As Passed Senate, March 1, 1995
Brief Description: Petitioning Congress to amend the food, drug, and cosmetic act to establish a negligible risk standard for pesticide residue in processed foods.
Sponsors: Senators Rasmussen, Morton, Snyder, Newhouse, A. Anderson and Hochstatter.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Agriculture & Agricultural Trade & Development: 1/10/95, 1/12/95 [DP].
Passed Senate, 3/1/95, 48-0.
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Rasmussen, Chair; Loveland, Vice Chair; A. Anderson, Bauer, Morton, Newhouse and Snyder.
Staff: Bob Lee (786-7404)
Background: The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act contains one standard for residues in processed foods and another standard for raw agricultural products.
Summary of Bill: Congress is requested to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish a negligible risk standard for pesticide residues in processed foods. This standard would permit the scientific evaluation of risk in decisions protecting the safety of the processed food supply, and would be compatible with the standards that exist with unprocessed food products.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Testimony For: Changes are needed in federal law to maintain availability of pesticides for use on minor crops grown in the state of Washington.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified (signed up): Faith Sasaki, Sasaki Farms; Gaylord Enbom, Washington State Horticultural Assn.; Ray Shindler, Washington Cranberry Alliance; Washington Assn. of Wheat Growers, Potato Growers of Washington; Vicki Skeers, Dept. of Health; Mike Schwisow, Washington State Potato Commission; Bill Garvin, Washington Farm Bureau; Chris Cheney, Washington Growers League; Cha Smith, Washington Toxics Coalition; Jim Halstrom, Washington Agri-Business Coalition, Washington State Horticultural Assn.; Dennis Kelly, CIBA; Ann George, Washington Hop Commission.