As of January 29, 1996
Title: An act relating to the information services board.
Brief Description: Changing provisions relating to the information services board.
Sponsors: Senators Bauer, Prince, Deccio, Wojahn and Winsley; by request of Legislative Budget Committee.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Government Operations: 1/30/96.
Staff: Katie Healy (786-7403)
Background: Current law provides for the coordinated planning and management of state information services. The state Information Services Board (ISB) was created to deal with the acquisition and disposal of equipment, software and purchased services for the state and its agencies. The board establishes statewide or interagency policies, standards, and procedures, and assists in planning for strategic goals and objectives for the state.
The Department of Information Services (DIS) was established to carry out duties and responsibilities delegated by ISB. Both ISB and DIS are scheduled for termination on June 30, 1996.
There is concern that the requirement for agencies to quantify project benefits needs strengthening. A need for more intensive oversight on agency projects funded and in development has been expressed.
Summary of Bill: The June 30, 1996 sunset dates for ISB and DIS are deleted.
The composition of the board is changed, requiring three of the members appointed by the Governor to be representatives of higher education. One of the private sector representatives must reside east of the Cascade mountains, and one west of the Cascades. The board employs an executive director and staff to perform the required duties. The executive director is identified as the executive director of ISB.
The ISB's duties include review of agency acquisition plans and requests. The board develops and implements statewide policies and procedures, as well as a state strategic information technology plan and performance reports, and implementation plans for the same. ISB works with the Department of Personnel and other agencies to develop and coordinate training plans. The ISB also works with the Office of Financial Management (OFM) in assessing agency projects. It ensures compliance by state agencies with ISB policies governing major informational technology projects.
The requirement that DIS maintain and fund a planning component separate from the service component of the department and appoint an assistant director for the planning component is deleted. Also deleted are the requirements that DIS perform certain functions delegated by ISB, such as the review of agency acquisition plans and requests, and implementation of statewide polices, which duties the ISB assumes. DIS assists in planning and developing computer networks, including establishing master personal service contracts with networking experts.
The ISB assumes a number of DIS' former responsibilities, such as development of training plans and statewide goals. OFM works with ISB, instead of DIS, to evaluate agency budget requests for information technology projects of $1.5 million or more.
Oversight responsibilities for major information technology projects are transferred from DIS to ISB. ISB receives from DIS all reports, records, tangible property and funds necessary to implement the transferred responsibilities. Any DIS staff necessary to assist with the transferred responsibilities are transferred to ISB jurisdiction.
Implementing dates are added. Technical changes are made.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.