As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Labor, Commerce & Trade, February 22, 1995
Brief Description: Entering Washington state into a sister state relationship with Taiwan.
Sponsors: Senators Wojahn, Sellar, Snyder, Newhouse, Gaspard, Fairley, Swecker, Deccio, Palmer, Drew, McDonald, Oke, Sutherland, Winsley and Rasmussen.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Labor, Commerce & Trade: 1/30/95, 2/22/95 [DPS].
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8402 be substituted therefor, and the substitute concurrent resolution do pass.
Signed by Senators Pelz, Chair; Heavey, Vice Chair; Deccio, Franklin, Fraser, Hale, Palmer and Wojahn.
Staff: Jack Brummel (786-7428)
Background: In 1993, there was more than $7.5 billion in trade between the state of Washington and Taiwan. Washington has established a trade office in Taipei, and has engaged in numerous exchanges with Taiwan in the fine arts and recreation.
Summary of Substitute Bill: Washington agrees to enter into a sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill: The substitute removes the words "Republic of China" and adds language that establishes committees to sustain and enhance cooperation between the two states.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 27, 1995.
Testimony For: Taiwan is an excellent trading partner. 39 states have sister state relations with Taiwan.
Testimony Against: The "Republic of China" nomenclature should be removed. Should the Legislature designate who sister states are without some established criteria for selection?
Testified: Senator Wojahn (pro); Robert Chen, Taipei Economic Office (pro); Ruby Chow (pro); Gary Grant (pro); Paul Barden (pro); Ralph Munro, Secretary of State (con); Brent Heinaman, State Office of International Relations and Protocol (con).