C 120 L 96
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Clarifying eligibility requirements for state‑funded benefits for part‑time academic employees of community and technical colleges.
Sponsors: Senate Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Senators Spanel, Bauer, Kohl, McAuliffe, Winsley, Rinehart and Smith).
Senate Committee on Higher Education
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
House Committee on Higher Education
House Committee on Appropriations
Background: State employees who work more than one-half time are eligible for state health benefits. Part-time community college faculty receive different benefits at different institutions because there is not a uniform method for calculating part-time work loads. Additionally, there are some institutions where part-time faculty do not receive any benefits.
Summary: Definitions are created for the purposes of determining eligibility of state-mandated insurance and retirement benefits for part-time academic employees in community and technical colleges. Community and technical colleges must report to the appropriate agencies the hours worked by part-time academic employees as a ratio of the part-time academic work load to the full-time academic work load in a given discipline in a given institution.
A task force is created to conduct a best practices audit of compensation packages and benefits for part-time faculty in the community and technical college system. The task force must include members of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, part-time faculty, full-time faculty, and governing board members. The task force must focus on the treatment of part-time faculty. The task force must report its findings to the state board and other interested parties by August 30, 1996. By September 30, 1996, the state board must adopt a set of best practices principles.
Partial Veto Summary: The emergency clause is eliminated.
Votes on Final Passage:
Senate 46 3
House 91 0 (House amended)
Senate 43 0 (Senate concurred)
Effective: June 6, 1996