As Reported By Senate Committee On:
Ecology & Parks, February 2, 1996
Title: An act relating to making technical corrections to the omnibus 1995 legislation that integrates growth management planning and environmental review, and conforming the terminology and provisions of subdivision, zoning, and other laws to the provisions of such legislation.
Brief Description: Making adjustments to provisions integrating growth management planning and environmental review.
Sponsors: Senators Fraser, Haugen and Swecker.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Ecology & Parks: 1/24/96, 2/2/96 [DPS].
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6543 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Fraser, Chair; Fairley, Vice Chair; Hochstatter, McAuliffe, Spanel and Swecker.
Staff: Kari Guy (786-7437)
Background: In the 1995 legislative session, ESHB 1724 was adopted based on the recommendations of the Regulatory Reform Task Force. The bill addressed coordination of planning and environmental review, coordination of shoreline planning and growth management planning, streamlining of the local permit process, coordination of state permitting, and streamlining of the land use appeals process.
In implementing the legislation, a number of technical problems arose and some provisions were found to need clarification.
Summary of Substitute Bill: Boards of Adjustment. The statute governing the operation of local boards of adjustment are amended to conform to the land use appeal provisions of ESHB 1724.
Local Permit Review. The definition of closed record appeals is modified to distinguish between pre-decision and post-decision appeals. Only post-decision appeals may be excluded from the 120-day time limit for local government decisions.
The period of time during which an applicant fails to post the property is excluded from the 120-day time limit for decisions. Projects requiring a rezone are exempt from the 120-day time period.
Non-GMA jurisdictions may adopt any of the local government permit review provisions.
Development Agreements. The authority to enter a development agreement is in addition to other authorities of local governments to enter agreement with a property owner. The amendment or termination of an agreement is controlled by the terms of the agreement. The parties of a development agreement may voluntarily agree to financial contributions or mitigation measures that the local government could not otherwise require.
Land Use Appeals. A person who does not want to be a party to a land use appeal may provide a statement indicating that the person does not want to participate in the proceeding.
Hearings on land use petitions must commence within 60 days of the date set for submitting the local jurisdiction's record.
The appeal proceeding on a SEPA procedural determination may occur before the agency's final decision on a proposed action if the appeal is of a public project or a non-project action. Public agencies acting as lead agencies may conduct environmental review prior to applying for local permits.
Subdivision and Platting. Provisions of the subdivision and platting statute are amended to use terminology consistent with ESHB 1724.
Substitute Bill Compared to Original Bill: A new section is added to clarify that public agencies acting as lead agencies may conduct environmental review under SEPA prior to applying for local permits. A section relating to environmental review of planned actions is deleted.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.
Testimony For: This bill resolves uncertainty about the intent of some sections of the land use regulatory reform legislation passed last year. Public agencies are currently unable to resolve SEPA appeals until after an ordinance is adopted; this bill will help public agencies resolve SEPA appeals earlier in the planning process.
Testimony Against: None.
Testified: Paul Parker, WSAC (pro); Dave Williams, AWC (pro); Sally Clarke, AWB; Harry Reinert, Land Use Study Commission.