C 102 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Protecting certain business information.
Sponsors: Senators Hale, Sheldon and Haugen.
Senate Committee on Government Operations
House Committee on Government Operations
Background: The Administrative Procedure Act requires state agencies to maintain a rule-making file for each rule it proposes or adopts. This file must contain a variety of information including citations to data, factual information, studies, or reports on which the agency relies, unless such data, factual information, studies or reports are gathered under the Regulatory Fairness Act for preparation of a small business economic impact statement and can be identified to a particular business. This exemption does not apply to data, factual information, studies or reports which can be identified to a particular business, which are gathered under the special procedures for adoption of significant legislative rules, and which could result in public disclosure of proprietary information.
Summary: The rule of confidentiality pertaining to certain proprietary information obtained by a state agency is extended. An agency rule-making file is not required to include data, factual information, studies or reports which can be identified to a particular business and which are gathered pursuant to the special procedures for adoption of significant legislative rules.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 47 0
House 96 0
Effective: June 6, 1996