As of January 22, 1996
Title: An act relating to including information on the reduction of substance abuse in the governor's budget documents.
Brief Description: Reporting on the reduction of substance abuse.
Sponsors: Senators Thibaudeau, Hargrove, Prentice, Long, Wojahn and Deccio.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Human Services & Corrections: 1/23/96.
Staff: Jodi Walker (786-7464)
Background: On December 14, 1995, the Legislative Budget Committee (LBC) published its report on drug and alcohol abuse programs, Report 95-15. This study was in response to legislative concerns about the overall effectiveness of state programs in reducing substance abuse.
The Legislature appropriated $230 million (both state and federal funds) for drug and alcohol abuse programs for the 1995-96 biennium. Of this, approximately 70 percent is directed to the state Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (DASA) for treatment and prevention programs.
In addition to DASA, the other principal agencies responsible for establishing state health and policy goals are the Department of Health (DOH) and the state Board of Health (BOH). In a 1994 executive order, the Governor reestablished the Governor's Council on Substance Abuse to develop recommendations for state and local substance abuse strategies and also to review and develop recommendations regarding state, local and federal funding of substance abuse programs.
The LBC report recommends that the Legislature direct the Governor's Council on Substance Abuse to work with state and local agencies to develop a common set of substance abuse reduction goals and to identify policy and funding priorities. Also, the LBC report recommends that the Legislature direct the council to submit prioritized requests for research studies on substance abuse. The Office of Financial Management and the Office of the Governor concurred with each of the recommendations made in the report.
Summary of Bill: The Governor's 1997-99 biennial budget documents, and subsequent biennial budget documents, must include information from a report prepared by the Governor's Council on Substance Abuse.
The Governor's Council on Substance Abuse report must include a statement of common goals for the state, policy and funding priorities for strategies and programs that accomplish these goals, and a prioritized list of research requests. From this report, the Governor's biennial budget documents are required to include a showing and explanation of the goals, policy and funding priorities, and research requests being utilized for the reduction of substance abuse.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 22, 1996.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.