The Guard also answered numerous calls for assistance from local communities for missions varying from traditional color guards to hauling food in support of anti-hunger initiatives; and
WHEREAS, The Guard added another bright chapter in its history as an essential part of our state's ability to protect lives and property in the event of natural disasters. The Guard provided a major portion of the equipment and fire fighting and support personnel in the state effort to fight the Central Washington wildfires in August of 1994. Over 3,500 Guard soldiers and seven hundred pieces of equipment operated in the five fire areas during the height of the fire danger. These soldiers and airpersons gave up time from their jobs and families to preserve lives and safety in endangered local communities. They accomplished their missions in the face of constant danger and adversity with no loss of life or significant injury. Their actions represent a continuation of the great tradition of sacrifice and service to Washington as shown in the Mt. St. Helens eruption, Spokane wildfires, floods in Skagit county, and the 1993 Inauguration Day windstorm;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives recognize and applaud the members of the Washington National Guard for their exceptional dedication, pride, and professional service to the State of Washington; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives express its appreciation to the families and employers of our Guard soldiers and airpersons for their support without which the Guard's mission could not be successful; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives specifically and particularly recognize the value of a strong Washington National Guard to the economy and well-being of this state, both through the occasional performance of its state disaster relief mission, and through the ongoing benefit to local communities by the presence of productively employed, drug-free, and efficiently trained Guard units and the armories that house them; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be immediately transmitted to the Adjutant General of the Washington National Guard, the Governor of the State or Washington, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Air Force, and to the President of the United States.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4608 adopted by the House of Representatives
January 25, 1995.
Timothy A. Martin, Chief Clerk